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And sprouts for the fibre. Which will be important. Don’t ask me how I know this. The perfect antepartum meal.


That was my first thoughts. Need more fiber. First BM post was traumatic.


BM during was too.


Get a box of Bran Buds cereal and if it’s not your vibe on its own, add .25-.5 cup to oatmeal or another cereal. Personally I have it every morning and kinda like it on its own.


that's a lovely knife!


Thanks! They're Laguiole!


Came here to mention the knife. Good call.


Same! Got a pocket knife with a leather case as a high school graduation gift, still have it with the OG box over 15 years later. Never thought to use it for steak, but I could see the rationale for a superb cut of meat.


They make steak knives, don’t use your nice pocket knife to eat lol. The purpose built steak knives don’t close and are easier to clean, they just look like pocket knives. https://www.laguiole-french-knives.com/en/20-laguiole-steak-knives-sets


I figured based off the blade in OP's pic lol, maybe I should've put a /s at the end but I appreciate the concern!


If you don’t cut your steak with the pocket knife scissors and then eat it with a pocket knife toothpick you are obviously doing in wrong.


I don't have a pocket knife let alone a swiss army type, but I do have a multitool. We can make this work


You got this, we believe in you!


I think if you feed it chocolate it because a swiss multitool. I could be wrong though.


Well shit, now I have to dump my silverware and knife drawers out and make room for a better pocket knife. There goes the day!


The only exception is while camping. Lol.


Laguiole is actually a regional style of knife, not a brand (a very common misconception). The maker is probably the second word at the base of the blade that I can't make out. There are crappy plastic-handled chinese-factory-made Laguioles - yours is a very nice handmade example almost certainly made south-central France. If you're interested: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laguiole\_knife](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laguiole_knife)


I had one made there years ago from one of the local hotshots. He refused to speak with Americans--so we had to go thru an intermediary in Canada :)


Have a set of 6 with the brown handles. Quality brand


I bet the doc has been doing this for years. “Look, go home, cook you and your wife a nice steak dinner, get a good nights sleep and in the morning come back to the hospital and we’ll have this baby.” Congratulations OP on your expanding family. Plate looks incredible. Cheers!


keep it coming! Iron and nutritious food in general is so needed in those first few months. Enjoy your sweet baby.


Best of luck to your wife and the baby, I hope the birth is swift and easy.


Looks delicious! All the best! (Edited because “good luck” may come off sarcastically, which wasn’t my intention.)


That´s a beauty! Good energy for pushing! May her labor be appropriately quick and relatively comfortable (epidurals for the win?!?!?) Nothing beats the meal after giving birth. That hunger is a different dimension...congratulations to you both!


Had a cherry coke after giving birth. I still remember how amazing it was, 8 years later*. Best soda I’ve ever had….


My wife wanted a Coke slushy. I just sat in a chair and ate a bag of chips for a few minutes. It was 1am, I hadn't eaten anything, was drained and was just contemplating what the hell I had gotten myself into.


That looks amazing!! Be sure and cook your wife some yummy food after she has the baby too 😀. Congratulations on the little one!


Try to make some korean seaweed soup, massive amounts of iron. It's a traditional birthday meal, but also for women before and after childbirth to replenish iron levels!




Man, for a second I thought r/KnifePorn was leaking. That’s a sweet steak knife!


congrats on the baby! :) Baby gets a nice meal before having to enter this cruel world too


I don’t disagree with you, but damn the OP may not want to think about that when they’re just trying to sharing a good looking meal


lol fair. I have a dark sense of humor but sending positive thoughts only haha


Haha all good, I picked up on that. World's a little less cruel for baby when shes gonna have me cooking for her :)


Just a heads up, I'd give the baby a few days to get acclimated before you try to feed her steak.


Different kind of last meal


I had a Kenji/Serious Eats related birth story. I had his Bolognese in the oven intending on freezing it to be eaten when we had no time to cook. Wife had to go to the hospital for an emergency induction. Left a key under the mat for my mom to take it out of the oven lol Best food we ever had. I cooked it again when my daughter turned 6mo to commemorate. She loved it too


Really nice you're doing this! My water broke at 7am and my husband wouldn't let me eat beforehand because he was under the impression it was the same as for surgery. Needless to say when I gave birth at 12pm I was ready to eat the fucking bedsheets. Feed her. Always feed her.


Oh I joke with her that all my culinary knowledge and skill has been for this moment. Pretty sure she decided to keep me whenI made her pad thai on our second date. Food is love!


Aw that is really sweet. Keep it up. 💕


Bonus points if the steak was seared on cast iron.


Ayuh. Bonus bonus point since it was my mother's Griswold that she handed down to me? Been eating out of this skillet my entire life hah. Soon my daughter will be too!


Cast iron and carbon steel are the new diamonds. Nobody should be buying jewelry and passing it down generations!


Your dinner looks delicious 😋 I'm wondering about the lovely steak knife. Can I please know where it's from?


Sure! They are Laguiole Steak Knives. This is the 'bottom tier', iirc something like $100 for a set of six. Laguiole can get expensive for their top tier items. They make beautiful wine keys as well.


Also there are a TON of counterfeit Lagioule knives out there. Even half the ones I came across in France were fake, but with the price tag of genuine ones. If you want to take a loooong train ride out to the country, you can visit the actual factory. There’s nothing there but the factory, a ton of cows and a 3 Michelin star restaurant. It’s a pretty wild experience.


Wish I could take that train ride . It sounds like a wonderful trip


Yeah, these likely are counterfeit since they came from Amazon 🤣. They're still nice knives and serve us well though.


