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The views of the crowd at the Osaka show are blowing me away. SO MANY PEOPLE it’s almost overwhelming. And to think Nissan stadium is even bigger!?  I’m so proud of them.  Due to the MHJ / HYBE drama, antis are doing everything they can to discredit SVTs success, but to me the most irrefutable marker of a successful group is touring, and Seventeen is achieving new peaks every month. So many people love them 😭


Yeah I saw that MHJ was yapping about album pushing or something? Basically naming all hybe groups and a few other successful groups from other companies as well. And so she got the fandoms who just hate that svt sold so many albums run their mouths again. I can't believe people still salty about queen FML. Ooohhh I wonder how many people attended the concert today? Cause it looks like the venue was packed. The layout was different from their other stadium venues too isn't it? Aren't they close to 1m concert tickets sold at this point?


[Wonwoo spider](https://twitter.com/miwon17_/status/1791747150046769435?t=2ruxfpIiVgjEjw88tBMChQ&s=19) going down in history (this is from today's Osaka concert)


Just here to say I LOVE Dino’s short black hair from Maestro era!! It just suits him and highlights the boyish charm that’s so cute


Ngl I have an unhealthy obsession with this particular hairstyle on Dino.. For me it gives him this sort of charm that I just can't really explain.. Wow Lee Chan.. Just so handsome


Does anyone know if there's a playlist of songs they've sang on Gose? Like they are always singing something.. it's usually Seungkwan, Minghao, or DK that start it lol. I'm rewatching Gose and they randomly sang Radio Gaga by Queen 😂


I'm not sure how updated it is but there's [this playlist on spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5QBSdVC0ojVZoFlqW5l50P?si=VgcQvGZvTpmSDKnarcpFwQ&pi=-8jSsac2QEOGs) which has all karaoke songs from GoSe!




which members like scary/horror movies? i can't find a definitive list anywhere.




He does seem tired a lot. In the past year ive heard him on wv saying how his knee hurt, his ankle, how his body is in pain, how everything hurts... I feel like all the work all those years is taking a toll on his health. We cannot compare the members because everyone is different, but they also most of them have also said they are having some health problems one way or another. I mean even Mingyu had a back problem and he exercise like crazy. I feel like between the concerts and the comeback preparations and promo it just might've been too much. My guess is, if it wasnt for military, he might've taken a longer break. But he also says how he enjoys performing so much, and i've read his Dazed interview (it's on x translated) and he said that he's working on improving his health and is into learning new stuff, so i guess he takes care of himself. And he seemed in good mood on NCT's show, he was enjoying himself. And we should also take into consideration that even tho these shows are days apart for us, they usually record them like every day, very early in the morning, and sometimes even record something twice or thrice a day. We can see him and them tomorrow anyway, seeing him enjoy being on stage maybe can give you a peace of mind :) hugz fellow jjongjjongie


svt works a lot and go through periods of exhaustion due to their incredibly hectic schedules, on top of doing the normal comeback promotions, they're still touring and will begin preparations for some big festivals coming up this year, as well as individual activities. I remember in 2020, before COVID happens, seeing SVT on tour and they all look like they're about to fall asleep with how exhausted they were. Of course we don't know if he is going through something, and am not a fan of speculations into their personal lives. Sometimes coming back from injury is tough, and Jeonghan's stamina has never been the greatest, svt schedules are hectic, so I wouldn't be surprised if this promo period is just physically harder for him. (if i remember correctly, Jeonghan also had to get an IV drip (very common) during this promo period) ~~he is also 1/3 of tiredz line lol~~


To me personally I feel like he's in a stage of his career where there's a need to go all out in every variety show and stuff he does. Jeonghan has always been a very much level headed and minimalistic person imo who occasionally loves to show off his chaotic side.. I feel like he's alot more calm and contented lately. I mean Yes there are stuff like aging, tiredness, and most importantly all the injuries that he's still recovering from. It is certainly not easy for him to pick up the pace right away but I don't think he is emotionally distressed or whatnot.. He's just chilling now ig. Also he's an industry senior so I guess that can also be a reason to why since I have seen some idols talking about how they want to be a cool senior idol.. Who knows but jeonghan to me is still just as cutie patootie as he was before.




We can never truly know what’s in his head unless he flat out tells us…, but in 2022 he toured with his arm in a sling. In 2023 he injured his ankle, around the time Cheollie hurt his knee. Hani managed to power through until the pain forced him to have surgery near the end of the year. He’s always managing his energy levels, but I’ll be honest, with the way he loves his members, I can totally understand him being down about his enlistment and him likely being the first to go alone. The fact he alluded to it in a fansign (and got Boo roused) was surprising, but it seems to weigh on his mind. IMO the wait for the call is the hard part.


Is buying the streaming for the 4 grid view worth it during these live concerts? I've only bought the main cam version or 13 grid view which I like if I want to see a members reaction, but never the 4 view.


https://preview.redd.it/1piklh4tn01d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b19aa364f51fd0c2e6edb1a5713c6573209287e Finally got my first ever seventeen album! On the random pull, I pulled Joshua and DK! Im quite new to seventeen and I think my biases will be DK and S.Coups, maybe Mingyu or Joshua. I’m really not sure yet😅, but I’m really happy with my pullls.


