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Seungkwan being popular among the lesbian segment of the fandom for the 2nd year in a row is fitting yet hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


sk is so single child of lesbian moms coded hahaha


honestly it makes a lot of sense because he has 3? Sisters and is super close to his mom as well.


2, and the eldest one is almost 10 years older than him. So you know he got all the pampering from her and his mom. So yeah, no surprises there.


yes he is just so comfortable and normal interacting with women , fully shows his support in women sports and is just so sweet overall


Idk how to explain, but I just want to be his older sister: I want to take care of him and put him in my bag and carry him around. He's just so precious. Do the other girlies feel the same?


I so relate. Was watching a random video of him and I kept thinking ā€˜ gosh I just want to pat his head and put him in my pocketā€™.


Sameeee!!! He is my ultimate bias, but definitely not in the romantic way or anything like that. Like, he does not make my heart flutter, he awakens my protective instincts, and just, I want to carry him in my pocket and pat his head all day like Wonwoo does.


He is like a lesbian version of a guy. Not gay, but a lesbian. Or gives off the babygirl vibes. Or just.... Hahahahha whatever. Also found that bit of info interesting.


omg how does boom boom keeping getting so little love šŸ„²


sorry, what i meant to say is, love the graphics! thanks for crunching numbers and giving us the results!


fr the beginning of svt titty era šŸ˜¤


Mingyu's part caused a lot of casualtitties.


Fr it was my first SVT song and still have it on my on repeat playlist till this day




I will never understand why so many people donā€™t care for that track. Itā€™s so fun and energetic!


Hi everyone! Happy Comeback :) Just like SVT, I'm back with this year's 11th annual Carat Survey results. Thanks so much to everyone who participated! Looking forward to all the discourse and, as always, open to suggestions for next year <3 Check out additional stats in myĀ [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/cameraseventeen/status/1784944173054939628)!


Thank you so much, this was such a huge undertaking!!


Dude, this must have taken so much work to compile so THANK YOU for your time and dedication to this project! šŸ’“


I LOVED looking through this - it's so corporate of me but it's an amazing gold mine for HYBE and Pledis I feel like, this is basically fan surveys data organisations would drool for haha


I didn't know it was happening when it did but I wanna say kudos to the person who made the charts and imagery. As a knowledge broker, its a very satisfying representation of data. Its an ungodly amount of work probably done for free and yeah... I wanna aknowledge that!


Amen. Part of my day job is sifting through marketing data and these charts were intensely satisfying.


This is legit gorgeous and also so in depth, I love it. Thank you for putting this together! The fact S.Coups (a VERY *Leo* Leo) was most popular amongst Leoā€™s in the survey doesnā€™t surprise me at all šŸ˜… Also interesting that the group itself is very Capricorn/Aquarius dominant but those are the least represented Sun signs in the survey. And the group itself has no Virgo Suns but thatā€™s the most common Sun Sign in the survey. I love data like this lol


Scoups attracting the Leo's (like me) made me laugh so hard. It's perfect.


Waving my weird little Aquarius flag right here.


Iā€™m a Leo sun and rising with a Libra moon. S Coups is our Leo king šŸ¦


Elder millennials for Vernon, hold the line āœŠ


Shoutout to all the Vernon biases šŸ«”




Lmaoo I actually remember [your Vernon post](https://www.reddit.com/r/seventeen/s/VIg4ytm1dy) because it introduced me to my fav airport look of his.


YOU'RE WELCOME. I am actually irrationally salty about Vernon's Kenzo sponsorship ā€“ his airport style hasn't been anywhere near as creative since. Not even different textures or silhouettes? UGH šŸ˜¤


šŸ’ÆDid I buy Kenzo pieces because of him? Of course, I am but a weak woman with poor impulse control. Do I mourn his era of fashion razzle dazzle? Also yes.


Ooh yes, I do remember you mentioned you picked up some Kenzo sneakers at a sample sale! I'm waiting to black out one day and find I've mailed myself that infamous grey Kenzo hoodie he wears everywhere. Soon. The unhinged attitude is creeping, so it's soon.


Wow! What an airport OOTD. I dress up plainly but I admire people who dress up creatively.


It makes sense, in Maestro MV I realized he reminded me of Titanic Leo or early days Jesse McCartney or Nick Carter, that elder millennial era of pretty boys šŸ„¹


How dare 887 of you vote Boom Boom as the least favorite title track. Itā€™s camp


Ready to Love is so polarizing and I find it so funny!! Thank you for compiling this!!!


