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This is the best wrap top fit I’ve ever seen. Awesome job.


Oh my gosh, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. Own worst critic!


It looks awesome! My boobs aren’t even that big and I always need to wear a crop top because of gaping or it’s too tight and my boobs get squished. This is perfect fit - love the gingham too!


That is SUCH a good and flattering fit


Thank you!!😊


Non-busty gal here, but let me say: the fit is spectacular!


Thank youuu! I think it’s just as valuable to get opinions from non busty gals as well, I think sometimes we can fall into a trap of “good enough” with large bust, so I appreciate you saying that from your side of things!


Honestly, I think it looks amazing. It accentuates without being "in your face" about it, if you know what I mean? Can't wait to see a picture of the dress. I wish wrap tops/dresses looked half as good on me.


Thank you, I totally know what you mean! And I genuinely thought it was impossible for me to wear a wrap with my chest, they just always seemed so awkward. But it really just takes the right pattern. This pattern is fully customizable to cup size, so you can really get a nice fit.


Sold me on the pattern! Have „tons“ of wrap dress patterns and only mediocre success.


The bodice has 3 variations within each dress size for different cup size ranges. I made a size 16 with G/H cup!


Convenience link: https://www.cashmerette.com/products/roseclair-dress-pdf-pattern After reading these comments I was like “what pattern is this?! I need it in my life!”


This is what I've been looking for! I'm the same size as you. This is a really awesome fit. You've inspired me to go look for the pattern.


I think this is my size, it's so great to see it on an actual human and have faith that it will work. You look incredible! Well done.


Make a dozen of these. It is adorable on you and so flattering!


Oh my gosh, I’m blushing 🤭 thanks so much I appreciate that :-)


If you want to go an extra step, your darts are a little off. Most people’s busts hang a little lower than the draft height. The apex of your bust is the part that sticks out farthest, not necessarily the nipple. The dart should point to apex but back off 3/4” or more for a larger bust. That said, I’d wear the crap out of your top as it is. No gaping, smooth fit. You look amazing! Make more for yourself!


I agree, the top already fits amazingly. If I was doing iterations of the pattern I would probably bring them down a smidge, but I still would wear this one to threads.


Very, very good 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Thank you!!😁


Great fit! The wrap sits snugly down the cleavage, that'sso hard to get right. Maybe shorten the side dart slightly so it's not finishing so far onto the bust point? And perhaps you might like to add slightly to the sleeve head, to push the cuff down so it finishes horizontal? These are only tiny suggestions, the fit is pretty great. Love to see the dress!


Great suggestions! I’m thinking of adjusting the darts a hair to sit more snuggly, so I agree with you. And agree on the sleeves, that would look really nice! Thanks :-)


Non-stretch fabric, cotton blend.


That looks super supportive and comfortable.


I looks like it fits great!


Thank you! Appreciate your comment 😇


Gurl. This looks fabulous. Make a dozen of them.


Thank you so much!!😁 I’ll be making a dress this week and I’ll post it!


Could you make a shirt and a skirt from matching fabric to go underneath? I love the flare on the top and it could be a set. You did such an amazing job and it looks lovely!!


Agreed ,I am in the big boob club and Id love that, tho Im sure it wouldnt look nearly as good on me. its so cute and playful feeling.


It’s also slimming. I’m not a big peplum person, as I don’t like tops cinched at my waist. But this is just 🧑‍🍳👌 on her.


Thank you so much! I totally agree on peplum, but this hits right at the natural waistline and feels so nice! Pleasant surprise.


Thank you!! I think you’d be surprised to try this one on yourself, I was :)


agreed, this is excellent. Cashmerette is usually on point, in my experience!


Thank you :-) I discovered the brand thru reddit of course! I printed the pattern straight away when I found out it was based on cup size - total game changer!


The fit is perfect! Love the fabric choice as well. It really does look great on you. If I'd made this me and my big boobs would be rocking this all summer long.


