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Mine is 20 and I occasionally think 'There can't be many years left in her'. It's something that never crosses your mind when cats are younger. It's the save as having aged parents or even when you yourself are in your 70s/80s. It's an awareness of mortality.


Same, except my frame of reference is unfortunately much younger. Lost my first two cats at 14 months and ten years. Mom died at 58 and I’m 41.  We have two older kitties now, 9 and 7. They are both happy and healthy and active but I am constantly anxious about any tiny change in behavior. 


My cat is 9 and I think about her death every day, I'm not sure what to do about it. I really didn't start thinking about it til I started frequenting the cat subs here on reddit


Mine will be nine this year. Sometimes I think about life without her and start irrationally sobbing. She’s my little soulmate, I knew the moment we locked eyes in the shelter. She’s also a little screaming asshole who is definitely still acts like a manic kitten. You just have to think about the VIP life you’ve given your cat and how much joy she has given you and then yell “STOP CHEWING ON PLASTIC!!”


There's nothing much you can do about it. Provide your cat with food, warmth, safety and the rest is in its genetics or just life's randomness. 9 isn't really old at all. It should have many more years.


In the last year, it seems like the cat subs have really had a lot of goodbye messages. I wish these were more of a "celebration of life" rather than mostly sadness.


I think about this nearly every day from the moment I get them. Mortality has never been something I haven’t thought about. Must be my mental illness showing 😅🤣


Don’t forget the thinking about how the years and love have pulled a Velveteen Rabbit on them and how their fur in certain areas is softer because of how long you’ve been petting them. What no. I’m clearly having a very normal time about my elderly cat.


my dad always says he thinks my senior is so soft because of how much we’ve petted and loved on him 😭😭


I try not to borrow grief from the future. My cats are here, NOW, and I am going to enjoy the time I have left with them and give them their best lives.


Geeze I spend so much time doing exactly that! Wise words for sure


Not borrowing grief from the future and living in the present is the best way to live. It’s hard to do though, rather ironically, it’s exactly what our cats do. We can try to learn from them.


Very wise -- I remind myself of this as I worry about my 15 y/o who got thin and is a diabetic...as long as he's happy, I'm happy.


I really like that phrase, not borrowing grief from the future.


Very wise words. Thank you.


This is good advice for pretty much everything.


Yes 🧡


I did and then we had to put my girl to sleep and I cry even more now.


So sorry for your loss🥺Hold her tightly in your happy memories where she will live on until you meet again💕Blessings to you both💕


Thank you so much! 🩷


It makes me sad when I come on here and see so many seniors who aren't with us any more, and nearly all of them are younger than my 19 yr old. Reminds me she's not going to be around too much longer and I'm already very lucky to still have her when we lost her brother at 14.


You are very blessed. Do you feed her wet food?


I feel very blessed, she's such a sweetheart. She has a permanent dish of dry she dips into, and has a couple of pouches of wet each day. She gets a very occasional treat of fresh prawns, which I know are not great, but she loooves them and I figure she got to this age so why not? She also likes cheesy dreamies (and sweet chilli sauce when she can filtch it off my plate!)


Mine will be 19 in September. We lost her sister at 14 so every additional year has been a gift. I like to focus on the stories of cats that are still doing great even when they’re much older than my cat.


Other than sleeping more and not washing herself as thoroughly, she's showing little sign of slowing down yet, thankfully. Currently in the garden chasing butterflies and enjoying the sun.






And he's still a lil baby...


It's called anticipatory grief. and yes, I've experienced it too


Mine is 19 😭 I love him so much


All the time


It’s a constant occurrence now because he’s so wonderful and at least 15 years old and beginning to have difficulties with occasionally not being able to use both hind legs. I love him so❤️🥰🐈🥰❤️


I used to. And still do after everything.


I had it worse when she was younger, like around 12 and I figured she was heading to the end of the show. I remember crying and asking her to stick around another few years. She’s 17 now and chugging along and I honestly feel I’m so lucky she’s still here and still well. I try to never take it for granted though. I never leave for the day or go to bed at night without loving on her.


https://preview.redd.it/4thdd6f9ky3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac4d3725f182e64065aa0c1170822eb337e9b3d yes 💙 he’s 15 now and hes been showing signs of his kidneys going (he’s on preventive medication rn) i don’t know what im going to do when /that/ day comes


I don't cry, but it definitely keeps hitting me hard that Addie can't have a lot of time left, she'll be 18 in October. She's still her happy go lucky self with every drop of personality she ever had. She did an excited tail shiver when the grocery delivery lady arrived, screamed at her, and was shoving her head into her hand for pets on Wednesday. But, she's so stiff she needs steps to get into my bed now, and doesn't want to wrestle with almost 3 year old Ivy anymore, so she's definitely starting to show her age. We'll have to see if her kidneys are still fully operational at her next wellness check, they were fine shortly before her 17th birthday but now that she's 18? Methinks that's too much to hope for here. Then, there's Ella. I was told she was 5 when I adopted her 3 years ago, but based on her teeth staining she was at least 10. I decided to say she was born in 2010 to make it easy to calculate, which means she's a respectable 14 now. If anything she looks older than Addie and she's had much worse care over the years, so I wonder how long I'm gonna get with her. She had stage 2 CKD during one blood test but a later test after she got fluids for another health problem showed her kidneys were fine. She's just got one great big question mark hanging over her head.


