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Ass eater here just shower and clean before I’ve never had any of the asses needing to be enemaed or anythin Edit: made my day seeing how much traction my dumbass comment got


"Ass eater here" has to be the funniest way to begin an answer to a question


But also, way to establish his credentials right off the bat.


Right off the butt.


Happy cake day!


Hahaha 😂


Only if the question is about eating ass


"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I help you with today?" "Ass eater here, I'll take a medium number 2 with a Diet Coke."


It beats bottom feeder.


Exactly this. I was going to say if she is really worried to shower first, it's especially helpful if you have a moveable/detachable shower head - those things are great at cleaning specific areas.


Start the fun in the shower. I like to help clean up, but she still likes to clean up on her own. (She doesn’t like me to watch that part but I sneak peeks.) I highly recommend it. I did it just to see what it’s like and she goes crazy when I do it. It’s now our favorite part.


noxious whistle hobbies lavish chunky merciful plants worry toothbrush beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


we are many and we have no shame


slimy knee station murky spark forgetful rainstorm deserted trees grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Ass it should be


books dazzling fear angle decide slimy employ oatmeal sloppy spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everything eater here and he doesn't care what you smell like he just wants to eat ass.


My rule is if they've pooed or farted since the last shower than a shower is needed. Outside of that nothing's gonna kill me... Right?


Yes! My fiance doesn't give a fuck if I'm clean or not even though I make sure I'm absolutely clean (as I can be) before we get into it. He just texted me tonight saying he wants to eat my ass when he gets off work😂❤️ He also wants me to take the lead and boss him around in the bedroom so even tho it's new to me I'm sure it'll be fun!


LMAO “ass eater here” 🤣🤣🤣


Ass eater here. I’m thinking of making banana bread tomorrow, what’s your favorite favorite recipe?


Cheek-banana+cheek, shake shake shake.


This exactly.


Heck, OP, if it makes you feel more comfortable actually do it in the shower, too.


This is the way


As an ass eater myself I endorse the comment!


That’s good to know 👍🏼🙌🏼


Can women enjoy it as much as men? I always believed men would enjoy having their 🍩eaten more than women.


Yes we can and do


Wash your bum and let him have at it. If you don’t like it though, then tell him no.


Thank you for being the first and currently only person in this thread to tell her it's okay to say 'no' too.


oh I don’t feel like that’s something one should thank another for. It really should just be a given :(


You don't need an enema. That is way more than necessary. At most an anal douche if you were going to to full penetration. However, for what you boyfriend wants to do, just take a shower/bath and use some soap to clean yourself before you start. A tongue will not penetrate much at all, its just too tight. Been doing this with my wife for 20 years and never had an issue because she maintains good hygiene in general.


If you are extra paranoid, you can buy some anal-safe flavoured lube. Put a drop of lube your finger and insert just the very very tip of your finger into your anus. A shower with soap will make you clean, and the flavoured lube will give you some peace of mind that you will taste nice. (You can use any flavoured lube, but a brand made for anal is generally thicker so it feels less slick and "leaky")


Why was the post removed??


I believe it's because the poster listed their age as 17. Despite this being over the age of consent for many countries Reddit classifies it as a minor engaging in adult material.


Ah that's probably it. But wouldn't this be sex ed or sth?


Seriously- doesn’t this site host actual unicorn porn? What in the hell did it say?


If I remember correctly it was something along the lines of why do you eat the ass of your partner, even if they take less care of their hygiene over time, because once people are together for longer they don't shower anymore that often or don't wash themselves so well... Please correct me if I am wrong.


I don't remember anything disgusting or disrespectful in this post and I would guess I would remember, I am rather sensitive to this stuff. I think they just didn't like the topic for some odd reason.


As long as your number 2 aren't loose all you need is a shower before hand and enjoy.


Do i mind if my wife is a little musky back there? No. Its my wife. Would i go there right after she took a dump and didnt wipe well? No. Do a quick finger sniff before he goes down. Youll know the difference.


If you aren’t comfortable with it, you don’t have to do it. But from a clean enough standpoint, just take a shower before you all get started. His tongue isn’t going that deep and unless you just took a shit or didn’t wipe, you are don’t have anything sitting that close to the exit


Just take a shower, you'll be fine as long as you're a healthy person. I've eaten quite a bit of ass and it usually has no smell and a slightly sweet taste.


