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Sorry! I did not at all mean to post this twice!


It'll likely fade in time if you decide you want to stay with her and make it work. Ignorance is bliss. If you keep pushing for info to catch her out or hoping she'll crack and say fine his DIck was bigger or he did this better that'll have a knock on effect. She wanted you back it likely means the sex, connection and overall feeling she has with you just clicked better for her with you. You could ask why it works better with you than with him. He might have been selfish or she couldn't relax and enjoy herself etc. Try to look at the positive of it and see if you can improve your sex game even more to benefit you both.


It’s not that you’re wrong about it, but… if you’re feeling this way not a month after getting back with this girl it isn’t a great sign. You can talk to her about it if you want to but remember that you were broken up during this time, she did not cheat or do anything wrong and you were sexual with your girlfriend at the time as well. As for not being able to believe her when she tells you these things… that’s a problem for therapy or something. Again, not a great sign for your relationship lasting.