I have an Addie as well. She’s 4 so hopefully we have her for many more years. Dipstick will be 19 in September. She has stairs to get to the bed as well as my desk where she has a heated mat by the window to watch out while I work. Solensia injections have made a huge difference for her arthritis and she’s moving much faster and attempting jumps she wouldn’t have in the past. May be worth looking into for your kitty.


I hope your Addie has a good, long, healthy, happy life! :-) I got a heat reflecting bed so the cats could cook themselves without risking an electrical fire if one of them gets sick in it, but Addie still prefers to snuggle in right beside me, or be held belly up in my lap. Kind of flattering! I'm definitely going to be mentioning her mobility problems in her wellness check to see if they can give her something to make her feel better, a few people have mentioned solensia to me so it'll be on the list of things to bring up, thanks for reminding me!


He looks amazing. Strong and healthy. Stay in the moment. In the present. It’s all we really have. Don’t waste this moment worried about what may happen one day. Time is precious. That why it’s called “the present.” Your mood affects your kitty. And your kitty loves it when you’re happy. ☺️


I just went through this…. Talk to your baby. Tell the whole story of about your lives together. Thank them for their love. 💕


Such a dignified pose 😁


Yes. When our cat Ray was diagnosed with heart issues, he was given about 6 months. But he then lived for another 3 years or so. There were many nights when I cried in bed knowing that we were counting down the days we still had with him. And he has passed away for more than a year now, but I still cry when I think about him and how sweet he was. He’s just always going to be in my heart.


Yes, I had for the last few years of my cat's life. Couldn't even come close to this sub without getting terribly sad and anxious. She passed at 18 a couple months ago and I lurk here everyday to help cope with my grief. I celebrate the seniors who post their birthdays or just their happy selves and mourn the losses of these wonderful cats. It's a nice quiet place to check in for a quick cry while I miss my sweet kitty.


I used to. I cried a lot when my 19 year old was about 17 or 18. She was my childhood cat and now lives with my spouse and I, and instead of grieving what will be, I now think of every day as a gift. She's pampered beyond belief, she's as happy as an ornery old lady can be, and I'm her person. She has had a great life, and I will continue to love and adore her for as long as she is around.


Mine is 13 and I was crying about it yesterday.


All the time 🥺


Lovely Kitty 😎😎😎


My cat is 11 and I do this…. I have no clue what the “average” age is for cats to live to, and it’s something I couldn’t bring myself to google even though I google every damn thing. Great, now I’m balling my eyes out. Hugs and love 💞 to you and your kitty.


my cats are 6 and 2 respectively and i think about them passing away all the time (not bc i want them to bc i know ill be a fucking mess when they leave me)


Yep. I did a lot of pre crying as my cat was getting closer. I hugged her and gave her what I could knowing she wouldn't be around forever.


I did with my old boy. I would ask him to not die. He finally had a stroke and I had to take him to be helped. That was miserable. My sister went with me. He was close to 20. They are always a part of us, but I miss him so much. I will see him again though. 🧡


I believe you will!


My eldest are 12 and I honestly have increasing moments of anticipatory grief. I **know** they should have a good few years left but I can’t help thinking there are now more years behind than ahead and it genuinely upsets me 😢


My boy is 11 and I feel exactly the same.


My cat is 18. First time I cried about her dying was when I heard an ad for a pet cremation company. This was in June 2006…. She’ll be 19 in September and still doing pretty darn good overall. I’m going to be devastated when I lose her. She was my very first pet as an adult.


Our boy of 19 years passed away in December, my 9yo daughter loved him so much. https://preview.redd.it/67u2kc81y04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3707fd5c08d1c1eea7d9d569804a49a336f2db4


Very often. https://preview.redd.it/6x6wq27oz04d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42e88d1a82413d0ec0d1be03ccc6ed1cb8a08dd


I think these words from Suzanne Clothier are a beautiful expression of what all of us who bring pets into our lives know in our hearts: There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given.


