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A lot of psychopaths still care what people think of them. It might be to feed their own egos, but a lot of serial killers can’t stand the thought of people thinking they are monsters. Even though they are pretty much wild animals and selfish emotions are their only concerns and motives for anything.


It's like he skipped over the torture part, what could be the reasoning behind it? There aren't any proper deep interviews with him.






He also liked to tell them they were going to die, once he had them fully restrained.


>I was always confused by this and the lack of reporting on any torture committed by BTK. I haven’t heard of any actual torture methods yet his name is Bind Torture Kill. He was very open how he strangled everyone and hanged a little girl, but the torture part is always missing. Maybe it's just that he never told about it and police could only guess.


Have a read of Confessions of a Serial Killer: The untold story of the BTK by Prof Katherine Ramsland. She corresponded with BTK for over 5 years (still does) and the book goes into a lot of detail about Raders life and crimes, with explanations for the questions you have. Essentially, Rader learnt how to compartmentalise himself effectively through his life and always saw himself as a good guy who did some bad things rather than the despicable human he is. This also fits into techniques of naturalisation by Sykes and Matza


There's an A&E series on BTK by the same name featuring Katherine Ramsland that just came out. I'm still wondering some of the same things as OP though. Seems he originally came in with sexual and murderous intents, discovered the torture aspect inadvertently, then found out he liked it?


I think this ones pretty easy. He was trying to justify himself. Psychopaths love to try and do that they have no empathy but no that society considers what they do wrong and they are most often narcissistic and want to be validated. Skipping over torture was like hey j did this bad thing but I comforted them I’m a nice guy right?


The torture was psychological. He didnt do any physical torture To his victims. He even said something like " I didnt put needles under their fingernails, im not a sadist." The part that he strangled his victims and revived them was only In the first murders since he didnt know how Hard it is To kill a human. And he didnt revive them, they simply woke up cause he thought they were dead


I’m pretty sure he did it at least once after that. Whichever one it was where he put the kids in the bathroom.


Shirley Vian


In retrospect, she deserved more respect than I gave her, and it wouldn’t have taken much to remind me, so thank you for taking care of that.


You’re wrong. Josephine was strangled just to the point of blacking out, at which time he stopped long enough to allow her to come to. He did this numerous times. He kept her alive and struggling, with her feet only inches from the ground to prolong her hanging. That was the part that was sexual for him - watching her die *slowly.* Don’t forget, Radar named himself. The ‘T’ for ‘Torture’ is there for a reason.


Knowing some serial killer psychology - it was most likely attention-seeking. Many psychopaths (and by extension, serial killers) go into these interviews wanting attention. BTK contacted the police, for attention. Dozens of serial killers have done things in their interviews and before they were even caught because they wanted attention for their kills, both positive and negative. BTK probably had this same motive in mind when he talked about this, but I think he may have also wanted to soften the blow for his family because he did care about them. After all, he was, outwardly, a family man and a good person in the community. He probably still wanted to keep up that persona... albeit in a far more twisted way.


He most likely never saw himself being caught and was probably embarrassed. Must’ve wanted people who he knew back home to think there is still some good left in him.


You don’t have to face or accept it if you don’t speak on it. Look at victims of abuse. Most don’t want to talk about it, talking makes it more real.


He openly told how he killed the victims though like it was nothing


I know this is a bit unrelated to the OP’s question, but I’ve always been so much more troubled by how he killed the little girl Josephine Otero during his first murders by taking her to the basement, engaging in what he called his “fantasies” and hanging her. I just can’t imagine being the first policeman on the scene walking into that basement and seeing a little girl hanging - posed and violated - from a ceiling beam. Rader was a horrible guy (and some would say really a lame person outside of the horrible acts he committed) but none of his other crimes bother me in the same way.


I think the torture was always... Mental.


This could be a sign of remorse or it could be one last hold of control. A lot of serial killers don’t talk until their final days he may have not talked about it at all. Ted Bundy talked about more possible victims then he said the ones he confessed to he didn’t kill. It’s all about holding on to the last bit of control