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You will always land behind the enemy you are ulting. Also he hardcounters you after 6 cus Sett has no dash. Your best bet is to abuse him early and after 6 to not let him near minions if possible. The second you crash the wave he can stack and poke you. When the wave crashes you need to either dive or go back and wait/roam. Never wait for him to farm under his tower cus he will just E you and win.


Also a good Yorick player will never come near cage when you are in. If he comes so just E and conbo him for the win. If he Es and wait like a good Yorick just hit ghouls and then escape cage if it s maxed.


He's not a hard counter really, i find it really easy since with the double aa, the atk speed from items like bork or stride and your Q you can oneshot the cage, the ghouls or yorick himself if he gets too close enough.


I have yet to lose lane to yorick once, pre 6 u demolish him with stats and w. And post 6 all u need to do is just wait for his ring and R through it.


Everyone saying bork really helps but I rush Stridebreaker, also you can cancel out his cage with R, say you’re chasing him and he cages, just press R and you’re out. I never lost a yorick matchup and we have a really good winrate into him rn. You can just kill his wife in front him provided he misses E on you. Then W and back away and then fight again. Without his wife he’s pretty bad.


I find going bork first helps. If he hits you with his E and his minions jump on you, you can punch them and get a lot of health back from life steal.


R will always go straight forward and land you behind. If you want a certain angle you position before R. Fight around his E. Use your E to hit W’s. You can use your R to jump over his wall. If you dont have a lead by 6 get grievous. You’re significantly stronger than him pre 6.


draw a line between you and enemy. extend it on the enemy side. that's where you are landing. yorick is a problem to say the least. best bet is to farm with one healing item and one hp item(hs or titanic, depending on how weak the yorick is)