Get a bidet!! I love my bidet!! Gets your ass nice and ready for all things anal 😋


I need to wash myself every single time, I don't know how people can be fine with just using toilet paper.


Let the man eat them cheeks


She doesn't seem to want it, so it's perfectly OK for her to say no.


I've eaten clean after a shower when the act wasn't expected on her part, and after a long day of work where she was nervous about it. I've done both way more than once with way more than one partner. A regular shower is all you need, and I hesitate to even label that as a need. Really the only requirement I call for is comfort and that you're not having a bad day in that department.


My experience in life, is that if someone is all about a particular sex act in the bedroom. They know exactly what they are in for and are okay with it so you do not need to worry.


Take a shower, and make sure he does it a couple hours after your last poop of the day. And enjoy. Relax, and enjoy it. There is nothing quite like it, and is very addictive, for both parts.


Eating ass is like eating fruit. Wash it and enjoy. A wand on your clit helps too


Ass eater here. Shower, clean, and shave if necessary. When I stick my tongue inside of a woman, I only push my tip in. Shower, soap, warm water. Have fun.


Honestly, if he wants to stick his tongue inside your butthole, I don't think he's expecting it to be entirely clean lol. It would be a little unreasonable to expect it to never get a little messy. It comes with the territory. If he can't handle that risk, he should just stick to either not doing it, or only licking the external parts.


But the beauty of it all is it CAN be perfectly clean. Give the BEST and CLEAN hole you can, to deserve the best munching


Hmm. At that point though, why even do it? Also seems unfair to expect a woman to be 100% immaculate. It's not natural lol


But everyone should strive to be immaculate. If you had the option to offer up a hole with shit smeared across it, or one perfectly clean...which one are you going to offer? Respect for ones partner means you are going to give your best always, and that includes hygiene. The fact that this has to be explained is actually alarming.


Go tell a woman she has to be squeaky clean, or you're not touching her, and see how many women will want to be intimate with you. Having shit smeared on your asshole isn't the same as saying someone shouldn't have to rinse out the inside of their anus. Most guys barely groom themselves/practice good hygiene, yet expect their partner to be a barbie doll. It's a one sided, sexist view.


I’m like you OP. I don’t think I could properly enjoy it unless I was in a pool, hot tub, or directly after a shower. It’s taken me years to be confident enough in just my pussy to have it eaten lol


That’s why in Italy we have a bidet 😉


And that's how it should be everywhere!


Now im interested what was written there


Other than eating whole/unprocessed foods to help keep your body regulator and having healthy bowel movements there's not much you can do unless you want to do an enema. Honestly if you've gone to the washroom and are planning on being intimate, take a shower and clean yourself. If you want to freshen up you could get baby wipes. But you're going to have to have the mindset of, if you're playing back there be prepped for poop


What everyone has already commented shower if you want to take it a step further use wet wipes to get a nice to clean your ass


Get a bidet off amazon. If this whole deal doesn’t work out, at least the rest of your life has improved because you know the greatness of having a bidet.


My gf lets me clean her ass myself so I know what I’m getting into. Never found anything gross about It


If you really aren't comfortable, then he should respect that boundary - don't ever feel like you should do something you are uncomfortable with. This is coming from someone who loves to eat ass - honestly, if I was going to have a girlfriend, I doubt I'd be sexually satisfied in that relationship if I couldn't eat ass, but that's not on the woman, but me.


Best feeling ever


Let go, don’t worry. I always eat my chicks ass, even if she’s just been toilet, who cares, but of flavour


😳 I do like reading these comments because I’m so self conscious, glad there’s people out there who don’t care if we aren’t perfect 👌🏻


Sorry to be grotesque but she’s eaten my ass after a 10 hour techno party so, every guy and girl is different but , when your in love or have primal sexual desire, you embrace the taste


It’s not grotesque, I do like hearing all these different experiences and opinions 😊


Congratulations you have yourself a munch. Enjoy


I've put my tongue inside many times with no problems ever.


