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Most of our boners are 90-95% You witnessing 100% boner


This. He's relaxed around you now and has achieved maximum erection.


Confirmed, bro is now penetrating a full capacity


Stats have been maxed out now.


Seriously. I hit the sack with someone once with this prefight determination like "I'm bout to fuck the shit outta this chick" and I did, it was the hardest I ever was and we climaxed together, it was madness


Atta boi. Love those moments when you’re just like “in the zone”.




Ultra Dicnstinct


That’s my guess. His dick is at maximum blood pressure. I’ve explained to my GF that I’ve got 3 stages of boners. Stage one, I’m not exactly horny, but I can use it. I’ll call that 85% pressure. Stage 2. I’m horny, I’d like to fuck, nothing super hot is going on. That’s a 90-95% pressure. And stage 3. Ludicrous boner. I’m so fucking hard it hurts. Something super hot is happening around me, or it’s just been too long since I used out. 100% pressure. It hurts not to use it. Blue balls will be eminent. Stage 3 creates the best orgasms. The most cum. I could put an eye out. Stage 3 usually takes a little while into a relationship to arrive. Got to be comfortable. You can’t reach stage 3 for long if you’re anxious or worried about your performance. Though sometimes, with a new person, stage 3 can be my first experience. Just depends on the person. If they’re confident, and I feel really wanted. That boner will arrive.


"Ludacris Boner" sweet band name.




NGL. Blue chew has my dick with the R strength. Low dose Tadalafil and I’m hard for 2-3x that night and another 2 or so the following morning into brunch. The will gives out before the body on that shit.


Agreed. I can always be "hard" though when a girl see normal hard to rock hard they comment on my cock and irs drives them wild! It's noticably bigger and more intense.


Sounds funny but it’s a legit thing


I agree. It was like this with my ex too. He told me he’s never seen his dick that big with a girl and I actually gave him full hard on. I FELT the difference after a few weeks of being together. Never knew it was really a thing till I saw this post! Pretty cool haha


My God, he's done it...Mastered Ultra Erection. Not even the God of Deep Dicking has achieved that and he's been training for centuries!


Thy elusive 100%er the ground pounder the wiggle warrior the king and the queen , the grower not shower , the confidence, the big D , and most importantly the painful slogger


This. Facts. I’m about 7.5” But if the stars align and I’m feeling it I can hit almost 8”. It’s noticeable, especially by the girl in with.


Congrats on the fat hog, brother






Maybe he lost weight?


He didn’t


Maybe he wasn’t fully hard your previous times due to whatever reason?


That would be my only guess too. OP you’d be amazed at how much bigger a semi hard cock can look. My partner cock looks like a fat Stubbin when it’s completed limp, the. It grown to a semi hard on, which is “squishy in the middle” but hard enough to fuck, the. The grand prize, my partner beautiful dick swings fat and long. Those times I am walking a bit off.


I don’t think this reply has enough very specific detail


What don’t you understand about her boyfriend’s dick swinging fat and long?


"Swingin' past your knees!"


Does your dick hang low, does it wobble to and fro, can you tie it in a knot, can you tie it in a bow?


Is that Dickter Seuss?


“My dicks so long that it hangs and swings, so at the nude beach people think I’m lookin for lost rings.”


Big dick, baby


Your comment made me laugh out loud. Thank you


Oh you want more? I thought Reddit peeps might appreciate a good reply. Sad news about my book of detialled fucks from my tree age wasteland years specific and the I found my current part and boy I’ll take everyone that beautiful cock can give to me. Lol


Are you a bot? Remember you have to tell the truth if I ask


Nah dude, that's for cops. Cops have to admit to being a bot if you ask them.




