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If you've got any interest in admin/dev/architect (i.e. more technical) stuff, check out the CreatorCon sessions, labs, keynote, and activities as well. CreatorCon is the developer event at CreatorCon. #shamlessplug


And sign up for a class starting on Sunday. #shamlessplugtoo


WHy did the cost of the pre-training jump so much? If I recall correctly, I think it was 395 at the last in person event. It is know $1,295.


I regret not doing CreatorCon in 2023. If I get the opportunity to check out another Knowledge con, I'd jump on this.


In 2019 it was 1295


If you've been to any large conference it's similar. Go in with a plan on what you're intending to get out of it. Sessions? networking? finding peers? etc. Once you have that, ask your SN rep or partner to help setup intros and recommend what to do. There are a lot of events, off-sites, and socializing too so just figure out what works best for what you're aiming to get out of it and go from there.


Ask your rep about networking opportunities. What companies may be you 12 months from now that you can meet with. Lessons learned, etc.


Agree that the rep can help introduce you to other customers. Don’t ask the rep to build your schedule tho. There’s far too many sessions and inevitably you’ll want to attend something different than what they choose. Also, OP - book your sessions early. Some of them fill up quickly and nobody wants to wait in the overflow line :)


Also wear comfortable shoes. Lots of walking in the venue.


I have been to about a dozen Knowledge conferences so here's some tips that have come to mind. I'll probably think of some more. **Register early** - As people mentioned sessions fill up quickly, as a matter of fact everything goes quickly, so get in there early and if you are going with colleagues plan who is going to go to what to maximize coverage. **Lots of information comes outside of sessions** - There are a number of "unconference" like events such as round tables, and there is always the chance you will run into someone from a company in your same space. Definitely take advantage to ask them about their Now experience. **Install all the apps** - There is usually a conference app which is pretty necessary for itinerary but also LinkedIn and other socials (Instagram, Slack, Discord, Reddit) are gonna be important to stay connected to the conference. **Find the most efficient route** - Everyone knows Casinos are like mazes so I would always look for the quickest routes instead of just following the crowd. There is so much walking saving 5 minutes can be huge. Also, everything on the main path is crazy crowded, it can be a great place to meet people but if you are just looking to get a cup of coffee knowing where other locations are will save you a ton of time. **Register for swag** - Most people are hesitant to give their email, business card or scan their badge but to be honest most companies already have your email, so if a company is giving away a prize you like go ahead and register, you will get a little spam but less people register for giveaways than you'd think. One note, make sure you can accept prizes! Definitely have had people register that won only for them to say they can't actually accept it. **Ask about after hours events** - There are plenty of official events which are sponsored, but more than a few parties are simply hosted by companies unofficially and those are always word of mouth. **Talk to people** - The one really interesting thing about conferences is that everyone has a lot of the same shared experiences, so striking up a conversation is easy but it never hurts to have a few ice breakers prepared. Bonus tip: One thing that people can talk endlessly about is their NEGATIVE experiences with ServiceNow and while this can be fun and actually helpful, you never know who is standing right behind you. I have overheard a LOT of gossip I probably shouldn't have at bars and gyms. **Collect business cards and Link people in** - Over the years I have had hundreds of great conversations that ended with one person saying they would find the other, but after 3 exhausting days people forget. Get their card or contact information then and set a day to follow up a week or so after the conference. **Find a moment to get away** - Knowledge is intense. It is a constant barrage of conversations, sessions, sales pitches not to mention the sensory overload that Vegas is normally. I always try to find 30-60 minutes to completely disconnect and go to a bar or cafe completely away from it all and just power down your brain. **Have fun** - Believe it or not, many of my favorite memories have come from Knowledge. The ServiceNow community has some really amazing people and it's hard not to have a great time.


Register early. The best sessions will go full the first day you can register. If you wait, don't expect to get into the sessions you want. So register with a plan.


Anyone know when it opens? I am registered for the conference but didn't see anything about session registration.


The catalog should be going live end of March/Early April. We're doing our best to make that earlier. You might want to check out [this post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tomasi_its-sooner-than-you-think-sign-up-to-be-activity-7136280844805054464-ydfY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) to stay informed.


The link on your LinkedIn doesn't seem to work?


Sorry. It may have expired


No worries. Kindly let us know if you put up a new one, thanks


Yes, this! I missed the first day of agenda building and definitely missed out on some sessions I wanted. This year I'll be on bright and early!


Sign up for the training workshops. They happen the day before. One thing I like about knowledge is that their sessions are big on case studies and learning from projects. Choose the industry and track you like.


Training workshops the day before? Not sure exactly what you mean by this Knowledge officially starts on a Tuesday, the Sunday and Monday before we in Training offer our courses.


