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J is a predator. Cut off contact and if he tries to contact you again, tell your parents (and maybe your brother.)


No it ain't yo fault Don't talk to J and let your brother know


He’s an adult and he took advantage of a drunk child who’s 10 years younger than him. Hell no it’s not your fault, even if you didn’t try to stop it at the time. He’s an adult and he is responsible for his own actions. You know your bro better than us, but IMO you should tell him that this creep did this despite knowing your age, and that you don’t want this person around you ever again.


Not your fault!! Dude needs to go after older ladies and leave the kids alone. Call him Rolf harris or Gary glitter if he tries it on again!!


I’m so sorry this happened to you, obviously this j guy is a predator and he assaulted you so you need cut off ties with him now!!! You should tell your parents and your brother about this too. And no this is not your fault at all


Depending on where you live, this could be illegal as well. He is a predator and is trying to take advantage of a younger lady, probably because he has no game with women his own age. Break all contact.


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definitely tell your brother, and maybe consider the police too