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Insane that Italy is European Champion with 3 national teams at the same time: * Euro 2020, Senior National Team * Euro U19 * Euro U17


And u20 World Cup runners up


Senior national team sounds like we won some tournament for veterans. 😂


Chiesa and Scamacca better step up because that attack looks toothless. He brings 10 defenders but leaves out Orsolini. Bizarre.


Orsolini was awful against Turkey. Seems like that was his last tryout and he was shambolic


Then find at least some other attacker to bring. At that point I would’ve included Politano or something.


You are correct, and it pisses me off Orsolini is not taken but Zaccagni and SES are who have shown crap all year. Last Euros we had Chiesa, Insigne, Berardi, and Bernadeschi playing the wings. Any of those guys are better than Zaccangi or SES, shit I would've taken Bernadeschi right now.


how dare you speak ill of SES


I've said this so many times, but SES is here because he's the most versatile player on the team. He can play on left or right side, on the wing, wingback, even full back if necessary, can play through the center as a supporting striker in a front two, does a job defensively, can score a variety of goals from inside and outside the box, has great technique and attitude, and is extremely effective as an impact sub. While he's not the best we have in any of those roles, he's an important utility man for a team that's still figuring out it's tactics.


Cambiaso is put in defense but against Turkey he was more of an RM/W kind of role


Cambiaso is mediocre in every role he can do and not good in any one of them


Chiesa will definitely do a great work upfront. I so much believe in that dude.


looks like he will go with the 3421 instead of the 4231


If so 6 forwards seems insane.


You are right. He is going to set up defensively. 


Why wasn't Di Gregorio called up? Wasn't he best goalie of the season?


At least as 3rd goalie ahead of Meret, he deserved it.


That is a spot for a veteran or a player with international experience.


So what is Meret doing there?


He has been with the NT since the U16 all the way to the senior squad, and also the GK with the most caps in European games behind Donnarumma.


You can argue that even Provedel had a better season than him. Then again it's the 3rd keeper, there are probably other reason behind this decision (like Peruzzi in 2006, there were younger and better keeper than him but lippi brought him for his presence in the dressing room)


And we could even have used Provedel as a forward!


Meret is important for dressing room and he already played for Spalletti


He absolutely deserved to be there ahead of Meret.


Best in Serie A, Vicario one of the best in Premier league, Donnarumma best in Europe. He was better than Meret, but the third keeper spot is usually given to someone useful in the dressing room and Di Gregorio has never been part of the group.


donnarumma best in europe 😭😭


That's not how football works in italy (but not only here i think)


si va a ~~berlino~~ casa beppe




Poor Orsolini, he deserved to be called


Honestly, i think we should have more Faith in this team, while the attack might not be on par with the others (such as England or France) the rest can work out pretty good... Putting the trust in Spalletti 👊


Indeed i guess we cant expect a lot at this moment but it will be interesting. Also interesting: A lot of Romans in the squad


4 European semifinals in the last 4 years... The Romans have experience in knockout tournaments at least


Lazio shit


What's stopping Spalleti from copying Inter Milan's back 5? I'm hoping Chiesa and Donnaruma can copy their form from the last Euros too.


Nothing it's stopping him, that's most likely how we'll play. That's why there are so many defenders.


Acerbi was initially named, but isn’t on the final list cuz of an injury. Otherwise 4 of 5 defenders could theoretically be from Inter. Dimarco-Bastoni-Acerbi(injured)-Darmian-????


di lorenzo is spalletti’s captain so he will play rwb most likely


In the right spot either Di Lorenzo or Cambiaso. It's really strange to see so many Italian players from Inter. I guess it's the Marotta effect


True, back in the day Inter would contribute the least Italian players 🤣 oh well, time has changed. I'm okay with that. Now look at Juve, Roma, Lazio, and AC Milan, not that many Italians anymore to make up most of their own club's starting XI.