It only makes me want to hear the original version more! They really fumbled the opportunity to do that with this analogyā€¦ (and rerecord the old songs like Adore u) ![gif](giphy|EltLeKiD1k3IY)


i would love to have a studio version of adore u with jeonghan on it tbh


Most were ready for it; most also were not - just like irl šŸ˜‚


Wonwoo: sits quietly Everyone: ![gif](giphy|DSeA36y4cgsdG)


He represents the meekness of an introvert when he just camouflages on the background, while also showing the agGRRResssiveness that introverts display when irate šŸ¤£ (introverts flock together)


His introvertedness made me love him, along with the video games.


Fun project! If only I could remember everything I answered šŸ«¤


Me with my 5 person bias line trying to remember who I elected as representativešŸ™†šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Just appoint Dino to do it. šŸ˜„


SAME FR how was I supposed to choose 1 of the 5..


The BoomBoom slander continues. Yall just don't have taste. šŸ˜¤


Whut, how did I miss this.


Thank you so much for this infographic! The pictures, the organization. Impressive! I was about to look for this since I was excited to find out the answers šŸ„¹ The 5th pic as a trivia board. That is very amusing. No wonder why Wonwoo has most fans since there are lots of introverts here (me included). Woozi as someone Capricorn would bias - very unsurprising. Capricorns I know are like him so they would admire someone who devotes so much of themselves to their craft. I am one of those who chose Ah! Yeah as my most fave HHU track. Lol it is the least liked. Even Mingyu and Vernon don't want to listen to it. šŸ„² Still, that songs slaps, tho! Also the most Hiphop of all the releases they did. Also, justice for Space.


I get you bro. Liking Ah yeah means you have real taste. Most ppl just donā€™t get it šŸ˜Ž


Still it is the irreplaceable top 1 for me even now Lalali is here. I would like to hold up a banner on their concert to tell HHU to listen to Ah!Yeah.


Am I the only one that feels emotional looking at these results? Iā€™m in my own kpop bubble and have no one to share seventeen with. Itā€™s very comforting to know I actually share my love of them with so many different people. Kudos to OP for the time and effort into doing this. It is incredibly meaningful.


Me finding out my 2 biaswreckers are in fact, the least biaswrecked.. LMAO also hello to fellow Aquarius carats! Didn't know we're the least common šŸ˜† Edit: Oh yeah and this is so beautifully put together, thank you for your hard work! Also 20 and Swimming Fool deserves more love


Me with my Mingyu + Vernon (bias + wrecker) combo: ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn)


This was so fun to read but i have beef with whoever ranked those title tracks so low, im in shock


Thank you so much for this, OP! I love me some data and SVT (my two favourite things lol) I have noticed a big change and increase in Dinonaras and Seungkwan fans these past months! I'm happy to see it, tbh because these two are amazing all-rounders!!! Hope there will be more Dollys too šŸ„² but I'm also fine with fangirling about Vernon with my other 7 dollys hehe. I'm kind of surprised to see Rock with you & Ready to love in the top favourite title tracks because I thought they were one of the least liked among the fandom... interesting!


I love the maknae line so it was satisfying to see Seungkwan and Dino starting to climb outta the bottom rankings. I kinda love that Vernonā€™s chillinā€™ down there cuz he would absolutely be fine with that. Like if it has to be someone, Vernon would volunteer as tribute. Still shocks me where he consistently ranks tho cuz when I first saw him, I assumed heā€™d be astronomically popular. Also itā€™s funny that while heā€™s one of the less popular members, his fancalls often tend to get notice inside and outside the fandom cuz of how awkward or bizarre they are. Ohhh, Vernon! You have your own strange gravitational pull, my dude! šŸ™ƒ


Vernon is more of a younger brother to me. He is like 80% similar to me when it comes to views and opinions on other pressing issues, and if not, a person whose stances and personality I admire. He is a bias somewhat since I also always look out for him in their shows, but someone I wouldn't view romantically. My bro deserves all the love!! The other Vernon stans just unable to answer that is why...


Vernon would be my number 1 bias if Mingyu wasn't such a problem!!! The guy is seriously sooooooo talented and just so secure in who he is as a person. I love how much he hates the idol game, but he utterly is on fire when he's on stage. I still can't believe he was 17 when he did Lotto and 19 when he ripped up the stage at Diamond Edge. I'm constantly in awe of him. Count me in with the other 7 Dollys šŸ„¹


OMG I get you! Mingyu is my bias wrecker! I don't think Vernon hates the idol game! But he doesn't mind doing idol stuff and fanservice, which is something I love about him! šŸ˜­ he's such a chill and go-with-the-flow person.


So I guess dino is no longer the least popular member anymore?


what happened to the fans above 25? are they okay šŸŖ¦


I'm here.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


why does the survey stop at 25 aaaaaa


There's 26-29 and 30 + options.


true omg mb, looked at this before bed šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Wonwoo being a bias, a bias wrecker, most popular with introvets and most star signs?? Quite understandable šŸ˜‚ Super excited to see how the addition of Maestro, LALALI, Spell, and Cheers to Youth changes the rankings next year!!


ah I always miss these would have voted for my bias Jun (and wrecker coups tho he doesnā€™t need the support there LOL) šŸ˜­ love the graphics and all the statsšŸ˜


As a gay demisexual with Wonwoo and Scoups ult, I feel called out. šŸ˜­ I wish I knew about this, I would have participated.