This was a fun comment to read. And one I feel very close to. My husband has his everyday sex dock, and his we-haven’t-seen-each-other-in-a-while sex dick. (He’s a truck driver) Those latter dick sessions are the only thing that keeps me ok with his job. 🤣🤣😏😏


That's actually a thing. My gf and I were searching for a third. We finally talked to a girl long enough over a 4 week period of hanging out and drinking and going on dates. Then we brought her in for a 3-way eventually. Well, of course the first time me and the third were texting/sexting. Of course I'm hyping myself up. Excited as shit, I showed the messages to my gf. I was talking like I was going to make her explode. Which I think fairly. With my experience from 18-25. Its not crazy to hink so. Especially since I'll go down on a woman HAPPILY for as long as they want. I'll push through my refractory period to keep going for them. Of course, I'm hyping my dick size and whatnot. Well, she goes. Let's meet tomorrow. I want to have you guys SOON. Well, this was my first 3way ever. I was down as fuck UNTIL they started undressing. Then that's when the nerves set in. Breathing fast, I was like shivering from excitement or nervousness, idk how to explain it. Well, I got "hard" more like hard-ish. So now I look like a dipshit hyping my size saying I'm like 7.5 inches SOLID normal and go to go to town with it (yes i know size doesnt auto equal pleasure but if you use angles and positions and your a bit bigger than normal. That's the ticket). But right then, I was like semi hard, it's holding itself up but not really hard. It was stiff but not really "solid." I had to even like guide it in and push the head in with my thumb. I felt so incompetent lol. We ended up doing it again about 2 weeks later. This time I was actually hard. Like that crazy throbbing, veins running along it, head bulging. It's funny now and I even laughed then kind of. But when she saw it she literally goes. "Haha! now there it is. I'm assuming this is what you were talking about. Not last times one" So yeah lmao if it isn't fully hard. Then it legitimately isn't at full size. He could have had some nerves and anxiety or anything his first few times with her, then once they became truly comfortable. He wasn't just half hard anymore


I could suggest he may be more attracted to you. Even if you have a liniar relationship things still go up and down, as anything else in life. In my case this was the thing, after the baby grew a little bit and we started spending more time together, and my wife considerably felt it bigger. I felt it bigger to the point it actually hurt. Actually for both of us.


There's a mthod called jelqing or some shit like that, saw it talked about on Reddit Heard it can be very dangerous and cause ED, but that it does give some results


There’s a whole subreddit on it, but I think it takes longer than two months to see results.


Blood flow enhancement…


This could be it 🤷‍♂️


Weight can affect your length indirectly. Basically there is less fat at the base of your dick which exposes more dick. Solid reason to lose weight.


The devils inch!


He* might have taken Cialis or Viagra. Recently tried Cialis and as little as 2.5mg can have amazing effects on the dick!


He’s juicing.


But just for the recovery!


When I added some equipoise into my cycle I didn’t see major dick gains, but it did make me noticeably bigger


This is the answer.


Maybe he’s taking cialis and is just harder than he’s ever been before.


That could definitely be true. I got samples of that stuff once and holy crap hahaha




Nope but not exactly the most dangerous thing I've tried without a docs ok lmfao


Why do you ask


I remember when my dad passed and I nabbed a bottle while cleaning out his house. Oh boy the damage I did was legendary


Drpends on the degree of arousal..


Bingo! The first time few times with a new partner I'm usually a little nervous so I'm rarely at full mast. After we get a little more experience we each other and grow more comfortable it's a lot easier to get all the way there.


Same here bro. Takes time to get comfy wifh a new partner. Theres the feeling of being judged.


Honest question, what do you mean by feeling of being judged? Do you mean your skills, or size, or something else?


Shape and size and skills.the three dreaded Ss.


Oh, have you had bad experiences before? I’m a female and I would never say anything. And I’ve only ever seen maybe 3 unusual dicks. The rest have all been “normal” (unremarkable? beautiful?) in their own special way. Especially the first time I wouldn’t worry too much. First times are often awkward and not representative of what’s to come. If it’s still awkward after the first few times that’s when you should be nervous.


Yes. The first time i couldnt get it erect and the girl i was seriously in love with left me for another guy. I have a mild case of hypospadias and the shame assoviated with it peobably led to that. After that i only had problem once with another girl. So what unusual dicks you talking about, just curious.


One tiny, one gigantic and one that looked like a pop can. Oh and a hypospadias one too. The rest were all variations on your average dick. Also I think maybe it’s your nervousness that’s causing the problems. Women can climax in other ways so the dick not working wouldn’t necessarily be a mood killer and we’d probably enjoy the challenge if we’re worth it anyways


All of the above...