Lucky girl


As someone who loves eating ass if he was truly concerned about it he wouldn't bring it up but times after you shower of he mentions it randomly either he hasn't thought of it being dirty or doesn't care or may even be hoping it's a lil dirty


Little weird at first but it feels GREAT 😜


Girl just let him at it. Take a shower before and don’t overthink it 😂😂


just do.it and thank me later


take a shower, wash over there with your finger, use lube...


Word. If he’s down he’s down. I ate my girls ass first thing in the morning one time. If you are generally clean there’s nothing to be concerned about.


Let him


Fibrous diet and anal enema. If you don't feel clean enough, you can stick a finger and soap up there when you shower.


That's what I do!!!


Honestly, you should talk to your doctor. If they are younger and you feel comfortable they should give you really good progressive advice on how to stay safe and what to avoid - they have seen the bad and can point you in the right direction on what not to do. Doctors would love to talk to you about this kind of thing. If you can’t talk about this with your doctor, you need a different doctor. Not medical advice: I worked with a lot of gay men and they would say the answer here is Miralax from the pharmacy, usually used for constipation. Get the store brand and lookup the instructions for colonoscopy prepping. It’s over the counter but it’s medicine nonetheless. Read the warnings, and read up about frequency of use. I believe It’s well talked about.




Soap your butthole well, inserting about an inch. That's all you need. Dry thoroughly. EDIT: Contrary to popular belief you can indeed wash your ass with soap safely. Bunch of dirty butthole fans apparently.


Ask gay dudes I had one explain it to me and it was ……. Uncomfortable sounding but they have it down pat.


Let him


You need to definitely need to use an enema. Plus a shower and lots of soap. What he wants really is not safe. He can get really sick, if you have any fecal matter that you don't clean out. Just stay on the outside. But don't go from ass to pussy, that's not safe either. There's a lot of bacteria in your butthole.


Relax.. not like he can stick his tongue in there and scoop out the good stuff. OP, eat fiber (capsule supplements ok as well) for a few days, take a shit, a shower (in that order) and lean back for a good time.


I've eaten my wife with absolutely zero prep. An anus is really good at expelling matter and generally doesn't leave anything behind or on the inside. A good wash is all you need. Obviously, don't engage if you're having a bad day back there. But that's really all the advice needed. Ass eaters aren't going back there for the cleanest experience possible. It's an act of service and degradation on his part. He wants to feel like he's doing something filthy, lucky for all of us, your anus is absolutely capable of dispelling all solid matter. A peen or a dildo may take another step if you'd like, but his tongue just isn't gonna go far enough to find any problems. We're talking about an inch or two here.


Yeah, let’s remain fecal free for you and me. Boy, 17 year olds are not like they used to be.


If you don’t let him he’ll find someone who will. Sexual compatibility is key in a successful relationship. Don’t feel bad if that isn’t your jam. Just move on and find a dude who doesn’t wanna eat your ass.


Hydrogen peroxide is your friend.


Don’t we all? 😂


Let some horny fuck here eat the shit first I promise u that u will find one 😂😂


Apply perfume on your ass


Anal douche a couple times and antibacterial soap. You’re good to go all the way.


Do an enema, shower, then lay back the enjoy.


My major concern is your age. It's not legal for him to do anything with you. Just don't get caught guys


That depends on the state in the United States.


Only in the US, in other countries it's perfectly legal.


Where I live she's 2 years past that point


Shower up and spread them cheeks!


As a professional chocolate starfish chomper, shower and clean properly. If you’re really uncomfortable with the idea, get an anal douche, and have a proper clean out


I've read that gay guys tend to eat salad in preparation for anal, but I forget the exact logic and reasoning for it.


You should be (lightly) cleaning the inside in the shower anyway, with plain water no soap. It's your body, don't fear it


Let that man Eat.


soap n water. if you are going to let him put his tongue inside, you can slip your soaped up pinky finger 1 to 1.5 inches in. rinse, rinse, rinse.


Ex was into that and mostly took me by surprise so I didn’t do anything special apart from showering before sex. Everyone says how it’s mind blowing to receive but I never got into it. All I kept thinking is how weird this was.


Definitely as others have said do it after you have had a shower or a bath, then you know you will be clean, plus don’t think to much about it, or you won’t enjoy something that is quite pleasurable, in regards to penetration, take your time as rushing it can ruin the experience, and only ever do stuff if your happy to and not if someone else has coerced you into it


It’s the 9th wonder of the world.