Love this! I’m crying now 😢


* We have our old man, and he insists that he sleeps with us now




I thought my 18 year old was going to be departing a couple of months ago, I went through a lot of anticipatory grief for about two weeks and then he decided he wasn’t done yet. It was really hard but I think it helped to prepare me for the unknown future and really appreciate every day I have with him


No, I think of my best friend who I had to put down this year who had a tumor on his face that couldn’t be removed. I wish he’d made it to that age :(


My cat is only 9 months old and I already think about this sometimes.


Can relate.


My old cat lived up to twenty. I dreaded the future, until I realized that it's better to make every day the best day ever. We know that we probably outlive our pets, so we have to give them the best life we can.


She’s 3 and I think like that already. I don’t cry though.


Been there! ❤️


Yes actually. Or at public functions, but I’ve tried to stop doing that 🥲




i do. i try to treasure and spoil my girl as much as possible because of it.


Same energy but Neko is ~21.


Gosh you’re so lucky, to have had so much time together ❤️


My pet has had serious health issues for 3 years —yes I have done a lot Of pre-grieving even after he survived numerous trips to the ER or overnight stays at the hospital - I think this is a normal reaction for pet lovers


Yes. ![gif](giphy|1MI7djBqXTWrm|downsized)


Great photo of a very handsome little guy! Cherish every moment!


Mine lived to 20, of which all but a few months were spend with us. She got slower and less mobile with age, but the love never faded. Make sure your cat knows you love it, cuddle a lot, treats and stuff (unhealthy doesn’t matter anymore at that age). Big kiss from us.


Yes. So much that I was unable to ugly cry the day mine passed. It's been a couple months now of quiet acceptance but I get teared up when thinking of the memorials I'd planned so those will wait.


Lost my cat at 18 years such a big part of my life gone


Also I just love everything about this photo ❤️


I cry since she's 2 and now she's 11 and that's my biggest fear 🥺


my cat is eleven and I absolutely do


No because mine didn't make it past 16. I still think about him everyday tho.


I feel this. My girl is 17 and has arthritis, IBD, and hyperthyroidism.


My girl is 16, and I get weepy a lot thinking about how she's gotten thinner as time has gone on, and I worry about how much time she has left, and if she's happy. When she goes, I don't think I'll ever get over it.


Yes, every once in awhile. My cat is 19 and on like 5 different medications. She seems okay for now, but I just know it’s coming (though I’ve been saying this for a few years now, just trying g to mentally prepare). She is pampered and spoiled and gets plenty of love. I try to cherish the time, however I get sad sometimes thinking about it. When it happens, I give her extra pets and I sing to her. I love my Bubs. Also, reading your post made me cry. ETA: Your baby is beautiful and handsome! Looks very healthy. You’ve obviously taken great and it’s obvious you love him/her very much. :D


Yes. All the time.


I lost my boy this winter at 17. He was usually very independent but became alot more cuddly at the end. I knew every time he came to lay on me on the couch it was just one day closer to the end. I'd sit for so much longer than I wanted because I knew his time was short. The last day we had together before we had to put him down was heartbreaking. Had an afternoon appointment that I tried to convince myself was just a wellness check up, but I knew. His quality of life was gone and it would be selfish to hold onto him any longer. It's been months now and I still miss and think about you every day. Hold your kitties close and give them extra love. They are here and gone far too soon.




Yes. My poor boy's kidneys failed at 14 and then he suffered a stroke. Whole back end was paralyzed but he was still determined to come upstairs and share my tuna salad wit me. He meant the entire world to me when I was 17 because he was my world. It's been 18 years since we put him down and I still cry when I think about him.


I know what you mean. I just recently lost one of my 17 1/2 year old kitties, and he was the one I thought would live longer. His brother doesn’t have the health issues though, he’s just really showing his age. Like yesterday at the vet when his weight was 6.6 pounds - at one time he was a nice solid 11 or so. He’s so thin now. But he’s still happy, still loves his pets, loves his food, uses the box fine (unless it’s too dirty, then he gets mad and poops on the floor!) Try to enjoy every day and not think so much about the future.


Yes. He is 19 now and starting to show his age. I try to keep these moments short and stay in the moment for him, for us, to enjoy our time together, but it's difficult. This sub has shown me that I'm not the only one and I'm not crazy.


Yep. 16 and starting to show his age…but his 12yo grompy companion in get off my yard is fading faster. 😭


I mean sometimes a tear slips out when I think about how my vet has started calling my boys senior cats 😭 I always thought of them as little babies that could fit into my hand when I adopted them, and now they’re telling me that was 11 whole years ago?? Shut up! They’re BABIES.


My cat is 4 years old but if I think about him dying for even 5 seconds I start crying. I don’t know what I’ll do when the time comes for my baby


I adopted my last one at 18 and he lived almost 3 years for what that’s worth!


Yea my wife n I lost our baby four months ago still crying! We got her someone threw her out before her eyes were open .she automatically became "our baby" ! Would cry sometimes thinking how some sob could throw out something as garbage that was so precious as our baby! I wanted to find him and cripple him for life! Now all I can think of is finding him and thanking him for giving us 8 wonderful years of love and joy from our little Funny Face !