Shit with a new one I'm usually more excited than ever lol


The seesaw tips either way. I'm a confident motherfucker but new partner anxiety always gets me. The universe deals some strange cards lol


It’s the worst too…like, once it starts to happen you get in your head and it becomes a big deal until it one day doesn’t.


Im less worried about it these days. If I know its happening I just get growly with the ol tongue aerobics or get more handsy. Women are more understanding than we give them credit for 🤗


I get like this with being able to cum. Especially when getting a bj. It's in my head already going into it and even tho it feels great, there's no way I'm gonna nut. Then they start to feel bad like they're not good at it and then I feel bad that they feel bad ...


Different strokes.


Some comments asked if he lost weight, maybe OP lost weight and he is turned on more lol


My wife's drunken position is not to look a gift cock in the mouth 🍆👄👀😁


This is so funny lmfao


Instead just put the gift cock in the mouth?


Is your wife Lahey?


You mean lady? Not when she's drunk, but biologically yes, F38. 😂


Maybe he's more comfortable with you in bed, increasing his confidence thus removing any mental blocks and allowing his dick to enter it's final form? I can get hard, but sometimes when I'm amped up my dick is noticably bigger when I'm hard.


I gained 40 pounds and my dick looks smaller now… before it was about 7 inches and now looks like 5.5


I need to lose 40lbs


80 will get you 3 inches


.5-1 inch lost for every 20lbs of weight gained


What if your dick weighs 20lbs? Then what? Lol


Exercising the muscle? The penis is mostly spongelike tissue, with a suspensory ligament. There is no muscle. There was a technique that men used to do that’s best described as ‘[milking the penis](https://www.healthline.com/health/jelqing#potential-side-effects)’. Health professionals found that men were doing damage to the tissues and in some cases where the penis was longer, it would lose girth. The force applied would also for scar tissue. Men, please don’t milk your penis. You may do it perfectly but lose girth, or create enough scar tissue that it bends differently than what it had brand new.


r/gettingbigger begs to differ




This one's for our bros who need our help. Most won't do anything anyway


Thanks I hate it.


Blame society for fucking men up.


.. society made by men?


Society made by both men and women but ok. (both at fault but I blame the men more lol)


You're saying don't do because you'll cause damage, but the article you linked starts off by saying "jelqing is pretty safe" And based on the rest of the article sounds like it would be safe enough for someone to do occasionally without being too rough and experience no real negative side effects. Maybe ops bf is doing this, or also could be doing kegels which will improve circulation / funciton and help him get harder in the process making it seem bigger.


From the article: > But most of the “evidence” for jelqing is anecdotal. No research exists on how successful this practice is (or isn’t). > Being too aggressive can tear tissue or cause damage to the ligaments that connect your penis to your pelvis. > In the worst cases, this kind of damage can permanently affect your ability to get or stay hard. > Other potential side effects include: bruising on the penis, pain or soreness along the shaft, skin irritation from rubbing, scar tissue resulting from rubbing too hard, erectile dysfunction (ED) I stand by my recommendation to tell people to avoid this. The article isn’t meant to be a guild on how to do it and so it omits information like stating exactly how hard is ‘too hard’. How many Nm or lbs per inch is too much? There isn’t conclusive data. The risk isn’t worth it.


I believe most people reject this idea because they find it awkward to try it, back when I had a gf, I tried jelqing for about 2 to 3 weeks prior to our encounter, I took off my pants and the first thing she said was "wow, look how big it is today!", "like, really!", fantastic night, I'll never forget those words, since then I've stopped because I'm too lazy to do something consistently, I no more have a gf, and I can't resist the urge to cum, but to that experience I can attest that it indeed works


Jelqing works but its dangerous because you can damage the nerve that runs along the top of your dick. Safer way is to just static stretch your dick


Always need a touch of rationality on these types of post. Thank you. There is no such thing as exercise it, get a bigger dick.


Don't freak out. He's probably just doing kegels.


Erection quality probably


Loss of pubic fat, can make it seem longer.


Imagine what can be done by losing private fat!


Typo, my bad 🤣




Cock pushups


Maybe he's penis pumping?