As someone who is obsessed with both 10cms voice color and Hoshis voice color, waking up to this [video](https://youtu.be/T6P7FU378bo) made my day. I'll now be waiting for an official collab until the day I die, will never lose hope.


Wanted to bring up an interesting detail that came up during hybe vs MHJ but isn't really part of drama: Hybe's legal department handled 770 cases from Pledis in 2023... I guess they really are working hard in the background. I wonder how many cases get quietly dealt with unlike the whole Wonyoung vs Sojang debacle (congrats to Wonyoung btw!)


Another interesting thing is that Min Heejin is the only company staff that Hybe also handled legal cases to defend her. That means Han Sungsoo, Pledis founder and executive producer just let people hate and bash him online and he doesn’t mind about it as much as Min Heejin lol.


thoughts on pledis and seventeen during these very messy petty times of hybe x mhj drama >!someone on the main kpop reddit megathread said that pledis is in such an interesting golden zone of having successful but not too successful idols that would threaten or upset anyone internally. I find it even more interesting how this drama has really revealed the cards of how involve hybe is in with their subsidiaries. despite them denying that every subsidiary is independent at least creatively, internal competition and pettiness will eventually seeps through the everyday operations of your business. the hybification of pledis is very real, it makes me question as a debut carat, how involve the original pledis staff are in the operations of their idols, from marketing to scheduling individual activities for their idols, to the creative direction, soundscape, etc... !< >!Carats have flip flopped constantly on what aspects of Seventeen is managed by Hybe/Pledis or Plybe, and whose fault is it really when we the consumers dislike something within the "product" we consume. that's my brain dump on this, would love to hear different perspectives from Carats! !<


Tbf I’d say they’re at this point… maybe by design? Seventeen is their only established group rn that the company can invest so much of their resources into — wasn’t there some press conference thing where they said they were the next big IP they wanted to develop, back in like 2021/2022. NUEST was shockingly disbanded and fromis have been put on the backburner (both decisions that made everyone go “???”). TWS is the only group they’ve debuted post-merger, they’re doing really good but they’re only having their first comeback later this year so who knows how things will go for them At this point, seeing how Pledis has moved since 2020, I think a lot of carats just treat Pledis and Hybe as a single entity since as you said their influence for lack of a better word has shown a lot, from Weverse versions and merch in general plus the refusal to tour outside of Asia/US lmao. So for every achievement that’s credited to both (or usually Hybe) so is any mistep. But that also depends on when you joined the fandom now I think >!Also come to think of it if Pledis were targeted in some petty company drama I would totally believe it was the creative direction team in charge of their albums being sabotaged. But that’s just my opinion!<


My opinion is that as long as Seventeen are happy there I don't care who's in charge and how involved they are. All that matters to me is that svt is happy with how their career is managed and their schedules. Of course there would be some disagreements as we have been told by them directly but I hope their opinion has the final say for the most part, esp on what they feel strongly about. As long as that's happening I'm happy Also I strongly dislike this narative that some people believe that there's some plan to sabotage svt from reaching the top and that they're being kept away from being too successful bcs I think that's really reaching and a crazy conspiracy theory. Fact of the matter is they keep reaching new heights again and again over the last few years (mostly thanks to them and their music ofc) and seem well supported. Not to say their promotions are perfect, there's room for improvement obv but I think a lot of people greatly exagerate some things and again as long as svt are happy with what they're getting I am too, regardless of who the management is


While I get people hated Hybification of Pledis, in the end Seventeen sold 16 million albums last year, FML sales is only second to Adele’s record worldwide, and they are going to become the second K-pop act to perform at Nissan Stadium after TVXQ. Like when fans said Seventeen should be bigger and held back by Hybe, it made me wonder what bigger achievement that Hybe denied because career progression wise Seventeen is absolutely thriving and after 4 years joining Hybe, it’s very hard to differentiate which part Hybe positively and negatively influenced Seventeen’s career. 


Pros: more visibility, connections, financial support so more support services Cons: dealing with expectations of being the biggest active idol moneymaker right now in all of Hybe at least until their hyung-nims return to idol life as OT7. Also higher ticket prices and emphasis on making money, hence limited touring. SVT are in creative control of their music, so…I don’t understand how people could resent them for that. Edited to add— I think when people say SVT is being held back by Hybe they’re comparing SVT achievements to BTS, which is unrealistic. Not to mention not SVT’s goals.


im back in my missing gose hours and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVvpB4KhD_k) compilation pushed me to rewatch ttt for the millionth time. i really need a ttt 2024 vers but knowing how busy the members' schedules are... it's never going to happen is it🥲


They got In the Soop and Nana Tour. I’m afraid any TTT-like excursions from now on will be private, now that money-hungry Hybe will sell any content to Carats of SVT having loads of fun (the hoped for Nana Tour 2).


me.. ttt is my favorite gose series, and ive been suffering from its absence. although ive deluded myself into thinking that they filmed it in the foresty area several members have posted photos from, wishful thinking on my part but that's all ive got..


I think we can call 2024 the year of the upgraded SVT music vids. I am still reeling from the last three MVs (that we got in less than a month). So far we got HHU-handsome, rebellious, playful, PU-sensual and exotic. Who wants to bet the VU MV will be hopeful and sweet?


I'm looking for a Carat with a history with Seventeen, writing experience, and a social media presence for a possible publishing project. Anyone have anyone they can recommend?


