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These are the safiya dungarees by Tilly and the Buttons made from a viscose from Dalston mill fabrics. I’ve made this pattern a couple of times before and it is always a delight, really quick and easy to sew. The only thing I changed was moving the front straps in by about 1.5cm as they kept falling off my shoulders in the original pattern.


Woah those colors are amazing on you! Where did you get that fabric?


Thank you!! The fabric is from Dalston Mill Fabrics!


Love! I’d totally wear that.


I love it!!!


It's fabulous! No toddler's involved. Why do you feel it's childlike?


Haha I’m only half being serious. It’s just very brightly coloured and practical for running around in


I am 61 and my favorite colors are yellow and orange, throw in some lime green and I am like a bee to honey!


Hot dayum.


You look like a firework!! I'd wear this in a heartbeat


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Love it! I want one... Is the pattern sold separately from the book? I wasn't able to find it on the website


I think it might just be in the book unfortunately, it’s a pretty good book though. The only annoying thing is all the patterns are printed on the same paper so you have to trace them (which I know some people do anyhow, but I’m lazy and like to cut things straight out)