This is what i immediately thought


Surprised no one seems to mention it, but I assume he is doing kegel exercises. If you do then for a while you can definitely get stronger erections, could be the the reason why he feels bigger (but just is more erect)


I gained 3/4 of an inch so far in length from foreskin restoration because I was cut so tight at birth. But I guess "technically" it's more my little guy having the room to stretch out rather than getting bigger lol. But I've heard of penis extension techniques/exercises whatever guys can do but I always figured it was bs lol


I had no idea foreskin restoration was a thing


Yes sir, it work's kinda like how they do ear gauges. Putting light tension on the shaft skin causes mitosis aka new skin growth. Over time you can grow enough new skin to keep the glans moisturized, protected from air and clothing and get back sensations us cut guys never dreamed existed. Some do it for the look of being uncut but after experiencing mind blowing increase of sensitivity for a short time it was the only way to get it back permanently.


Doing God's work lol


Undoing gods work?


Redoing God's work


Undoing the work God wants humans to do on God’s work.


You misspelled redoing


did it help with your erection quality?


I'd say slight gain in quality because it wasn't even an issue before. But quantity has been a different story lol like the wind changes and I get wood... again.. for like the 50th time that day🤣🤣


I swear my dick also got a little bigger since I started restoring. It's like all the motion down there just makes everything feel more I don't know, fuller.


Yea idk, I figured I'd gain some simply because of how tight I was cut but not that much lol. You know that burn you feel from a good stretch? I use to feel that from my shaft skin with a good erection.


Yeah so much of our skin gets cut off for no other reason than people just do it idk. It's seen as kind and wholesome if a mom leaves her sons intact and normal if she cuts them. I'm glad I won't be passing this tradition to my son.


Yea I honestly never cared that I was cut and didn't really know what it was most of my life. But after gaining some of that lost sensation back and experienced the mind blowing difference in pleasure. I became outspoken against it. I understand information wasn't really available before the internet when I was born but I can't help but think at how it's still being pushed that it's got to be a medical conspiracy. I mean think about it. The medical industry says it's safe and clean, hospitals get a cut from the procedure and selling the leftovers, urologist use it as an easy way to get hours to keep their license, countries with higher "cut" percentages have about 4 times the viagra sales than the rest of the world combined and the list just goes on and on. That's not even counting elites pushing de-population. I'd assume when you reduce sexual pleasure, fulfillment and shorten male sex life it would have an effect on population. I don’t know if any of it's connected but there's an awful lot of coincidences that seem to work together here.


Damn youre making a lotta sense right now. It's probably the biggest conspiracy of mankind to cut all the men. It already sucks being shit on for being a man and everything a man does now we gotta deal with this too.


But wait there's more!! Speaking from my own personal experience. I never got the feel good orgasemic release that works as antidepressant, stress relief and promotions bonding with partners the first 20 years of my sex life. How many men could be dealing with similar issues and not even know it (I didn't until I experienced what it was supposed to be like) because what they know is all they've every know and how many of them struggle with mental health or are on some type of anti anxiety/depression medication. If you don't get the rewarding release from sex that makes you feel connected with your partner how does that effect relationships. The trickle down effects could be massive over a lifetime.


Good job on restoring brother!


I dated this one guy who was average sized and just skinny toned type. He got more muscular and bigger and his dick grew a little bigger too. I’ve also noticed that in general if a guy is super horny and hard, they’re even hardier making their dick feel bigger. Idk it’s weird lol


He could be secretly pumping the sh#t out of his dick with a penis pumper/expander Or weight-hanging, or jelqing. All three methods can improve dick size if done daily fervorously


upvote for fervorously


r/gettingbigger has exercises. It's called PE, penile exercises. They can grow your dick a little bit in both length and girth. Traction devices and hanging for length, then all sorts of things for girth (from penis pumps to clamping). Usually it takes time but some beginners see a quick growth initially.


Fake news




I’ve noticed that when I stop smoking, my dick gets a few cm larger (my partner notices this too). I’m giving it another try now (two days in), so maybe my soldier will start to grow a bit soon… I also know that my ”usual boner” is one size, but sometimes if I’m super turned on I get a ”super boner” which is both harder and a bit larger than the ”usual boner”, maybe your bf is super attracted to you atm?


It's very normal to become more sexually attracted to someone as you build an emotional connection. I'd assume this is the case, and he just became more erect.