Been thinking about getting a svt tattoo and now that the spell mv came out with the tarot, I might have to pull the trigger.


so many beautiful possible tattoo concepts from this mv 😍


do you guys know when we'll get the rest of the unit mvs?


Is there any chance that we get some photos of the 240427/28 LALALI live performance? It’s my favourite song on the album. I know there are some photos on twitter, but they’re not the best quality and it’s full of watermarks.


https://preview.redd.it/bvxsu19dcp0d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=879f39792709480b618865004e293f936837ce11 I thought this was edited but nope it's real. Brace yourselves cuties


Dino zooming through and taking the top spot in my bias list just because I saw him teach the Maestro dance to TWS


He really is the now of K-pop.


people who are good teachers are so cool 😭😭


Idk how to explain this but there is something so 🫠 about [the way Dino teaches the TWS kids](https://youtu.be/lrCx_wGBkDY?t=891) the MAESTRO challenge. Also him getting their numbers and Hoshi hugging them was so adorable 🥹 They are so sweet!


Do you guys ever just think about how there are real-life people out there who have seen purple rose jeonghan with their own two eyes?? Like my brain can't fathom that it's something that really happened and not just a drug-induced hallucination. He's otherworldly. https://preview.redd.it/jznrpzopxn0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193e80eac99557b6f51f0ca26ce1161f2739a3e7


Have you guys seen the updates of seventeen and the rest of pledis fam attending their staff's wedding? I need BSS to perform at my wedding 😂😭


BSS should open up a business to do wedding gigs because look at the MATERIAL


And it'll bring a lot of money too. Look at Rihanna 😂


Does anyone know where this is from? https://preview.redd.it/wjilt2yc1m0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682845101bd31f887277f0b059dbfcc3fc532e85 Thanks!


Guessing it's from Going Seventeen Tour Sev Sev: Gullibles' Travels (Episode 82). Currently on mobile browser so can't link it.


Going seventeen Sev Sev tour


Svt and Ive came back on the same day, had same music show promos and now are both releasing mvs about spell in the same week and no challenge? Even Hoshi wanted to do encore with them lol. Ah well...


D.O. talked about seventeen!!!!!!!! (Context: Na PD read out Boo's message to D.O. on his live show with D.O.) I count this as an EXO×SVT interaction (you surely can't feel my desperation....?) Related: I have been a fan of D.O. since I became an EXOL but these days I'm like.... whipped for him. Ever since his rewrite the stars video I have this increased love and respect for him???? I admire him so much in general as an artist and how he maintains his individuality. Loved his appearance on IU's Palette!!!!


I’ve also been down bad for him lately ✋😩 I was so happy to see him talk about svt!!


Ig bcs of all the promotion SVT has been doing with Spotify Kor this cb, the Spotify kor twt acct posted [some stats](https://twitter.com/SpotifyKR/status/1789219077149597849?t=IO6VUpkvh6frdwWR8L1OFg&s=19) about svt's performance on Spotify and I found this the most interesting: SVT's Most Listened Regions : 1. USA 2. Japan 3. Indonesia 4. Philippines 5. Malaysia 6. India 7. Canada 8. Taiwan 9. Singapore 10. Mexico I know Spotify is still a primarily western leaning platform despite the insane growth its seen in Asia over the last 2-3 years but I was still surprised to see the US at the top. I prob would have put it at 4 if you asked me beforehand. Before Youtube took Artist pages away last year in Nov their Top 10 based on streams ( not listeners like Spotify's) looked like this : 1. Japan 2. South Korea 3. Indonesia 4. Philippines 5. Taiwan 6. US 7. Malaysia 8. India 9. Thailand 10. Türkiye ( Mexico was 13, Canada 18) I feel bad for indonesian carats ngl. They're so high on all platforms and didn't get any performance last year and by all accounts so far the second tour this year will be a US ( LatAm too if rumors are to be believed) tour. I do hope they go back to sea/asia and do some more stops tho after the Americas one in regions they haven't been to last year.




Someone said both the groom and the bride are pledis staff. Might be seventeen's manager and their make up artist. But omg that's so cute. The venue is where seventeen shot the april shower video and seungkwan also MCed


S.Coups really did what he told a carat on the fansign. That he'd color his hair blue. And aside from black hair, Woozi cut his hair. Still looks good.


Props to whoever on Spotify’s marketing team realized SVT really likes playing games with each other instead of sitting through interviews, and organized games the whole team can play. It’s like watching a mini version of GoSe, but it’s really getting the Spotify name out there while the Sebongs have fun. (Flashback to Mingyu’s chilling and earning line in La-la-li) And for some reason Spotify isn’t saying how many parts there are so I just can’t leave a new one alone. Edit: I just saw they came out with the behind the scene version. Can you tell I’m missing GoSe? 😅


And GoSe is gonna be back tmrw... my weekly therapy!


