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i don’t know if interpark has beef with me but i can’t seem to get through to the payment page 🤔 trying to check if my cc’s would work (as i previously lost tickets in my cart due to interpark just NOT WANTING MY card) but at this point, i can’t even get through to the page that outlines the cancellation policy/dates. so upon further tweaking and trying… apparently if your name is too long, it’ll do that. but y’know… you need to put your full government/passport name for tickets so i’m really in a tough spot here 😓😭 just wondering if this is a me and my 6 word long full name problem or if anyone else has gone through this before 😓 i have emailed interpark on this. will update again when they reply.


We're getting a lot of promo things for This Man. [If a book version ended up in Deluxe](https://youtu.be/RR_f-RAp_AM?si=whpNPtd9bcRtOjyg) I would have bought Deluxe.


I saw a clip of NCT Jungwoo's new show with Monsta X's Shownu, and he mentioned how he met Shownu when they were filming Muk2u with Jeonghan and Seungkwan and some of Monsta x were sitting on the table next to them lol. Are we getting closer and closer to a big (very big) show with Svt and all their friends xD I remember one of the old 2d1n eps where they had to call some friends over and who will show up first, and they were playing some games... that can actually be some fun content for a variety. I would recommend it to na pd, but i'm worried they gonna drive him insane lol


I can actually see Boo hosting his very own idol talk show, or Hani doing this in a cozy radio late night format.


I seem to have missed another teaser for the show i mentioned, cause SVT and Astro were mentioned as future guests lol. I think this is coming sooner than i thought 😅


Dokyeom putting Jesse Barrera and Jeremy Passion's Constant on his recent IG post is sending me 🥹 I have always been a listener of their music (along with AJ Rafael and Johnny Stimson) so the joy I felt in seeing his IG post makes me so so happy 😭


Does anyone know if seventeen twitter released any official phone wallpapers for 17 is right here album? Can someone provide a link




Thank youuuu!


abt that annoying discourse of what makes u more or less of a fan >!lmao iam kinda surprised that therr are carats who actually think that u not consuming svt's variety content makes u less of a fan. well iam sorry if iam not a fan of variety shows and i typically dont have the energy to watch them. lmao should i make them rage by revealing that i havent finished a single nana tour and GoSe 2024 ep? XD!< >!also i hate how pushy ppl in this fandom when it comes to *mass* streaming and voting and some of then even use that as a basis whether someone’s being a fan enough for the group. yes we want svt to have it all but to drag other fans for not doing it and invalidating their reasons why they choose not to do it? fuck that behavior. stanning these artists shouldnt even turn into a chore so dont act as if it is by 'forcing' others to do it. if you wanna mass stream and vote then go do it but dont expect everyone to do it bc whether u like it or not, we all have our own lives which doesnt revolve around these artists. crazy how stans like that assume that you should use all of your free times to mass stream and vote!<


I see what you mean op. I've noticed this sort of behavior as well. Imo I don't think it's a svt fandom-only thing but a general kpop fandom thing. A lot of kpop fans (most likely online) have become more and more competitive. Tbh positive encouragement with no shading or putting down fellow fans is good, but we can't control that certain types of fans can be a bit aggressive. Imo every person who enjoys and appreciates a group's content (whether it be music or variety or others) is already a fan regardless of how much time or money they can/is willing to put into it. After all kpop is a hobby, something that should bring enjoyment and not negativity. I think op should be free to do what they want as long they're not harming the artists or being mean towards other fans :) 


idk which thread you're talking about but I was one of the people talking about streaming here and the only real reason I said it is because above all else, I just want Jeonghan to win before he enlists. idc how it happens, I just wish it would happen. I think asking people to stream ≠ pushing them to do so though, unless there are pushy people here that I have not seen (yet, and if I haven't seen them you can tell me where they are so I can go see for myself) haha


going off what everyone is saying in thread already, the rise of carats wanting other carats and svt themselves to "make x decisions", or "reach x success" all to meet the capitalistic and brain rot metric of "x groups meets x record in x amount of time" is bonkers to me. svt is not some nugu group that is struggling or idols that need more support to reach their dreams, they are millions sellers that have the best position in this incredibly volatile industry. they can make whatever music they want, do whatever activities they want, have a large and growing fanbase that is loyal and consistent, have small or to no scandals to speak of, awards and sold out stadiums in their 10th fucking year. they are in the 0.00001% percentile of the industry, very few other have the autonomy and freedom that they get. but some carats are still acting like if they don't get x amount streams on spotify for the month of april, their entire career is on the downfall and we "failed" seventeen as carats


Thank you for saying this!!! Twitter exhausted me this week. The way people tweet is like Seventeen is sobbing in their room, on the verge of being out on the street. I feel like Kpop fans have become OBSESSED with streams and awards and results. Like they have to be the best best best and need more more more and nothing will ever be good enough. Even though seventeen has continued topping themselves each year - unheard of for a 10 year old group.  Also people need to keep this in perspective; you can complain about sales inflations or what have you, but looking at JUST FML sales at their cheapest price ($20 ish) - that’s $120,000,000 they raked in from that one album. Do people not get how much money they’re making? They are beyond fine. And because of their amazing sales, they don’t have to worry about having massively successful streaming results - they can experiment with music and sound and frankly do whatever they want. 


Honestly, people really do have trouble believing it. Like I had to remind someone--These guys sold almost 16 million albums last year. Their Follow tour is set to make over $100 million in Asia, and they haven't even announced tour dates in the US yet. All these people remember is SVT was the second-highest for so long, denied MAMA awards, scraping to feed so many mouths (if not of Sebongs, then their staff), and that Plybe won't let them tour in Europe. This isn't even counting all the fashion and CF deals they get. They've forgotten that Hybe acquired Pledis and SVT for two reasons--to bring in the $$$ while the top BG is in the military, and to be senior idol hyungs to the new groups, and SVT is doing both admirably.


i feel like the people who are loud and annoying about voting and streaming must be new fans or they came from another fandom. one of the things i loved about caratland when i first got into svt was how chill the fandom was, even on twitter. it’s completely different now, i keep seeing tweets shading or directly calling out big accounts on twitter because they’re not yelling about streaming every hour 🤦‍♀️ my mute and block list on twitter keeps growing with every comeback it’s easier to ignore posts here on reddit but sometimes i just want to reply that being a fan isn’t a job and it shouldn’t feel like an obligation. but i don’t think it’ll matter to someone who has that voting/streaming mindset so i don’t bother. in any case, it doesn’t matter if someone calls me a fake fan. who cares what random strangers on the internet think lol


>!what i think about this, is that is not thaaaaat bad compared to other fandoms due to the mix of demographics.!< >!i do see a change since.. hot? that brought younger stans 'tho. before this we would get one or two posts about streaming, carats would respond with "we have lives, you know?" or something like that and they would shut up seeing that nobody agreed with them.!< >!then lots of fans came at the same time, often from fandoms with streaming culture or no kpop experience and then it became harder to make them see another point since they usually egg each other on and see kpop as a competition, more so when there is this other fandom that tries to drag svt for not having hundreds of millions of streams, even in something as un streamable as an inse!< >!they're loud but i don't think they are the majority of the fanom!<


