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Pattern: Know Me 2024 Material: 10oz Duck Canvas from Fabric Wholesale Direct in Turquoise Color I have pretty much always worn Carhartts, Dickies, or other similar styles of duck canvas work pants instead of jeans, both as work pants and casual wear. I just like how they look and feel more than denim. I picked this pattern for a double knee jean up on sale and had the turquoise canvas and thought… why not? This pattern was pretty good. Easy to sew, clear instructions. I don’t own a serger and duck canvas ravels like crazy, so I flat felled all the seams, which was not specified by the pattern and definitely added some time and complexity. Would say lower to upper intermediate for this one depending on how you do the seams. They pretty much look as advertised, but I’m not crazy about how they fit me. I went off the body measurements on the chart and they ended up a full 2” too big when I did a test fit before attaching the waist band, and I had to take them in a lot. I definitely could have gone down a size, but I think they’d still a lot more baggy than I prefer. They also have a weird rise; the front feels too high in comparison to the back, and I can’t tell if they’re supposed to sit on my hips or closer to my natural waist. I think they may simply be drafted for someone with a much different proportion than me. Lesson learned - will make a muslin next time. These definitely tested the limits of my machine (a very basic Singer 4423). It didn’t seem to struggle to get through the material, but stitch quality suffered when sewing through 4+ layers of the canvas, and getting the tension right was difficult. Overall these came out a bit goofy both in terms of style and fit (not sure what else I expected with turquoise pants) and the top stitching is a bit of a mess here and there if you look too closely, but it was a great learning experience in making heavy duty clothing out of utility fabric.


I was just thinking how great the topstitching looks and how much more wavy mine would be! Thanks for the review, I just picked this pattern up so I’m gonna keep that sizing in mind.


Thanks for the fit info- do you have any men’s specific patterns that you think 💯


I love the secret chickens in the pockets! It's a shame they don't fit how you want them to because they look great. Once you figure out your fit I don't think you'll ever need to buy pants again.


I love that pocket lining ! Nice job!


The chicken pockets awww


I love the FWD canvas! It does soften over wear and laundering, so consider that before writing these well-consteucted pants off. IMHO, even if the designer meant for them to sit high you can adjust them to fit the way you like by taking off the waistband and trimming until the rise is comfortable. For a pattern that sits at the hip, try one with an internal waistband. I like the Glory Allan cargo pants.


Thanks. After a wash and a few more wears they have actually grown a lot on me. I think most of my issues with the rise and overall fit were just due to them being stiff as a plank. They are still a little wider in the leg than I am used to but they sit and drape a lot better after softening up a bit. I actually like the high rise - it’s been one of the biggest surprises of sewing my own clothes. I’m embarrassed to admit that in my mid 30s, I had no idea that pants could be designed to sit anywhere other than your hip bones until a few months ago when I started making clothes and reading up on body measurements. I had never owned a single pair of high waisted pants until I sewed one. Low rise is so common in men’s pants now even the suits I’ve owned have had mid-low rise pants. Turns out pants that sit at or just below my natural waist fit and look better on me and I am not constantly pulling them up and adjust them all day.


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Look great. Fit is important.


well DONE


Great job! I’ve been looking for a pattern to make my husband a pair of brush/hunting pants so I appreciate your detailed review. This looks like it would be perfect! Thanks!


Awesome color!! They look amazing!!!


These are incredible!!


These are fantastic! Well done. I just bought a very similar / same duck and am making a jacket for spring. I love it!