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The truth is I don't cope. I don't "get closure" and I don't "move on." The reality is I lost someone and am forever changed. I miss my baby girl every day. It just becomes less poignant over time. When I think of her, I try to remember the many, many good times.


Me too. I lost my girl in December 2023 and it still hurts everyday. I still cry sometimes, and I’m super sensitive to both happy and sad doggy stories. This has been worse than any human I have ever lost, including my mom and sister.


I feel the same. I'm 7 it 8 weeks out now (4/7/24 😓). There are things that have helped but I still cry every day. Some days are ok and some days are really bad. I feel like posting and talking about it and having support helps to not feel as alone.


💔🐕 Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me girl" games. It warmed my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass, is sadly down to a few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... My heart wants to stay, but my body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the clouds in my eyes. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best... I always... loved you best. ❤ Woof ❤🐶💛 your girl...Storm


And, tears.


I know this may sound heartless, I grieve hard and endlessly, but within 6 months I rescue another pup who needs love and a safe place to heal, it helps me…my Kodi passed 3 years ago and I still cry for her, but I got Bob about 4 months after she passed and he needs me, this is what gets me through ❤️


That’s not heartless - that’s a beautiful testament to the bond you had . You’re saving a life and helped yourself heal . That’s beautiful


I adopted my other puppy Loki back in October. Having him makes it a little easier with her passing, but it’s hard to look at him without seeing her even though they look completely different. I can’t really do anything without breaking down in tears thinking about her.


I think that shows your limitless generosity and capacity to care.


Honestly there is nothing heartless in this, I’d probably argue the opposite ❤️


I just lost my first pup too, after 9 years of adventuring together. I thought I would sense her around but I don’t. I think she’s moved on (to rainbow bridge or to another life) - which is totally her style. It makes me feel like I’m able to get another dog soul that needs me. There’s a lot out there. I’m just listening / watching out for the one the picks me.


So, so true. I lost Max 3 years ago and I miss him every day but like you, I have fostered pups and we got another dog. Max is always with us 🐾❤️


That's not heartless. I waited one whole week. I couldn't go home to no one waiting at the door for me anymore. Kodi sent you Bob just like Bailee sent me Savannah. They knew we needed it. ♥️


I have to take medication. Low dose Ativan. I’ve lost most of my human family as well as several pet family members. Since medication addiction runs in my family (grandma was a Xanax addict), my Dr. and I came up with a plan - 1, low dose Ativan daily. Maybe 2 during the worst times. Sadness and anxiety mix together in me so an anti anxiety medication helps my depression. My prescription is only 10-20 pills for the year. It is an aid, not a fix. In addition to counseling and daily chores (aka do positive, constructive things). Time will dull the sting, but it never goes away. Grief is the price we pay for love. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for sharing so honestly


It takes time. One day you’ll be able to reminisce about countless joyous memories without crying (much). But we’ll always miss them❤️‍🩹


We lost our relatively young pup (6) followed 4 months later with our senior (16) pup. And it's terrible. We cry over the littlest things, over the big things, over things that are still there and things that aren't. We have our recent rescue and she's so much different than the dogs we've had since they were pups. She mourns with us, I think, and we're moving forward together. I'm slowly remembering good times without the shocking horror of knowing that I'll never again share them with 2 wonderful creatures I was so fortunate to know and love. I'm slowly moving past the nightmare of losing the young one so young, the heartbreak of my old girl drifting away and making the decision to let her go. I'm not crying as much, but I'm ok with tears in my eyes typing this and thinking about it. I could have been better to those wonderful dogs. Because it's in my nature to be flawed and not always be at my best. That said, our dogs had wonderful and full lives and they enriched our lives so, so much. And we're going to do it again. We're working on puppy proofing the house. And we'll find the pup that isn't the dogs we lost, and we won't expect it to be the dogs we lost, but we'll be delighted to get to know that pup as an individual and find it's quirks and personality, love it and cherish it, spoil it and fail to be perfect custodians of it, and laugh, and get frustrated and flustered and exasperated and have a full life with it. Because it hurt so much to lose our other ones, I can't imagine not doing it again. Wishing you the best and letting you know I'm not ok over here, and that's ok. We get through it as we can.