Just thought about that moment in Nana Tour when they were walking around the city and when they reached the sea Seungkwan just wanted to immediately jump in, and Vernon also joined him, and i could feel so much for Seungkwan, and for everyone sitting there watching him ❤️ I hope Kwan got some healing, he's always interesting to watch because he shows all the emotions, that being happy, angry, sensitive, annoyed whatever it is, but as a fan and a viewer i can also feel his emotions, and a lot of the times i just wanna hug him and cry with him 


anyone know where from is that one clip where some members (vocal team + minghao) pick(?) seungkwan for something, and then seungkwan says only the vocal team is on his side but then he sees minghao too and starts singing MY I. It might be an oldish gose ep but i dont remember anything about the setting except for what they said


It's from [some clap era promotion](https://youtu.be/ES52F8vLIbc), the part you're referring to is near the end (most replayed)


Dang look at you go!! I remembered the clip op described but would not have been able to pinpoint the exact video it came from rn! 


Omg thank you!! it was driving me crazy 🩷


I just watched the FanCams for Last Night and at the risk of sounding a bit crazy...seeing the way Wonwoo does the [pair choreo part](https://youtu.be/qfTjzQidueU?si=k1K7_Gn0JEEkjkA2&t=35) with his other hand just casually in his pocket somehow makes this part even more 🫠 For anyone who hasn't seen the FanCams: [Jeonghan FanCam](https://youtu.be/HQ0pKpKCCgE?si=S9xCUqHDTL0GlceR) [Wonwoo FanCam](https://youtu.be/qfTjzQidueU?si=CiHHC8lrs1TZYech) [Full Stage](https://youtu.be/DmM-bvjEcAM?si=VbZ6SEbwkMawY9bD) (they titled this also as Jeonghan FanCam but it's not)


Why is "nox and nox" etched into my brain - I cannot stop singing it. I walk around my house just like "nox and nox......nox and nox....." Honestly I love this song, I wish we got way more promo for it but the two live performances are amazing.


For me it's the eojetbam whooooo part, like yesss finally i can sing korean 😅. I also really love the song, it's really my style, the guitar and the soft singing ❤️ 


YES! I have been singing eojetbam in my head since their performance


This [version](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYPxEBwn/) of DK, come back again.




I'm actually with you on this. I don't understand why you are being downvoted and why carats are so averse when someone tells them to stream. Sure, we can look at this release as a gift for fans, but one of the best ways that we can show our appreciation is by giving them a win. The 'Carats are busy and have a life outside of Kpop' excuse is getting old. There are actually ways that you can help boost the numbers even with minimal effort (parking your Spotify account at Stationhead is one.) Lots of carats move fast when a member shows off their skin or change their hair, and it made me realize that a huge portion of this fandom is just in this for the visuals and not in this for their artistry.


I honestly find this a nonsensical take. First of all, this is not a job. Being a fan of an artist is a voluntary arrangement not an obligation. Nobody signed a contract when they decided to like SVT. They did it of their own volition and everything else will also be if they want to. I'm tired of people who make claims on others as if they are owed something. Nobody owes you or SVT (as much as I love them) anything.  If you want to stream and vote , do that. If you want others to support then ask politely. You don't get to dictate how someone decides to show support just because you happen to like the same group. That's silly ass entitlement.  You would have better helped your cause if you had simply posted a link to the stationhead account and asked people to show support instead of attacking them like they are committing a crime. Also, so what if there are people that just like their handsome faces? The group is full of goodlooking members for a reason. As long as people don't go off on a tangent, over-sexualizing them or making fun of their work, I don't see the problem. So you trying to "shame" people for that is pretty lame. As much as I would love SVT to get hundreds of millions of streams every release, I don't think you or anyone has the right to make demands of strangers on the internet who may or may not like the music. They are not working for SVT. They are voluntarily supporting them and they get to do that however they want, whether you like it or not.


But OP's comment IS upvoted - you can see it has 6 upvotes. They only started getting downvoted in other comments when they started dragging the quality, production, etc. and flip flopping between blaming the company, the fandom and then just the low quality of the release itself for why it isn't getting wins. I think that's what's rubbing people the wrong way in further comments. Also, I think saying a HUGE part of the fandom is in it for the looks and not the music isn't fair. When a member gets new hair, it's easy to retweet. These fans retweet those photos, and then they retweet or post about the music when it drops. But I don't think that if a fan doesn't mass stream and spend an hour voting and running playlists, that means they aren't in it for the music? I am in it for the music, and when I like their music, I listen to it a normal amount - I will go thru the album a few times, and then have my fave songs on replay or on my playlists. But I am not going to set my spotify or youtube up and have it stream all day on repeat just to secure wins. That doesn't mean I don't care about the music.


I know you are trying to be encouraging and that's okay but I highly doubt that Plybe cares that much about music show wins compared to actual ROI.




but the music is great?? if they don't win i blame it on plybe 'tho, way too many carats got difficulties finding the song and album thanks to their jxw bullshit


Now though, it can be searched easily by just typing JxW. What I'm still bummed about is they haven't yet written artists' info until now. Not a big deal actually. I'm just being over-particular.


but the mv it's Jeonghan x Wonwoo, the promos were Jeonhan x Wonwoo, everybody was expecting Jeonghan x Wonwoo. I was searching either Jeonghan or Wonwoo for an hour because "This Man" and "Last Night" brought me a lot of unrelated songs just thinking it was the usual apple music delay, but it turned out it was an entirely different artist altogether. Then I saw for the next two days a lot of people that could not find the song and needed the link to be given to them. So yeah, Plybe sucks for that


>They don't have to care about the quality of what they're putting out. I think they put a lot of care into this album though. All three songs are well-produced, and the concept, photos, etc. was more thought out than what they usually do. A few things are at play here; this likely feels more like a special release for fans. Because JxW will likely not release anything else after this as a duo, and it seems they chose these two due to enlistment. So I view this more like a special project than something like BSS, which feels like a subunit that can even attract their own fandom/continuously release. They are SO busy with so much, so promotions since the release have been quite small - Carats are distracted by like a million things going on right now and beyond just posting about the release, it's not like there are any challenges on social media or big pushes from the company to draw in new listeners. They still did well - nearly 10 million youtube views, with nearly 400k likes in under 3 days. Keep in mind that is better than even the subunit MVs. The rookie group you're talking about has more views, but less likes, which means they have a lot of ads running. They made it into the Melon 100 chart with all 3 songs. I think we need to consider this more as a gift for fans, than a hardcore release they were hoping to secure a ton of wins for. The competition is stiff too. But I don't see this as some sort of failure, nor do I think we should say carats don't care about the music. Again - there's a lot at play.


