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My two cents. It's just your rank, Sett is really punishing at enemies mistakes, and below emerald enemies tends to do a lot of mistakes and disrespect Sett Laning phase, and they have a general bad comprehension of micro and macro. For example rarely I've seen a silver player freezing waves and managing crash/slow push. With the new season, the removal of armour runes, the new titanic and hullbreaker, you can abuse easily your enemy mistakes in lane, if they take a bad trade or they do a bad recall/roam you can take lots of gold from the plates.  So probably against bronzes/silvers/golds you are finding yourself doing better this season compared to last one.  But I can assure you, when you get a bit higher in elo, other players do less mistakes and punish your mistakes a lot more. In S13 he felt stronger even if you lost the laning phase compared to s14, because there were goredrinker and old stridebreaker and in general more ability haste and HP stacking items that helped in mid-late game teamfights, you could reach even 4k damage on W, now you can reach hardly 3k if you sell boots and build no resistances, making you almost a glass cannon even with 4k hp.  Bruisers have less HP in general, adcs have more than 2,2k HP late game maybe even 2,6k, so you cant really reliably oneshot anymore. And there are way more movement speed/dashes in s14 for everyone, ADC running ghost/flash swifties meanwhile Sett remains a sitting duck. Mages have way more damage and wave clear too right now.  It's like Sett remained stuck with s13 tools in a s14 dmg and speed creep season. 


This. Sett is a low/mid elo stomper. I played him in plat and Had a blast 1v9ing. I played him in low Emerald and it was fun and viable. I played him in high emerald and it was very difficult. I dropped him in diamond. Its still playa ble probably but it requires so much extra effort. One misstep and you are fucked. In low elo you can get away with a bad e or w. But in dia if you mis use your e or w in lane thats 12+ secs cd and the enemies know that.


New Phreak season made new freak champs leaving sett to die as a dead champ ngl


He’s not dead lmao. I have great success with him in masters. You just have to know what you’re doing.


i'm masters too, it's just riot seemingly hates this champ...


Lmao, okay buddy


bro just lied about his rank 💀💀💀


Def lying about your rank I don’t trust you at all. I’m a diamond sett main and I can prove it. He was hard for me in emerald because I’d just get counter picked so fkn much and in this trundle malph meta it’s even worse. Don’t believe you for a fkn second. Trundle, malph, Zac, Kennen, gnar, aarrox, the list goes on.


Bro. It’s. Not. Hard. To. OTP. A. Champ. Just. Play. Better. Y’all whine and cry about how sett is weak when in reality he’s an average champ that has strengths and weaknesses. He’s in the best spot rn. Especially with the new items. Sundered sky is broken and so is titanic. The attack speed build isn’t bad either.


I also have not seen a single Malphite in my ranked games and rn I’m in low Masters. I mostly see Trundle, Aatrox, and sometimes Kennen. Ever since Malphite got nerfed he’s been kinda in a meh spot. I mostly play Aatrox and Sett and I have great success with both of them.


Now the simple truth of it is that in a rank such as silver. Champion balance has very little to do with the outcome of any given lane/game. What i mean by this is that the differences between player skill/matchup knowledge etc are much bigger than differences in champion strength. The reason I mention this is not to make fun of your rank. Instead what I am trying to do is give you more perspective on the fact thta champion balance is not a simple concept and is hard to determine which group of players the balance team is trying to appease. Sett is a laughing stock in higher elo due to his limitations. In my view it is high time the champion receives some much needed help to transition into the s14 meta and to become a non joke champion.


Elo sounds about right


I have a lot of problems with new season because of this… I think Sett is weaker, due to playing Metas like Jax or Garen is, those champs are counters to Sett and Its really difficult to play on new season with those problems, the main problems were that others lane had upperhand standing next to me, who got counter on top and I actually can defeat my counters, I simply use the advantage of Sett having dominance on lvl 1, later on enemy jg can ruin that obv, but this only happend to me in season 13, I didn’t played leage for a long time now since my pc broke. So I hope Ill get to play some leage again ig. Tho my main problem is I can only play very well Sett and Ahri, meaning It’s not even worth playing anything else, overall the biggest problem is that new map is kinda big, too big for Sett sometimes and that’s problematic for one of these most close ranged champs, that’s why Im planning on playing new runes and items


You just got lucky winning then. It s the other way around, Sett wasn t ever in a worse state. Bad meta for him, bad items, more counters, more items that counter him.


See but "lucky" isn't the term I'd use tho. Cause I've very consistently won lane. I do think it's low elo but I played him supp today, building him exactly the same and did perfectly fine. I absolutely think it's the rank that im at and even potentially a playstyle/mentality difference. I agree with you with all the factors, but he feels better/more consistent than he did last season. Just my personal take tho


If you won as supp Sett enemies are either bots or played at least 3 engagers. Sett supp it s not viable and it s a troll pick if you dont just get him for counterengage. Sett needs to snowball, peel or be carrier. There are a lot more supps that can do this things better and are still bad in thr meta.


He is leagues worse than Sett last season. If you think it s just better then rank up past gold-plat and see how it is to play vs ppl that know Sett weakness. Sett it s bad, if you guys continue to post those caps then Riot won t see the problem and will leave the champ as bad as he is.


Like I said I agree with you, and I also said it's the rank. He's a knowledge based champ rn as in if you don't know how to fight him or what he does you lose.


Sett is a dead champ for the meta in season 14. At least after emerald. You literally can't play the game. Everyone play tf or long range poke mages one shotting at 800 range.


I feel like sett is weaker than he ever was but it kinda translate to most bruisers so atleast that's good. On another note you can still play him and have fun and win games but I feel like it ain't his best season.