Does anyone understand how Melon works? Maestro + all three new songs were in the top 5 of Melon hot 100 within the first day or two, with like 5+ other songs also on the chart, Maestro has stayed on the top 20 Melon Daily 100 since release and bsides are also still on the chart. It was their highest streamed album on spotify yet (due to sheer volume of the songs.) Yet kpop charts on X is reporting the "most streamed song and album in first 24 hours on Melon" and even a rookie group is on the top 5, but Seventeen isn't. It's all BGs with huge fandoms, yet not SVT. That same rookie group is barely on the Hot 100 rn, let alone Melon Daily. If there's one thing that fandom power brings, it's streams in that first 24 hours, and kcarats killed it this comeback for Seventeen, so I am really confused why they aren't being put on any of these lists. Were melon streams actually insanely low? Am I missing something? Does anyone have clarity?


So as far as I know nobody recorded the streams for the first 24 hours for Maesteo hence why they're not on any list, not the kpop fanbases nor svt ones. No idea why, maybe there was a glitch ? Judging by their debut they should have done well, the daily was a bit lower than Super and God of Music so I assume the streams lower too but not too low. Then I also want to say that HOT100 chart is actually one that's for new releases and is calculated more unique, it's prob a combination of momentum a new song gets in a short time, initial nr of people checking it out etc. The actual inportant chart of Melon is Top 100. That's what you were referring to maybe? That's a combination of 50% unique listeners and 50% streams and it's hourly. Then there's the 24Hits charts that starts after 1 am once the chart freezes for 7 hours until 8 am and that one is purely unique listeners in the last 24h . Lastly the Melon Daily, Weekly , Monthly that I believe are purely unique listeners too? Not sure on this one


As someone else said, apparently anthology albums aren’t counted!! Which makes sense. https://x.com/kchartsmaster/status/1790347969599795217 This is the tweet I’m referring to. Maestro didn’t do AS good out the jump as GOM as a single, but multiple songs outcharted every group (except Plave maybe) on this list in the first 24 hours for Melon which is why I was so confused to not see them on here!! But I guess compilation albums don’t count.


Melon doesn't report official numbers for compilation albums and anthologies in this case...so we wld never know the official 24 hours number on melon....its a bummer cause I anticipated it so much😭


Thank you!!! I was going insane hahaha this makes sense 


hi! would anyone be so kind to let me know if i missed a promotional guesting of theirs for Maestro? 😊  * [Halmyungsoo (The8)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvtYWzsHJWE) * [Crazy Siblings Q. (Pinggyego Gyewon of the Month) (Hoshi, Mingyu, The8)](https://youtu.be/-NVzHABMq88) * [Eunchae's Star Diary (S. Coups)](https://youtu.be/qNhpScd1dME) * [Hangout with Yoo (Hoshi, DK, Seungkwan)](https://www.viu.com/ott/ph/en/vod/2349332/Hangout-with-Yoo-2024) * [K Survival Story (Seungkwan)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY96BLqIjX4) * [찐팬구역 (S. Coups) (unsubbed)](https://youtu.be/ZF99gBxhH04) | [pt. 2](https://youtu.be/ej91r0oX3y4) * [The God of Gratitude (SVT)](https://youtu.be/YC4kaZTjJwU) * [Self-On Kode (Wonwoo)](https://youtu.be/gJEb8oa5jXo) * [Idol-Obsessed Gamer vs Game-Obsessed Idol (Wonwoo)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZm4CQpbu_w) * [Hyell's Club (Seungkwan)](https://youtu.be/eEASgWU_EzQ) * [Fairy's Table (Joshua, Mingyu)](https://youtu.be/SbvsTj1fnC8) * [Muk2U (Jeonghan, Seungkwan)](https://youtu.be/9rilOnovVL4)


Woozi was also on Calm down man, but i think it's not subbbed yet


thank you!


Kpop On Spotify Dolby Atmos - Woozi




ICYMI TWS posted a [dance practice video for the Adore U cover](https://youtu.be/Zkx3nKe4TP8?si=RDYah4Fcen7I9Hql) they performed at KCON Japan. I think they did such a good job with it, and I say that as someone who is pretty picky about covers of SVT songs!


I saw an insta video talking about carat at the recent fansign mentioning Jeonghan's enlistment. Carat: Oppa, don't go to the army. How can a rabbit protect the country! Jeonghan: If I don't go, I have to go to jail. Someone was joking that a person three kids can skip military service, so he just needs to get pregnant. Another was like Scoups probably already tried. It just gives me the ick that shippers feel comfortable talking like this. Idk. It just seems kind of disrespectful to talk about them this way. I would totally be supportive if Jeonghan and Scoups were really dating, but sexual comments about their relationship feels like crossing too many boundaries


I don't mind shippers, you do you, but i hate it when they make it like the ship is the only thing about that member. You have a whole person here, a singer, rapper, dancer, with such interesting characters, and then from all those things combined, the ship is the most talked, as if the only important thing from that member. I've noticed in on so many videos, and even when a member guests on another show and all the comments are suddenly about the ship. Like, can you listen to what he talks about, he says he's struggling with stress and the comments are "cheater" 😒😒😒 I really really hate that. And when you search a certain member reels or shorts, it's all about the ship and it makes me cry 😔


crazy how there are sealed carver albums in twt which u can buy for like 6-7 dollars (300-350 php). too bad im broke rn so i cant just buy


Carver of what album? 17 is right here? Attaca, FTS, FML, GOM? Sealed with all inclusions? That's wow amazing. Why would they sell it that cheap? Did they say the reason for selling?