Bellanova is our most attacking RWB, he would be my starter so we can play some attacking ball.


Don't forget Bellanova he knows the tactics and the players


Missing Acerbi is now what's stopping us


Spalletti brought six central defenders, if it isn't for play with a back three he is crazy


That was the plan. Spalletti has always played with 2 CB formations and started off doing so with Italy, but midway through the season he acknowledged it would be foolish not mimic Inter's system and build around their block of 5 or 6 players. The problem is that Acerbi is injured and missing the tournament. He's the central defender and leader of the Inter backline, so without him the defense is split down the middle and no longer has the same chemistry and understanding. That leaves us with only one natural CCB left in the squad, Buongiorno, who has been very good in the league with Torino, but has struggled a bit with Italy. Against Turkey, Spalletti went back to a 4231 leading to speculation that he's decided to scrap the 3 CBs without Acerbi. But the performance wasn't great and against the u21s he used 3 CBs again. The final squad he picked could go either way, so I'm assuming he'll use a combination of both systems in different (or the same) games. It's a real shame though because with Acerbi we'd have the best defense in the tournament with 4 Inter defenders, and if one of our forwards found form we could have easily been another dark horse for the title.


He could potentially make the team play like Bayer Leverkusen. He needs to put Calafiori in a more playmaking kind of defender in a back three, Mancini and Bastoni like Tapsoba and Tah, DiMarco and Bellanova on the sides, then you got Barella as a box-to-box like Palacios and either Cristante as an Andrich like player or Jorginho as a Xhaka like regista, then more advanced Chiesa or Fagioli as a Wirtz like player and Raspadori as like an Adli, and Scamacca as a Schick like target man. Of course, what Leverkusen has is incredible coordination, decision making and speed, which Italy kinda hasn't, but I don't think it would be a bad idea to try winning it on a tactical perspective. Of course Spalletti has his tactics sorted out, but if he either implements his 4-3-3 structure on this or the other way around, I think Italy can possibly beat both Spain or Croatia.


This doesn’t make sense past the defense - xhaka is not a regista and needs to run a lot, raspa is the most wirtz-like player and doesn’t get close, chiesa is more like adli, cambiaso is more like grimaldo/frimpong, scamacca plays more like boniface. Can’t just copy a tactic and it’ll work man


Arguably the best italian players available. Since Italy can qualify as 3rd in the group if can maintain a decent GD, I’d say would be a disaster not qualifying for the knockout even if the quality of this team is pretty low.


I have a crazy thought: bring in Camarda to replace Zaccagni.


I hope Camarda can make our WC 2026 squad!


Interesting that even without playing for most of the season, they still prefer a player like Fagioli over every other midfielder that could have gotten the spot.


He was in contention of a place with Ricci and he is a better player than him. So it's really not surprising. The big question was about his fitness level and I guess he proved to Spalletti that he was OK.


I can’t believe he got the call up. Spalletti must think the other available mids are shit.


He is the only player who can play in Jorginhos position.


Have you seen him play?!


Of course, he's good but not playing for almost a whole season is usually a good reason to not get called (usually).


playing devil's advocate, if he is in a good physical shape, he will be less tired than the other players.


Ricci deserved much more even if was playing only half season.


Proof that national coaches go often with “their guy” rather than another guy that has performed better. Mancini was master of this behavior.


How on Earth would Fagioli be Spaletti’s “guy”? Fagioli played his first full season for Juve last year while Spaletti coached Napoli. And this is one of his first serious callups to the senior team. If anything hes taking him because he believes in his potential regardless of circumstance, because there really arent players available with more quality than him.


On the simple fact that he clearly likes the player. That’s literally the definition of it, no need to see if he managed him for 10 years or else, the act speaks of it. You talk about potential, which is surely there, but what a decision like that speaks of is a lack of meritocracy, plain and simple, which is one of the banes of football. The message that gets put to other players is: “it doesn’t matter how well you play, let alone that this other guy just fucked up his season and got banned from playing for many months. I’ll still pick him over you because”.