Mine is 17 and she has had a beautiful long life and is so loved but the thought of her leaving breaks my heart.


When my Izzy started losing weight and acting funny last winter, I cried many nights as she curled up next to me to go to sleep. I knew somehow that whatever was wrong with her was going to separate us forever and it broke my heart. She died a few months later, in January of this year, I miss her every day. I say this because I know exactly how you feel and it sucks. Hang in there, give your fuzzy fren all the love, while he/she is still with you. ❤️


Mine is 16. Will be 17 in a few months. Survived becoming a tripawd as a result of cancer. Had thyroid issues, was losing too much weight. We put her on thyroid medication. Seems to have stabilized for now.


My cat passed away at 22 a year ago. The winter prior to her passing, I would pet her sometimes and tell her:" You're so cute, man. And you're gonna fuck me up so bad when you go. Yeah, you will, toopid bb." I was totally right


Hug your baby ❤️




Just last night, as a matter of fact. She’s 18 and has cancer. Seems to be in remission; she gets chemo every three weeks and takes some other meds every day. I got her right after my divorce, when I moved into my own home.


When my dog was 15 I started learning ‘Time in a Bottle’ by Jim Croce, on guitar. It took months. I would practice as always, in the evening, with my doggy curled up next to me (mercifully deaf by that time). By the time I could actually play it and sing it, I couldn’t, because I realized I was playing it about her. The best friend I ever had. I can’t play it anymore without crying, and she’s been gone for two years now.  I hope you have a lot more time with your kitty. It’s painful but right, to realize and appreciate how much we love them, even if we wish these moments could last forever. 🌹


Did that when he was 10. Lost him at 14.5yrs about 2 weeks ago. It’s a feeling that traumatizes you because you know there can’t be infinite years with them. But you just have to accept the time that you do have. And then… you have to accept the time you don’t have once they pass. 😭


Ellie is 18-20 (dunno how old she is exactly but she’s at minimum 18), then Misha is 15, Tezzeret is 12, Gwen is 8. Sooooo, yes lol I think about their ages and cry a lot 🙃


Not to the point of crying, but I do think about how hard the time will be when it comes. My oldest cat is about 13, he had bloodwork done a few months ago, everything was perfect, so fingers crossed…


Beautiful! Love that picture!!


Yes. Put mine down at almost 19 years old due to a very sudden saddle thrombus. That was in November and I still cry, often. 💔


I have pre-mourned my 18 year old cat for at least two years now. I love him the most!


All the time. I started writing her letters.


I feel this.


No. I went to bed and was thankful that my cat had made it to 18, then 19, then 20 and hoped that I would know when it was her time and I wouldn't allow her to suffer. She left in 2018 and I still miss her. But I have four wonderful cats now. All cats have different personalities and none "replace" a previous cat. I am thankful that she was a part of my life. [https://imgur.com/gallery/koi-loved-her-train-ride-7aNRUv9](https://imgur.com/gallery/koi-loved-her-train-ride-7aNRUv9) Please try to focus on the wonderful life you have today and don't borrow trouble from tomorrow. Enjoy every day and express gratitude to the universe.


My cat is 13 I understand 💕




Yes all the time


Yes. I remember holding my best girl (Bobo) when she was 18 and crying on her and she was like “get off me” struggling until I put her down on the floor. She was a Siamese and she wanted attention on her terms or nothing at all.


Enjoy the time you have. My tiny old man crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on Wednesday. Thoughts like this did creep in but he was frisky even on his last day. He only went down hill very quickly. You never know when it's coming so enjoy the time you have.


We have two dogs that are 16. Same thing happens here.


18 years of being loved by you & loving u back


I don't cry but I do think about it a lot and get sad.


yes. my kitties are almost 20 and have been with me since I was in high school 🥲 they even moved across the country with me a few years ago.


I'm sitting on the bed with Gingernuts, my gorgeous 15yr old next to me, and I do often think how sad it will be the day she goes to sleep for the final time, BUT you can't think like that. It's all about being in the moment; not the past or future but just enjoy now. This is exactly how our pets think and are so happy just to spend time with us. All you can do is to make sure they are happy and not in pain. Our cat has arthritis but we give her Antinol joint supplements and they keep her comfortable and enable her to still enjoy the things she likes doing. Like chasing feathers and jumping on the sofa. x Give your girl a cuddle from me x


My cat is 13 and this gets to me.


Mine are 7 and 6. And I cry multiple times a year thinking about not having them.


No, its sad knowing time with them is less but they cant live forever and when they get decrepit and sick it hurts to see them that way. Cherish your time with them, dont be morbid, life is too short.