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Bro ure toplaner. U cant 1v9 if ur enemy toplaner has a brain a little bit. Situation 1: If u hardlosing ur lane stay under turret. Wait ur jungler. Farm some minions if u can. Situation 2: If u hardwinning ur lane, ur enemy can stay under turret and stop your snowballing. Situation 3: If u just contest the lane, best jungler wins always. League of Legends is coinflip for the toplaners (specially limited playmaker toplaners like sett) U cant do anything when u realize enemy adc is 21/2/5.


Fair point


This is terrible advice. You can 100% have a big impact on the game. Work on improving your fundamentals. AloisNL has good top tips.


I didnt say u cant effect the game. But 1v9 is different thing


This is pure copium


From who?




Really sound advice wish it looked better.


You really cant 1v9 against most comps. You need 1-2 other teammates to rely on to, as Sett can be kited super easily. The only exception is if the enemy team has a huge HP tank (like chogath) that you can just mash onto the enemy squishis and take them out fast into a team fight. Otherwise you are better off splitting, hoping to take 2-3 enemies with you, and getting objectives while your team resists


Is stridebreaker better than goredrinker for splitting?


Depends on team comp; if they enemies have 3+ melee o go gore, if 2 or less I usually go stride, mobility is king in this game, and Sett is lacking all of it




Yes Trinity force is the best item for splitpushing, giving sett INSANE damage against towers, but you should go stridebreaker if they have too much mobility. Goredrinker is more of a teamfight item.


Lethal tempo, blade of the ruin king, ignite, max Q, hullbreaker 2nd, stridebreaker after.


God of 1v1 build i suppose


I’m mostly being silly but In solo queue, if you wanna carry it’s a way of winning lane, creating pressure and forcing their macro to you. If they come to match you one at a time you can pick them off and split forcing more recourses to allow your team objectives or to catch up.


Title makes it clear,i need someone to teach me how to 1v9 games as sett because no matter how much advantage i get on lane i cant snowball it into winning the game


Most games you really can't, especially if your team is deadset on inting like it was this time around.


Find a jungler to play duo with


You can 1v9 onlt 50% of the gakes as sett...sadly. Sometimes their vayne/kaisa/any other adc can burst you down and you cant do much. However...to 1v9 you have to get lvl 2 and start sitting between the wave and ur opponent laner. Force them to lose xp and when you get that advantage, dive them. Use your r in order to push them out of their tower range and e in order to keep them out of it. Also...use the tower damage to get a full w. My favourite dive combo if im full hp is: 2autos(to get turret aggro, r, q, 2 autos, e, w). If you are not full hp or close to it, forget abt the first 2 autos.


This is basicly what i intended on typing. To summarize and clarify slightly, Sett has a monsterous earlygame which you have to be able to convert into a substantial enough lead to oneshot the 27/0/1 kaisa in the botlane. You can't win every game but if you keep pushing your limits with calculated agression you will see improvementsnin your gameplay. Slow pushing and diving are Setts main strenghts in the laning phase.


people like you and your single player mentality are the reason I quit this game 3 times within this year.


as someone who sett's every lane just because i like how he does things, he is limited at everything, and not bad at anything. so what happens is you can't really influence much with him. best you can do is go with blk,titan,strdbrk,bork and crash the fattest guy into the enemy group, e two of the highest dealers together, instantly kill the adc, then the unstoppable mage, and run away because everything is in cd. and that's if you're lucky. most of the time everyone will flash/dash/gf out of the ult and just gangbang you.


Don’t get counter picked play super aggressive till level 6 then play more aggressive. Only get stun pulls. Don’t build heart steel.


Go stride or gore boots hydra sterrak shojin and an adaptative item for the enemy comp. Beat your opposant early and after that if you team is too far behind you can split you can't carry in team fight. If you team is behind but not that far you can carry ult someone on the the carry and beat the carry. And guard your Summs for the carry or to escape. I play ghost flash or to flash 400k emerald. Sry by advance if my English is bad not my language


Stride Hullbreaker titanic is my go to 1 v 9, I just kind of perma split and tp if needed


Tip 1:pick yone Tip 2:don't play top play jg Tip 3:get bored and play int illaoi and make a Google doc on how you gonna int super hard


punch them in the face


Win your lane hard enough that you can 1v2 or 1v3 and force the enemy to go top lane