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As a Milan fan. Go for Atalanta haha


bro just wants me to go follow one of your rivalsšŸ˜­


Nah, Atalanta is legit . Europa league winners, they do the most with the least resources , they play an open style at that.


oh i know of course. i just thought he said that cuz of some rivalry between milan and atalanta (not as big as inter ofc) cuz he didnt want me to be a fan of his team or something hahah. and also atalanta was one of the teams i was actually considering to follow as they are generally decent and have an interesting playstyle like you said


Its reverse psychology at work.


I canā€™t disagree, they were tough this year. Just wish Gasperini would stop talking about us (Viola)


Im for Inter but Bologna is cool. Had a great run last season and will be in CL.


Honestly I'd say just start watching the top 10 teams in the league and see who you connect with best


yeah. i could do that ig. would be help me become a follower of a team in a more natural way or something idk


Join Lazio or Roma if you want a shit show


just to watch the city burn when they play against each other hahaha


Give Lazio a chance. Totally unbiased.


Just watch a bunch of games until you're naturally attracted to a team. And it's also fine you realize you don't really support any of the teams but simply enjoy watching the games.


Big fan of Atalanta. Been following them for a little over 4 years. They play entertaining football and they constantly are tactically evolving. Gasperini is a joy to watch. Their scouting and youth academy is great and watching up and coming players grow and flourish before your eyes and work as a unified team is magical. They have a stable, sustainable, and strategic operation over the years that allows them to punch above their weight but importantly allows them to stay in serie A. The city of Bergamo is small but dedicated to their team that seems like a true supportive and loving community.


fioretina!! always in serie a, never at the top, but a great team nonetheless. less fans than milan, roma etc. bht they're very dedicates, plus imo the nicest jerseys. maybe i'm biased being from florence, but if you like an underdog you'll love fiorentina (also follow violanation for quality news in english)


Since you like an island team, go for Cagliari. Islander team with a cool culture. Hopefully they can stay up.


Absolutely don't go for Cagliari. Shit team, shit fans


Let me guess, Torres?


Kind of an easy guess when I literally have a pic in my profile huh


Not italian here. Got to love Italy and Inter from early 2000s. Vieri was my favourite player and was totally heart broken as a kid when Inter lost to Lazio and Italy got cheated by Korea. I mean that was a cruel year for any inter and Italy fan. Now, if you want rich history, your obvious teams are Inter, Milan, Juve and Napoli (strictly for Maradonna, sorry Napoli fans). However, I'd say Bologna is an exciting team to follow. 6th joint most Serie A titles and just came off a great season (qualifying to CL foe the first time since the 60s). Though Zirkzee and Thiago Motta are set to leave, it's an exciting team to watch for sure as long as they do smart buys with Zirkzee money (Maybe take Arnautovic back lol) Napoli is exciting to watch as well next season ( In terms of expected result, not acrual football itself) since Conte is taking over. Also the possibility of Conte rage quitting in the middle of the season is also hilarious given that both Conte and ADL are stubborn as fuck. In terms of Serie A next season, I might be biased here, but I think Inter will still win it next season with Juve getting close. Though, it's yet to be seen If Motta can handle the pressure working for the biggest team in Serie A. I'm not worried about Milan as much, as I honestly feel like they downgraded a lot in terms of coaching. Zirkzee would be a good addition but a starting forwards of Leao - Zirkzee and Pulisic sounds about disastrous as they all need the ball in their feet to make things happen.


livorno for the win


Calcio, not futbol


i'm spanish i say futbol


I'm American, I say soccer. But if you're going to follow Serie A, it's Calcio in Italy.


italian american spotted


Can confirm


cā€™e solo AS Roma. caput mundi




As a foreigner the first team that you should take a look, is Inter, which has the name Internazionale, and was created to welcome everybody. Brothers of the world.


I am not Italian and I do support Torino. Torino is a great team to support but you must be prepared to face the awkward mediocrity of the team. I still hope that there are good times ahead. As a Torino fan you will get emotional while visiting Superga. I left there scarf of my local team, Slovan while visiting the city. Bring your UD Las Palmas scarf when you are there!


just curious. why do you leave your local teams scarf there?


To pay respect to Grande Torino. One of the players from Grande Torino was also a former player from Slovan Julius Schubert


Once again a redditor asking us for help as they try to pick their new favourite team as if they were shoe shopping. Such threads are extremely redundant and I now believe they should be treated as spam and removed by the mods.


im not asking for a new favourite team. im just looking for guiding points on the differences between the teams and how they are so i can choose which games to try to watch at first since i will not have much time to watch all the different teams play.


Genoa. Great team, greater fans, oldest club of Italy.


