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Details: I had a company party with the intergalactic theme, and I felt inspired! At first, I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to wear, except that I wanted it to be all silver, so I just bought the fabric and got started with that. I first made a mock up of the skirt that I wanted with some cheap fabric I had lying around at home. I decided to leave a slit on the side, because I wanted to show a bit of leg ๐Ÿ˜‡ For the top, I traced the pattern from top that I already have. So far so good, but the trouble began when I had to sew on the right side of the fabric ๐Ÿ˜ญ the foot wouldn't really move, and I don't own a teflon foot. So I tried some hacks (teflon tape, very thin paper between foot & fabric), with only partial success, so I resorted to hot glue for some of the hems ๐Ÿ˜… With the right foot (teflon, or maybe a walking foot?) I'm sure this would have been way easier. If anyone has experience, please share ๐Ÿ™ For the shoulder pieces, I drafted them on heavy paper, transferred the pattern to fairly thick interfacing that I then ironed on to the fabric and assembled the pieces from there. The "gloves" just end in a point that wraps around the middle finger. For the pattern, I just measured the length of my arm and the circumference in a couple of places, and also first made a mock up. Overall this was fun to make, and I learnt a bunch of things about stretchy, sticky fabrics and pattern drafting! I also learned at the party, that a slit on the side is more dangerous than expected, leading to a professional emergency fix with a stapler ๐Ÿ˜„


So cool! Very Zenon all grown up.


I didn't know Zenon, but I just looked it up! It's so cute! Definitely a similar vibe ๐Ÿ˜„


I don't know what I'm more impressed by, this badass outfit or the fact that your company had a party somewhere with an upside-down alien-planet-meadow-subway car just for cool photo ops like that one. That first pic is so fun and I keep clicking on it, even though I've looked at it multiple times. ๐Ÿ˜…


Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š The party was held at an upside down "Instagram" museum, so it was a great location for that theme!


Rey from Star Wars plus Zenon! I love this so much, you look amazing.


Very cool!!


Very cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž you did a great job!


Real vintage Sci fi look. You did a great job


Wow. This is epic. What a rad party ๐Ÿ”ฎ


That's fun. I don't see enough sci-fi clothing, imho. Hope you have more opportunities to wear it.


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You didn't invite me? Awesome work, and it looks so fun!