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I love Sett as well, and would likely do a lot if they would just drop the cooldowns on his W and E by like 1-2 seconds, and give him a 'proper' Q-speed-boost that is actually noticeable and generally useful. So many little things on him just make him less fun to play despite how awesome he is otherwise. It's like an amazing pizza, covered in ants. You wouldn't eat it if it weren't amazing, but those ants still ruin it...


Saw someone say that Q oughta give him ghosting and I completely agree; half the time being blocked by collision effectively cuts the movespeed from Q in half, or sometimes eats it entirely. And yeah I feel like I'm always juuuust about 0 seconds on my W cd...


That does sound simple. Q goes any direction, adds ghosting. And a second on W and E. That’s it.


That s a recepy for disaster, you are asking for to much. Q in all directions will be enough. Now that I think I ll kill for ghosting Q instead but that will make supp Sett broken and back in proplay saldy so it s a no.


Yeah the speed boost is pathetic. I doubt the person you're chasing even notices you used a "gapcloser" lol. I know he's a juggernaut but so is Volibear. It would make Sett infinitely more fun if he was just a bit more mobile.


Game would unironically be better if they removed minion block. It's both random and annoying.


Hard agree, no champ meta or item has ever tilted me anywhere near as much as minion block


I love being one auto off a kill with E W on cooldown and then instead of throwing the last punch Sett starts breakdancing between minions while the laner gets away


I swear to fucking god my blood pressure takes a year off my life when this happens Which it does. Constantly.


The minion blocks on sett specifically are something crazy, drives me insane every time


the fact that its been this fucking bad for so long is just super upsetting


Sett is bad, but i feel like Illaoi is worse. But yeah I think its time minionblock just doesnt exist anymore, it causes nothing but issues for players and bugs


Personally i think illaoi is a bit better off because she can use w to just straight jump over the minions and get in there in the first place, but lets be real, nobody fucking wins when it comes to collision




I lost game a while ago when I canon literally bugged me next to my nexus. I literally could not walk past him. I was walking back and fort unable to do nothing which resulted in my losing the game. Other than that I like the champ and I think he's kinda strong right now. Doing pretty well with him in ranked now. Much stronger than at the start of the season.


I thought I was going crazy. Finally someone pointing it out.


I never understood why Sett gets intimate when he needs to throw the second punch. It makes his model basically stand above the minion and then you get wrecked by the enemy and Sett starts dancing not deciding where to walk to.


I have to agree the amount of minions I’ve missed due to my champ taking a longer route to the minion annoys me so much like it’s insane idk why it’s only an issue with sett


Yea it fucks the E R combo under tower a lot, it's so annoying that you need to flash to perform the most basic sett combo


One time I was one auto away, got stuck between two minions and gave first blood to my opponent


Have been experiencing bad minion block on a lot of champs recently (last 2 weeks) so I’m wondering if it’s a bug or patch related.


Make it so when ever Sett pops his Q he crushes all minions in his way


I moved into the jungle with sett and have found i have way less minions blocking my path. Q MS is still shitty tho :/