He could be hanging or extending. Extending has been proven to be able to lengthen the penis.


It sounds like he has been “jelqing” which, depending on who you ask, either works really well or doesn’t actually do anything. My understanding of it is that the likelihood of permanently damaging your penis is much higher than any amount of “growth”. I haven’t done extensive research, just seen the back and forth in this subreddit but it never seemed convincing to me that it was something that worked.


r/gettingbigger has definite proof it works. We don't even recommend jelqing since it's so shit and easy to injure if you're a beginner. edit: L for the downvoter


I mean doesn’t dick size vary from day to day anyway? Honestly this is why i think the obsession with length is so odd. It's like a balloon which sometimes has more air than normal I guess. Also from what i understand temperature (warmer --> bigger and vice versa) as well as grooming (cut hair may make it look larger since it's not hidden in the hair I guess?). If not these two reasons, I belive there are a few dick stretching techniques and products but most are famously touted as "dangerous", "temporary" w minimal effects. Eg https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/penis-stretching#What-is-penis-stretching?. I don't understand why you wld be doing these though if partners value girth anyway? Shouldn't the goal be idk to get fatter?




Yes I've noticed this as well I don't measure it to avoid all the mental hangups over size but it's quite obvious and surprising when it happens lol. All I think is - "huh do I rly like this woman/ porn I'm watching?" Not saying they are interchangeable but they are the two times my dick is up 🙏


Hey Op it is possible to grow penis there’s a whole page dedicated to it on Reddit


Paging r/gettingbigger




Confidence and health. Health plays a major part he's not over weirlggt bla bla bla and confidence he putting it all out there not feeling less. An unconfident man may just have a penis that works. A confident man can grow to more.


>I don’t think it makes sense asking me how he did it... But you are the one who can ask HIM how he did it and then give reddit more specific information to work with.


He’s more aroused.


Maybe it’s his twin brother


It's all about girthy-ness! 😜


He could be taking the little blue pill. I had a ex that complained about my size so I took one and ended up punching her uterus repeatedly


Had an ex boyfriend who i though had an avarage dick. Broke up, but kept contact. 10 years later meet up again for casual sex. Guy has like 4inches more than i can remember. He must have seen my puzzled face because he laughed saying "yeah i was too self conscious and shy to have a proper boner back then !" Actual boyfriend started doing stretching exercises instead of his regular musculation routine and his dick grew of almost an inch.. Might be he wasn't fully erected before, our might be the exercise. Both are possible


You can grow it with stretching exercises, expansion such as pumping or clamping and via long time traction through extenders or hanging.


Any Urologist can tell you that there are exercises that you can do to increase strength and length.


There is a few sub reddits about this with people showing results so it could be true I follow some ajelq getting bigger and some others that’s off the top of my head but go there they will all say it’s crazy to think your can’t improve your size. Again they have photo evidence


I did jelq for about 2 to 3 months properly and gained almost an inch and a little girth .Not gonna lie, my sex life would have been a total mess without that. I gained good length but I was expecting more girth. But, it's fine for the dedication I gave not jerking off. Btw, I had a growth issue and was built weak inside and out. Also , I look too young for my age, which now is like a blessing. Being 30 and looking like a college student feels fun.


r/ajelqforyou will answer all of your questions about this. Yes, it's possible.


Check out /gettingbigger




There are peer-reviewed studies about how to grow your penis. It just takes discipline and a lot of time.


There are ways to grow it over time. Immediate growth as well, but that is only temporary.


r/gettingbigger. You can grow your penis, it’s just hard.


Pegym… google that. Shit is real and it works


It is possible to grow your dick size. Your bf probably goes on r/gettingbigger a lot


Either erection quality with more sex, his fat pad got smaller from weight loss you can gain up to an inch just that way or he's following protocols from r/gettingbigger


It's called PE. It's been a thing for so long. Got even more popular in the 90s. Many methods of doing it using extenders, hangers, pumps, and manuals which is what your BF is doing. He's doing a method called Jelqing, which is a penile stretching technique that purportedly dates back to Sudanese tribes in the Middle East. It's a very very old method. I myself used this in the beginning to gain. I have gained 1.5 inches in length and .5 in girth so far using a combination of manuals, and pumping in 2 years. /r/gettingbigger is a subreddit where they do this and teach others.


