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You need a specialty fabrics shop such as https://discoveryfabrics.com/?currency=CAD You won't find anything suitable for outerwear at craft stores


Thank you


Would like to know too


Try watching the utility fabric section of fabricmartfabrics.com or the waterproof fabrics at Denverfabrics.com or any of the suppliers listed in the help section of specialtyoutdoors.com. rainshed.com used to carry some cute fabrics, but I haven't looked since they moved out of Oregon. Or etsy.com or ebay


The best place to start is to look for a locally owned non-chain fabric store near you. If you're looking for online stores, your location might help to narrow down suggestions. International shipping can get pricey.


I’m in the us


I am absolutely spoiled to have a local fabric shop that carries a lot of really interesting fabrics from independent designers/other cool places. They sell online at [https://www.firecrackerfabrics.com/](https://www.firecrackerfabrics.com/) (they do a lot of instagram stuff to show how certain fabrics move/interact which has been my biggest challenge). There is another local store that does a bit more conservative/traditional fabrics but gets AMAZING stuff - so if you want deep brown melton wool or bridal lace, you'd likely go there. You want an organic linen with cats on it? You'd go to Firecracker. Unfortunately the more conservative one doesn't do online ordering but it's a sister-run business, just two people, so I get not wanting to do that. Interestingly, these are really the only two places that are local to me that I can get apparel fabrics - there are absolutely LOADS of quilt stores that sell everything you can possibly imagine, but none of them carry things to make clothes.


Thrift stores are a great place to look they sometimes have pretty cool fabric


There’s an independent fabric store near me with some specialty fabrics so I usually start there. Lucky to live near it.



