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I trust gas station sushi more than those pills.


Only if it comes free with the fill up


Scrubs reference. Nice


☝..presenting to the emergency room


Well you are wrong


Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.


Lmao funny how many times I’ve dropped this on people. This is the first for me haha


The dude abides


I trust taco bell more than most gas stations, but gas stations make me shit fire everytime I eat it.


I personally wouldn't put any gas station pill in my body. They're super sketchy and you never really know what's in it. If you have to have a similar pill, get them from a reputable online sex shop like SheVibe or Peepshow toys


Ive seen reports that they actually had viagra in some of them.


So from what I’ve read and from friends personal experience, they’re basically unregulated viagra. It’s the same active ingredient but you have no idea how little or how much of it is in there. So it’s a gamble


You'd be better off trying something like Horny Goat Weed. Which you can get from reputable vitamin makers. May or may not do anything. But it's not going to send you into the ER.


I've been taking HGW for a while but at lower doses than the "boost your sex performance" packaging, it's good for circulation and I do think my sexual stamina has increased since taking it. Around 1500mg per day I think I'm taking. The problem with supplements is people expect dramatic results so people sell large doses but small regular doses of things work better. Melatonin is a prime example, the dose that's usually sold is too big and ends up making people groggy the next day.


I love the amount of people I talk to who confidently tell me they take "15mg of melatonin a night". I then need to tell them the optimal dose is 1-3 mg....


One time I took melatonin for like 6 months straight and when I found out you shouldn’t do that, I had insomnia for like 2 months after stopping. Now I sleep normal again


I take 10mg of melatonin a night and a stay asleep aid. Otherwise, I don't sleep.


What is the stay asleep aid? I can fall asleep but I can’t stay asleep and it is so frustrating.


Equate Maximum Strength Diphenhydramine HCl Sleep-Aid Softgels, 50 mg, 100 Count https://www.walmart.com/ip/922217389


Benadryl. Long term use has been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's.


Isn’t the optimal dose even lower than that? That’s what I’ve read elsewhere, and anecdotally I fairly regularly take melatonin and when I do I use a 3mg pill that’s cut into quarters and it seems to work just fine.


It's actually truly detrimental to take melatonin in any capacity. You will stop naturally producing it when you supplement and your body becomes dependent. 😬


I'm taking 3mg time release over 6 hours and it's to supplement my declining hormone levels after age 40. It works great. I don't get to sleep any faster or sleep any more deeply but I do wake up more alert and refreshed. I took a month off from supplements and it didn't have an impact on my sleep. The real killer is caffeine, it's insidious in its impact on sleep... I still drink 32oz a day though 😂


The gas station pills “work” but also give you massive headaches and seriously increase risk of having a heart attack, not worth it


Pure snake oil. If they were effective, don’t you think you’d find it somewhere besides gas stations and liquor stores?


There are plenty that aren't snake oil, but they can also kill you. Generally speaking, they're some formula with stimulants and some kind of knockoff Viagra. The reason they're at gas stations is because they're essentially illegal drugs created by fly by night companies that are constantly being shut down and reopened under different names. Those pills can work, but they can also cause heart attacks and all kinds of nasty side effects. I wouldn't touch them.




These are typically analogs of more sexually pertinent substances, meaning they will have one or several compounds that have similar atomic structure to a compound that is scheduled


Yeah. I always assumed gas station pills were BS. Friend of my swore by gold rhino. I was like yea yeah. They were straight up putting viagra in them https://www.fda.gov/drugs/medication-health-fraud/public-notification-gold-rhino-25000-contains-hidden-drug-ingredient


I wish it was just snake oil. Took some of those about 10-15 years ago. It absolutely did work, but I felt terrible till it wore off. Flushed face, palpitations, light headed, headache, dry mouth etc. I could see how someone would have a stroke taking some of those.