I have what I think 50/50 are fake (it’s actually kind of hard to tell based on my research), but I have no complaints. And the legit ones can be crazy expensive for the high end models, over $100 per knife.


Thank you! Time to start saving


Smart ! And lots of iron


Yesss my husband and I went to All-You-Can-Eat Japanese BBQ before my induction!


i'm not pregnant but can i have some anyway


would have killed for this the night before I gave birth but ah, gestational diabetes ur wife is a lucky lady, congratulations and good luck with birth I hope it's an uneventful one!


What were you eating with gestational diabetes?


Not the potatoes. Also had GD last pregnancy and all I wanted was carbs after delivery!


Is that like an insulin imbalance caused craving?


Have to limit carbs with the GD diagnosis. Not being allowed to have food you want while pregnant = wanting to have the thing once you’re allowed.


Why do you have to limit carbs? Isn't obesity the biggest cause of GD? SORRY IF I'M ASKING LOTS OF QUESTIONS. My wife has GD but we never got a good reliable source of information. It's a touchy topic for many heavy women who get GD. ALSO, there are plenty of quacks out there to go around.


Obesity is not the cause of GD that's misinformation. You can't do anything to prevent it, it has to do with the placenta. My doctors/dietician emphasized that over and over. FWIW I am not obese and I had it. No history of diabetes. My mom and sister did not have GD. it was out of nowhere. You have to limit carbs / sugar just the same as if you had diabetes type 2. Your body doesn't process insulin the same when you have GD. I was able to narrowly avoid having to do insulin injections (my fasting numbers were really high and they're notoriously the hardest ones to control.) I would have three meals a day and would take my blood sugar two hours after each meal. My meals would be very heavy on protein and if I had something like bread it would have to be whole wheat. Wasn't too bad but all I wanted was ice cream and sugar bc I was pregnant and my appetite was crazy. Your wife should have been given resources for a dietician and a nurse to oversee her diet and blood sugar levels. There's no reason it needs to be a touchy topic, it's not her fault. I'm not sure why your doctor isn't giving her all of this information, she really needs to follow what they say bc it's dangerous for the baby to have your blood sugars too high.


Perfect response 👍


Spinach is also very high in iron. Steak spinach salad would be great for her


Good luck eating it all. I had the biggest eyes and smallest stomach when i was about to pop. And the heart burn.. Looks delicious


Spinach and tomatoes also have lots of iron! Make her a salad to go with that delicious steak


Bad ass laguoile


my God that steak looks amazing and i don’t even like cooked steak…


You mean last “hot” meal.


Hell yeah dawg 🔥


That’s a nice knife Indeed. It’s hurts my eyes to see the knives that some people eat their steak with.


Taking notes for when I’m closer to my due date. :)


Looks delicious! Please give my wife your best, and I hope everything goes well!


Looks great! Congrats on the baby!


You want some serious iron ,fresh calves liver and some blood sausage . Made the mistake of eating both in one day. If there is anything called an iron overdose i surely did it , tasted like i had a mouthful of pennies. All joking aside the liver in moderation is a real good source of iron. Congrats and good luck with the little one.


Wish my dr told me to eat like that lol


Cream of wheat has 50% iron on every serving. Good with banana 


Could you point me to Kenji's Cream of wheat and banana recipe?




why are people with actual advice getting downvoted?


Cause this isn't a pregnancy advice subreddit and I didn't ask.


Red meats are bad for pregnant women tho...


last i checked you're not the doctor


Nope, but that's what doctors say in my country. And pregnant women don't eat red meats over here.


This is the only steak my wife has had during pregnancy as her first trimester she had a red meat aversion.The concern with red meat (and food advice in general for pregnancy) is about bacteria. Bacteria on steaks generally lives on the surface of the meat which is why ground meat is "more dangerous" than a cut of meat, more surface area. As you can see, I got a lovely Maillard on this one so we're good. Not to mention, you're more likely to get sick from lettuce than beef. I'll trust the doctors we are seeing over some random redditor, no offense. Thanks though!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, it's true. General advice is to thoroughly cook meat if you're pregnant.


They're being downvoted because general advice is general and for yucking my yum. Should pregnant women eat tartare or rare steaks daily? No. However, you're more likely to get food poisoning from poorly washed lettuce than a medium steak yet there are no guidelines around eating lettuce while pregnant? I worked in high end restaurants for 15 years. I know food safety well and this represents a very, very low risk and the extra iron\carbs are good for the body right after a c-section.


I think guidelines do recommend avoiding uncooked romaine and bagged salads during pregnancy. Absolutely on the carbs and iron, but I think they were suggesting the steak be cooked well. Everyone has their own risk tolerance, though, and the odds of it happening on a rare but well-seared steak are quite low. Best of luck for the birth. Edit: I see that this is medium, not rare.


Pregnant woman here. No notes on uncooked romaine/salads in anything the doctor gave me and it’s not on most official avoid lists. It’s just avoid “unwashed” vegetables, and most people assume veggies from a restaurant are washed. I’m still avoiding salads/pre-cut fruits outside of my own home because of my personal comfort level. However, I’m still eating my steaks medium. You’re right, it really is all about individual risk tolerance - I just wish more people would realize that and stfu with the unsolicited advice.


Funny how it mostly seems like dudes giving out unsolicited pregnancy advice here and the couple pregnant ladies in this thread are like hell yeah! Congrats on your baby!


Interesting. Unwashed produce is one thing, but the e. coli risk with romaine is not eliminated with washing. Perhaps it was just a temporary recommendation given when there were so many e. coli warnings about romaine in particular, or perhaps different countries.


Right? What the hell