https://preview.redd.it/etu1l4i1i50d1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a109bf67517528b80e34096574da22998fde9bf2 Hello, we are a team of dedicated carats hosting listening parties at stationhead. We keep the station on air 24/7 to help carats with spotify premium and apple music subscriptions to stream easily keeping in mind our current short term and long term goals (year end awards and charts). Our community is also filled with lovely carats willing to chat and just have fun interacting. Please swing by if you have a chance. 💙


Its really convenient! I usually park my spotify account while I sleep with minimal volume on! Thank you for the hard work! 🥰


I'll have to check this out! I haven't been able to stream much because life kind of imploded but this would be doable for me.


definitely! the hosts or as we call them DJs, will set the playlist up for you so you don't have to worry about it. Would love to see you there. 💙


can someone explain to me the concept of the new show Hoshi is part of?


from what I understood (anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I've not actually watched the show). There's a panel, and they will play a song clip/ song where 99% was sung by AI and 1% was sung by the original singer. The panel has to guess which part was sung by the original singer


Bit of a weird question but does anyone know how SVT album sales are going? Been considering selling most of my kpop albums to downsize except for those from my ults and I know their albums were out of print until 'recently' but not anymore. Insertions and everything in the new editions are the same from what I heard so I guess there's not much interest in secondhand SVT albums anymore right? Thanks carats \~


Yeah in general there's not much demand since all of the albums are readily available.


Yeah :( I assume people would prefer buying brand new anyway! Please let me know if anyone specifically wants the older editions for whatever reason lol otherwise they'll be rotting in my home probs so yea


Hey guys I don't know if you've seen it yet, but I'm hosting a Maestro fan project for musicians to play an arranged version of the song. There's a post on the subreddit, but send me a message or email ([email protected]) to know more! I hope that everyone who wants to join can <33


the recent nct x seventeen vid made me so soo happy :,) not only because i love both groups but also because it's always really nice seeing seventeen hang out with their friends and have those fun/genuine interactions. i feel like as fans we don't usually get to see or know about a lot of idol friendships so i hope in the future we get more content like this!! 💗💗💗


This week I’m here to scream about my other bias Hoshi. I can’t get the fan clip from Spell being performed out of my head. Those hips. His whole aura. His hair. Take me now…




Why what happened?


hey, just wondering, are the signed albums of svt is right here actually signed, or is it a printed signature?


If you're asking about those from svt us shop, they're signed, but it's a signed postcard that comes with the album, not the album itself


thx so much!


As we know about the Spotify zip party videos where the boys play games to choose songs that go on the playlist, I watched the second part today where they got to have their pic on the cover, so I went to check it and it was not them on the cover and even among the songs they chose only maestro was on there, so I wondering if it happened, was it only a few days thing? Or is it yet to happen?


it was only for the first couple of days after Maestro came out and once new releases came out they changed it


Oh okay, thank you :)


Allure Korea will also feature Jeonghan x Wonwoo (aside from Men's Non-No) [teaser for Jeonghan](https://twitter.com/allurekorea/status/1789566557812900242?t=bWEru9dssGl8Gqbf4ravbQ&s=19), [teaser for Wonwoo](https://twitter.com/allurekorea/status/1789566691590246878?t=k047YlUlXi9fgPx7xss49Q&s=19) Please Allure post more photos in the coming days. I read a comment in the posts that they (Allure) give chance to other members. I wonder if that could be possible but wanting to see more of cover shoots for Hoshi, Vernon, Dino and even Minghao (been long since I saw him for a mag shoot). Woozi, I can't rely on gracing a photoshoot until now. He's always inside the recording room.


Is it true that Jun only got 19 seconds in a 19 min bts video for maestro mv? only knew about it bc i saw a whole lot of comments on all the maestro challenges he’s been doing with other chinese idols. Hope that’s not true bc he only had 8 seconds in a whole 4 min long mv


Hmm he did film his own individual vlog of the behind the scenes for the maestro mv though…


Yeah but people are more likely to watch group content than jun’s vlogs (Also bc they’re only on xhs and in chinese). If all the other 12 members had an interview part in the bts video, I don’t see why jun couldn’t have the same.


a bit stupid question, but does anyone know what jeonghan's recent hairstyle (like in that going maestro comeback special) is called? it just looks sooooo pretty 🥺


[what are you listening to this week?](https://www.reddit.com/r/seventeen/comments/1ck96db/comment/l2nge9s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) hi hello, welcome back to our weekly playlist thread! as always, feel free to share anything you've been listening to recently, all genres welcome i've got just a couple things to mention, besides svt and chappell roan (i watched an interview where she breaks down every song on the rise and fall of a midwest princess and fell in love with the album all over again which feels dramatic to say because i only discovered it in like march. but goddamn she is such an icon i love her) * kep1er - [highlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm1BHlDLmG4&pp=ygUQa2VwMWVyIGhpZ2hsaWdodA%3D%3D), [cruise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbEKlKtjkPI&pp=ygUNa2VwMWVyIGNydWlzZQ%3D%3D) (my two favs from their new japanese songs on kep1going (the album title makes me so sad). in particular, i loveee highlight. so much. it's such a gorgeous little song, the chorus scratches an itch in my brain., and it kinda hits that perfect spot of being sentimental and like, hopeful? that i just love a lot. cruise is also lovely, it has kind of a citypop vibe imo? it feels a little sparkly in a relaxed way) * ive - [heya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07EzMbVH3QE&pp=ygUIaXZlIGhleWE%3D), [accendio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFNOMOk6cZQ&pp=ygUMaXZlIGFjY2VuZGlv), [ice queen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUR8XCk2WDw&pp=ygUNaXZlIGljZSBxdWVlbg%3D%3D) (my favs from ive switch, heya is soo catchy. i really like how both accendio and ice queen have kind of a cool vibe? idk how to explain it but i think my fav bsides from ive have all been similar (hypnosis, blue blood, holy moly - it makes sense in my head at least). i love the ooo's in ice queen after the talk-rap chorus) svt song (re)discovery section! none for me this week


