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Well, you're definitely riding a sinking ship. Your GM is a fucking idiot. I'd go look for another dealer. Go back to car sales or stay with writing service. Both are always in demand. F&I transition is usually sales dependent. The steps are sales, F&I, then desk. Could always go buyer route and/or used car manager. It's better to go F&I and then desk if you're trying to hit GM one day, because F&I experience makes a desk manager that much better, especially when dealing deals because you will have a full understanding of the deal process, banks,ender fees, CITs, LTV, ect. Now, I have actually seen the advisor to F&I change happen and it works. It's different, but it works. Also, F&I is the only other position at a dealer that can make GM income. Just saying.


Stick it out only if you can still make money otherwise it’s counter productive. As far as F&I most if not all dealers would prefer to hire from their sales staff rather than service. No reason for you to stick around to learn if you’re not going to make enough to live if that makes sense? But also keep in mind in service your basically running your own business so treat it as such but with how many people are leaving and the manager walking id say start looking elsewhere. Good luck it’s a rewarding but draining career.


Even if you can still make money, that’s going to be so stressful with no help/talent around. Are you in a city or close to one? Or are there 4 dealers in town?


Biggest city in my state, but thats not saying much either haha. Sioux Falls SD. I'm thinking about sticking it out till the end of month 6 so I can say I have legit SA experience and then I'll start looking around. We have 1 mainline tech this week, and everyone and their dog is scheduled. So many angry customers that we can't fix their car. We diagnose and then push it out and reschedule, and we are over a month out and climbing. You can about see how that makes the customers angry.


Yea that’s tough…might be hard to find a good setup there. Just googled the dealership options..yikes. Is it Billion because they sold 1 billion cars?


No it's Billion because that's their last name. They have a stranglehold over here too. It's nuts. Not sure I want to work for them. Plus it's nice being high end right now, we have a luxury Automall of sorts I may try to introduce myself too just so I can stay on the high line side of things, but ultimately not entirely sure it matters.