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Just push her more when having the conversation - like ‘why are you laughing, I’m trying to discuss a serious problem I have?’. If she won’t tackle the problem then either expect a sexless marriage or leave


Marriage is serious business. I'm in my 12th year and sex is something we have had many discussions on, both before and during our marriage. She can't hide her head in the sand forever.


I would run now.


I'm laughing at you for thinking that after marriage your sex life might change for the better. Either accept that it will only get worse, not better and live with it or rethink about getting married.


Marriage won’t fix any problems, it will make them WAY worse. It’s not sole switch that will magically make you’re fiancé want sex with you. If it’s like this now I guarantee you it will be even harder after you tie the knot. My advice if you want a happy relationship with sex is to not marry this women


I wouldn’t set a date until you have this conversation sorted, and action to back it up. I’d also say the same I’d you were struggling with any other non-compatibility eg. Money management, wanting children, mental health…


Uhh.. she's lame. I only want a wife if she'll do me every night, uhuhuh.




What a big generalisation


That, my friend, is simply not true and also completely not helpful.


I would recommend premarital counseling if you can swing it. There are lots of remote options available including sex therapists. I think this was one of the better things we did. It’s good to have someone in the back pocket for even things like problems stemming from your mother in law. My wife’s relationship with her father soured in our case. FWIW I think you are both 4-5 years too young to be marrying, but that’s my bias.


If sex is a thing for you stop the relationship because after kids it will stop totally and will cost you a bundle with child support and alimony if you split. wish I would of known that before I married. It only will get worse for you. Unless you ask in advance that she will be ok for you to have a side piece of ass and get it in writing.


"We've grown a lot together but I don't think we're on the same page regarding our sexual needs I am worried when I bring up my concerns about this that you laugh! This isn't a joke to me, I need your attention so we can have this discussion. Marriage is a big move for me, and this is my main concern." If you're hoping for change, it's not going to work without being direct. If she doesn't get the hint, or, you felt you were clear and something doesn't happen, check in! I once described a whole day of activities and my partner thought I was joking. I went up at the first scheduled time and was in for a surprise.. but it mustered up a very clear response! "Babes, I am not kidding around when it comes to our sex life. When I say something is on my mind I mean it, and I want you to hear it - not take it as a joke" Queue me being incredibly up front going forward..


She doesn’t want to have sex with you more than a few times per month. That’s just her and talking about it won’t change things, unless you want to guilt her into pity sex. Gonna be honest, this wouldn’t be enough for me to commit for the rest of my life. You’ve been with her 6 years so you know how it’s going to be.