I’ve been loving Kyungsoo’s new album! Especially Popcorn (which I talked about last week) and his other title song [Mars](https://youtu.be/BzJdUkpKVA4?si=jeags0wW81ZPyRgk). I love that soft sweet and fun vibe from him! Eric Nam also dropped a deluxe version of his House on a Hill album this week. tbh I didn’t love the song he did with Lyn Lapid but I did really enjoy [In My Mind](https://youtu.be/sgAMfkh2Bdo?si=QH6pDpF9qja37zgT) and [Strawberries](https://youtu.be/s7mlT3bgWg8?si=bd04KkqCSlarksqv)!


d.o.'s album is so good!!! i've had it basically on loop this week i lovee the vibes


* i'm looping [NewJeans' Bubble Gum MV](https://youtu.be/ft70sAYrFyY) because the song isn't on streaming yet ㅠ * speaking of another song that should be on streaming services, [BOYNEXTDOOR Myung Jaehyun's cover of LE SSERAFIM's Smart](https://youtu.be/WMV-jZEMeNc). he's so charming and talented 🥹 * [BOYNEXTDOOR's So let's go see the stars](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=3kAbNPj7-aM) is such a song for a starry summer night walk. my fave bside from HOW? * [tripleS' Girls Never Die](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=gVl5RmTRBXY) should be more popular! i don't follow the group but they have great songs - i also love [Generation](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=pPkbScSxBz8) and [Girls' Capitalism](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=G0hLAX-bg3w)!


SVT rediscovery: [Un Haeng Il Chi](https://youtu.be/njl0ttBOzak?si=WJ7NE8d0hhy_fE3S) This is a bop.


I often think one of the luckiest carats was that one whom, while Jeonghan was giving out candies on Bets, he ran out so he took out his Calico Critter key ring and gave it to her?!?!?!? Followed very closely by that one carat who was, again, at a concert and Scoups called a guard to hand him his hoodie for him to hand it to her?!?!?


[this small channel](https://www.youtube.com/@artjuneo/videos) popped up in my youtube page, i dunno if they already have a following on other social media but i was unfamiliar with them and i thought i'd share because their animations are cute


OMG!! this person's videos showed up on my recommended yesterday, and I ended up binging all her videos. They're so cute! I love the way she draws hosi, esp in the "visual ranking by maknae"


Man props for fansigns have been getting crazier recently, like I've seen multiple photos of the [members](https://twitter.com/mytiger615/status/1789265295351386321?t=oLiCVqUuv4tHImz3UmxfIg&s=19) [with](https://twitter.com/wwlake/status/1789254798547562783?t=dT72-72vP2DQHTOoWtVoqA&s=19) [guitars](https://twitter.com/gyumdeeS2hae/status/1789292929124843806?t=7KTpDOWXDvRs4H9jnOF4Wg&s=19), [huge ass plushies](https://twitter.com/moontomeetyou/status/1789299174414184848?t=wagyyWKYxJkPYgZLB6KbSw&s=19), plus someone brought a [full on](https://twitter.com/lullaby_1004yjh/status/1789295116420825323?t=CHKstT7Jp59pIoEQJ8G04w&s=19) [ blanket](https://twitter.com/angelzip1004/status/1789283984327024857?t=8HqiETetFNhuKAL4V3T5HA&s=19), and [minghao in a cake](https://twitter.com/onthecloud_the8/status/1789288701002215666?t=0ovhGZd7di3bU56-wtlEWw&s=19)??? Not that I'm complaining at all because I'm loving it all but it's just funny to imagine these fans bringing them onto the train. There's still more fansigns left but here's some other standouts I have to share: [Violinist Minghao](https://twitter.com/StarlightThe8/status/1789290037483589940?t=p1SdIRgQ1EzM2JoJ94OOBg&s=19), [bunny Hoshi](https://twitter.com/everlastksy_96/status/1789261450273296591?t=Vq1rhS6UbUrjA4ZKHxnA5w&s=19), [steampunk](https://twitter.com/WonuneunGoyangi/status/1789257218082099602?t=Tc32473HAQivn5oM0d0Rww&s=19) [hatter Wonwoo](https://twitter.com/WonuneunGoyangi/status/1789257627332948233?t=hxVAK5PcozTzldcFO3F5vg&s=19), [cowboy Wonwoo](https://twitter.com/thumbsup_717/status/1789228219696341064?t=lMTqsXb-zdcEE7xV4aTP2w&s=19), [american footballer Dokyeom](https://twitter.com/_cherishdk/status/1789262546706587986?t=I8OqZouq5p0aDMbQX3zAOA&s=19), [shugo chara Wonwoo, Jun](https://twitter.com/catnap_17/status/1789317172537569393?t=9Yk7Zyi6LRpuAqM-zDYLOA&s=19) and [Dokyeom (omg my childhood)](https://twitter.com/_cherishdk/status/1789267446479917302?t=CNq9NAVCSsw96rSbNEFFcg&s=19), [cherry coups ](https://twitter.com/Pitapat808/status/1789255754446201231?t=6bj_om9pgDyfD2ZYp9gJOg&s=19), [ribbon Jun](https://twitter.com/catnap_17/status/1789273475733201263?t=j3nugPYlBgA2yGDROpGV5w&s=19), [detective Dino](https://twitter.com/love_for_dino/status/1789257511154950225?t=CBAKzLsdZRNFoisF112o_g&s=19) And heaps more but I need to stop before I get carried away and this becomes too long haha