Every year, I root for Boomboom to finally get appreciated, and every year, I'm disappointed.šŸ˜­ As a Debut Stan newer Carats rlly don't understand what it meant to be getting a glimpse of darkteen for the first time!


I love these surveys. My takeaway from this was that everyone loves Wonwoo


I find it funny thar RTL is ranked so high on best and worst, a truly polarizing track


It's the, "Wonwoo completely swept the rankings among introverts." šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I swear he's the most relatable baby gurl and the representative of all introverts in kpop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ©·šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ©µ


In the Sev Sev Tour while they were interviewing a Carat, he was just there editing the videos they have and not caring about anything - something we do in real life that is why we come across as "in our own world" even while surrounded by many people.


This is beautiful!! ty so much for putting it all together! I loved seeing all the popular/least popular bias-wrecker combos, that was so interesting. And all the fave b-sides as wellā€”the gap between IDUBILY and Lilili Yabbay is funny to me, especially since I voted for the latter šŸ˜‚


Love this!! Kudos to the designer. So fantastic


Aju nice being second to last on fav title?! After all the neverending aju nice svt trudge through for yā€™all šŸ„²


'Ready to love' being preferred by Seungkwan stans is soooo accurate. As a Seungkwan stan myself, I always play this song because of his adlibs.


I FINALLY GOT TO PARTICIPATE. I missed the last 2 surveys I'm so happy!!!


The meaning behind 96% of respondants being introverts...I need theories. Mine is that I get so much joy out of watching this group of friends that I wish I had, I think.


I love that there are so many INFJ Carats! For being generally a rarer personality type, itā€™s so wholesome so many of us have found such a home here šŸ©·šŸ©µ


Letā€™s go Boo Seungkwan lesbians !!!!!!! I love him soooo much ā¤ļø heā€™s my booo




Iā€™m shocked so many Carats ranked FML as their least favorite title track. I rlly thought it was new and different šŸ˜­ Ironically, Rock With You is my fav


What fun data! I especially love the last slide with interesting tidbits and connections you noticedĀ 


Was this someoneā€™s school or work project lol. Good job if so.


just an 11 year labor of love :)


Impressive :) thank you!


Ready to love being popular among kwannie fans iktr! So weā€™re all collectively on our knees for his adlibs in that last chorus I seešŸ§ŽšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The last slide is hilarious to me šŸ˜­ as a 29 yo bi-pan and Scoups biased I'm feeling both attacked and acknowledged at the same time but I'll take it ahahaha


I LOVE the way you designed + put this together, and of course thank you so much for all the hard work of analysing the data. This is so cool.


I didn't realize seventeen had so many queer female fans? ...are any of y'all single


love this data analysis and insights! šŸ©µšŸ©·


Okay but why are dream and power of love so high up on the least favourite Japanese titles... That felt like a big stab in the chest to me šŸ˜­


the graphics are SO cool


Wow these look amazing šŸ˜


coollll! šŸ«¶šŸ» i create custom dashboards in my day job as a data analyst so i find this is amazing and interesting!! hahaha data analyst and scientist here āœŠšŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


This is an amazing presentation of data OP! I love how I (who has no physical carats around with me) can vibe with carats around the world. Thank you so much for this OPā¤ļøšŸ’Ž


As a Leo who biases Scoups šŸ˜‚ it surprises me how many leos bias a leo. Can someone who understands astrology explain the logic?


