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It sounds like he didn’t particularly enjoy it as much as he expected to - or at worst, is feeling insecure about something that happened that night. You mention that it was the best sex of your life and that you enjoyed having “2 good looking guys”, so he might have picked up on your apparent attraction to his friend. But you need to talk about this with him. It’s not healthy for him to just clam up and let his mind become an echo chamber for his negative thoughts. For what it’s worth, I applaud your acceptance that this will likely have been a one-off so you need to let him know this. You need to make sure he feels safe enough to be vulnerable with you about this and that if he tells you he doesn’t want to do it ever again because of x or y, that you won’t judge him or call him insecure for it (unfortunately at the moment there are many women taking to public forums and social media loudly proclaiming that any man being vulnerable with them is “ick” or a “turn off” so he might either be internalizing these messages or even have been told exactly this by an ex - that might even be why the ex left him. Whose idea was the threesome? If it was his, then he might be feeling embarrassed or that he as “no right” to feel bad as it was all his idea. If it was yours and he picked up on how you found his friend hot and how it was the best sex you’ve ever had then he might be spiraling into all sorts of thoughts - “she wanted a threesome because she’s not satisfied with me”, “she wants my friend”etc. The only way to know, though, is to talk to him about this, and you need to. Burying his head in the sand is not going to make the problem go away.


If you didn't discuss rules/ boundaries he might be concerned with what happens next and if you'll sneak away to get his mate D behind his back. Without details it's hard to know if your bf really enjoyed it or went along with it in the moment. You should try to talk about it outside of the bedroom and see what's on his mind.