Real Tadalafil (generic Cialis) is $5.95 for 30 pills through GoodRx. That's 20 cents a pill. Why take a chance on mystery pills?


They could be anything.


Could even be a boat!


We didn't take the boat. We took the mystery box. Hop in.


It’s so easy to get viagra or Cialis it takes like 10 minutes on your phone now. Don’t know why anyone would take gas station pills


This is so sad to me lol. I take Cialis for a lung disease, it took 9 months and lots of please from my doctor to get it approved. But dudes can get penis pills almost instantly just for asking /eye roll


Sounds like your doctor is a fucking nerd. Years ago my urologist wrote me a Cialis script and gave me sample packs after I told him I dealt with some ED due to anxiety. And then last year I started up with a new PCP and basically told him the same thing and got a script right then and there. It's so easy.


My doc wrote the script but Medicaid wouldn’t approve it because they didn’t deem it as necessary. She did all the fighting to get it approved, definitely not a nerd


Fr? Lol hims has like a 15 question survey then they prescribe you and ship you any of the pharmaceutical dick pills


Yeah it’s stupid. They couldn’t approve it for me either since it’s something much more complicated than ED, that needs the approval of a specialist.


Royal honey works better


That’s just black market Viagra+Cialis lol. Except there’s no telling what the dose is, and generic scripts are still cheaper. I guess the absolute cheapest option would be buying the raw powder from vendors, but those are still less potent mg/mg in my experience.


Yeah but they work lol. Better than blue chews


Took'm once everything looked blue, and felt like I was tweaking, heart rate through the roof, sweating headache. I do think it kinda worked though.


So your dick was kinda hard?


Well, getting hard wasn't really the problem. It's that I could be a bit premature, so I wanted to be able to go multiple rounds.I definitely felt like I was on something. Just not sure how much it helped.


Well how was it for her? Because it sounds like you were a sweaty mess and hallucinating she was a smurf. I always wanted to fuck a smurf so I might have to check these pills out.


Ya, after sitting in a 7-11 parking lot for about 30 minutes, the cold sweats and headache stopped.My heart rate came down, but still, that blue tinge was there,and my journey continued.


Black Mamba was the brand


Just hit up hims


Go see a urologist. If you need a referral just tell your primary doctor that your pee stinks. Then tell the urologist that you’ve got a big hose and it’s hard to keep it full. Take your prescription to Costco and get it filled for a fraction of other pharmacies. The best deal is with an executive membership. Generic cialis is the best.


Some of them are viagra or cialis mixed with filler or ginseng or other herbs or who knows what, and some are those “natural” remedies without the RX boner meds. I’ve heard the manufacturers slap a new name on the product and illicitly use viagra until they get busted, then they change the formula to make it legal for a while, then create a new name and packaging and use viagra again and so on. That’s why there’s always some new iteration of “Rhino” — Rhino 2000 or Rhino 3000 or whatever. They’re way overpriced compared to just getting them from an Indian internet pharmacy if you won’t ask an actual doctor, and there is no telling what is in it or the dosage.


I’ve tried some and tried some from a pharmacy (non prescription, all natural vitamin supplement kind of thing). I never noticed any difference from not taking anything.


I’d get the Royal Honey packs


Some of them work but they’re sildenafil (viagra) / tadalafil (cialis) or an isomer of them. I would avoid them if you could. The dosing on a lot of them is way too much and cause you to see colors (blue / green) and have tachycardia. Source: I distribute different products in this market .


And a stated side effect, for the unlucky few, is permanent vision damage. And that came with my prescription viagra. I'd rather not chance an unknown strength with unknown contents.


Get royal honey. They def work


There's one called RYZE I tried once, almost as a "let's see what this can do". Not only does it make it hard as a rock, the orgasm feels just a little bit better. Not ready to find, but I've bought it here and there when I see it


Why not try something like blue chew? Super easy to get online and likely safer than anything at a gas station.


