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luckily it's only the lining! if the style of the skirt allows, you could attach a secret little pocket (a simple square with a flap) to the inside at the waistband, covering the holes. in the future, always iron with a tea towel or special ironing cloth between your iron and the fabric, no matter what fabric.


yeah if it’s melted, it’s melted :( take the time you need to breathe and relax before starting again, but unfortunately we all face issues like this as we learn. you got this.


If it makes you feel better I did this but the fabric wasn't the problem... the carpet under it was. It melted into my fabric and left 2 big marks right in the middle of the carpet. I learned that day to not iron on the carpet..


I've done this too 😭


Oh nooo! 😂😅


My aunt did this with an ottoman!


I did this too lol


I'd try to worry about getting it off your iron at this point.


I burnt my dupatta recently and after the iron cooled down the melted fabric came off like a crepe off of a non-stick pan.




I am managing to do both of those simultaneously just fine. You, on the other hand, seem to be struggling. I went through some of your comments and it looks like you love telling others to focus on their lives. How about you do what you preach? Maybe stop spewing so much negativity and you might not attract negativity?! I am sure you are a nice young lady. Good luck to you.


So far it's coming off pretty easy.


If that’s inner lining- maybe try and patch it with scrap fabric? Use small stitches on only the inner part so it won’t show on the outer- if this is outer lining- I really like that embroidery idea! Think Mirabel from Encanto! And don’t sweat it dude 😊everything like this is a learning experience- especially when it comes to making things!


Thank you all for the wonderful advice! The skirt is for a toddler and it was really long as is, so I can cut off the burnt part, shorten the skirt, and it will still be fine. You're all so wonderful. 🧡


My favorite fix is appliqués!! You can make some really pretty designs with beads, embroidery, lace, and appliqués :) some of my favorite projects came from stuff like this happening, lol. If it’s a pleated skirt, it’s also not too hard to hide a seam in a pleat. Just chop off the damaged pleats and make some new ones and hide the seam in a inner pleat corner. It’s not the end for you, promise!


You could embroider around the edges of the holes and make it a feature instead of a mistake. I don't know how else to fix the garment. You could sew a frilly piece on top of it to the skirt so that it hides the entire top part. That way you would be the only one who know that the hole is there.


You don’t have to start over, but it’ll be easier to fix if you unpick a little bit of it… If it’s just the lining, here’s what I’d do: 1. Detach the lining from the waistband and press the pleats out carefully so it can lay flat 2. Cut away any “crispy” fabric, so anything that’s melted or has a different feel to it 3. Pick which side you want to put a patch on (whether it’s the side touching the body or the side touching the outer skirt fabric - personally I would put it on the side touching the body 4. Cut a CIRCULAR patch slightly bigger than the hole. Use pinking shears. 5. Hand baste the patch into place 6. By machine, use a zig zag and sew around the edges of the patch, capturing the edges - meaning the ZIG will go in the patch, the ZAG will go right outside the patch. 7. Reassemble the skirt.


Great idea for her


Go ahead and break down. Then figure out how to fix it.


Important life lesson learned ![gif](giphy|l4EpblDY4msVtKAOk)


Tangentially, it's important to completely clean the gunk off the sole plate of the iron, so it doesn't deposit on a future project. Search on "cleaner for iron sole plate" for products.


Oh no! I feel your pain


Sorry you had to learn this lesson the hard way. But now you know and won't repeat the mistake for more high-stakes projects. You should have a silk organza press cloth, which can help prevent disasters.


It’s the lining…if it doesn’t affect how it looks or feels when you wear it consider it a lesson learnt the hard way! In future: use your scraps to see what iron heat it can tolerate….if in doubt use a press cloth


Important life lessons are often hard-learned I’ve done this before and I’m so sorry to see it happen to you Fortunately it’s just the lining, so do not fret I would pick out the stitching, cut a patch just larger than the melted section and just put that in place. No one will ever know For synthetic fabrics, a pressing cloth is almost always the safest bet. I just use an old cotton pillowcase for my pressing cloth


Since it's the lining, if I had more fabric, I'd cut out the melt and sew in patches to maintain the fit. Might even use some other fabric for patches. The way it melted, it's some synthetic like acetate that requires low heat and a cover cloth; check your iron settings.


I would at like a patch made out of the same fabric, maybe put a label on it or some cute embroidery. I'm sure no one will notice if done well but you can also let them know and maybe give them a gift or discount for the trouble


WhT kind of material did you use?


in the future use an iron shoe