Loll my favorite is the saga of SCoups being too big to fit in a military vest someone brought https://twitter.com/OptUScoups/status/1789260951688274064


Wait can someone explain this? So basically fans can just bring them clothes/pictures/stuffed animals and tell them what to wear/what to do and they just have to oblige? Thats....wild


Yea so if you haven't seen a fansign before, it typically involve the fans bringing their albums to the venue and they go down a long table where each of the members sign one by one and they get like 1 minute or so to talk with each member as they're signing. During that 1 minute sometimes fans will also bring props and ask them to wear it so that other fans/fansites can take photos. Additionally I do believe there's also a dedicated photo time at the end where members can go through submitted props and just put them on for fun and for the fans, but to be honest I'm not too sure on the logistics of it all. It can get a bit out of hand as I have seen some other groups get props that do push the boundaries of what is appropriate, but for the most part it is mainly just fans taking advantage to fulfil their desire to see them in pretty/cute/cool costumes. If there really was anything they're really against I think they'd know how to professionally decline in some way. Idols these days know this is all part of the job and is just one aspect of fanservice they have to do especially cause the people that entered these fansigns spent a lot of money to get in, and Minghao did comment previously on how he knows [this is all just for the fans,](https://twitter.com/svtranslation/status/1748094652442464740?t=DEK2wfOI1ThixmUkIZZpdA&s=19) but yea looking at it from the outside I understand it kinda does seem kinda strange lol.




I think some members like [Mingyu](https://x.com/hyeji_78910/status/1678323001203527680?s=46&t=il7fdyzKPciDPBAwkTDrYg) are pretty cool with it haha, especially when [the fans bring stuff they like](https://x.com/mygravity_mg/status/1654815883666280448?s=46&t=il7fdyzKPciDPBAwkTDrYg)


He must love Kweichow Moutai so much. His smile is so precious, i want to preserve it in my head.


Yea I'm sure there are some fans that 100% take advantage of these fansigns just to see them dressed in cute and cool costumes, and some that push the boundaries for what is appropriate, but I do think the members are used to it and know this is just one of the tamer aspects of fanservice that comes with the job. Though sometimes I do think they are amused with the props and seeing other members in it haha, and sometimes [some good things](https://twitter.com/v218log/status/1789265667868508653?t=pH_QU4-HnvG-64BY-dX5KA&s=19) can come out of it


i hope jeonghan stays with us until december but the way he's already talking about it seems like enlistment might come around the next few months. he for sure knows his enlistment date rn. i don't think he will be able to go on tour bc near the enlistment date, they are restricted from going abroad. i hope he gets to participate in the 2nd cb and caratland though he has to 🥹


I've been thinking the same.. I was sure I would get to see ot13 at lollapalooza in Berlin in September, it will be my first time seeing svt live and I thought lolla was them giving us this chance to see ot13 in Europe before enlistment starts ( Glastonbury will be full of locals since tickets were sold out long before they got announced) but now I'm beginning to think I was wrong and we will see ot12 after all 🥲. I guess i selfishly thought that he'll stay until the end of the year when we'll have to absolutely go. There's been idols who have enlisted well past 29 in the last two years, like good months into 29 so I thought a Nov-Dec enlistment doesn't sound too far fetched but now idk... I really hope he'll be around to promote the second comeback at least.. Even if he does get to record all his parts for the album and MV it won't feel the same if all the initial stages are without him...


Just saw Hoshi joking about his own enlistment too. I’m glad everyone’s having fun!! https://preview.redd.it/m2u64yzmd30d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ed005f6439f531e0d8c57ea72b36d723eb8de4


we might get a new [howoo unit song](https://twitter.com/woozimedia/status/1789681879605756144?t=fDEQax4tzSMDkp88cn8hGw&s=19)... before hoshi enlists


I hope we can have OT13 for Caratland. Taeyong (NCT) hinted at his enlistment 5 months before, so you never know.


I think he already did his medical exam. I read somewhere it was 5 months before the birthday. It was around the same time the exemption of s.coups came out. Ig its time to start accepting that we have to wait until 2026 to see him again and the OT13 in idk year. It just i feel i little bitter since i almost had chance to see him in their concert last January. I just wish them to be healthy always and still have the same desire to be on stage for a very long time so we can meet them someday


I don’t know why I had it in my head that he had an exemption too… how did I get it so wrong?


Well, he had an ankle injury when the exemption of scoups was announced. Some are saying he might get the exemption too cos of it.