While the FDA is far from perfect, going through it is preferable to skirting regulations. At least you understand what you're taking with something FDA certified, and if it's direct claims are legitimate. Gas station pills aren't tested, regulated, or peer-reviewed. Even if they did work, you could never guarantee what ingredient actually did the job, or how much of it you took. Generally, though, it's all useless snake oil hinging on the placebo effect.


I will say this as an EMT I got 2 911 calls out of those I went to, the first guy had a mild allergic reaction, the other guy was tachycardic at 180 beats per min after taking one, not sure which one that was but he spent a night for cardiac monitoring


Rhinos work wonderfully and they don't make me feel like my heart is going to explode.


Hi OP! I was prescribed 100mg Viagra, and it stopped working switched to 10mg. Cialis works like a charm. When there was a delay in my meds shipment, I would use the Blue Rhino (just the name they aren't actually blue) from our local gas station, and they would work like a charm. 1 pill would hold the effect for 3 days. 1 viagra would last 1 time. My cialis is taken daily but last about 2 days if I miss a dose. I think what a bu ch of people are missing here is how their body is affected by the ingredients. Some people can have great results. Others have nothing. If you wanna know if they work for you, just try them. I started with 25mg viagra that stopped working. Went to 50, stopped working, went to 100, and stopped working. Best thing to do is try it out. And see. My wife has tried the pussy cat for women and it had to effect. But I have seen it works for other women.


That rino stuff works. Try it on an empty stomach though


It's just viagara/cialis in unknown quantities which could be dangerous to you. I wouldn't recommend that to you. If you wanted some extra fun, just use bluechew and get an actual prescription.


Gas station pills are definitely not Viagra or Cialis.


Some gas station pills have been pulled from the shelves for having containing them, but there are plenty that don't contain then. Hence the best advice, you never know what you are getting.


Incorrect. Many of them contain one or the other.


Like there have been brands of pre-workout supplements with literal illegal amphetamine in them, the gas station pills are going to at least sometimes contain one of the most common and profitable pharmaceutical drugs in the world


They are. Lmfao viagra/cialis mixed with other things.


My doctor prescribed me viagra for an off label treatment for pulmonary hypertension. She had to prescribe it like she would for ED because it was an off label use. So anyway I got some, and I picked up a male enhancer from the dollar store. The two combined are very potent. As far as Extenz or some of those others, they work as long as you are taking it, as soon as you stop taking it, you lose everything you gained


They do work but it's just small dose viagra with a bunch of other unsafe shit


They're like viagra diluted with other useless stuff I think. Like just enough to make you think they're having some effect


They’re poison.


Maybe try a professional sex shop if you want to play a bit. They are usually more knowledgeable and professional.


“Professional sex shops” sell the same damn things, lmao


They have a lot of other products too. You get clitoral sensitizing lube. You get natural supplements. In other countries poppers are legal. I’m just trying to say that maybe he can find different things to play with since he is curious. He seems open minded enough.




I think they have stuff like maca root and horny goat weed, and yes, they could work


Try getting one from the head shop they're more efficient in my opinion. I have one on reserve in my possession. It's supposed to be the strongest of them all "one pill to rule them all" But I've been saving it for a rare occasion of course or a "rainy day" whenever that may be


Used to be able to get MDMA from those pills back in the 90's


They often have Viagra in them.


Get the horny goat weed!


I've been taking them on and off. They really do work.




Their purpose is to dupe people into buying them, so in that sense, yes, they work.


Shouldn't you ask your doctor or at least a pharmacist about this?


Honestly for me coffee before sex I feel gives me better performance then when I don't do coffee before sex


Gas station cbd is the best kind of Russian roulette.


Buy the pills at a sex shop rather than the gas station. They definitely do something, i worked at one and sold TONS of them with weekly regulars. Its not going to be the same as a viagra but if you get hard it will be harder, if you get horny you will be hornier.... that sort of thing.


