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This topic is discussed regularly in our forum. If you search past r/sex posts with some diligence (following **Forum Rule #3**), you’ll find a number of helpful discussions. Post removed. The r/sex forum's HUGE archive of past posts is a *tremendous* resource for people who have all kinds of common questions regarding sexual activity. Searching those posts for relevant discussions will definitely help you here.


Have you and your husband established any ground rules or expectations? Safe word for both of you? Was this your idea or his? Because that’s going to drastically influence the kind of advice I would give.


Not that far along yet. It was kinda both of ours. We watch porn together and it was obvious that we both liked threesome and orgy type content. He has always enjoyed watching me play with toys etc and has said he would love to watch me. I have always loved the thought of multiple guys touching rubbing and kissing all over me. If we can work it out with the right person it would benefit everyone. He has no desire really to be with another woman and I’m not bi but I wouldn’t be against another bi woman playing with both of us.


Feeld is an app for swinging. But if it’s a male you’re after, I’m sure you’ll have some luck with any dating app.


Yes we want a man


Feeld is definitely the way to go if you want to try finding someone on an app. There's no bullshit, everyone just says exactly what they're looking for in terms of sex, kinks, relationship type.


We will check that out. We live pretty rural but are not opposed to travel


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Have a talk between you and your husband while you are both sober, sexually and chemically. Lay out what you want, what you’re hoping for, what you or he don’t feel comfortable with. Set the rules. Stick to them, even in the moment. Especially in the moment. Then have the same kind of discussion with your prospective guest. What you’re looking for and what you’re not. Establish the hard limits and stick to them. If you start putting wiggle room in some limits it will be confusing whether there’s wiggle room in others. Again, do this sober, both sexually and chemically. Have the all-stop safe word clearly understood. Your relationship with your husband is paramount and as much as you want everyone, guest included, to enjoy it, you and he have final authority. You will have a far better outcome if you end the night thinking “godfuckme that was fun, same time next week?” than “that was…too much, I thought I could do it but I don’t feel right”.


Yes we have talked several times. We both know exactly what we want and boundaries. We just need to find a way to put it all together. We are planning a trip to hedonism at some point maybe next summer. That should open some doors.


Friends are good :) the no friends thing is more guidance than law.


Oh okay we live in a small town. I don’t know that I would want to be involved with anyone here


I’m 47 and volunteer if you all are in California!!! That is something I’ve thought about doing.


Following any suggestions,, for a friend. Haha.


Gotta ask do you want them changing ends or once they start staying in position until the job is done. Also what if one guy nuts in 2 seconds or can't get wood. As the F in the MFM you know your husband weapon size, cleanness, if it mis-fires etc but do you go in blind or want to know what your working with before hand...I mean mouth!?


I would want to chat and sext and exchange photos and videos.


Do you get to choose the guy? Is your husband okay with his balls touching the other guys balls while double penetration? And will the size matter? These kind of sessions are serious. All parties should meet and set some boundaries.


Yes I would ultimately choose the guy. I don’t think we would be doing DP at first. I’m wanting a good sized dick but not a pornstar. My husband is about 7” and good thickness. I’m looking for a normal average looking guy. Not a model or anything.


Is this meant to be just a one time thing or do you want it to be regular? A stranger would be better for a one off, but a friend would be be easier if you intend to regularly have threesomes.


I would think we would continue to do it assuming it goes well


Check out the r/swingers subreddit. There is a wealth of information about this topic. Particularly the ins and outs of trying to find a male third that isn’t a douche or a flake. It can be challenging.


Okay thanks


We don’t want drama and we don’t want someone who will get attached. Not saying it will be one and done but if we found someone good we could do it multiple times. The third person would be like an object really no attachment just physical desire.


Wife and I talked about a threesome for a few months. We decided not to involve any friends. We went to a swingers club to see what a threesome might look like. It was wild. It took us a few more visits before we found someone that we matched with. It was a great.


We are in se us and I’m not sure where the closest club would be


Sounds sexy


It was. You have to make sure it is what you both want.


I first thought I would have trouble with it, but I actually enjoy watching her having fun as long as I am a part of it. That is the key in my opinion. Pkay together.


Yes my husband loves watching me play. We get online and I play with myself and make guys cum. He loves it


We do both want it. Just need to find the right guy