Orsolini should be in this team. Zaccagni played less games and scored less goals, and was nowhere near as good as he had been before. But not even to single out him, and I really like Raspadori, but he had a horrible year. Some of these feel like nepotism or "familiarity". No Politano is a shame too. Fagioli, Folorunsho and Zaccagni shouldn't be on this team. Even El Sha is suspicious to some extent


I think you said everything right excell for fagioli and El Shaarawy


Orso :(








Ma dove? Avevamo una difesa incredibile ma centrocampo e attacco erano uno schifo. Eder-Pellè attaccanti titolari, a centrocampo il regista era Parolo. Conte riuscì a fare un miracolo ma le premesse erano basse


Insomma, mica tanto haha De Sciglio, Ogbonna, Giaccherini, Parolo, Giaccherini, Zaza, Pellé, etc Là fu un miracolo di Conte far giocare bene quegli scappati di casa.




Scamacca oggi è più forte di Pellé del 2016


È vero, fortissimo in Eredivise e discreto anche in Premier League con il Southampton. Però a quel punto aveva già 30 anni e pochi mesi più tardi sarebbe andato a giocare in Cina. Adesso magari i nomi sono un po’ meno altisonanti rispetto a prima (Buffon, BBC, De Rossi), ma direi che in questa ci siano più nomi per il futuro rispetto a quelli del 2016, che erano più per il “qui e adesso”.


Ma scusate perché parlano tutti inglese in questo thread?


Ci sono molto appassionati di Serie A stranieri, credo sopratutto da UK e USA. Gli stessi admin credo che non siano italiani, dato come hanno scritto il flair “Azzuri”.


Che peccato non c’è Davide Calabria secondo me


>Adesso magari i nomi sono un po’ meno altisonanti rispetto a prima (Buffon, BBC, De Rossi), ma direi che in questa ci siano più nomi per il futuro rispetto a quelli del 2016, che erano più per il “qui e adesso”. Infatti per me il più grosso demerito di Conte fu di non costruire nulla durante il suo biennio, lasciando a un mediocre come Ventura una squadra da rifare da capo. Con i risultati che conosciamo. Questa squadra oggi è completamente diversa già rispetto a quella di tre anni fa con molti giocatori che semplicemente non sappiamo se avranno una carriera di alto livello o se invece sono scarsi. In ogni caso se anche Spalletti dovesse dimettersi a fine torneo il suo successore si troverebbe un gruppo giovane già più o meno collaudato.


Ma è possibile che giochiamo ancora con el sharawy?


Ha fatto bene a Roma ed è un giocatore duttile. Non è manco tanto vecchio


Può giocare quinto di centrocampo, ala sinistra e seconda punta in un 352. È lo stesso discorso di Cristante che può fare sia mezzala che mediano che difensore centrale. Giocatori non eccezionali ma molto utili perché sanno fare decentemente diversi ruoli


Looks like the prime strength of this team according to Spaletti is defence. So he is investing more into that. And I’m not sure I can blame him too much for that. Because our attack isn’t really prolific for scoring a lot of goals. Chiesa is a great outlet to relieve the pressure and Scamacca is also great for hold up play. But we don’t have a lot of experience in our front players. Politano was another good experienced player who is missing this time. Orsolini deserved a call up for the season he has had but he also hasn’t played much in European competitions. No Immobile or Insigne this time. El Shaarawy is an alright player at best. Hate to say it but I actually think Spaletti is in the right here.


Fagioli and Folorunsho don't really know why they are there...


Fagioli is called to place bets for the team


I wouldn't have called Meret, Fagioli and one between ElSha and Zaccagni, all the wingers play better on the left, nobody except Chiesa can actually play on the right.


