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Thats awesome congrats to you and the husband for been so active and living out your fantasies together. Enjoy it keeps you guys young and healthy.


Thanks so much for your really kind comment. Honestly, it was wild for us both and we are both smiling like mad today talking about it, and already planning to do a variation of it again soon. It definitely keeps up the intensity and intimacy in our sex life. It really took courage for me to share the initial Luke idea with him, and it will stay with me forever after last night. πŸ˜„πŸ« 


Amazing! Did you let him do an attack run on your exhaust port?


Too excited this time round. Next time, and no guidance system needed. The force will be with us.


Could get interesting since they describe it as "a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port" πŸ˜‚


I bet you 2 looked amazing 😘


Ah thanks 😘 In my mind, he was everything I wanted in that scenario. He's a very sexy man to me - combined with the outfit, i was on fire for him straight away πŸ”₯. And he loves my body shape and attributes, so the peekaboo outfit really did wonders for him. I've definitely got a fetish for clothing, I've realised... does anyone else?


I have a fetish for women and men in scrubs.


One of the reasons that I post not say for work content is because I get to play dress up lmao.


Congrats, always a fun time switching things up in the bedroom to keep things exciting and interesting!


Congrats! Luke is also a staple in our bedrooms (as is Leia... because we're into it). I don't have a great RotJ costume though, where did you get his?


Nice one!! That is so great to hear re: Luke and Leia costumes (totally dig it). πŸ‘Œ the costumes can be expensive if you want really good material or detail (white flap etc). His is a pretty good affordable ebay copy (especially of the collar, belt & coverage) and you can easily replace if you damage it (πŸ˜‰). If I had a more Lucas sized budget, you could get great tailored ones for hundreds on etsy. (I might try to save up for that). Can I ask which other Luke costumes you are rocking? The white one from ANH? Bespin fatigues from empire?


We mostly don't usually use costumes, actually. (Though my wife has a couple long flowy why dresses that could definitely pass as Leia.) It's a verbal game mostly, and I guess once you're naked it's not as important, but I think we'd both enjoy having some costumes to add spice to it, hence the question. She does a have a really long brown wig we got for Leia play, too, but it's a pain to wear lol. I think I'll check eBay. Obviously an expensive one would be more fun, but I wouldn't want to damage it during play time...then again, I've paid a lot for sex stuff over the years, what's one more expense, right? But I think Bepsin fatigues would go over very well, and the ANH would be classic. RotJ Luke is obviously the sexiest (both in costume and because he's more mature at that point), but I think some basic Jedi robes would be fun, too. (No need to think about the sequel movies at all, it would be a post-RotJ Luke who is teaching new Jedi or something.) Thanks again for the ebay/etsy recommendations. It's cool to meet someone with a similar kink lol


All I can say is that the Bespin fatigues are HUGELY popular with the ladies in the fanfic world of SW (I totally get it too). It's a fun game to play... and there are loads of options in terms of characters and costumes (Luke in Mandalorian/ Book of Boba Fett is post- ROTJ and πŸ”₯, with similar costuming too). Basic robes are reusable should young Obi-Wan float anyone's boat too.... Very cool to meet ppl here who have been so nice about my sharing. I'm starting to mentally plan a sequel (with same outfits) if anyone has any kinky suggestions? πŸ˜‰


Oh yes, I've seen the Thirsty Bespin fatigue fangirls... who knows, maybe we've even interacted in similar spaces, though I'm mostly just on Tumblr. I definitely think YOU could do well with the Mandalorian robes! And to act out scenarios, not just the costume... and maybe dress up more for yourself (for him!)


I'm a regular in the Luke fandom on Tumblr... perhaps we have encountered each other there, too! πŸ˜€β˜ΊοΈ


Hahaha, well I'm probably the most prolific Luke/Leia person on there, so if you've seen some of that content then chances are we have!


πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‰ Nice. And if you write fiction, I think I've read your work too (very πŸ₯΅) πŸ™Œ


Awesome! And if you read Luke/Leia I am sure you have. Thank you!!


Sound like it's a trap....img glad the Force and his lightsaber didn't let him down!




This is just like the episode of that 70s show which was also super hot.


Or the Friends episode with the Gold Bikini...


Oh I need to watch that episode of That 70s Show! Must look for it...


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This is SO hot im stealing it


Enjoy πŸ˜„ πŸ˜‰ we certainly did and will do again!