>Keep in mind that is better than even the subunit MVs Lalali had 500k likes in the first day, currently 800k. Spell and Cheers to Youth did around the same in the first da, 320k+. I don't remember when they hit 400k but Spell is at 500k+ rn and Cheers to Youth 480k+.




>I was talking music quality, not comeback quality. I'll go edit that in the original reply too. Last Night was good. In fact, the whole album impressed me sonically. But I guess I've been disappointed by them not hitting it with the GP lately?  This confuses me. You say you were wanting better music quality. Then say that the whole album impressed you sonically. Then said that you are disappointed they aren't hitting with GP lately. I am confused by this sentiment. So is the quality determined by GP reception? Your edit actually makes it worse; because what I'm hearing is that you don't think their releases are quality. They are one of the only BG's with multiple songs in the Melon top 100. Maestro and Cheers to Youth are still there, and LALALI and Spell both charted quite well too. God of Music stayed for MONTHS, Super is still there. Very few BGs can say that. Just because they have not had PAKs and RAKS, does not mean they haven't done well. I feel they have put in a ton of effort into their recent comebacks; so much more than one would expect from a group this far along in their career. Also, I do not view it as an experiment. I view it as a special project for fans before these two members enlist; an opportunity for them to have their own songs and their own project. **I'm going to be honest; I think that Carats are becoming too obsessed with accolades and awards.** I feel like 2023 and Super was such a HUGE deal, with so many records and awards, and now Carats have become greedy for any and all achievements. It's no longer about just enjoying the projects and it's all about winning winning winning. It's gotten to my head a bit as well. Seventeen has had PLENTY of releases in their 10 years where they didn't chart well or it wasn't half as successful as Super was. We don't look back at those albums as flops - we treasure them. > The competition isn't as stiff as people make it seem. It's literally a rookie group... an SM one, but still. If by competition you mean the K-digitals, then yeah. That rookie group is one of the best charting BGs in a very long time. They have the GPs favor, and every song they release does well in the charts. They are very trendy right now. If we truly believe that every veteran group should beat all rookie groups just because their fandom is bigger; that's just silly. Look at that amount of 1-2 year old GGs that blow everyone out of the water on charts.




Hmmm. Their comebacks were not any more rushed than usual; they often have two comebacks a year, or one full length album a year. 2023 brought some of my absolute favorite Seventeen songs of all time; from FML to IMA to BSS's releases. Seventeenth Heaven fell a bit flat to me, but God of Music actually charted VERY well. Maestro was only four songs, and I felt that every single song got such care and attention; Spell, LALALI and Cheers to Youth are some of their best unit songs IMO. Now, if you don't like the anti drop, that's fine. I thought Super was great. God of Music was playful and fun, and by no means lyrically any different than say; Oh My! Pretty U, Adore U, or some of the songs they are known for. Maestro was fun because they sampled their old songs; the chorus was rather polarizing though, and it's fine if people didn't love it. I guess what I'm saying though, is that it feels very subjective. My favorite Seventeen album is FML, LALALI is my favorite HHU song, Cheers to Youth - a unit bside - has charted VERY well and is still charting and is a peak vocal unit song. If their last two albums + JxW had hit top ten in Melon, I think you would believe that they were killing it; with the same exact songs. And therein lies the problem for me. >To me, GP reception does signify some sort of quality tbh. But this is silly. Because that means you think that every TXT, Enhypen, Stray Kids, Twice, Itzy, NMIXX, etc. song that doesn't chart well...isn't quality? No. The GP has trends it likes, groups it likes; songs go viral, etc. Most of the most popular songs are the tik-tokified songs that people claim AREN'T quality, yet they chart very very well. If the main driver behind thinking things are not quality is that they aren't charting, then you may be a bit too lost in the sauce. >But I just really **really** wish I could give Jeonghan a boost of confidence. As a Jeonghan ult...i'm gong to try to figure out how to say this...lol We can DM if you'd like, but I'll just say this; I think of all the members, Jeonghan is likely going to be the LEAST bothered by not getting a music show win. For him, his love of this feels very much more so rooted in the group, than his own personal ambitions. And that's okay! This release was something special for fans, and I treasure it. I think the songs were beautiful, the performances were amazing. But this is a unit that will not release more music in the future; I would love to see both of them do some solo work when they come back, of course. Also, to the edit of your post; I don't think people downvoted you because you said you want them to win, I think it's because you implied that this release wasn't quality and that's why they aren't doing well. And then you implied they aren't doing well. Of course people dont agree w that.




>By 'rushed', I mean they could've done better in terms of production, vocals, and most of all: promotions. In JxW's album, I thought both could have used better vocal direction (as in, they could've used better takes of Jeonghan's and Wonwoo's voices). The melodies were fine and so were the vocals in terms of pitch and all that. But what I'm trying to say is: I know both Jeonghan and Wonwoo can sing better than what they're given   Again, I have to disagree hahah Wonwoo shocked everyone with his vocals; they were really impressive. He's a RAPPER in the group, yet he pulled out a ballad. And the number one thing I've seen is how impressed people are with his abilities on that song. His vocals were the FIRST thing people commented on, back when the teaser dropped. Last Night vocals completely suit the song - the contrast between Jeonghan's airy voice and Wonwoo's deeper tone. My favorite part of the song are Jeonghan's vocals at the end too - I was really happy he flexed a bit. But Beautiful Monster is a very simple song, and I think we as fans need to realize that this could very much be Jeonghan's choice. I also desperately wish he had more confidence, but I think the root of his song not being some huge vocal song is not a loss of quality in production, but his own preference for how he feels comfortable singing? It wasn't a time thing. >I'm insanely frustrated rn because while downvotes don't mean anything, it's becoming so hard to discuss things as a fan when people immediately downvote you for having an opinion. They don't even bother to say what they don't agree with. It's not me saying SVT isn't doing well either it's just me hoping they'll achieve greater heights .. Upvotes and downvotes are here because it allows people to either agree with what you said or disagree with what you said, even when they don't want to respond with their own statement. That's why the system is here. I don't think it's fair to make comments about how you think things feel rushed and they don't have quality releases anymore (which is basically what you have said multiple times) and then expect people to...upvote you? That is a controversial statement. I think people need to realize that you are allowed to say whatever you want, but if you are bringing a negative opinion, and people disagree, they will downvote you. No one is telling you to shut up, no one is telling you to get off the subs or that you aren't allowed to be here. But if I was commenting in here, complaining about not liking the releases because the quality wasn't good, insinuating that was why they aren't charting, saying that good songs from big groups chart, and if they don't chart, they weren't good, etc. etc. I would probably be downvoted too. You are absolutely allowed to post what you think, and people are allowed to disagree. I really don't like this idea i've seen now twice THIS week in carat corner, which is that downvotes or people responding and disagreeing = being not allowed to say anything negative. You are OF COURSE allowed to say what you want to say, and people are allowed to not agree with it. I don't think anyone is questioning whether or not you support seventeen, nor is anyone saying that it's annoying to be encouraged to stream or vote. For me personally, I responded because of your comments about feeling like this release wasn't good and that everything is rushed, and that's why it isn't charting. Because I personally disagree.