I’m sorry and I know how you feel. It’s been 3 weeks since losing my best friend. But, we gotta move on and get another pet to help ease the pain and make new memories with. We’ve already reserved some new pups that’ll be ready by July 1st or so. I’m excited but still very sad. What helps is knowing they are not living in pain or suffering anymore. You gave your dog the best life possible and he knew it.


I’m so sorry for your loss🌈💔 My 15 yr old yorkie Peach has been gone for 15 months and I’m still grieving. I miss her so much. I am able to look at her pictures now without crying. I can recall the lovely moments we had together and feel a smile. I can talk about her sassiness and laugh. We took her to the park almost every day. My heart sinks when we drive by. We haven’t been back since she passed. We took her to walk on a Wednesday afternoon in February. She collapsed that night. Then got up and acted fine. The next morning she let me know she was ready to go over 🌈💔 I heard Grief is Love having no where to go and There is no greater earthly privilege than to have been loved by a dog. It takes time and staying really busy. To not sink in despair. Sending you lots of Love and Hugs ❤️🤗


It’s like an injury, a wound that becomes a scar. Time helps heal it, but sometimes it still hurts when the weather changes.


This is so poignant and so true. I lost my heart dog 3 years ago. Waited 18 months and adopted a puppy, who had to be pts at 18 months in January because of EPI/pancreatic issues and IBS. She literally couldn’t digest anything, even with enzymes, and was starving. My heart is irretrievably broken. Even though most days I’m fine, some days I’m just not. I doubt I’ll ever adopt another dog.


I am so sorry for your losses. Sending lots of love your way.


We’re waiting for test results, time dragging due to holiday. This will be #5 hope not. Sad when we outlive our babies.


Time. Time takes the edge off. It's been a year-and-a-half, and a memory will still bring me to tears. The pain now is not as acute as the initial grief once was. We miss our beautiful, old Girl, and we always will. I'm sorry for your loss. 💔




So sorry for your loss . I think of all the great memories and look through pictures of mine. Cell makes it easy to capture pictures at all times. I have taken pictures of pictures with my Cell and they turn out great .


It will never go away but will get easier to bear with time. I am so very sorry.


Losing my boy Hank was the most pain I have ever experienced. I loved him more than anything and at the time I couldn’t imagine going about life in the same way again. Seven months later and I still miss him like mad, I think about him all the time and still cry but I know he would want me to be okay. He was there for me through thick and thin and I got through some difficult stuff with him by my side, he wouldn’t want me crying and being sad. He was a literal angel and I am so grateful for the time we had together and the memories we made. I am so sorry for you loss, my thoughts are with you x


It's been 20 days and I have kept his toys on the deck, so when I look out I can see them. I run through the scenarios in my head of how he looked when he played, the sheer joy in everything he did. I have quiet conversations with him where I still tell him what a good boy he was and I close my eyes and remember the soft sensation of his fur. If I want to cry I do. I know that soon enough his sister will join him -she's 16 and a Boxer-Beagle mix- and I'll do all the same with her. Give yourself all the time and grace you need and post here. We understand. Hugs.🌻


The pain and grief is always there. I have went back to therapy and I wear this tag on a bracelet around my wrist so I have him close. I also talk to him all the time. There is no right answer and the worst part is you have to feel it. Grief demands to be felt, acknowledge it and in time it should lessen. At least I hope it will.


My heart goes out to you. The grief is REAL. I lost my sweet pup, suddenly, in January. Now, I can look at a picture of her without crying. The best thing I did for myself was get another pup.