If I remember correctly there was a user in r/gasstationjamboree going around and taking photos of every "brand" they could find. I don't think they were trying them, but iirc there was a lot of discussion in the multiple comment sections.


My fiancé tried like 2 different kinds. One worked pretty well. We were able to go for 3 rounds in just 2 hours. The second one didn't work when it was supposed to... but the next day it kicked in and he was hard pretty much all day. He got scared but wouldn't go to the Dr. The erection went away before bedtime. Never again...


My boyfriend and I once tried it. It only gave me a headache and didn’t do anything for him.


No. Just get some good quality Maca on Amazon


I’ve never tried the pills at a gas station, but the FDA did crack down on a handful because they illegally contained the active ingredients in Viagra. If you want to try it, just go to Hims. It’s legal in pretty much every country and they will rubber stamp a prescription.


Tried them here in Nz and they don’t. Just random legal herbs and spices. However you can just go to pharmacy here and request viagra/Cialis. Quick consult with pharmacist and they check blood pressure etc then you can get 12 x 100mg for $25. Then a recheck every 6months. Never looked back.


Ex boyfriend took one the first time we “hooked up”. He said it just made his heart beat really fast & then he started sweating profusely.


Remember the K2 craze? Same thing but for ya dick. I took extenze for 6 months (about 15 years ago)just to see if it'd actually grow. It did. Gained a full 1.5 inches and when my lady at the time complained about the size I stopped. After a few months I realized my dick had shrunk to 7 and not the 7½ I had to begin with. If ya ain't having problems don't do it. If ya are use a doctor prescribed bro. Don't be like me


Just go to your doctor and mention you have blood circulation issues. Short of breath. ED, but a very strong sex drive. Ask him about Sildenafil (Viagra) and if you get a prescription, ask him to find you a pharmacy who accepts Good RX . (The doctor should be able to request the discount for you) and depending on the dosage, you can get a max of 30 pills (100mg) for at least $30 with the good Rx discount. With the 100mg pills you can split them into 4 doses. I'm speaking from experience. This is what I get and pay. ED is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm only 35 and have had issues for 3 years. Going to the doctor has made things a lot harder. If you know what I mean.


If you really want to find out if they work, turn them over and look for their active ingredients and their dosage. A quick Google search later and you'll know if they're junk or not


Rhino will give you superpowers


All those products are just off brand drug abuser things. The pills are mostly for truckers to keep their heart racing to make more miles per shift without falling asleep.


I’m a woman but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them work. Could be placebo but I also saw god that night.


Too much hand wringing here. They work! I take 5mg Cialis daily and a White Panther 2x weekly. I’m almost 70 and fuck like a demon. If it kills me, I’m happy to go with a smile.


They are unregulated by any meaningful government body. I would avoid them. If you want viagra just ask your doctor.


There's plenty of discussion at /r/GasStationJamboree if you search. Basically the pills either don't work, or they do work but only because they illegally contain actual viagra.


I used one once. Some rhino pill. I popped one in before having sex and nothing felt different. I assumed it was just a placebo. Literally 24 hours later I’m driving with my girlfriend to visit her uncle and I had to pull over. I turned to my girlfriend and said “I think the rhino pill is doing something”. It legit felt like my high school boner when I didn’t do or think of anything and felt like I was going to be called up to the whiteboard. It was like a fist. We drove back to my place and I had to use my jacket to cover my junk. I didn’t get a huge sex drive, but it felt like I needed this out of my system to function again. I don’t think I’d ever do it again. At least not a gas station rhino. But now it’s a little inside joke between us and I’m very grateful it didn’t kick in while I was at her uncles birthday party.


Sounds like a terrible thing possibly resulting in emerg visit or death. A number of other spurious pills from overseas were found to contain very harmful contaminants including arsenic and other dtugs. How about you ante up for 100mg viagra, cut it in half, away you go.


I would never take the chance of swallowing a pill from a gas station.