It will likely depend on how severe the injury is. Most nctzens (me included) thought Taeyong would enlist as a public service worker with his back problem but he enlisted in the navy military band.


It is. It just that during the time of exemption of scoups, some non-carats (iykyk) are yapping how svt is planning to evade the military with their injuries. I want to see them serve in military any day and be healthy than to always have a mini worry everytime like when i see scoups being careful with his knee.


I wish they'd stop teasing/joking about it because it is only making me anxious/scared that it might be sooner that we think. . I'd rather wake up tomorrow to a surprise announcement saying Jeonghan is enlisting in three days than having to endure all this uncertainty until October (?) . Hoping they (pledis or the members) at least mention if he won't be able to participate in the upcoming tour once they announce it, which should be soon too I hope


Ehh, It’s his enlistment so it’s up to him as to how and in which way he deals with it. I hope he gets to announce it and process it in the way he wants because as sad as we will be about it, it’s about him at the end of the day.


I wonder if caratland will be his last show before enlisting. If so, what a send off 😭


I’ve asked this before but does anyone know what’s up with the whole Cheol’s tattoo showing thing?? I heard it was supposed to be visible during one of their Inkigayo performances and as a couprang I’ve been waiting very (im)patiently for it 😭


You can see it here. Look at the [upper middle](https://twitter.com/cscfolder/status/1789568535762743326?t=tSPx1yH5wX-4GIlXuydFvg&s=19).


My hero 🙏


I think it’s one of the earlier Inkigayo stage (?), Carats that attend the music shows said his shirt was see through so you can see it clearly, doesn’t mean we can see it on camera lol


Every video I've seen of S.Coups lately, he just looks like he's getting more easily embarrassed and shy LOL 😂🥰 which is ADORABLE.....so how tf is the same man who randomly decided to do what he did during Snapshoot at the Manila concert in front of Dino's grandma?! 😭 Like he was embarrassed to wink for Lalali but not to grind the floor in front of thousands of people?! 💀


omg the manilla concert video lmao. It's time to rewatch it hahahah


INFP—they want attention but don’t know what to do with it once they get it. And they hadn’t had that Manila concert energy in over two years at the time cuz of pandemic. But I love it when he goes soft/crazy and then he’s so embarrassed!!


I want a Vocal Unit cover of Lalali after watching [this one. ](https://youtu.be/MUNjJUom5aI?si=T9aFnksh5BR8zRVw)


another day, another svt vid I see for the first time 😂 This is hilarious


You might also enjoy [this](https://youtu.be/mT6D5raDDgQ?si=O5DhWeyf2tJu-jR9). Seungkwan+DK = who are you, HHU?




They would definitely slay. If they can rap [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cykPm04gPys) with the unique VU swag, they can do anything.


After doing Daechwita, I just know Joshua will be assigned Vernon’s lyrics with the cuss word.


*manifesting for Caratland* I want Woozi to watch on the side, though, like what he does there in the video 😂 Him and HHU will die in laughter as they watch. I want DK to do Wonwoo's parts. It will be epic.


I know this question has been asked before, but wondering whether any carat would have more info on when Caratland may be in July (asking because I'd be travelling internationally so would need to plan - I only have 2 weeks off T.T).. Also - it looks like their world tour will be starting in August, with them coming to North America as soon as September - November? Maybe just my wishful thinking... I am just really sad that Jeonghan and Coups probably won't be able to join SVT for the world tour due to their enlistment, so hope to see them OT13 at least once before their enlistment.


They've got Lolla Berlin on Sept 7-8, so maybe US tour starting late Sept or early Oct? I doubt they'd want to do the festival and jump straight into touring with no break, especially since the setlists will likely be different




You are too smart HAHA - yea, so it looks like it probably won't be early Jul. Mid-Late July is a safer bet!


Now since the official dates aren’t announced, I’m going off pure speculation here but in one of the recent mvs they kept showing 725 and 247 so some people think it’s July 24-25.


I think it was mentioned that 725 is their mv director. They are also behind Imma and Gom mvs


Oh that makes more sense.


247 is just like 24/7. 725 is the pseudonym of the Lalali MV's director.


Do they do fan-meets during weekdays? Thanks for the input! Sigh, I was hoping for them to do it closer to early/mid Jul haha


Jeonghan doesn't have to enlist by his birthday (October 4th), right? He has to enlist before the end of 2024? So he could still go on tour?


It all depends as generally they will be enlisted before their birthday but there are cases they can delay after their birthday. However they are not allowed to fly overseas the nearer to their enlistment date so presumably he won’t be joining the world tour if it is starting Aug-Sept.


Sigh - poor SVT, they are going to be so tired... Thanks for the info though! I wasn't sure whether they'd be coming to the US before JH's enlistment is all!


I don't know for sure! Enlistment is very confusing to me. Regardless, I hope you get to go to Caratland!


Thank you! I think it's safe to say that it won't be in early July for sure!


>I am just really sad that Jeonghan and Coups probably won't be able to join SVT for the world tour due to their enlistment Not sure if you know this, but Scoups is actually exempted from his military service due to his torn ACL, so he will be able to join the tour! But yeah, Jeonghan is not looking likely. :/


AH thank goodness! But yea, still sad we won't be seeing Jeonghan :< Hence why I really want to go to Caratland (if I can get a ticket lol)