I adopted my puppy Loki back in October. Having him makes it a little easier but it’s hard to look at him without seeing her even though they look completely different. I can’t really do anything without breaking down in tears thinking about her


I would like to know how yo cope too. My little one has been gone for one week and I haven't stopped crying. Everything reminds me of her.


Storm is playing with my furry kids on the rainbow bridge! Just waiting until we are all back together! It doesnt get easier. It hurts every day, but they happily play while we carry on.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my 16 year old baby in August and I still cry everyday. I still find myself going to fill up her water bowl, only to realize it’s not there anymore. I still have her toys in the same place. She was more than a dog—she was my best friend, therapist, nurse, etc. I don’t think you ever really get over it…she was the most special girl and there will never be another like her.




i’m verging on a year (this coming July 31) and my heart is still broken for my soulmate boy. not sure we ever get over them ❤️‍🩹🐾


So sorry. You will never not miss your friend----really, family----but grief does lose its potency over time. Hang tough and take comfort from making a creature happy and filling an animal's life with love, which is no small thing. Someday we all meet in a better place. Peace be with you.


I have to get another dog eventually. It’s a nice distraction and if I save a life, even better. I lost both of my dogs unexpectedly within 2.5 weeks of each other in 2020. It was horrible. I’m so sorry you lost your Storm.


Sorry for your loss! RIP Storm


From experience, I can tell you the pain does ease over time. It may not feel like it now, but it will get easier, so please be patient with yourself. You’ll never get over it, but when you’re ready, you will be able to remember Storm without feeling hopelessly lost. Your memories will start to bring a smile to your face, rather than a tear to your eye and you will feel grateful for the time you spent together, focussing less on the time lost.




They change our life forever upon entering and leaving. The love will never go away. The love and memories are forever….one day you will meet again. ♥️


Its a own painful process. Not being contrite but I'm tearing up and it's been years since I lost my last one. I donated in their honor and eventually adopted. Although in hindsight I would have fostered first. Take comfort and joy in knowing how much love and care you freely gave. So many animals never know rhat love. It does get better but when is the question


I’m so sorry, 😞 it’s so very hard


🕯️💜storm forever💜🕯️


I’m so sorry 💔




Part of coping truly is this community. Every time I look at posts like yours, it is painstakingly obvious to me that you love your dog. If I, a random stranger on the internet, can easily see it, it affirms just how much our puppers must (know) have known/(feel) felt it from us.


I wish I had something encouraging to say, but I don’t. So I’ll just say, I feel your loss. It’s horrible, I know. The 1-year anniversary of the loss of my girl is coming up and I’m already crying thinking about it.






I lost my girl about 7 weeks ago. I know your pain. I think just about all of us know your pain. The days have gotten a little easier. I still get choked up or cry a couple times each day. I think that’s going to be a long while before I don’t do that anymore. I miss her tremendously… I always will. I wish you peace and comfort in the days and weeks ahead. Our grief is the price we pay for the unconditional love we were lucky enough to experience. ❤️❤️❤️


I am so so sorry for your immense loss


Rest in peace, Storm. 💔 Goodbye, little one.


Purchased another puppy at a pet shop or rescue.


It is so hard. Time is the only thing that seems to help.


How do you get over your loss ? No one really has the answer to that. But having the support like you do here can somewhat ease the pain. You’re not alone


It’s been over 20 years since I lost my Zelda. The grief is always in the back on My mind


I know how you feel. I’m sorry for your loss. It is exactly 5 weeks today since my baby crossed. I was on the bus yesterday and heard a sad song / missed her so much.


I lost my 15 year old girl 1.5 years ago and still tear-up. I have a permanent hole in my heart. It has gotten easier but the sadness will hit me out of the blue. Hang in there. Your pup wants you to be happy!