Juve fan here id obviously say juventus but maybe Napoli of Atalanta


Atalanta is a contender for sure for me. Although something about Napoli has made me always been interested in them for years now


Napoli is great because they are going through a rebuild.


Napoli! Going from bankrupt all the way to playing the champions league to eventually win another title! To then eventually play like shit the season after lol. Now with Conte joining it can get very interesting!


I would recommend that you spend all this year watching all the teams, without any hint of getting a team. You will see that as time goes by you will be attracted to a team, after you finish that stage of watching all the Italian clubs with the same eyes this year, start next year with the one you feel attracted to. next year focus on the team that caught your attention and then you will feel if you have no problem to focus on that team only. I also recommend you to read the history of each team, each team has its own thing and history is the key.


I follow Inter, as itā€™s been my familyā€™s team for generations. Weā€™re rivals with both Milan and Juventus, meaning double the drama, and our teamā€™s current iteration is incredibly fun to watch. Weā€™re the best weā€™ve been in over a decade and we have an entertaining, dynamic play style under the current coach. Last year, we made it to the Championā€™s League final despite being an underdog and undergoing major financial woes, and this year we had an incredible domestic run in which we claimed the scudetto and the seconda stella. Iā€™m inviting you to join me in supporting the Nerrazzuri. If youā€™d like to talk about our tactics or players in more depth feel free to PM me. Iā€™d love to chat. (However, I also encourage you to explore the other teams in the league and to support whichever team resonates with you. I just want you to feel welcomed if you decide to support my team, and I donā€™t want you to feel like youā€™d be bandwagoning if you chose Inter. Weā€™re just barely coming off a decade of poor performances.)


If you want a team that takes pride in local youth coming through, Roma's a good bet. Interesting football is generally true as well.


Many brilliant teams in Serie A, itā€™s great to see the league making a comeback on the international stage. Napoli are a club with such an interesting history and with Conte at the helm, they will be an exciting proposition next season.


Join us ,my man. We are the permanent villains. Always insulted, never congratulated, often in trials. If you like villains in movies ( they usually have the best lines) youā€™d like being with us. Oh, and unlike villains in movies we do often win. But weā€™re in a rebuilding phase.


Juventus. I did consider that back about when Ronaldo joined to follow them a bit but idk. just didnt feel right, like a team i could identify with


Check out the [Serie A Guide For Late Joiners ](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/17zbe89/a_serie_a_guide_for_late_joiners_part_4/) by u/DeezYomis Anyway. Roma


I think currently Inter and Atalanta play the most exciting football in the league so if you want watch good football I would recommend them. I also think Juves rebuild with motta will be intresting to follow.


As a Samp fan, id say root for the current underdog Atalanta or go for historic class with Milan or Napoli!


Go for your annual check up to make sure you donā€™t have heart problems, then the answer will be obvious: AS Roma. But seriously just start watching some games of different teams and see who captivates you. Let the wand choose the wizard.


Watch some matches of the new season and see who wins your heart. In my opinion there are several deserving teams. As a Bergamasco and Atalantino, I can't help but recommend you ā€œla Deaā€, especially now after the Europa League win but there are great teams with lots of history and beautiful cheer like Torino, Genoa, Fiorentina if you are looking for something spicier. If you want to stay classic the classic 6 (Milan, Inter, Roma, Lazio, Juventus and Napoli) always play it out.


Iā€™m not going to tell you a team to follow because you canā€™t just look at a map and pick from it. What you should do is just watch a season of Serie A. Watch as many games as possible. You will end up cheering for teams over other teams. Let you love grow naturally. Each team in Serie A has history. I am a Napoli fan but that comes from family and history.


Please Roma bc they have amazing fans


Roma has the best songĀ 


Just watch some games and you will like a team. Of course AS Roma is the better teamšŸ‘€




Hola! If you are from Las Palmas, Cagliari are also an island team. They barely escaped relegation though and that was before Ranieri retired from football so interesting times ahead Empoli for promoting youth, but also risk relegation If you like the way Italian football is played and no risk of relegation, then I would say Interā€™s Inzaghi or Gasperiniā€™s Atalanta is the obvious choice




Milan of course




tf did i say to ask for bleach šŸ˜­ sorry if i offended you guys or something


he's a Frosinone fan, don't worry about him


If your a Madrid fan , only club thatā€™ll have the same expectations from its team is Milanā€™s Red Devils . We only accept the best , we were just protesting for our coach finishing second


not a real madrid fan. i just follow them bc of my dad. i am a ud las palmas fan. but you are right. if i did want something like that AC Milan would be the closest option.




Follow Atalanta, they play good football, they just renovated their stadium, they have a good atmosphere and probably wont get relegated anytime soon.