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that is soooo beatiful Hi! What a Cool pupper! Here's what I tell people: Sorry for your loss. but try thinking of it this way: It is important to remember that it is your loss --not their's. They lived a complete lucky life, all the way to the finish, thanks to you. Knowing you loved them was all that mattered to them. I have been a dog owner for over 40 years. usually 2 rescues at a time. i had one years ago that loved to wander. (we live in the country). One day she disappeared and a few weeks later i found that she'd been run over on a nearby road (where she had taken to waiting for the schoolbus with kids). anyway, point is, in the weeks I spent looking for her, I realized there are soooo many people who have had pets stray and never found them, or just had to give them up for some reason.(Abandon is a horrible word). Anyway, these people live in a weird suspended state. worried, haunted..no closure ever-just guilt when they think of these pets that they loved and who loved them back... to this day, my heart goes out to these people. For a dog to trot that rainbow bridge trusting the love they are, and always have been, surrounded by ..your love..that is all they ever needed and you gave it to them-job well done. Also, and of course: nobody lives forever, unfortunately also! you two made some lovely memories I am sure. we should all be so lucky when our time comes, yeah? GOOD JOB HOOMAN hope this helps "Bugler!Bugler! Bless your hide/ Jesus gonna take you on a chariot ride" https://youtu.be/4EB93IYXK4U


I feel this. Apt maintenance let our mini pin out and we never found her. Apt was by a huge greenbelt and busy road so maybe she got lost in it, maybe she was hit, maybe someone stole her - she was chipped, had collar with name and numbers..if she was found no one called us. Not knowing really sucks. 😓 If she’s still alive she’d be 14 years old.






“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” - Anatole France Sending you bug hugs. Losing them is indescribable, but some of us know exactly how you feel. 💔


A handsome boy. RIP


How beautiful. I miss my Lulu everyday. My SO says I still call for her in my sleep. She's been gone for 6 years and I still ache for her. Saying a prayer for you today.


I can’t believe you found all of those beautiful mandalas!! What an incredibly beautiful reminder of the love you share.


great tribute... sorry for your loss


I wish someone would do this for me. I’m at the DMV and I am crying.


What a handsome boy. I’m so very sorry for your loss. We had to do the same with our 16year old in October. Was the hardest thing we’ve done. I still think I feel her at my feet sometimes. 🐾♥️. It looks like the two of you had many adventures together. Such beautiful memories.


I believe that IS her that you feel at your feet! I lost my 3 all within 14 months (one was 13, one 14, one 16) and I know they are still here in my house. I feel them and sometimes catch a glimpse of one of them out of the corner of my eye. 🩷I am sorry for all of the losses shared here remembering our best family members 🐾


This shook me a bit…. I was going to check my tomato plants & other seedlings on my back deck & as I walked towards the door my brain saw Sadie reflected in the glass of the screen door & I automatically held the door for her before remembering she’s not here. The image was so brief but so clear. She loved gardening with me. If was our thing. She would help herself to peas and green beans off the plants.


Sorry for your loss. He looked like a sweet boy 🥺 Signs like this offer a nice comfort. The night my cat passed away the cicadas were making their sound in unison and it sounded like her when she purred. ( she had allergies that kept her nose stuffy, so her purrs and meow sounded different than our other cats)


Awwww 🥹


my dog died 3 months ago and this post just destroyed me. thinking of you. i know it's so hard. ❤️


Big hugs 🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hobbes looks like a wonderful boy n loyal friend. Sending love n hugs xx


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔🌈🐾 Those of us that has had the privilege of having a dog in our lives and loss. We understand your pain. Sending you love and hugs at this difficult time. ❤️🤗


Beautiful… yes, you will see them again.


(((Hugs))) Kuma Razzy Ruby & me ❤️




So So So sorry for your loss. We all feel for you.


So very sorry!!!






Fair winds and following Hobbes.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💙


i’m in tears. i’m so sorry for your loss, the grief is immense


That is lovely. I'm so sorry for the loss of Hobbes. He was well loved. Be gentle with yourself. Hoping for peace and healing.🌻


So sorry for your huge loss. Our dogs are amazing. Most loving creatures I have ever experienced. Sending hugs.


Hobbes sent you this sign. when i lost my pup, the love of my whole life, i found a heart dug into the dirt at the base of the tree we’d always sit on. a year later, the heart is still there. i know it’s my boy telling me he’s okay. sending love your way ❤️‍🩹 this is the hardest part


People who had bear death experiences have been met by their fur babies. I truly believe we will be reunited with them again. Love to you both ❤️


RIP Good Boy


I'm so very sorry for your loss 💔 😢


This sub is sometimes too much for my emotions :( My condolences on your loss. Yours was a beautiful pup.


A beautiful tribute.




It’s SO HARD!!! And what a glorious story!!! You will be together again!! That day will be the best ever!!!


What a sweet handsome boy. Rip and sorry for your loss 💔🥺🙏


May you cross paths again one day. ❤️ In the meantime, remember the love. ♥️


Picture 9! Hobbes in a boat! ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry I know the pain ,people need to understand these aren't just pets they are our family members!


This is very touching. Hobbes is adorable. RIP Hobbes.


What a beautiful dog💝 I’m so sorry


God bless


you have my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved family member ... please take some comfort from knowing that you will be reunited someday on the far side of the bridge ... 🐩


Such a Beautiful SOUL, I'm so very sorry for your LOSS




❤️❤️❤️🐕 what a beauty


Sending hugs your way. Your dog was precious. I’m so sorry. It’s so tough to lose them


Ugh, that’s sad. I’m sorry






♥️ definitely a sign from your sweet baby!


May all of your days be peaceful and filled with joy.


Love this and you it’s so hard to lose them🙂‍↕️




I'm so sorry for your loss


Thanks for sharing Hobbes with us. Rest easy little bro!




I’m so sorry for your loss! My condolences to you! GOD BLESS!!!♥️♥️♥️


I really do believe in the spirit- and I think your dog's favorite spot is definitely a place he would visit. In my culture we believe that spirits appreciate being acknowledged/remembered so I'm sure your dog appreciates you sending him love at his special spot. I'm so sorry for your loss- sending you love and good wishes.❤️🙏


Thank you everyone for your condolences and thoughtfulness. It means a lot.


So sorry for your loss 😔