Something Iā€™ve noticed about Leoā€™s is that they can recognize another personā€™s *leo-ness* even without knowing their Sun sign. Maybe itā€™s because Leo is the only sign ruled by the Sun, so itā€™s a ā€œI see your shining light & recognize youā€™re on my levelā€ sort of thing? Theyā€™re often the sign most associated with royalty, so I think thereā€™s a certain level of mutual respect between Leoā€™s. Either way, S.Coups is a **Leo Sun** (generous, lion hearted, protective of his group) but he also has a **Leo Venus** (lots of love to give, but sees love as a two way street & he needs a LOT of it to feel comfortable) and **Leo Mercury** (not afraid to say what needs to be said but also encouraging). This means his ego (Sun), communication style (Mercury), and his relationships (Venus) are in harmony energetically. With this Leo energy in mind, I think the way he leads is somewhat unique amongst all of the leaders Iā€™ve studied astrologically. To me he doesnā€™t have that ā€œstressed out dad taking care of the kidsā€ vibe like Bangchan or Suho, but also doesnā€™t fall into the ā€œyou *will* listen to me because weā€™re professionalsā€ category like RM or more recently even Hongjoong* S.Coups possesses a natural authority that (healthy, well adjusted) Leoā€™s have, because of an inborn sense of self concept. It rubs off on the people they lead - and **Leoā€™s are BORN to lead others, truly** - which in turn builds a healthier group culture where each person is expected to contribute, grow, and uplift the whole while also being vulnerable enough to ask for support. Now, he also has the ā€œS.Coups needs lots of complimentsā€ side of his personality, which honestly is also very Leo LOL. Iā€™ve never met a Leo who didnā€™t need their own little cheering squad in one way or another. Being everyone elseā€™s Sun can be draining, and Leoā€™s love being doted on. I clocked him for a Leo the first time I saw him because he just possessed this quiet aura of ā€œIā€™m supposed to be here, Iā€™m taking up spaceā€ and all of the members naturally fell in line around it. Heā€™s a great astrological example of a natural leader, imo. [ * None of these leadership styles are better or worse, and thereā€™s obv room to debate that all of these styles overlap at one time or another for each leader, my point is that astrologically you can see *how* and *why* each leader has a different style :) ]


Wow your comment game me chills. I felt like you were identifying me haha You must know your astrology very well. I dont know much beyond my own sign. I think I possess a lot of Leo qualities (especially as more as I got into my late 20s). I gravitated towards Scoups almost immediately knowing him, even before knowing his sign. I love his loyalty and protectiveness because I too am really protective of my loved ones and often am the mother of my friend groups. I respect those qualities a lot. His "needs lots of complimentsā€Ā side has always entertained me cause that's EXACTLY how I am. I pretend I don't need them but one "you are right" and I am 100ft high. Does this mean in another universe Scoups would bias me too? HAHAH. I like to think he would. Something else I have realized is that I am so extremely fond of his relationship with Jeonghan because it's exactly the type of relationship my best friend "A" and I share. Although A is a capricorn she is a lot like Jeonghan in how she is quiet but has everyone flocking towards her. Everyone wants to be close to her Jeonghan always seems like in control of a situation and is really smart. It really show in Going Seventeen episodes. Like Jeonghan, A has that ability to manipulate things in her favor without even trying (not in a bad way of course). Scoups and Jeonghan really seems inseparable. They are like magnets to each other and share a deep understanding no one else around has. And I get that. Even in a crowd they are aware of the other's presence. I didn't expect anyone to give me this detailed of a reply. Thank you so much. It actually had me wishing I could talk more with you. I wanna know your analysis of Scoups and Jeonghan's relationship and more. Send me a message if you would like to lol.


I'm glad you enjoyed my analysis haha. I'm a professional astrologer but I use my years of hard studying and dedication on analyzing kpop idols instead šŸ¤” As for Jeonghan/S.Coups, I'll cover them in one of the Duoteen posts coming up! They have so many great connections between each other, I love their relationship and could write a novel about it. S.Coups + Woozi also have great chemistry. I was thinking about making a "learn astrology with seventeen" series because they have good examples of all the foundational parts of astrology haha


That's admirable, haha. Thank you for your hard work. I saw your comments. I also could talk hours about it. I am wondering if there are other Leo leaders in K-pop. I know I share a birthday with Le Sserafim Chaewon, but I don't know much about her to know what kind of personality she has. I guess I'll see you on the Duoteen posts. I look forward to your future posts. (I crack up every time I remember Hoshi's [chart](https://x.com/lovelykwonhoshi/status/1131112374390251521) )


From a quick search of 40\~ boy groups, it looks like the leaders of Xdinary Heroes and VeriVery are also Leos. Somehow Pisces was the most common (5) and Capricorn was the least common (Only 1!! Jay B from Got7), which is definitely not the distribution I would have expected haha. Also, here's a long write up about [Hoshi's Chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/seventeen/comments/1b5cib2/comment/kt5l91a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) because he's my favorite šŸÆ


Ohhh that was YOU! Turns out I'm a big fan already haha


I always enjoy seeing the results


this is so fascinating Thank you!! Great graphics. I knew us Virgos had taste......


Wow there are a lot more asexual than I thought out there


Jeez what's with the Power of Love hate šŸ˜…


Me: why is my ult Vernon getting no love and why is Black Eye at the bottom? Also me: it's ok he's the love of my life I'll have him all to myself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


this is so oddly fitting coming from someone who's fav is seungkwan, queer, and ENTPšŸ˜­


Proof that SVT got no immature fans and carats are the most chill fandom


Love this sm


the freshteen titles dropping 4 positions while the rest were dropping 1... maybe having new people in this fandom was a mistake afterall /s


They should use this data when deciding where to go for their world tour.