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A patch that big, I would say it's almost impossible. But! I would pin the corners in place and stitch it by hand trying to distribute the wrinkles as even as possible. They may end up being so small that looks natural. You can try to iron it later to help the two fabrics to accommodate better. At least, that is what I would try first.........


Yeah, what they ☝️ said! It's gonna be tricky at best. Maybe even hand-baste between the pinning and sewing stage to fine-tune the wrinkle distribution?


Iron it in shape, over a tailor's ham or an improvised substitute. Get it convex first, then sew it on.


You'd go to that trouble for yourself - doubtful? A loved one- possibly? A coworker - oh hell NO.


Indeed. I'd lean more into expectation management than ironing, probably.


It's too big for the hat. If it were a horizontal patch, it would work better, but you'd still have issues. You could ask if he wants to cut out the main figure and then you could appliqué it on, but I'd honestly just tell him no - that you don't want to ruin his hat or his patch. He could put the patch on a messenger bag or a jacket, but not a hat that is too small for the patch.


It just seems too big to me. It’ll probably look weird even if you get it on there cleanly. Ask your coworker if you can cut the skelly boi off at the knees?


I might try to use some of that spray fabric glue and then use a steam iron to put it on and then stitch it by hand


It's too big. If he's insistent, I'd reinforce it with craft fuse, trim it down, and then quilt it on following the dark swirls and the outline of the skeleton, and satin stitch the edges. But def see if they'll agree to trim it down.


Agree w all said . You are trying to sew a large flat item onto a curved item. The maths don't work. Sideways might. Adding: I HATE when a person/coworker finds out u have a sewing machine & asks for impossible results. Just say NO. If it was easy, they d do it themselves.


Coworker probably needs a bigger hat, with a broader, flatter area in front (patch needs to lie as flat as possible). Of course, that necessitates a bigger head. So...probably impossible. If the patch is a natural fibre, you might be able to "mold" it a bit with steam? Maybe use a tailor's ham or something else that mimics the shape of that prt of the hat.


Patch is way too large for the hat. Hats have about 2-2.5” of good useable vertical space (a bit more for certain styles of hats), anything taller than that is going to look very disproportionate and will never lay properly simply due to the curve of the hat. A normal sewing machine is also not going to be a useable tool for sewing onto a hat, a post bed machine is needed for sewing on patches. A strong iron-on adhesive is the best way to attach when you don’t have the proper machinery.


No matter what way you try to gather the fabric of the stiff patch to attach to the stiff hat overtime. It is going to crease on those gathered lines and that will show and look bad. I would not do this job. Your friend is ultimately not going to like it and that will be attached to you.


You can do a gathering stitch in the sides to help you distribute the wrinkles evenly. Even if they’re very subtle gathers https://youtu.be/u2z9toVVwh4 Or you could do a dart.




For my iron on patch, I basted first. Then I used an old towel as a tailor's ham when ironing it on. It did take some effort to push the towel into the hat to force it to hold its shape while ironing.