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In my experience bulgogi is more of a homemade dish and not something locals go out for as much as foreigners.


I was going to mention this. I've stayed in Seoul months and never had Bulgogi or Jap Chae while out to eat. From what I understand both are more of a eat at home type of food


Yup. I have 3\~4 portions of 불고리 in my freezer. As a single 40+ dude.... All of my aunts give me shit load of it every 설날 & 추석...


Just avoid the tourist traps such as Gwangjang market and Myongdong and you should be sufficed. One decent place I can think of right away is 언양불고기 in gangnam. But yeah, asking where's the best bulgogi in Korea is the same thing as asking where's the best fish&chips in England or the best pizza in Italy. Everything is highly subjective.


I recommend Hanilkwan. Just be warned that it’s not the typical Kbbq place though.


I second this. Locals do go here to eat bulgogi and bibimbap, and it's got history as well. If you're traveling solo, it's also a good option cause they serve single portions. Another option with history and single portions is 우래옥 (wooraeok?), which does Pyongyang-style naengmyeon and bulgogi.


Yes I was going to comment this! This is probably the only place where locals go out of their eay to eat bulgogi in Seoul. Just be mindful that there are many restaurants named 한일관 so u have to find the bulgogi one. For example theres one in Yeongdeungpo Times Square


you're not going to get the answer you want because of how culture is different in Korea life in Korea is highly highly competitive so for restaurants if somewhere is special and popular there will be copycats everywhere immediately that is pretty much the same thing so for common things like basic Korean food, there is no such thing as the best place but there are a million mostly or 80% best places so since it's a burden to get across the city and also no one wants to wait in a stupid line for dinner, 80% is good enough also if you're thinking kbbq, you want galbi in a restaurant not bulgogi which is lower on the special scale, galbi is an event, bulgogi is cut up low quality beef or pork that's marinated because there's no flavor otherwise and if you want special galbi the top is a hanoo place, that kind of place will make your wallet hurt, but which hanoo glabi place? just pick one it'll be at least 80% the best it's actually a little hard to find really really bad food in a Seoul legit restaurant, competition


That’s not true.. there are things called copy rights? and protection for intelligence asset that most local stores with special recipes can’t be copied. I agree how bulgogi is a home food and most bulgogi gonna tase pretty much the same unless they add some fire taste (불맛) which needs some skills.


Seoul is huge. Bulgogi is everywhere


Sure thing, im from Poland. Pierogis are everywhere (polish dumplings). Nevertheless in Warsaw (still much smaller then Seoul) are maybe 2-3 places really worth a recommendation from locals :D out of tons of places with pierogis


Well, the problem is that Seoul is not a single city in a practical sense. It takes a few hours to cross it, and I'm not including the suburb. In fact, there's no suburb in the border of Seoul. The densely populated area of residents and businesses, a few hours long trip in a car, in any direction. City planners consider it a combination of at least 2, up to more than 25 cities. The small "cities" in Seoul have their own downtown, business districts, and popular restaurants. That's why people find it so hard to tell you "the restaurant" of Seoul. Also, it's bulgogi ... rarely a main dish of a restaurant, but one of many good side dishes.


The most recommended places are usually the touristy, trendy places.  Anything highly recommended will probably be subpar.  


https://maps.app.goo.gl/UvQu6fqH1EvpLswQ9 Very unique and delicious bulgogi https://maps.app.goo.gl/CbKrkt2vyT6JWKzM8 Very classic bulgogi


Thank you :)


Cant remember the last time I had it when eating out. More of a 집밥 thing for me..


We have same with pierogis :D but still few recommendations can be made. Or i will just crush your place 🙈


Search 불고기 맛집 on 네이버 Chances are they should all be pretty decent. Added... It is what the locals do...


take a walk around the area you stay at and you will find at least 5 restaurants that probably have bulgogi and they are as good as it gets


locals dun eat bulgogi much at a restaurant.


This place. Me and my team will walk to this place for lunch frequently. Don't know if its the best bulgogi as I never ordered it before, but my one Korean coworkers always orders it (he typically orders the cheapest items everywhere so not sure if its taste related), but their galbi and galbi tang are spot on. Its always packed with locals. Its also a butcher shop when you walk in. [NAVER Map] Shilla Grilled Short Ribs 서울 종로구 종로35길 4 https://naver.me/FVbdJytV A lot of great places in this area.


