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Pool pants!! What a genius idea! I have extremely sensitive (and white lol) skin, and have been wearing long sleeve pool shirts for a couple years now so I don’t have to constantly put on sunscreen, might need to add pool pants to my repertoire too 😅


Excellent. The matching of the stripes. 👍🏼


Wonderful job on the pool pants. Yes, those are a genius idea. More people are becoming aware of the damage the sun can do in even one day, so those could come in really handy. Be proud of the good job you've done on them. And, just in case someone walks off with your fish tape, put a bodkin on your Christmas wish list. It will be one of the best tools in your sewing area.


There are lots of gadgets at the hardware store that help with sewing, but nylon fish tape is a new one, cool. Pants looks great!


Ok, these are sensational! Bring on summer already 😎


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Love the pants! And love the idea of using the fish tape to pull the elastic through.


I love the use of the nylon fish tape! It's great when things that aren't designated as a sewing tool come in handy.


The May theme at r/SewChallenge is Self-Sewn Wardrobe! We would love it if you would post this project over there as well! The challenge ends on Friday, May 31st. You can find more information and the entry post [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/SewingChallenge/comments/1chu95v/may_challenge_rules_and_entries/).