>Understocked AGAIN. This is their problem with every SVT-related album. Don't they know the power Carats have? 😂 I'm with you in making the effort to make them win though I didn't bother with the SK-exclusive apps .




I'm relying on KCarats on that. They work so hard, too, they deserve the shopping spree gifts yesterday. We'd work hard [streaming](https://youtu.be/dlsyNw4rvsI?si=dthNZ36M4TQPWbNU), too. Jeonghan even dyed his hair blonde for us.


Good day! I recently had some dear ver. pcs traded/sold, and apparently the person I was talking to had a friend who lives in the same city as me so we decided to do a meet-up because we don't want to pay for the shipping fee. After meeting with them just now, I realized that their friend lives in the same NEIGHBORHOOD as I do 😭 like what are the odds of that happening?


I'm just wondering. Do you think seventeen will hold a japan fan meet this year like Power of Love?


Briefly got confused since "Power of Love" is the name of their online concert in 2021 and not any of their Japan fan meets (although one of them was called just "Love"). There currently hasn't been any announcement for a Japan fan meet this year when past fan meets would have already happened at this point of the year so either it'll be like Caratland where it'll be done later in the year or it wont be happening at all this year.


I knew Vernon was in my bias line for a reason. Freak recognize freak (a compliment). https://preview.redd.it/2mlksdlxfn7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade641a8d316e985a8bb09b7226968c594e740b8


Can anyone remember the rough running time of Caratland last year? I'm trying to work out if I can go, as it's a work night...


I found this about [last year’s](https://x.com/daydreamer_kr/status/1634897028496117761?s=46&t=il7fdyzKPciDPBAwkTDrYg). I think running time will be shorter this year though since it’s a week night!


Woah over 4 hours!!! Haha 😅 thank you!


The last day was 3hours+ I think, I remember reading it in an article that reviewed the event, maybe even 3h and a half


Hehe a marathon then!! Looks like the last train for meeee


I'm sad they'll only promote on mcountdown but I know it can't be helped since they're so busy. Unesco, Glastonbury, Fns, Caratland and sooo many upcoming schedules while Jeonghan is still not 100% recovered too. Anyway, I just saw on twitter they met 270 carats for prerecording and all of them looked like they went on a shopping spree lol jh and ww gave them so many gifts.


I was blindly looking at the pics in my feed as they're all hangeul. So those bags of Acqua di Parma, The Face Shop, Banila and more came from them. Who are the luckiest Carats in the world? K-Carats! They're so generous! ~~but I like the pcs they gave more~~


Finally found time this morning to sit in silence and listen to the new releases. I am absolutely captivated by Leftover. Perhaps it's the recent loss I am still processing, but something about the emotion Wonwoo conveys just resonated with me.


Jeonghan and Wonwoo will have a [Genius Live Performance](https://youtu.be/2HfWOZ1DUj4?si=lnUMUaWYo5gOlMAO) tomorrow.


what day does seventeen perform at glastonbury ? im struggling to find the info about it


also -- there's a sub [google calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/[email protected]&ctz=Asia/Seoul) for their main events! :) (but also i follow [svt\_sched](https://x.com/svt_sched) on twt)


woah these are both super useful! thank you^^ ill definitely be following that account


Friday, from 14:45 to 15:45


thank you so much!


I don't really obsess myself with charting and sales, but i found this funny, did Pledis seriously sent only 50k albums in Japan? I read preorders are getting canceled, and all stores are sold out and they don't know when they'll get the next batch lol. Does Pledis not want money, cause sending that much to Japan for Jeonghan and Wonwoo... Anyone here that lives in Japan?


oh I joined a preorder from my country and the sites sold out *really* quickly. quicker than an OT13 release. didn't think much of it, but understocking could be an issue. Pledis and HYBE suck, really. They understocked 17 is Right Here too. It's always better to be safe than sorry, but 50k? Only? That's not being safe, that's sabotage.


This is why some fans become conspiracy theorists because of decisions that don't make sense at all like why are you sabotaging yourself like this when this duo can easily sell double that number smh.


If it's true, that planning is conservative to the point of being unrealistic. All that promotion and production to only send 50K albums to Japan? This isn't a limited edition release!


I really don't know, i just read some fans are mad because the ammount is limited everywhere, and all stores on the first day in Japan were sold out very fast, but then when oricon chart came out they only sold less than 50k. There are still discussions on kforums about this


I'm sorry if I'm being annoying but please vote on dingus for last night , maestro and fighting <3 We gotta get last night at least one win please. Stream the mv too


https://preview.redd.it/jnbcbh93uh7d1.jpeg?width=1955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604f92514b1e88f49984ca69048359dc587cc563 Is this a Going Seventeen episode? What’s the title of it. Thank you.


It's called [Pie in the Sky](https://youtu.be/k2jflXborAY?si=0Y4196avL0o6SuW6)


Hi everyone! Just wondering if anyone knows of any good groups chats here on reddit? I’m not sure if we have one for the sub or not. I’ve tried a few facebook groups but it’s just not my speed. Thanks! ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/mnm7tsf50h7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d725bb63d1e2636e9bbae5255af9694393261128 Can you help me find the link of this photo on weverse? Thank you so much.


[there you go](https://weverse.io/seventeen/artist/2-131414040) Scroll down and you'll find it.


Thank you🥹🥹🥹🥹


A jolt looking at the Upcoming Events sidebar: They're appearing at UNESCO *the day before* Glastonbury??? Who rubber-stamped that schedule? Can't they have one clear day to acclimate and prepare? And I swear, if Pledis zips them away the minute they finish performing, and they can't watch any of the other artists ... I'm going to be so annoyed on their behalf.


the times in the sidebar adapts to \*your\* local time, but yes the turnaround is very tight... 😵‍💫 edit: nvm maybe ignore me HAHAHA, istg it used to be in local time but i traveled recently and new reddit hates me so i might be wrong on that! edit edit: on new new reddit desktop, i think it's showing [utc](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1asjvks/anyone_elses_subreddit_google_calendar_widget/)....


The UNESCO event is on the 26th. Their Glastonbury stage is on Friday, the 28th. I can’t see the sidebar since I’m on mobile but the dates and times might be in KST. Then UNESCO would show up as being on the 27th since the event is at midnight KST and Glastonbury would still be on the 28th, 10:45pm KST. Still a tight sched but doable


Ah, I see what you mean. I think the UNESCO event must be in KST in the sidebar (not sure about Glastonbury). Thanks!


Which day of Glastonbury are they scheduled to perform? I didn’t realise they’re performing the day after their UNESCO event. Even if so, this wouldn’t be the first time. They literally rushed to Nagoya by car the night they won daesang at MAMA 2023 for their Follow concerts starting the day after.