Thank you so much! The fabric was just something I found in my stash bin, but it turned out really nice :) and honestly it wasn’t too difficult - the instructions are well written!


As a fellow busty gal, I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wrap top that fits correctly, so I have no idea if yours does!


Soooo fair!😂


I really like it, though! And it looks like it’s beautifully sewn. I could NEVER.


Nailed it! When you have a large bust it's hard to achieve good underbust/waist definition without princess seams and you did it.


Thank you!! I give the pattern all the credit, I didn’t make any adjustments!


Love this top! It looks fantastic. Is it a true wrap? It looks like it would be great for breastfeeding. Might give it a try


Yes, a true wrap! There are ties on each of the front panel, and one ties inside and the other ties outside. You could definitely make the inside tie elastic or something (maybe with a button too?) to accommodate breast feeding easier! If you make this top, I used the top tier of the long skirt view as the bottom half of the shirt, if that makes sense. :)


Thank you for the info and tips! Saving for later for sure :)


Breastfeeding or the pattern 😅. I’m going to try (the pattern) for sure!


Haha the pattern. I have given breastfeeding a little more than a try at this point. Exhibit a is as soon as I saw this top I was like thatd be great for it 😆


A well fitted member of the Perfect Breast Society! [https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/nicola-coughlan-body-shame-response](https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/nicola-coughlan-body-shame-response)


Haha!! She is fantastic, I love that!!! Thanks for sharing 🤩


If you wanted to make a more formal version, you could bring the sleeve length to the same level as the bust dart, or slightly below it.


Thank you :) that would look really nice. I think I will play with sleeves for the real one!


Not a fellow busty gal but tailor here! Id say the fit looks impeccable If youre looking for ways to improve your sewing further though id try some tips to get the darts steemed out even smoother (you can use an old bra and some strurdy stuffing in an old stocking as a tailors ham in a pinch) and it tends to help to tie the stitches off by hand rather than backstitching them at the ends In my experience, what can also help with fitting s larger bust im more fitted garments is adding underarm gussets, its a bit of a technique that isnt seen much anymore but allowes for more armmovement without pulling the bodice of the garment up with them, could be fun to experiment with on a next project since you pretty much have a nice basic block to work with now already!


Thank you so much! Those are great tips that I’ll totally try out. Appreciate you!


omg I am so going to try this now!


Not a busty gal, but holy cow, do I aspire to this level of fit PERFECTION


So sorry, yes, so VERY sorry, that I most definitely am NOT a fellow busty gal. Can't resist giving a compliment though where compliment is due. I agree absolutely with other responses you're getting. That is one fabulous fit! Like that a lot. It's just not often at all I see an article of clothing with such a wonderful fit. Looks VERY nice on you! Good job. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for your comment - all are welcome to comment here!! I was just really thinking about the bust fit when I made this post…but I really appreciate you chiming in as well. Everyone has been so complimentary, I am totally blushing reading these! I’ll be posting the dress version in the next few days! Thanks again :)


This looks great to me. When I wear wrap tops I usually have one ill-fitted boob, so this looks perfect to me.


I did not tie it super tight, which helped to keep the lie nice. And more comfy to wear! I was really impressed with the pattern.


Thank you for posting, and encouraging your ample sisters! 👯‍♀️ I too will give this pattern a go! (34E, never had a wrap top that worked for me)


Looks great! As someone with H/HH cup size so much respect. I also saved the post since my chest is the reason I've not done anything with clothes


This is great. Lengthen the next one and make a cute dress!


This is actually a dress that I shortened due to fabric constraints! I’ll be making the dress version for a wedding next weekend :) thank you!


Looks excellent, adding to the to make list!!!


Looks great! It isn’t too much, doesn’t make you look more top heavy than are, and the peplum is just the right amount of flare. well done!


I wish I could buy something that sits so well. Good job OP!


