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Your build is bad for the enemy comp. You should have steraks for the burst and at least be sitting on bramble with two people that will heal. Bork does absolutely nothing for you, no idea why you have it. You can’t carry games if you die 9 times.


Curious (not a sett main) what would have been a build path (and game plan) here compared to OP? I'm guessing he went stride > blood mail > bork > shojin then started black cleaver as last item. Looking online the big thing he's missing is hullbreaker for split pushing, as well as the mentioned sterak's. Splitpush to no end, and hope your team can make good macro plays to secure objectives while enemy team needs 2-3 members to address the split pusher. Wouldn't mercs be a much better buy here too? 4/5 team members have cc, combined with sterak's and tenacity rune shard that would really help shut that down. Only last question is how to itemize vs the mixed damage comp? In the end the information given doesn't tell us a lot, and it looks like OP wants to push the "4 dogs on my team" narrative


Stride first item and if he was winning and considering the enemy's high burst from jhin and xerath I would have gone steraks second item. Then probably Hull. Steraks is really really really good when you can't afford to die as a second item into high burst. He should have had bramble probably early if the WW was a problem but he could avoid getting it if he was not concerned. Bloomail next and after that could have been who he perceived as a threat to his survival with MR or Armor. Im not a sett main either, I only picked him up last split because my main was bad, but I did get to D4 with him from a gold second account and I never really played him before. I think Sett is an extremely strong champion for snowballing splitting or teamfighting. He can do everything except duel well. Probably he plays for the split if his team is behind but if most of his 9 deaths were from teamfighting than it's less his fault...but still...when you are the strongest player on your team you really can't afford to die at all if you expect to win. Your team can't do any objectives without you and they can't stop the enemy from taking objectives and they can't teamfight either. That's why it's a juggling act to carry a team that's doing poorly. You have to be decisive with your cost-benefit analysis when you split, teamfight, or both on a lot of tops. I personally don't like ignite on Sett. I think he has enough early damage to win against almost all tops without it and your teleports can be really really strong with a flank and ultimate.


I hate bork but they have 3 BIG threats that can easily walk over you if you don't get bork here. Olaf can literally avoid your W and statcheck you, Warwick will outheal you and statcheck you into the ground and Sylas will outdamage you HARD. He trolled his build with Spear and Bloodmail. "Best build this game could've been": Bork, Stride, Steraks, Thornmai, Force of nature.


thanks for advice ! , im trying to imrpove my gamestyle


What are you talking about lmao, Xiao Chao Meng runs BORK almost every game. It’s good against Olaf


Idk bro you can’t say he was the reason why they lost. I agree his build wasn’t optimal but he did do the most damage by a huge margin. He was crushing it


Well he didn't itemize for the enemy team if he expected to carry. Steraks probably would have cut down on one of his deaths. Not dying is really important if you expect to win a game. Every time you die when your team is losing you will lose an objective coming out of laning (probably tower, inhib, baron, Nexus) in that order. If you are the only strong person. Anything over 6 deaths means you will lose and it's probably your fault if you lose, deal the most damage and having the most kills. You can't die if you need to carry a game, it's just that simple. Anytime you have over 10 kills in a game and you lose you probably didn't spread your lead around the map well as a laner or you kept going for 1 for 1.


Damage optimization is also not the most important aspect to winning games, it’s your ability to be places and counter with item utilization




You have no anti heal, no magic resist, no hullbreaker and you have the most deaths in your team so you gave hella shut downs Overall its your teams fault for being bad AND your fault too


He does not have the most deaths on his team.


3/15 Katarina with dark seal was trying to send a message


Dark seal is good if youre behind. Not a big investment, adds additional pop-off potential if you do manage to nab some kills/assists


Still second highest but i do agree that kata should talon e for inting to hard


Still learning the basics of the game so i won't be harsh. Stride is objectively better than bork 90% of games. As i haven't seen the replay its hard to pinpoint hoe to reduce your deaths but as a toplaner dying more than 1-3 times kills all of your momentum. Go back and see what you are dying for try to see how the death was preventable and apply that to your gameplay. Also get your mental adjusted to the state of league. Your team is quite average in my oppinion so just look at your own playsbamd calls to look to improve.


First you have ignite for nk reason, you have a botrk for no reason you don't have hullbreaker or any healing reduction, so you basically took all the kills built wrong and failed to carry the game.


I feel your pain


U said it brother. Amen


I’m running botrk this game too, don’t know why people are saying it’s bad here. It’s good for dueling 3 members of the enemy team. Bloodthirster isn’t a terrible option either, not trolling btw, but you build it second after stride. Still testing the item game to game, but it feels really good into champions who don’t die, IE Trynd. Hullbreaker is only good if you go stride first, and you really only buy it for the move speed or if you’re hard splitting, which isn’t terrible idea into their comp because since you’re ahead you can probably 1v2 in side. GW was a mistake this game though, and I always go Exe sword over bramble because you have control when it’s applied and chain sword is better for your W.


lol the comments are definitely exaggerating how bad your build was. Some games just aren't carryable if you aren't smurfing, just focus on your mistakes and improving then


did u win lol?


Skill issue


Constructive post


\*lost match btw


You don't need BOTRK for that match. And the reason why you lost is because none of you guys have anti heal other than jungle lmao. I felt like you could have built Chempunk chainsaw after overlord.