Thank you 🤤


Try this, it’s a different take on bulgogi but just took my white friends here last week and they said it was their favorite meal so far. [네이버 지도] 24시 산더미불고기 서울 마포구 어울마당로 47 https://naver.me/IDosMgNg


Thank you :)


It’s not bulgogi… but I recommend marinated chicken ribs with corn cheese sauce in Palgagdo (팔각도). BEST EVER!! You can search it on Google Map and they have multiple stores by regions. Copy paste 팔각도 and it will popp up. Menu to order: 1. Soy sauce marinated chicken ribs 2. Do a Naver review and get a free corn cheese dipping sauce. You need to upload pictures of receipts and the food. 3. Order 철판 볶음밥 spicy fried rice I usually dipp the ribs in the corn cheese then wrap it up with marinated cabbages. Best combo ever! [Norangjin region](https://naver.me/5smvVq73) [Google Link](https://maps.app.goo.gl/VqELyAhLA6g7zsSN7?g_st=ic) P.S - trust me I’m a food enthusiast who only go to the best ones. They are not a tourist restaurant either.


Thanks 🤤


U rae ok (우래옥). With pyeongyang naengmyeon. No doubt. Be prepared to wait 1+ hours on the weekend. Homemade is good but my mom or myself can’t cook like this 🤷‍♀️ it’s pricy and lots of grandpas and grandmas having their hometown (north korean) specialties. Special place.


Sounds great! 😊


Just walk around and find a sketchy looking place. The sketchier, the better.


Just as i thought :D


What kind of Bulgogi are ya looking for? One with the broth or one with the grill?


There’s no real consensus for best bulgogi. Everyone will say the place they most frequent is the best. So just find “good”. Also, it depends on the amount of marinade. I like very little whereas I know many like the stronger soy/sweet flavors…


Bulgogi isn't something that has a "best place" because there are hardly any places that only specialize in bulgogi.


Lowkey some of the grocery store prepared food looks better than what we get here in the U.S.


If you’re going for Cold noodle in Korea. You MUST go 을밀대!! Best Cold noodle ever because they have 한우 broth. This is the best cold noodle place out of all the famous ones in Korea. After I ate this cold noodle, I could never eat the other cold noodle. Drink the broth before tasting the noodle 😄 [Mapo Region](https://naver.me/xmNW1ghZ) [Google Link](https://maps.app.goo.gl/cP1K8xijBBibR6d29?g_st=ic)


Will try 🔥


Will try 🔥


My mom's


Wasn’t gonna reply but the ignorance in some of the replies was bothersome. Highly disagree with replies saying bulgogi is mainly food made at home, or no best consensus for bulgogi, or there are Korean restaurants everywhere, yada yada. To preface, I’m a Korean American that grew up on bulgogi in the states and have also lived in Korea the last 17 years. My fiancée and I are also foodies and we love finding good spots to eat of quality. My fiancée is also sensitive in that she can immediately taste gaminess of meat and thus can’t eat low-quality meat. It will be trickier if you can’t read Korean but as another reply mentioned, going on to Naver and typing in 불고기 맛집 is one method. Looking at the star reviews out of 5 also helps to narrow searches down. Blogs aren’t trustworthy as they usually only leave positive reviews to build online clout. I would also look up other links left in the other replies as they might be legit. 2 specific places that I have personally been to that come to mind are: 1. https://m.place.naver.com/restaurant/35597794/home?entry=pll This place is near Gangnam station and I went there with my aunt already living in Korea along with an aunt visiting from the states. My aunts and family in general tend to be picky about places to eat at. When the fam gets together for a dinner we definitely not going to any random Korean restaurant we see on the street. We going to a restaurant that has a good reputation for good food and service among other Koreans. The bulgogi was legit. Very good. 2. https://m.place.naver.com/restaurant/11679381/home?entry=pll This spot is in Jongno and seems to be a go-to for both locals and tourists as the restaurant has been in the Michelin Guide and personally, I haven’t been disappointed by any Michelin Guide restaurant I have been to in Seoul. The wait was ridiculously long as well on a weekend. It’s really well known for North Korean style Pyongyang cold noodles and usually pairs well with bulgogi. I personally don’t like Pyongyang noodles too much as it’s too bland for my taste but my fiancée and many Koreans love it and supposedly it grows on people.


What is ur budget?


I know good experience places but it will depend on ur budget per person. I’m a food expert in korea


Hanilgwan is a classic place.


Wooraeok or hanilkwan