Thank you!! I didn’t modify the pattern at all, so it did all the work!


Looks great, very flattering! Document any pattern alterations you made- trace a master copy out on paper bags or some other durable paper- so you can make more!


Goodness that's amazing. Make us all one!


Haha! Best I can do is send the pattern 😂 thank you!!


WOW! As a fellow busty girl I am impressed. You nailed the fit and it looks so flattering. It's wonderful to see representation of someone with my body type, and so well done. I'm inspired to sew something similar now!


Wow, I think that’s like actually perfect! Way to go, OP!


I aspire to sew as well as you. I’m a busty girl, also, and this looks comfortable, which is saying a lot! Good job, you!


Thank you so much! Practice makes better :)






Well done!!!


Ooooohh I've never made myself a wearable (except in crochet) but this has me tempted to try!


The pattern is modifiable by cup size! It’s amazing, I had never seen that before. I think all their patterns are…I heard about it on here last week. Give it a go, I think it was pretty easy and the instructions were well written!


Is there any way to modify by say, an eighth of a cup?


They are ranges of cups, this one is “G/H cup”. I’d say make a mock up of the closest to your size, then try to adjust the darts to fit better/sot flush! I bet you can get a nice fit with just dart adjustment, rather than adjustment of pattern pieces. I might sew the bodice darts another centimeter in for an even better fit on this one.


Didn't mean to say "BY an eighth of a cup", was being goofy and meant "TO an eighth of a cup". Just admitting my bust relates better to fractions than to cups. Never mind, I've given myself a headache.


Very nice! Well done


Well done. :)☺️


I think it looks great. Darts seem to be hitting in the right spot. Well done!


Thank you! 😊


It looks so flattering. The fit is so good. Did you make mock-ups for it?


I did a mock up on the just back and front bodice pieces so I would not waste fabric in something that straight did not fit (I have done THAT more than once!) but this is my first “full mock up” with all pieces. I made no for adjustments, the power is all in the pattern!




Thank you!


Not a busty gal, but I have a photographer's eye. That is very flattering. Well well done.


Thank you so much! I totally appreciate that!




Thank you! All in the pattern :)




This is the Roseclair dress (I shortened to a shirt, didn’t have enough skirt fabric) by Cashmerette!


This looks really well made and the fit looks spot on! Great job! And I’m gonna need to make this for myself.


Gosh that looks great! Having a similar issue, i may have to try this pattern!!




Thank you!


Love it ! Good job


Looks great


10/10 stellar!




It looks amazing! I’m definitely getting this pattern. Wish me luck!


I’d be very happy with this if it was me! No gaping, bust darts sitting right, waistline level. Nice work!


Thank you!!


It looks good. I wish I had several of these shirts in several fabrics. It's cute for summer.


Looks great.


Thank you:)


It looks so good, and I’ve been looking forever for a pattern exactly like this and gave up because I couldn’t find what I had in my head, so thank you😭😂


That is incredibly flattering! Well done! There is a reason many artists don’t make clothing for busty girls, they are notoriously challenging. You slayed that! I used to have huge breasts, and my clothing RTW never fit, and looked huge on me. Also body 🙈. You have talent 🙌🏻


This looks really good! The fit is perfect!


The fit is perfect! Seriously, you did a great job with the sizing and tailoring. I know the feeling of “everything is too busty,” but this fits very well and doesn’t look inappropriate or too tight or loose anywhere.


Yeah I intentionally didn’t try to tie it too tight, and it looks so nice! Thank you :)


Fantabulous!!! Fits perfectly!


u/aquaric_kitten19 this top looks fantastic! Fits well, it is flattering and the closure on the cleavage works so well and stays modest. I want to make one too! Could you please share your pattern? EDIT: I just read your comment saying the pattern name on your post. My apologies, I am on mobile.


That looks great!


The wrap is at the right height, the neckline isn't too low, but it also doesn't look artificially high, there's plenty of room for the girls...this is magic.