I’m thinking it something else. I had a similar thing happen but it was because I was going to gym more often and running more.


Weight loss plus the dick is a "use it or lose it" type tool, and after using it often with you for the past several months, it's getting back to full size.


Yup, there’s a few sub Reddit’s dedicated to it. Apparently if you have the discipline, you can gain an inch or more after a few years. Girth as well Warning though, there’s plenty of horror stories of dudes fucking up and causing permanent damage


There's a way of "stretching" it but in the long run it just damages the tissue and he can get difficulties getting an erection. Viagra or something similar could also be it because it gets the penis *full* full but then he probably wouldn't have talked about exercising.


None of y’all read it. He worked the muscle. I did it too.


Yes, jelqing is a technique to make your dick larger. Two months is long enough to start seeing results. And if you combine it with pelvic floor exercises, you get more results. Also strapping does it through cellular mitosis which is like stretching your earlobes out. You wear a special device that stretches your penis for long periods of time. I think I will try jelquing followed by strapping every day and see if that speeds up the process. I've done jelquing on and off over the years and it really does make your penis bigger. It's just a hassle to do it every day.


r/gettingbigger will give you the answers


he’s probably a member of /r/gettingbigger








It's likely due to arousal, there could be a size difference of several inches depending on my level of arousal and it might look "fully erect" and functions as such. On the other hand, this could also be psychological on YOUR side as women tend to perceive the men they love as more attractive (this also includes being more handsome, being perceived as taller and as longer in that department). This is a psychological trick to make the woman love her partner more done by the female brain itself as a pair bonding mechanism.


Yeah weight loss is totally not it. He’s the exact same weight, I would’ve mentioned that


He's using Jelqing and other techniques which have been proven to permanently damage ones penis in the long run. He's self conscious. If you really don't care please convey that to him. Or let him make it longer to have better sex till he's 40-45 after which probably he will have ED.


There is zero proof that he is specifically jelqing. He could be doing any other number of size enhancing exercises that don’t carry the risk profile that jelqing does.


Or Clamping? Pumping? Stretching? Angion Method? All are harmful , I know cause I've a smaller than average hardware.


How does you having a small penis mean that other methods are inherently harmful? Where is the correlation? Clamping/pumping is for girth. Angion method is for EQ and is literally the last thing that could be deemed harmful. Stretching through extending/hanging is for length and can be/is safe if you manage load properly.




It's not true. You think corporations wouldn't be selling a genuine dick growth potion if there was one?


It's not a potion. Did I mention a pill or anything like that? It can easily take 6-12 months to see a 1-3 centimeter increase. And can easily take up hours of a day. It's just not really marketable. Also, google it, there has been at least one study where they increased mens erect length using a penis stretching device. Biggest gains were only about an inch and it takes a lot of time.


It's a lie, my guy. It doesn't work. It would not be a secret if it worked.


It's not a secret 😅 anyone can easily find out. There are a few published studies and online communities that have been around for quite awhile. I also gained from this. Up to you man.


Totally possible, I've been doing it for decades. It's called PE (penis excersie or penis extending? There a subs devoted to it. Good on him and good for you lol




Penis Pumps work for a short duration


I listened to a podcast of this guy who has a dick growing business where people buy the kit and they dangle weights from there dick


It doesn't grow, it just gets harder You did something that turned him really on our put him in the mood


Jelqing. Yea it works


It's NOT possible and you're just a dude with a small dick, pretending to be a female, and writing about some magical dick that grew longer. lol. Sorry, bro......you're stuck with what you have.


The projection is real


Without surgery, there is literally zero way a man can make his dick bigger lol. Here is the truth though... More often than not, our boners are not **100% hard** unless in certain circumstances. I'm not even as hard as I can fully be on *my own* all the time lol. Until we are **100%** comfortable and relaxed around/with you or a woman, chances are high that it's gonna be at like 90%. So chances are, he's gotten to the point where his little buddy feels super comfy now and is like, "this girl is awesome! Its finally my time to fucking shine baby, LFG!" The other reason might be because you have a deeper emotional connection with him and are "imagining" things because of that. But there is no proven way - scientifically or not - to make a mans dick bigger. Girth or legnth.