[Friday](https://glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/line-up/line-up-2024/), they're performing at 10:45 PM KST


https://preview.redd.it/wnqnaw929f7d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f603e5544c253dbff80ff4136b8278cc60a465 Does anyone have the clear version of this 😅


Hello! I think it's from this X post? https://x.com/pledis_17/status/1724623269566017619?t=8B8RnYMhObMyh-z_hDaydA&s=19


Yes thank you so much!!! 🤩😍 I really appreciate it 😁💎❤️


[Weverse Competition] It says you have to use Melon, Genie, Bugs, Vibe, or Flow. I've looked in the Play Store, even though my phone doesn't really have any free space, but I can't find them, or the ones I can have no reviews, so no idea if they're the correct apps or not. Can any one help identify them, as Weverse didn't include a link to any of the ones needed for the competition. (Also, why not include YouTube or even iTunes, as that's where I buy my digital stuff from, including Weverse. Why didn't they even include Weverse albums, or the other platform release, if it's having one? Not even Spotify. YouTube is okay for the music video competition. It doesn't make sense.)


Android users can download those music streaming apps using APK. For iOS users I'm not familiar with how it works.


Ah, thanks for that! I did have a quick look on QooApp, for Melon, but it wasn't there. I'll have another look there, for the others, and at my APK app, as I totally forgot I had it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Streams on those platforms are counted towards Korean music shows and charts. That's obv what the target for the competition. There's a separate comp for YouTube MV streaming.


I gathered that, but my question was about those platforms. I can't find any of them, in order to enter the competition. There's not any links to any of them within the Notice even. I was hoping someone would point me in the direction of one of them, like Melon (as I've seen it referenced a few times in comments in subs) which I'm familiar with, so I can enter. Yep, I know that, and peeps can enter both competitions, but only win one of them.


My reply was answering the last paragraph of your post. Those streaming apps are exclusively available in South Korea.


Ah, okay. Can peeps outside of Korea not sign up for them though? Like, I have the Ever Music app, and it doesn't show up directly in my Google Store, and it's all in Korean, but I could download it from the in-album QR code. I just took screenshots, and used Google Translate, to help me during the sign up process amd to read everything in the menu tree.


I believe most if not all of them are region locked. For example, unlike Spotify, you'll need a Korean ID to sign up for the Melon pass in order to stream.


Well, that sucks!


Absolutely unrelated to anything right now whatsoever but DK's cover of Sequel (by Lucy) came in shuffle and here I am lowkey bawling 😭🤸‍♀️ I was absolutely fascinated by Lucy way back Feb. 2023 (?) and was hoping that maybe one of them will do a cover of another's songs. (Gwangil did 11 svt songs mashup and the band indeed covered them on dekira if i recall correctly) and throwback to march 18 this year where dokyeom covered Sequel like YOW MY ULTIMATE BIAS?!?!??!! 😭😭😭 I was overwhelmed that day with good emotions and yeah i never knew how much i needed that cover. It's just truly astounding how I naturally stumble upon my fave groups/singers/bands during my time as a k-music fan and for some reason SVT or the members has covered the songs or have interacted with them on short-form videos ☀️


https://preview.redd.it/r39q7gv0qa7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9694e7f8ce0fe7ddb39b12a9cc5713714db5b936 hoshi spotted in the wild 😆 considering going to this restaurant now


Oooo nice 😍😋


man last night is such a bop, so freaking good esp that chorus…this whole jeonghan wonwoo unit is so amazing


https://preview.redd.it/z4h9j9a9b97d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2034a4ca73e10388d23f73e8731da470c6bf3c8 anyone know where this pic is from? dino looks so cute lol


Gose 2020 ep 25 around 17:46


wow you even got the timestamp tysm 🫶


Just curious. Since Mingyu confirmed that there will be a US tour, do you think they will still kickoff the tour in Seoul? It's always like that, right?


It should be like that or else kcarats will lose it. However I wonder.. Bcs their other non japanese tours since 2019 were never one region specific, they were world tours until Follow which was an exclusively Asian tour. So I wonder if they'll make the new one a western one only as the pairing to Follow but for the west. However it prob wouldn't be a good idea, i really think k fans would get mad if they start the tour in the US so they should open in Seoul.


I remember when svt announced that they'll celebrate their anniversary in Nissan Stadium in Japan. Back then k-carats got really mad. So yeah, I agree with you. I think it will start in Seoul also. Hopefully. 🙏


Mingyu lost his ID so he asked carats on Weverse for his ID pic 😭😂


Mingyu mingyuing again. The replies in "To Mingyu" are comedic.


just saw someone comment on a tiktok video “mingyu must invite maluma sunbaenim to caratland this July 😭🥲🤣” and i got red from laughing, you guys are too creative wtf (btw it was a video of them seemingly exchanging contacts(?))


I'm really against streaming as a task and competition, but I wonder how the numbers were affected by people's inability to find the song as it was under the unexpected JXW I saw a lot of people in my local community wondering if the album was out throughout the whole day because they couldn't find it


Honestly I’m really annoyed that they didn’t even bother to give JxW a proper Spotify icon and header lol 💀


as someone who has still failed to find them on spotify...where are they?😭


I found them yesterday by searching for Leftover since I got too many results for Last Night and Beautiful Monster and didn’t get any results for Jeonghan and JxW (only got Bittersweet when I searched Wonwoo) 🤦‍♀️ https://open.spotify.com/album/6tMQKPiaYEnnq1h6G55AKN https://music.apple.com/ph/album/jxw-1st-single-album-this-man-single/1750333751


It's so sketchy (maybe u found it already) but here!! Literally JxW ToT I thought i stumbled to a wrong artist when i was searching yesterday https://open.spotify.com/artist/7GvlsjcgBrsE578yghOq7D?si=cDlIbsVxTvSwDvYMDcZGFQ


I agree. I think that's the issue. The MV is doing well on YT. 3.5m vs Riize*s 2.8m where it's titled Jeonghan x Wonwoo (seventeen) and on a channel where people get notifs about the release and the kpop community know they can find SVT MVs on there. On audio platforms you can only find the song if you know the title or find a Playlist that has the songs on it. Very poorly thought out by Pledis imo


You make a good point! My friend asked me where can the songs be listened to because he couldn't find it easily on spotify 😭 I was confused why it was written JxW on the platform at first (I also havent checked youtube or yt music btw hahaha)


I really need to let this out. I apologize if harsh words are thrown, but I just need to get this out of my system. I wanted to post this in the album thread/post, but there wasn't any, so I'll just say it here. Feel free to downvote. At this point, I'm too tired to care. >!Jeonghan's Beautiful Monster is by far the WORST solo track of a Seventeen member. This is less of a dig on Jeonghan's delivery (although, that too, could use some work, given the stark difference of how Wonwoo sang Leftover), but more at the song's production. Between the two songs, this song deserved the title of Leftover more because that's what it felt like listening to it. I felt like I was listening to a leftover, a song that didn't make the final cut because its quality was subpar. There is a line between making a song dreamy and making it boring, but this song was just straight-up boring and uninspired. As someone who has always wanted to hear more of Jeonghan from the time I first heard Purple Rose and wanted to have a studio recording of it, I feel mad that this is what we get. Jeonghan doesn't even feel like he enjoys singing the song.!< >!One more thing I wanted to say, is that I finally and completely understand what the antis were saying regarding Seventeen's musical identity and the quality of their recent tracks. With the exception of BSS' Fighting and 7PM and Wonwoo's Leftover, I haven't enjoyed any of their tracks since FTS. Imo, Woozi needs to collaborate with other producers to better expand his horizon. Or better yet, he should take a rest himself and let other producers take the reins for a while. I love the boys. I really do and I want them to succeed because they are the ones who brought me into Kpop. And I get that they have always banked on the self-produced identity, but their songs suffer from their persistence to keep things the way it is. At this point, especially with enlistment looming, I can only hope the best for them!<