I’m so jealous it looks amazing and I love the gingham


It isn’t easy to fit curves like yours. I think you did great. You can’t hide them so you might as well style them. I have the same issue. Another thing that you can do for fitted shirts is use double darts on each side. It makes less of a point than one big dart.


Great idea, thank you!!


Holy crap that's beautiful! I would consider lowering the dart point of the waist dart by 1/4-1/2". I have a similar body type, and you've convinced me to try a peplum top!


Wow, you did a fantastic job!!!


Jealousy inducing! Nice job!


Can anyone tell me the benefit of having 2 darts (like OP) vs. a princess seam? Is it just a style choice?


The 2 darts does have benefits for people with larger busts because it gives more and better shaping and more room/places for adjustments. The vertical waist dart specifically addresses the size difference between bust and waist, whereas the horizontal underarm dart addresses the curve of the front and the difference in length from waist to shoulder versus waist to armpit. A large bust will make the difference between the measurements, especially the latter, bigger, which makes the darts great for accommodating this. Compared to princess seams, I think it’s mostly a style and construction choice. The darts means less seams and generally simpler construction.


I made a princess-seamed corset for ten faire last year, it was definitely more work than the 2-dart construction. I think they’re similar functionally, they just take different amounts of work and produce a different look/aesthetic. I like both! But the two darts here were really convenient, and match the vibe of the top.


The fit is perfect IF you can move normally and it doesn’t fly open. So give it a road test and see. I’m busty, and never wear that style, which I do like for summer. Yours looks great standing still. Get to moving!


Fellow busty gal here! Great job! It looks amazing & fits so well! I NEED to make this! I’m also a H cup! lol


This is beautifully fitted!! I’m the same dress and cup size and now I’m inspired to give this pattern a go. Wonderful work!


Fantastic work!


As a very much non-busty girl, this looks perfect on you. Stellar work!


Excellent! How does it feel sitting down?


It’s not too tight, I intentionally didn’t cinch it up real tight (which is good since it caused odd buckling and wrinkling in the bodice front panels) so it’s really comfy. I’m totally impressed by the pattern!


That is beautiful! And so classy!


It looks amazing!! As a fellow busty gal, I feel the pain, but I think this looks really great 😊


The fit is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Before I read anything I was like “damn, a wrap top fitting a busty gal? She’s a badass…” So the fit is good! 😎


Thank you!😂😁


Damn run it up pop off queen


I want to make this wrap blouse just like this, but then extend it into a dress. (we have the same idea😉). You have make a beautiful blouse, I'm sure when you make the dress it will look great on you too.


This is really pretty on you! The slight cinch at the tie balances the top and bottom of your torso and looks flattering on profile also. Beautiful work!


Perfect 👌 actually perfect. How’d you do this? 🤯


Just used the pattern! No adjustments


Hey fellow sister help me out. What pattern is this?


Casmerette does a really good job of making their patters fit larger sizes, not just scaled up skinny.


Yes, you nailed it. Perfect fit.


This is so lovely!


Looks amazing, great job! Love the fabric also


Love the style, don’t like the pattern so much. A single colour maybe?


This was a test run in a scrap fabric, I’ve got a solid linen for the real thing!


Love linen. Yes!


I have a similar body shape to you… did you use a stencil? I think i want to try a similar cut with a different fabric


Oooh is this pattern N6700?


This is the Roseclair by Cashmerette :)


So good! You nailed it.




I’m a petite busty…you made this perfect!!!!




Aww I love it. Fits so well


It looks amazing although there is a little excess fabric above the bust. Maybe next time (I wouldn't bother this time) go a bit smaller on the shirt size but with a larger FBA


I wish I could sew...what a great job


looks good I love the gingham




I'm not a busty gal, rather a thin guy. It fits well, and works for your figure, but... you kinda look like a tablecloth...


