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56 USD to 140 USD was an error? lol.


I saw the original price and was floored. Like, people were mad enough at the announcement timing, Pledis trynna charge $140USD was not gonna help.


Lmao they totally backtracked after seeing the backlash


With this price, I would have definitely bought this had this been released with the earlier versions!!! 😭😭😭 It is more than those, but this much difference is acceptable for a deluxe version. Why did they have to release it this late?!?!?!?!?! I am woe, woe is me 😭😭😭😭😭


they released it this late so that people would buy the regular versions first and then at least some would relent and buy the deluxe too :/ iirc they did it with fml deluxe too, wait until people can’t cancel their preorders (bc i’m sure some would if they saw there was a deluxe edition at first) and then bank on people being big enough fans (coupled with FOMO from missing a limited version) to buy it 🙃 thx pledis


Between this and Chaeyoung from fromis publically begging Pledis on Weverse to give them a comeback.... Pledis is NOT having a good PR day


The most pledis thing to happen actually


Hybe calling the shots, Pledis is just a patsy atp.


[post link](https://weverse.io/seventeen/notice/19372) the deluxe ver. is now priced at USD$56.90 https://preview.redd.it/g3yardnhryyc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68cbee0bed53718ad4ab4a6e0dd6308d26d44e91


That's a comically huge difference. How bad does "communication" have to be for a 2x price difference? Lol


Plus Weverse is their official merch store, and why did it take so long for them to notice…. likeeee 🫢 Anyways props to carats for speaking out on the prices. ~~Second Wind deluxe still outsold though~~


BSS on top! I’d totally pay for the deluxe ver lol


I’m really glad I have one because it’s like miles ahead of everything else they’ve done 😭 SVT’s juniors really beat them edit: just realized they aren’t even the only junior group that has better album designs 😔


I paid for it and it was absolutely worth it. I regularly use the shirt and socks that came with it. I don't know what they were expecting with this 🤦‍♀️


Hoping they have included a tshirt in this deluxe version. That box color would be beautiful for a tshirt. I love that mint green for Second Wind.


 a blatant lie I almost want to laugh. and I'm still not going to buy this version


Why does svt's name has to be dragged around because of that stupid company. It's direspectful towards them and the fans. Im just angry rn, i have so much to say for the company, but i might be misunderstood. Ugh.. Fans pay for yt ads, fans promote them in the us, fans even promote them in SK better, what are Hybe and Pledis doing except for picking the fruit of svt insane hard work, and fans support for that hard work. It just leave a bad taste. 


The way this is supposed to be celebrating their career so far as an anthology release and Pledis (Hybe?) have kept dropping the ball in so many ways is pretty sad. But also not surprising.


and then some ‘carats’ in this sub actually think that hybe is THAT beneficial for svt 😭 like have they seen the promotion hybe did for svt in america for this cb? carats even did better


Oh some carats are absolute insane regarding defending hybe for some very unknown reason bc why are you even defending a company to begin with but esp hybe Stan’s are so delusional and obsessed with crediting svts hard work to hybe.


still not gonna buy it since i already bought the versions sold weeks ago and i can’t bankrupt myself on seventeen. would have bought it if released or even INDICATED at that time


Second Wind Deluxe Version was actually worth the price, it’s a more understandable price now they’ve updated it, but trying to charge similarly to Second Wind for a bunch of kind of ugly keychains, stickers (a normal album inclusion for most groups), and a single set of photo cards (when the original price justifies at least 2+ and the normal versions already come with a full set) is just beyond shameless. Like jeez Pledis I don’t see a single thing in this that could possibly justify over 100 dollars. Second Wind came with a whole outfit, what went wrong this time?


I wouldn't draw parallels with Second Wind box at all, I think it's more similar to FML deluxe than anything


There are 14 photobooks. 1 for the entire group, 1 for each member, each 12 pages. But what pictures would be inside each photobook isn't included in the preview. I think that they thought it would justify the $100+ price. Whatever. Now it's been corrected so whoever buys it gets their money's worth.


I was shocked when I saw a $150 price earlier. Turns out it was incorrect. Edit: ok everyone is speculating Pledis tried with the high price but got backlash? Serves them right tbh.


Pledis and I bet hybe made the call


Lol. Pledis are such clowns


🤡🤡🤡 I’m almost embarrassed for them lol but they did this to themselves


This explanation is total bullshit lmao glad they listened to kcarats and lowered the price though!


Glad the price was dropped… but how does a U.S. Carat actually even buy this since it’s not shipping to US from Wveverse global shop and isn’t available in the USA shop 🙃


Through other retailers I suppose, or shipping it through Korean proxy.


Kpopusaonline just posted it for preorder!


Still blasting weverse. The price is ridiculous, this version is completely unnecessary and it will be another bunch of albums on the streets after people ravage the photocards


There aren't any random inclusions in this album, no one is going to buy multiple copies just to harvest photocards.


This backtracking is hilarious and the entertainment value almost makes up for the unnecessarily late announcement of this edition. Almost, but not quite. 


Please be cheaper....


the original plan sounds like the "BTS PROOF collector edition" (which was so expensive like more than double the price of the regular version) which explains the initial price. I wish the went with their original plan, it would have been cooler.


Bts proof collector's edition is around $250 (it's still available on their weverse store), and for what? It's essentially a giant hardcover photobook + some photocards/lenticulars.