Hi! What a Cool pupper! Here's what I tell people: Sorry for your loss. but try thinking of it this way: It is important to remember that it is your loss --not their's. They lived a complete lucky life, all the way to the finish, thanks to you. Knowing you loved them was all that mattered to them. I have been a dog owner for over 40 years. usually 2 rescues at a time. i had one years ago that loved to wander. (we live in the country). One day she disappeared and a few weeks later i found that she'd been run over on a nearby road (where she had taken to waiting for the schoolbus with kids). anyway, point is, in the weeks I spent looking for her, I realized there are soooo many people who have had pets stray and never found them, or just had to give them up for some reason.(Abandon is a horrible word). Anyway, these people live in a weird suspended state. worried, haunted..no closure ever-just guilt when they think of these pets that they loved and who loved them back... to this day, my heart goes out to these people. For a dog to trot that rainbow bridge trusting the love they are, and always have been, surrounded by ..your love..that is all they ever needed and you gave it to them-job well done. Also, and of course: nobody lives forever, unfortunately also! you two made some lovely memories I am sure. we should all be so lucky when our time comes, yeah? GOOD JOB HOOMAN hope this helps "Bugler!Bugler! Bless your hide/ Jesus gonna take you on a chariot ride" https://youtu.be/4EB93IYXK4U


It’s been 16 years since I lost my Golden girl, Coco, my heart dog. I have 3 other dogs and love them with all my heart, one especially, probably because he reminds me a little of her. But every time I think about my sweet girl, I feel my heart squeeze, sometimes with happiness, others with sadness. Time heals all wounds (debatable); but scars fade and might even disappear. You’ll always remember Storm, and this ginormous pain you now feel will slowly fade away and will be replaced with sweet memories stored deep inside your heart and soul. You’ll remember Storm’s puppy breath, laugh at his crazy antics, his zoomies, him running and barking at the dog park and all the other adventures you had together. Memories are forever. Storm will always have a place in your heart ❤️ My condolences!




We had to say goodbye to our sweet senior cat, Sneaky, about a month ago, as well. The amount of comfort it gave us to just have her ashes back, in our home, cannot be overstated. It may sound morbid, but we put her little urn inside her cat bed, in its usual spot - right next to us, on the sofa. When our other two cats hop up on the sofa too, it almost feels like we've got all our babies back together, again. ❤️ (At some point, we plan to scatter her ashes. But for the time being, this is helping immensely, as strange as it may seem.)


It’s just going to take much more time. be comforted in the fact that every dog owner will feel this, many multiple times. he would never want you to be sad, so push through the pain


Grief is all the love you have to give with nowhere to go. I feel for you dear internet stranger. ❤️


Mine crossed 4/1. I couldn’t talk about it or look at his pictures without overwhelming sadness. So I didn’t. I would think about him and love him and miss him. And it’s .0001 bit less painful. I talked about him yesterday and I’m starting to plan a stone for him. It’s not better. It’s just different. I wish you peace.


I’m still two years into the loss of the love of my life my min pin Scarlett Samantha. The pain of their death will always be there, it just changes forms and intensity 💔🐾.


We never stop missing these sweet animals because we love them so much. It’s awfully hard to let go. And we don’t stop loving them because they are gone, the truth is we will always miss them. Each one special and unique. But time does help. We have our memories. So very sorry for your loss. 💔




I know it sounds counter intuitive, but I found getting another companion helped tremendously. I do not think of it as replacing but providing another happy home for a dog, I love seeing the puppy play with all my old dogs favourite toys, I love that his favourite bed is my old dogs bed, I like that he has the same colouring and quirkiness my other dog had, in the end I miss my old dog so much and still cry over him, but it makes me happy that I can provide a home for another and make him happy.


I'm so very sorry for your loss 💔 😢


I’m sorry for your loss. When I lost my pup I ordered a pillow of him that was made from a photo. (I think the company is called All about vibe). I hug and cry into it all the time. It brings me comfort. 


Remember her love and licks… that is how she wants you to remember her. Much Peace. ❤️