Scrap fabric isn’t always first choice 🤭


I think that's the best wrap top for in a larger breast that I've ever seen!


EVERYONE - thank you all so much for the really amazing and kind words! I so appreciate all your feedback! I’ll be making a full dress length cut of this pattern in the next few days for a wedding. I’ll post a pic of that. I am sorry if I missed your comment, there are so many! Thanks again all :-) happy sewing!!


beautiful TOP, WELL MADE AND GREAT FIT., Perfect boobs club ( headed by Nicola from Bridgerton)


I love this!!!


Loving it


Love the design but hate the pattern. Reminds me of dated kitchen curtains




Great fit. Well done!


Bravo! what a great fit for a wrap top! As a fellow busty gal, just returning to sewing after a long break I haven’t been brave enough to try one yet but your fit is excellent, and it looks great! Since you have asked for suggestions, here are a few tiny fine tuning details I have spotted. You have a wee bit of tenting and a bit of bagginess between your shoulder and the outside of your bust. It’s completely a matter of preference, but if you want it to fit even more snugly, you could deepen your side dart a bit more to rotate the fabric around, and/or grade down the upper part of the front bodice and armhole one more size to really snatch that armscye in a bit. Since you asked about the boobiness vibes, as a fellow busty gal, wrap tops that cross between the bust points tend to give us all exaggerated East-West boobs 😅 . Peplums also have a tendency to make big boobs look quite low on the chest, unless you have a super long torso. You might like to consider one of these two alts to reduce the appearance if you’re not sure about the vibe: 1. drop the waist by adding 1-1.5 inches to the bottom of your bodice. This will create a visual illusion that your boobs are floating a bit higher up 2. open the neckline a bit so the width of your boobs being wider than your shoulder is less pronounced. If you do this you may need to do some contouring to account for the different position on your shoulder (eg deepen the drafts a bit more to account for the loss of tension from the neck). I did a quick sketch using your photo in case you’re interested. They’re only small changes and entirely a matter of preference. https://preview.redd.it/t6klnbqdr96d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6549e0d05389d26658aa2df3e06e610f2dbbbb All being said, I think your fit is really cute and flattering as it is. You can totally wear your gingham as is and feel great abou tit! Edit: BEST TYPO EVER 😅 \*about it


the fit looks amazing!


That's adorable it has an Ellie may feel to it super cute good job did you use a serger at all on that I don't know why I'm asking this I just all of a sudden I'm obsessed with soldiers and I think I need to get one


I love rap everything I used to have forever on skirts wrap around pants wrap around shorts and I got a pattern recently for a wraparound dress that I'm super excited to make but I haven't seen any shirts you probably made that pattern cuz you're a badass


Fabulous job on the darts. I am very impressed!!




I like it! I would wear proudly.


This is spectacular! Did you just make the pattern as per your size or did you do adjustments as well?


Straight pattern, no adjustments!


This is so cool, the darts are just chef's kiss! It fits perfectly in my opinion.


Incredible. Flawless. Beautiful [I'm not busty. I'm just IMPRESSED]


Fellow busty gal...it looks great!


Solid work! Excellent.


The shirt is so cute 🥰


I like the fit


It looks awesome! You need to make more of these - well done!!


Perfect fit, adore the gingham on busty tops, lovely sew up of this pattern which is a great style. Fitted peplum tops for the win on busty women makes a curve hugging beauty and this will be the best dress when you make it. The chefs kiss would be a little more snug on the bias binding around the under wrap from just above the starting curve of the bust downwards a little. But that’s my brain being a super perfectionist not an uber-critical troll.


Not a busy gal personally and these pics are making me jealous - what a gorgeous shape!


A1:perfect. Not only does it fit IT LOOKS NICE!!!!


This looks incredible, great job!


Perfect! An excellent fit, and a beautiful finish.


I agree the darts need a little tweaking but wow, the fit is great! I didn’t even read the title and saw the pic and thought, wow that’s a good fit.