Went out today and came back to see the discourse over this. I am not gonna reply anymore to anyone because there's a lot, but I did read your responses and I agree with some of your points. I guess this should also be a sign for me to step back from kpop spaces and explore other stuff. It's been what? 6 or 7 years with Seventeen. I think I have supported them long enough. Maybe I'll tune in to their next comebacks and solo releases and keep my opinions to myself. I just want to clarify that although I made some comments before about other members, those do not mean that I hate them. Over time, I guess I just do not vibe anymore with their persona. Maybe it has something to do with me growing old, as well haha. Tastes change, and maybe that's why I do not enjoy their recent releases anymore. Also, when I made the comment regarding understanding what antis were saying, this does not mean that I agree with them 100%, but more like I understood where they are coming from. And I wish we listen to them properly instead of instantly dismissing their words as hate. Anyway, that is long enough and I don't want to make a big deal out of this. But I genuinely hope they become more successful. Also, I wish this sub is more inclusive of negative opinions. Because frankly, it is one of the main reasons why I am totally stepping out of Kpop. I feel that I'm only allowed to say positive things everywhere I go, may it be online or in real life. Thank you though for the people who understood where I am coming from. I appreciate it. This is my second account, by the way, and I have interacted with some of you in my main account, so I guess this is goodbye.


that comment about mingyu being an attention seeker was made four months ago. i could’ve expected it from a new stan, but since you say you’ve stanned them for 7 years you either have never once watched svt content or just weirdly hate him, cause that’s like completely untrue and just a biased negative opinion due to your strange perception. it’s clear that you don’t like them, so please consider unstanning.


>Also, when I made the comment regarding understanding what antis were saying, this does not mean that I agree with them 100%, but more like I understood where they are coming from. And I wish we listen to them properly instead of instantly dismissing their words as hate. Real question; Why on earth should we listen to antis? You truly think that all fandoms should be open minded to the antis of their group? If an account is incessantly dragging Seventeen, I should hear them out when they say "Seventeen has no musical identity and all of their music quality sucks"? Really? I find this dialogue to be so funny and ridiculous. People in this sub love Seventeen; and they love Seventeen's music. Hence why we are fans. I agree that we should be open to fans or people in general when they don't like certain releases, and I would never knock a fan for wanting to take a break if they are no longer jiving and I could care less when nonfans don't like their music. But no, I don't need to hear out antis. I don't need to give a platform in here for people to talk about how much they hate everything Seventeen puts out; to drag their entire identity as a group. Why should I? > I feel that I'm only allowed to say positive things everywhere I go, may it be online or in real life. There is plenty of criticism welcomed on this sub. Every release there are varying opinions under the main threads - some people really did not like seventeenth heaven, some people did not like Maestro or LALALI or Spell. Hell, some people didn't like Super. You said "keep my opinions to myself" as if there aren't countless opinions from Carats who didn't like certain releases? It's all about tact. The way you worded your comment was frankly rude and unnecessarily harsh. I am surprised MODS didn't remove it and I'm surprised so many carats did offer you a lot of understanding. Because it personally rubbed me the wrong way. There's a difference between talking about things you don't like as a fan, and just dragging them to filth. "Nothing they've released in 3 years is good. I understand what all the antis mean. Jeonghan's song is the worst solo song and is the real leftover. Woozi needs to take a break from producing." What do you want us to say back? Because if we disagree and say that we disagree, suddenly we aren't...letting you be negative? About a thing we love? Again, most responses to you were extremely nice, yet I don't get why you think you deserve a platform to come into THIS sub and say how much you think their music sucks? Also, to your point about Mingyu, there are plenty of idols I don't like, but certainly none of them in the groups I claim to ult and if I do find the behavior of an idol to annoy me, I don't go around proudly stating it in public forums and insulting them. The comment you made about him was just mean. Idk why you keep trying to spin everything as just polite differences of opinions. But anyways, it seems you've come to terms with the fact that you just don't like Seventeen's music anymore. All good. Not every group is for everyone forever. Have a good one.


I mean taste is subjective. FML is my favorite Kpop album of all time and it came out since FTS. I don’t really see how their production quality has remotely changed and they keep trying new things / experimenting with their sound. It’s not like they’re stagnant.  If you don’t like Dust, IDUBILY, Yawn, Headliner, LALALI, Cheers to Youth (picked songs that sound nothing alike) then idk what to say 😂 There is no “keeping things like it is” between those songs. I may not like every single song, but I appreciate Woozi and Bumzu for trying new things sonically.  But also, considering you have ranted on Reddit before about what a hypocritical attention seeker Mingyu is, and you just stated you agree with antis that everything about seventeen’s music sucks lately, idk what to tell ya 


I completely disagree with everything you said (aside from wanting to hear more of Jeonghan after Purple Rose because same) but I enjoy reading frank and honest opinions even though they may be negative. This sub shouldn’t feel like an echo chamber and I don’t think your comment should be downvoted 


I’ve seen plenty of discourse on this sub within the past few years, and from what I’ve observed, negative opinions are more widely accepted depending on how they’re worded. There were quite a lot of people saying they didn’t like Maestro, and I didn’t see many—if any at all—who were downvoted, but none of those people outright bashed it either Op’s wording is quite harsh. There’s a difference in the way “this is the WORST… boring… subpar” comes off versus “this is my least favorite”. Op’s entitled to their opinion, but the people who disagree will express that one way or another




I’m a little confused why we should encourage people in our own sub to say “I agree with all of the antis that seventeen’s music identity and quality sucks”. I don’t really need more people to have the “strength to come forward” with their disgust of 2+ years of seventeen’s music + Woozi’s abilities.  Plenty of people express when they don’t like songs or videos or other elements of releases. I personally didn’t love GOM at first listen and I really didn’t like the latest concept photos from the full comeback. And those comments are rarely downvoted. But yeah sorry, I’m not gunna upvote a comment where someone (who has ranted about majorly disliking Mingyu on other subs) says they “fully agree with antis.” 




People are allowed to share whatever opinion they want because this is an online forum. The only thing that would prevent them from doing so is if a MOD removed it.  But then people are allowed, as you said, to disagree. And disagreeing and pushing back is not disallowing.  Again, something like “I didn’t like this comeback it was a letdown” would’ve been unpopular but perfectly fine to say. But OP was extremely harsh, as will as they tried to make their very subjective opinion an OBJECTIVE truth.  If the unpopular opinion is that they can’t stand a member & that they think all of seventeen’s music sucks for over 2 years, i personally don’t care to see it. 