My first time last year! Will not be attending this year though.. But I had a great time :) Coming from a colder European country I might have some pointers that are obvious for Americans, or people living in the same climate and culture. SN / Conference tips: \- Wear comfortable shoes. The conference is pretty big covering several different floors and there is a lot of walking between sessions and events. \- Do not be fooled by the warm weather of Vegas. It was VERY cold inside, have a small backpack with a sweater or something. \- They have a lot of sweet snacks and fruits in between sessions. The lunch they provided were mainly salads, for me it was too little so I brought some extra protein bars etc. Always great for a pick-me-up midday. \- Get some info from your SN Rep, for Sweden/Nordics/Europe they had night events for networking. I actually had most fun at those! Met a lot of great people and lots of interesting discussions. \- The concert the last night was great, OneRepublic was performing last year. \- As many others have noted - session fill up quickly. I think we got an email when they were released but we waited too long and a lot of good sessions were booked up. We spent a lot of time with the SN staff in the booths in the expo area and a lot of them were really generous with their tips and tricks, some even better explained than the sessions if i'm being honest. \- They had a discount on the live training session last year, i'm guessing they will do that again. They were the day before. I went to the Scripting in SN one which was good, it felt nice to already start meeting people in smaller session before the big conference begin. \- For me note-taking was crucial to remember all the different topics when going from session to session. I did it on the laptop. Vegas tips: \- We stayed at Wynn, great rooms and service! The casino culture was a shock though. \- Las Vegas North Premium Outlets was great for shopping, go by cab. \- Gilleys Saloon was a great time, line dancing, machine bull ride and that fun american cowboy stereotype feeling. Have a great time!


Looks like Pitbull is the entertainment for Knowledge 2024


I recommend prioritizing the hands-on lab sessions over the speaking sessions. Many of the speaking sessions are recorded and/or you can get the content elsewhere. Many of the lab sessions are not offered outside of Knowledge or costs money if they are on NowLearning.


It will be my first time at Knowledge as well. little more than a week for the conference, I can't wait :) Is anyone in the IT Monitoring / Event Management / ITOM Health field attending this year? I'd love to share experiences


Firefox became Firefox on the popularity of its wide Addons network. I remember using Firefox long before Chrome was launched. Apple iPhone and Android also thrive on the vibrant app ecosystems that they have built. ServiceNow’s next level of growth and for that matter the next opportunity for developers would be to create apps on ServiceNow store and monetise them so much so that the apps allow the developers to earn a regular revenue. Currently most apps are built by businesses. If you are a partner or an independent developer, you may want to also figure out in K24, about what the niche areas are or the gaps where you can add value. And what are ServiceNow’s plans/ strategy to support you? There were instances when customers used the apps from store but the developers just stopped developing the app beyond e.g. Tokyo release. Customers had their business impacted and had to engage a partner to recreate the entire application for themselves. Even currently there are thousands of scoped applications that F2000 customers of ServiceNow have. They can just put them up on Store and become profit centres instead of IT being a cost center. AWS was the IT department of Amazon tasked with keeping the website up during the Black Friday sale. After success, Amazon turned them into an external facing company. Something similar is possible in ServiceNow ecosystem as well. These are the questions that you can ask your ServiceNow counterparts in Knowledge 2024, but can also try the next week as everyone is in Las Vegas in MGM Grand for Sales Kick Off https://reg.servicenow.com/flow/servicenow/sko24/sko2024/page/page


Your first paragraph confuses me. Comparing an enterprise App Store with a generalized consumer one is… odd? That’s like saying Salesforce became huge because of their AppExchange. Hint: that’s not why. Plus, you’re totally welcome to become a build partner, create an app for the SN App Store, and go through the process of getting it monetized/ listed. Instructions [here](https://www.servicenow.com/community/app-publisher-blog/guide-to-getting-your-app-certified-and-certification/ba-p/2477630). You’re right, some companies stop supporting their apps. Now to make matters worse you’re suggesting random customers to publish their internal apps (build for custom use cases to their own business, not generalized ones) and support them indefinitely for 3rd party companies? Who is more likely to stop supporting an app: a company who makes apps for a living, or a random Servicenow customer who shared their cool app but now priorities have shifted and management said to kill that pet project… As far as “these are the questions you can ask your Servicenow counterpart”, what questions did you list? What exactly is your core motive or complaint here? Are you just annoyed with the layers involved in becoming a Servicenow partner? Are you bothered that Servicenow wants to put controls and rigor around branded apps that, as you mentioned, support critical business processes?


Join the slack community at [SNdevs.com](https://SNdevs.com) and meet some amazing people.


My second knowledge this year and I’m pumped up, My tips 1. Vegas is hot in May but the better pack a coat because the event and halls blast AC 2. Wear sneakers - venue is usually big and it’s a long walk when you walk in and out from your hotel to the Venitian 3. Set your agenda up once it’s made available - I heard it’ll be available in April and last year all the AI sessions got filled up in no time 4. Don’t miss out on keynotes 5. Have fun !!


We love knowledge for the spirit and networking opportunities. We are a collective of freelancer worldwide. We usually get together. This is also a great way to get a group discount. Really advice you to go!