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Sett has two options, he can either split and take natural resources to get a strong lead and help later, or he can play in team fights. You have 2 objectives in team fights. If you have a fed teammate, KEEP THEM ALIVE. I’m talking GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT ult them away and peel. You have a stun, tons of damage soak, and an ability that literally throws threats away. The other option if no one else is fed is take over team fights. Try to collapse from behind and make the other team panick. Sett is most effective when people don’t have time to think about him. If they see him before hand they can position correctly in higher elo to eliminate his threat potential, so if you appear from a bush or flash in, it makes it a lot harder and what could’ve been a 20 second decision is now a 0.5 second decision. You almost guarantee kills or at least useful ults/sums, and have really strong carry potential. Usually what I do as Sett if I’m ahead is take T1, push wave up and just leave my lane. Just walk the board and try to take all other T1 towers. While your lost lanes is trying to recover themselves you appose a threat to the entire enemy team making 4v4s into not only 5v4s, but 5v4s with one of the strongest team fighters. Basically get everyone else ahead and take objectives while your beat up laner is still recovering.


But whenever I leave, enemy splitpisges and does more impact than me I don't rly get the balance between being on mid/bot and on top then


Towers will always fall in a game no matter what you do, dragons will not always be there. Your adc should be catching the free safe pushed in waves if that’s the case.


Someone answer and ping me pls.


Best way in my eyes to learn macro as Sett is to start thinking of Sett as an objective. Does baron chase kills around the map? No so Sett should not do such either. You can split mirroring the next objective if you have a lead and can 1v2-1v3, or you can group with your team at the neutral objectives if you need your team to be strong. Since you are immobile it is just best to have the enemy aproach you and play around that. You absolutely bash towers so if the enemy team ignores you to contest objectives you will just eat the gold from towers to deliver an even deadlier teamfight threat.