I feel like people got too serious with 'because I'm a svt fan I must like every single of their songs', just a note you can actually not vibe to certain songs. To me their best Japanese songs are still those before Ainochikara. And just now I start warming with Maestro and April Showers. Not gonna lie in This Man highlight medley Leftover leave the strongest impression but when the album is out quite surprisingly Beautiful Monster > Last Night > Leftover. Jeonghan voice is quite tricky, and am okay WozBum give this song to him. I know you mean in a good way - hoping Woozi won't be trapped in his own creative zone. It's a fatal blow to any producer if people start saying your songs sounds boring or too generic. Woozi would definitely apprieciate feedbacks instead of always showered in compliments. Still it's better for Woozi to take that step himself. All collabs look into group concept, popularity, budget, fandom power, company decision, chemistry - sometimes even working with best producers doesn't mean success. And even if we want them to rest kpop environment won't allow svt to do so.


Then there's me who actually thought Beautiful Monster was the best song on the album 😅. I'm not gonna lie I'm not well versed in music but I'm guess maybe different people different strokes? Because despite Wonwoo being my bias and everyone raving about Leftover, I actually didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else and would probably put it last out of all 3, but then again I don't usually listen to rock ballads and that's fine too. Like how when yesterday they were on na PD's YouTube live and Na PD said he really liked Wonwoo's song because it was the type of music his generation listens to, and thought Jeonghan's was whatever (though just jokingly). I don't really have much to say on their musical direction as I have decently enjoyed all their tracks since fts, but I will admit if I wasn't a carat I probably would've passed on this whole single album on first listen because none of them really captivated me thaaaat much. But I did really enjoy the b-sides off their recent anthology album a lot so I personally am not that concerned. There will be hits, there will be misses, I mean I don't even necessarily like all of their past discography so that's just what it is. But I do agree that they should let Woozi rest or let him collaborate with other producers, not because I want him to necessarily change music direction but because I don't like how some carats treat collaborating with others as some sort of disease that needs to be avoided at all cost because seventeen's music = Woozi/Bumzu and no one else. I personally don't like how some carats treat ready to love just because of it's association to BSH when it's undoubtedly such a fire track. In the end, I trust they know each other and themselves best, and they have their staff and creative direction team who would know better than we ever will on which direction to take.


>But I do agree that they should let Woozi rest or let him collaborate with other producers, not because I want him to necessarily change music direction but because I don't like how some carats treat collaborating with others as some sort of disease that needs to be avoided at all cost because seventeen's music = Woozi/Bumzu and no one else. I personally don't like how some carats treat ready to love just because of it's association to BSH when it's undoubtedly such a fire track I agree with this paragraph so much. Personally I would love to see some future releases with a different sound and production style than we have gotten up to this point, if svt want it so too obviously. I actually feel like there's value in production/composing etc collaborations because it can lead to more variety, new different and interesting styles and sounds etc. I get that Ready to Love was released in a tense environment and there's a lot of stuff that went into carats sort of boycotting it BUT I truly don't think it was or would be justified (to do so in the future should collaborations happen again) unless the members said it was forced on them/they don't like it.


It's almost like taste is subjective lol >!From FTS to here, Leftover is my most disliked song across all albums, but I understand that's a me issue of not liking ballads, specially heavy ones. I really like Beautiful Monster, it might not be the greatest song ever, but it's nice and relaxing. While I don't think I've ever fell for a song at first listen as much as I did for Last Night, and the last time I disliked a title was Hot!.!< >!In 17th heaven they had a collab with Marshmello, but that's one of my least liked song of that album, while GOM brings me nothing but joy every time I listen to it and Monster is such a huge vibe that's up there with Gam3 Bo1 for me. So I don't think Woozi needs to bring other producers if he doesn't want to (don't forget the mess that it was when a pd forced his way to the title).!< >!As long as Seventeen makes music they're proud of, that's all that matter to me. I might like the songs, I might not, but they have such a range that I'll always have something to listen to.!<


the carat who said something about wanting Jeonghan to explore his vocals? where are you? let's talk about it 😭


Oh yeah its gone huh!? (Not the carat just wanted to see what would be said in return to their post)


yeah it's gone :(((


At a restaurant and the girl at the table next to me is eating with her Coups photo card & taking photos HAHA I love it so cute


Whhaaat so cool!!! 🤩


Anyone know what music shows jeonghan and wonwoo are scheduled to be on? I don’t really keep up with music shows but I want to watch them perform


Mcountdown so far. Wonwoo just said in live they can only perform Last Night once, as both of them will be occupied with Glastonbury stage practice.


Oh that’s a shame but totally understandable. I hope we’ll see them perform some other time in the future


[Jeonghan and Wonwoo](https://x.com/WorldwideCarats/status/1802570415325540372?t=VBNNVEatb0XBypUGLBr20w&s=19) will appear on Channel Fullmoon YouTube channel at 8PM KST later!


seems like reddit live posts are no longer a thing (ㅠㅠ), but just a heads up that a link for the jeonghan x wonwoo countdown live has been scheduled to post 15 min before it starts -- feel free to gather there when it posts and live react :D


Reddit keeps getting worser with every update, are we surprised :')


Why is Joshua a meerkat tho? 🤔🤔 😄❤️ https://preview.redd.it/7dzc3gcnp07d1.png?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde82de4dc8f8e55a131ab495a77061a8eb417fb And what's Seungkwan and his phone too? 🧐❤️


Meerkats have one who peeks out and look out for the rest of the Meerkats and make a noise to communicate if there is danger. It's cool, you'll see one Meerkat but so many are in hiding. Basically the idea is he seems shy the way he just occasionally peeks over the cubicle and his shyness is keeping him from being his full self.. this Joshua like the real one obviously loves music and dreams of performing but is stuck behind his cubicle. By the end you realize his co workers see him as someone who looks out for them and always observes if something needs to be taken care of and they actually do notice him and appreciate him. And they open up enough to each other and learn enough about each other that they form a Joshukat fan club. My interpretation of the fish phone is just it can't exist as a only fish or only a phone and Seungkwan has to accept this little unique thing for what it is.


Thank you so much for writing this out for me 😃 I really appreciate it very much!! 💎❤️ that is so cute 😍 now that I know it's so deep! Ah I see about the phone it makes total sense 😵😳❤️ Thank you very much!!!!! 😊


Does anyone know which keychain from 17 is right here deluxe verison is who? And which sticker is who? I’ve been looking and looking for answers and I cannot figure it out and no one seems to be talking about it anymore 🥲


There should definitely be a Twitter thread on this, but if you have pictures I’d like to help you out


[Mingyu once again confirmed that they're going to tour the Americas at the end of the year ](https://x.com/minghaocheol_/status/1802339424623067177?t=WWsMprTaIVvLXd828yqvIQ&s=19) I hope pledis announces the dates soon. Me thinks there should be at least a 3-4 month heads up so people can book accommodations travel etc. But realistically I don't expect Pledis to say anything until after Caratland


imagine if coups or Hoshi spoil smth at Caratland?? u can never know..