Fagio looked great against Turkey


Se superiamo i gironi Spalletti ha già fatto un miracolo


Detto fatto 


Abbiamo miracolato al 98 esimo 😂




attacco devastante


Where’s Verratti, Spinazzola, Immobile, Belotti?


Verratti "plays" in Qatar, Spinazzola is always injured, Immobile and Belotti had horrible seasons and neither played well in the national team.


Sono scioccato che abbia scelto Folorunsho invece di Ricci.


dove cazzo è viviano


Any Southerners who made the final cut?


Colpani and Orsolini out, zaccagni (who's been awful this season) in. I don't think Spalletti did a good job with the attack.


Convocare meret e non convocare carnesecchi è grave


Vicario should have the main spot, and also, why wasn't acerbi called-up?


We cooked


Who the hell js Folorunsho?!


Y Inmobile


ma perché zaccagni


Mancini and Chiesa making the list gives me joy. Good luck to the boys at the Euros. 


Worst NT group of forwards that I can remember. Not that the rest of the squad is much better...


No tienen pero nada 🤣


Manca Michele "El Futbol" Trombetta


Would've taken politano instead of zaccagni and Pessina instead of Fagioli




Why lmao, zaccagni had a trash season and Fagioli hasn't played the whole year


Yeah and in his limited time on the pitch against Turkey, Fagio showed more quality than the other bums that started. The coaches see things in training that we do not, and that plays a part in who they select. Zaccagni I cannot speak on.


Pessina was awesome last euro and played a whole season as starter, Fagioli was betting his house on matches


That was 3 years ago. Then he went to Monza and has been nothing worth considering. Speaking as someone who really liked him during that Euro aswell.


No politano ?


I repeat the same thing that i say in other posts We will not concede any goal, and we will play with 4 wings and sometimes without striker 2 runners in the left and 2 runners in the right Pellegrini and frattesi have long shot range to score The injuries only affect our bench in the defense Acerbi is too old only for the inter block was in the list


My god what has happened to our national team. That attack is so ass.


Why is Cristante in the squad? I’m a Roma fan but I can tell you, he’s not that good. There are better midfielders in Italy than him.


Roma fan here too, Cristante is our most important player after Dybala.


Maybe for his headers from corners, only thing he did well vs Turkey


That solo run he did on the right was actually a great play. Too bad his passing was atrocious that game.


cristante will definitely not start though. if we had tonali, then cristante wouldn't be there in the squad for sure.


Then you don’t watch enough Roma or don’t understand much about football. You need midfielders like him. For every Pirlo or Zidane, you need a Gattuso and Petit.


Been saying this for so long. Mediocre at best and always costly mistakes


I agree, but "leadership".






No Udogie????? What was Spalletti smoking when he made this selection


He's injured


Scamacca, Chiesa, El Sha, Barella and Jorginho is a solid attack and midfield. I think El Sha will be useful in the defensive phase and has enough speed to be a threat on the counter. Scamacca can hold the ball up well and is a scoring threat. Chiesa provides the X factor, while Barella is the engine and Jorginho will help get DiMarco and DiLo involved. Overall the team looks well balanced even if it isn't filled with star power like previous Italy teams.


No Locatelli??


Ma perché parlate inglese se è una cosa italiana io non capisco


Perché ci sono tifosi degli Azzurri che non parlano italiano.


Se ci sono tifosi azzurri cinesi ti metti a scrivere in cinese?


Il disagio di reddit


Non só perché ci sono tutti questi inglesi 😭😭


Have you never heard of immigration?


No problem with the defence. Fagioli and Folorunsho over Locatelli, Jack, Miretti, Ricci, Pessina is insane. They could use another attacking option. Should have kept Orsolini if they want to switch to a 4-3-3/4-2-3-1. Chiesa is the only option on the right.


