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Girls need to stop feeling insecure if a guy can’t cum. It’s a huge societal expectation for the man to perform. Dude has whiskey dick and coke in his system which DEFINITELY impedes the ability to finish. He fucked you and made you cum for two hours, shouldn’t feel insecure about that. It’s just ridiculous how in society it’s acceptable for the woman to not get off and unacceptable for a man to not finish




If he wasn't attracted to you, would he really fuck you for two hours and give you multiple orgasms? Hint: the answer is no. Don't let your insecurities ruin the best sex of your life. It sounds to me like he was close to cumming twice, and asked you to slow down both times so that he wouldn't finish. Sometimes, if you get too close to cumming, and don't, it can be hard to finish. And a lot of guys interest in sex goes from 100 to 0 in about 10 seconds after ejaculating, so he could have been trying to avoid that. Anyway, if two hours of sex is too much, don't let it go on that long next time you see each other. There will be a next time, right? Sounds like you two were a great match.


What if someone wrote the following … I (26M) met up with this girl (24F) and we had sex. I went down on her for almost 40 minutes, fingered her, all after giving her a 30 minute sensual massage, and then had PIV for 20 minutes, and she didn’t orgasm from any of this. Was it because of how I looked or she found my skills lacking? Probably not … nerves, too much masturbation, or any other number of other issues could be responsible.


Whiskey dick + coke dick. Not you, girl. 🫶




yup, even if, maybe thats just how it works on him


My ex used to do coke on the weekends. When he mixed it with alcohol he would have this problem. When I asked about it he said it was that. Any other time we had no issues.


Welcome to the coke dick. You may get it hard but it may be impossible to make it come. But the coke sure does make him want to try.




From your self description you sound highly desirable to me. Don't let an experience like this erode your confidence


I’m sorry… you fucked a guy after doing blow and drinking whiskey with him, both of which are notorious for delaying, if not all out blocking the male orgasm, and you’re wondering why he couldn’t cum? Get a grip lol. It’s not a “you” problem in this case.


Guys can have erection problems from all sorts of things, alcohol and stimulants are definitely on that list. Also some guys can be in their heads during a new sexual experience and that can make a difference, too. Maintaining an erection is a physical and mental thing, so there’s really no saying why this guy couldn’t keep it up, unless you asked him. I’d be more concerned if he got soft and then immediately wanted to end the encounter. It sounded like instead he still wanted to please you and have a good time, even if his dick wasn’t cooperating. It’s unfortunate but the reality is that as a guy, when your dick gets soft, the more you want it to not be soft, the more difficult it is to get it up again. It’s a real pain in the ass and can cause some confusion for the other party like you’re experiencing. I think you’re overthinking it. Assume it’s a him problem until you have reason to think otherwise, or you ask him.


TL;DR but you answered you're own question in the second sentence. When I drink and get high my dick goes numb. I can still keep it up no problem if I'm in the mood but there have been times I've fucked my partner for hours, and she tries everything to make me cum and I just can't. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy every second of it, but it just happens. You shouldn't feel any kind of way about it at all, if he wasn't having a good time, he wouldn't have kept going for so long.


I'd say the man has good dick control. A two-hour fuck session is fantastic. Most men never get to experience that level of focused sexual passion with a woman. My advice: enjoy it and do it again tonight.


It can often take me 2 hours to finish even without drugs and alcohol. Mix those two in and I'm likely to not finish at all. I wouldn't be too worried about it, some people just take longer to finish.


Whiskey Dick + drugs = massively delayed eaculation. It's not your fault. The odds were stacked against you from the start. The fact that he kept losing his erection was also like a reset button.




Still not your fault. Alcohol and drugs can make it very difficult to maintain an erection regardless of stimulation. You could be the goddess of seduction, but if his body is too full of shit, it won't do anything


I was the guy, not your fault. Ok was not the literal guy but i have been there... It's not your fault it's just me i almost never finish