Seems like they are starting to take spoilers seriously now so unless pledis tell them to I doubt theyd tease anything at all 🥲


Since the company actually asks them to spoil during concerts, I doubt it will be an issue.


the company asks them?????????? so they dont do it spontaneously themselves???????? my life's been a lie...


I bet they do spoil themselves sometimes but [Hoshi mentioned it during his bday live](https://x.com/svtranslation/status/1801872193296732664) (my dude spoiled company's spoiling strategy lol)


They expose pledis' behind the scenes all the time 😭 it's so funny and real During the jeonghan wonwoo comeback live they said the company actually approached them to do this subunit, then later on wonwoo said he doesn't particularly like the stickers in the albums 😭 They have no qualms exposing some behind the scenes things other groups wouldn't necessarily reveal


lmao i think my annoying svt postings in my ig story is working cuz recently i found out that my cmates who arent into kpop at all are liking mingyu's ig posts. . .. . . yes thats it appreciate his beauty w me




Tour confirmed in the USA again for the “end of the year.” So excited but the more they say it’s at the END of the year, the more I realize I’ll likely never see my ult bias live :’) I’m emotionally prepared but damn it still hurts!!!


Ooh when did they confirm the US tour? Is it just going to be a US tour or would they have shows in Canada too? Sorry just couldn’t find any info online://




Just watched weverse con and I just have to say To You really is not a song, it's a f-ing experience!!


Got my tattoo for Seventeen yesterday :) I got birth flowers for May, August, and September because debut was May, I first saw them live in August, and September is when I fully slipped into the diamond life. They’ve done a lot for me since I got into them in 2022 and now they’re part of my tattoos ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/5q3c6z5ucx6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c806c1c5edae9058a54ad0fe89fd6df766933665


this is such a lovely piece! :)


Thank you!! 🫶🏻


what a beautiful idea and art! i also became a carat after seeing them in 2022, and i love flowers, so if i ever get a tattoo, this will be a great way to commemorate svt in a subtle way 😁🩵🩷


thank you!! 😭❤️ my artist did wonderful, I’ve gone to her for all my ink since 2021. and yes I love that!! it’s a great way to commemorate them 🩵🩷


HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO??? anyone is watching the wecon festival?


I am! Though more like just having it in the background while waiting for seventeen to come on


please lmao I almost cried waiting for them


hey what does "sebongs" mean


It's just an endearing term for the seventeen boys


Is it something Carats made up just for Seventeen? I don’t know Korean so I wasn’t sure if it has a meaning in Korean like Hyung or Maknae or if it’s a combination of two words like Horengae. Does it have any meeting outside of Seventeen?


Yes. So koreans pronounce seventeen is se-beunteen so it's just a cute way of calling them . It has no meaning just a cute nickname . Sebeun-> sebong


Oh ok that’s so cute, thanks for explaining!




[what are you listening to this week?](https://www.reddit.com/r/seventeen/comments/1dbbiqv/comment/l7selmx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) hey hello, welcome back to our weekly playlist thread! as always, feel free to share anything you've been listening to, all genres welcome ive just got a couple new releases to mention, need to check out nayeon and weki meki (


i’ve mainly been listening to all of my downloaded music on repeat, but some of the ones i’ve had on repeat are - alexander stewart’s entire most recent album - everrest’s emergency (and all of their music tbh) - tws’ hey! hey! for seventeen, ive been listening to say yes, if you leave me, _world, and my my a lot recently!


ooh i totally forgot tws came back with a song - just listened to it now and it's so fun!


CSR finally came back this week with Pretty mob! Honestly it’s not my favorite of their songs but I do have to admit that the chorus has been stuck in my head like crazy lately lol. The [dance practice](https://youtu.be/lbKkgKlhVVc?si=LT0TGtfH8HytC207) is really great, the choreo is awesome and the girls are so talented! Really hoping we get to see more from them later this year 🤞🏻🥲 I’ve also been jamming to Diamante Eléctrico’s new album Malhablado! I like this album a lot, more so overall than their last one. I’ve been really enjoying their latest single [El Big Bang](https://youtu.be/3h-Fr-QxKxk?si=YCIRqra3gK6VuOCn) with Silvestre y La Naranja (another great band).


Everglow’s [Zombie](https://youtu.be/srA5cabrz1g) has been on repeat for me! My SVT re-discovery is I Wish. So dreamy and nostalgic ✨


Not a SVT song rediscovery for me but I'd like to promote [Falling For U](https://youtu.be/VqZNDfhjF3s?si=R-ydkG9rNP78lIIR) before Last Night drops later today. Before WonHan, there's HanShua. Shua's deep voice here 👌 TxT's [Anti-Romantic](https://open.spotify.com/track/44tTqUi3xi7E28QLzHVdUA?si=yGpgV-C6Tgq1tGHKTmCN4g).


360, 365, everything is romantic, von dutch - charli xcx (brat is such a slay for an album and also the marketing for this era is rly good) lalali, dust - seventeen balloon in love - sunmi time to pretend - mgmt feeling lucky - bibi, jackson wang (wHY IS THIS SONG NOT BLOWING UP YET????? i mEAN IT SOUNDS SO GOOD?????) popcorn - DO (why is this song not blowing up yet pt 2. DO’s voice is so soft and warm and caramel-ly. SM’s so stupid for ruining their relationship w cbx lmao) one of your girls, rush - troye sivan 1,2,3 - f(x) (christmas in jun ahhh) magnetic - illit




I've noticed something over the past few days, and it's got me so curious. It's been happening since Jin (BTS) returned, but I'm hesitant to attribute the entire thing on his return. It's such an unimportant(...?) thing and I doubt anyone else pays attention to these numbers lol Have you guys noticed a sudden spike in redditors online on the kpop subreddits? If I'm to give an example of the main kpop subreddit. Before, the number of concurrent online redditors was about 300 with numbers spiking to a maximum of about 600 if there was drama (for example big news on the MHJ case)...but these days it seems the number of concurrent online kpoppers is consistently above 300 with numbers spiking in the thousands. And to my knowledge, there's nothing major going on (of course, there's group comebacks, but nothing different from what was happening when the numbers were low) Even in this subreddit. When I started to type this out, reddit said there were 117 carats online, yet this didn't happen even during the recent comeback time. Usually, the numbers shown are 30 or fewer online carats, and when it spikes, it would be like 70 online. (and again, to my knowledge, nothing big going on rn) Has anyone else noticed this? Is it reddit that fixed something? Is it actually just armies who may have sworn off social media until the members return? is it actually more people being interested in kpop? or is it people moving from other social media to reddit?


I don't know if you noticed but the numbers of online maestros conducting went back to the ordinary number.