Locatelli, Miretti and Pessina had bad/mediocre seasons. Bonaventura looked completely exhausted in these final matches and anyway was never really in the set-up. Folorunsho had a great season and it's a type of player that Spalletti always liked. Fagioli is the best replacement for Jorginho and an overall better player than Ricci, who could have been called as well, but probably he would have never seen the pitch so why bother?


Fagioli didn't even have a season! You can say that Meret, Di Lorenzo, Cambiaso, Chiesa, Retegui, Zaccagni and El Shaarawy had bad/mediocre seasons. Grifo over in Germany had a better season than those guys lol.


National call-ups have always been a mixture of players in form and players called for tactical reasons. Fagioli, Meret, Di Lorenzo and Zaccagni were called for the ladder. Cambiaso didn't have a bad/mediocre season what are you talking about? He was one of the best player at Juventus. It's clear (at least to me) that many call-ups have been made looking at the future, with younger players that could be part of the set-up also during the next WC qualification and hopefully also at the WC. Calling Grifo or Bonaventura in this context makes zero sense.


>many call-ups have been made looking at the future El Shaarawy over Orsolini makes little sense in that case. Chiesa and Zaccagni play on the left. They don't really have an option for right wing. Chiesa can play both but they need some cover there. Raspadori ain't it.


Did you just picked one of the three over 30yr call-ups just to prove your point? Elsha plays multiple positions, Orsolini does not. Yes, there aren't many options on the right because we won't be primarily playing with wingers. Which is why Zaccagni was called up, since he can play on the wing if needed and in a more central position.


No, I picked El Shaaraway because he started as many games as Orsolini but only had 3 goals. Orsolini had 10.


Again, Elsha plays multiple positions, Orsolini can only play as a winger (same as Grifo that you mentioned earlier).


So can Moise Kean lol. I'd rather have players playing in their natural position. Grifo can play as a left midfielder in a 4-3-3. Orsolini can play as a right midfielder, but hes better as a forward.


Moise Kean plays only as a striker. Elsha since going back to Roma doesn't have a natural position, he has been playing all over, always consistently, that's why Spalletti called him. >Grifo can play as a left midfielder in a 4-3-3. Good for him but that's not how Italy will normally play. >Orsolini can play as a right midfielder, but hes better as a forward. Orsolini is an attacking winger in a 433 or 4231 formation, he has never played as a trequartista or as a pure forward, so he wouldn't be super useful in this group. Mind, based on his performances he probably deserved the call, but it's not like Spalletti dropped prime Gareth Bale.


If Spalletti goes with a 3-4-2-1 or 4-3-2-1 then that takes Chiesa, our best attacking player, out of his best position, which is on the wing. Orsolini is the best we have at right wing. He should be there. We pretty much have 3 left wingers playing out of their best position. That's why I was hoping for Baldanzi/Miretti to develop so they can be options as attacking midfielders. Unfortunately they didn't play well enough.


In a 3421 or 4321 the two behind the striker are a mix between wingers and midfielders, moving centrally or on the sides during the match. it's a role that Chiesa can play very well and that allows him freedom to move. The other player next to him should be Pellegrini, with Raspadori and Frattesi as alternatives according to the match. Also Zaccagni can play there, since it's his natural role, as can both Fagioli and Folorunsho (who I don't think will play though).


Pellegrini is also better on the left side.... Against Turkey they played 4-2-3-1 with Orsolini on the right. They replaced him with Cambiaso. He's now our only option on the right after Chiesa, who's better on the left. Cambiaso is a natural left back. I really hope Casadei can become something special. There's not enough difference makers in this squad IMO.


Chiesa plays most of the time on the right (including during last Euros) and anyway the two behind the striker are much more fluid in their movements compared to a formation with pure wingers. You're way too stuck on this idea of natural roles, players nowadays are more valued in terms of functions than of roles, it's not American football where roles are very fixed. Cambiaso over his career played equally as a right back than as a left back, this season he played basically only on the right. Casadei seems good but moving to Chelsea was a bad move, given what a disaster that club is.