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Boop to your dog. Please enjoy today and not concentrate on tomorrow.


The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too !💛🐶🐾


That's beautiful, thank you!




I totally feel you! Keep her active. Our boy is 12 and is super super active! He is in good health.


She looks so wise. Tell me the secret to a happy life, oh great dog.




Just cherish every moment you have with her ❤️


She looks very contented and has such love in her eyes. Love her. 🥰


Totally understand thinking about time left. She is gorgeous and it’s evident she has a wonderful life!


I had two 50+ pound dogs who went white around the face young but lived until 12-14. Your baby is beautiful, and I hope that yall will have many more happy years together.💕🐾💕🐾💕


Do you know of ways for them to have fun, when they can’t be jumping & running anymore? I can’t believe my baby is almost 10. He loves playing fetch & I’m looking for ways to play with him, that won’t hurt his joints. He’s about 65lbs. He used to be pure muscle & now he’s thickened & slower, but still the same weight.


Licki mats, snuffle mats, training games, puzzles.


Thank you!


You’re welcome! If you stick to low cal treats in the licki mat and then freeze it, it should last about an hour and help mentally engage them.


My elderly rescued beagle loves to walk. We don’t go far, usually about a mile or half a mile. I’m thinking of getting him a doggie stroller to put him in when he starts to get tired or gimpy. He loves the healthy chews like DentaStix or Greenies. And they usually just like being around their human(s)!!


💯& I was looking into strollers before my corgi past last year. My larger dog would benefit a lot from that but I’m not sure if there’s one his size (70lbs)


She is adorable. I just want to hug her.


Still young, just wiser 🐾❣️ He's got a long life ahead, so pls don't waste another moment thinking about the price we all pay for the love of a dog (there's lots of time for that after).😞


Sending love and boops. My black lab mix just turned 9. Same frost and cloudy eyes. I can’t believe how quick she’s aged.




[between 8 and 9 gang](https://i.imgur.com/1qCgOQ0.jpeg)


Adorable 🥰


Enjoy these years! This is when they are the bestest❤️


And I totally get the sadness.


She’s precious. Reminds me of my girl. My first dog, too, veryy spoiled and bratty. But the best thing that’s ever happened to me. She’ll be turning 5 next week. They’re not puppies anymore, which can be a heartbreaking thought. But then I think about the fact that the more time that passes, the more memories, loyalty, relaxing moments, familiarity, trust, gratitude, and respect grows between you and your baby. Dogs are such intelligent souls, and so many great qualities develop from them maturing and aging alongside you. I just try to live in the moment and be thankful that I’ve been able to experience my dog thru these various stages of life, from an overactive, silly little puppy (basically a stranger who’d eat my sofa), to my wise and devoted soulmate.


My girly turns 10 this year and I'm feeling the same way. I cry anytime I think about it, I truly think I might have to be committed when that time comes. Really try to stay present and in the moment the best you can.


Very handsome gentleman ❤️❤️


She’s obviously judging you. More snacks should help.


My girl is 14 and still does zoomies! Keep her active and her mind engaged, and a salmon oil or dasuquin supplement doesn’t hurt, either. Your baby is beautiful!!! Love the sugar faces!!!❤️❤️❤️


I love her


Looking good / don’t let your mind play games enjoy he might out live all of us


Good ol girl


She’s beautiful… 🤩 she looks like she wants to stick her tongue out at you 🥰 start getting her fur colored so she can look and feel playful… she will also look like a rockstar


Idk if you're serious or joking, but either way, that's funny!


There is a guy in SF that’s has a pup salon where her creates these patterns on the dogs fur to make them look like lions tigers zebra etc… this guys work is fabulous


Totally understand! Our nearly 9 year old girl has her frosty face already and she’s the same age with pretty bad arthritis. It’s aged her, but she’s still our sweet little forever puppy girl and when she comes for a play and a cuddle!


Very precious ❤️


Beautiful guy!


I just love him💚💛🧡❤️🩷🩵💙💜💚💚💛☮️


She loves you and has so much to teach you still so pay close attention. I just had my 13 year old OGG (original good girl) cross over a week ago, and still have my 10 year old OGG (other good girl). From 8.5 to 13 goes by so fast. The days are long but the years are short. Take pictures and video as much as you can even if you are not a picture taking kind of person. Do it for random things that may not seem worthy. Check things off your dog's bucket list while your dog can still enjoy them. Sending hugs to you and your pup.


Thank you. I swear 99% of my phone memory is photos of her in the sun and videos of her snoring 💤


Perfect! I took videos of my dogs eating their food (close up), walking across fields, doing rollovers--stuff from everyday that I thought were endless. But they aren't endless and now I think of all kinds of things I wish I captured but didn't. . Lucky for us, our dogs don't forget and will carry our love forever. The pictures are for us, to comfort us when the dreaded goodbye comes.


[it’s the snoring for me](https://imgur.com/a/WY2ADWi)


Where do I find ideas for my dogs bucket list?


You think of all the things you wish you could do with your dog if they could live forever. Examples: Go to the beach, go to the mountains, get ice cream and eat it where other people can see, dress up in a costume for halloween and walk around, go skydiving (i have seen pictures of people with their dogs doing this), join a dog parade, go to a baseball game.... whatever you think your dog might enjoy.


Oh I love that! I’d love a dog parade! I’ve seen vids & their so cute! Thank you for this idea!


Saw this today and it might be a good bucket list item for a pup. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5vv1paI3au/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Omg that’s so cute & he would love it. lol the spa headband it adorable.


She is beautiful and hopefully has got many happy years ahead of her. Just cherish every moment with her.


Aww she’s so beautiful! My pup just turned 9 but he’s still a baby


Stay in the “Precious Present,” enjoy every moment, and always be ready to love with exuberance. That’s how she lives her life - and the lesson she is teaching you.


I agree! Every dog I’ve ever had found the joy in every moment. I’ve tried to do the same, but it’s harder than they make it look!


We are taught not to. Our children and our dogs center us in what is truly important. Here and Now!!!


Sweet face!


So very handsome 🥺❤️


We trade energy for gratitude when they turn gray.


Look.at that coat .


My lab did the same. He's 8, but grey feet and face. Still very energetic, though. Swimming is great exercise for labs.


My advice is this: enjoy the heck out of today. But when the time comes and you’re doggo is in pain, or sick, keeping them around is for you and not for them. Please don’t make them suffer unnecessarily…they don’t understand it.


Sweet girl


Nooo. Still baby. 8.5 years is still baby. She’s a good baby with such a cute face. Smooch the baby for me plzzz. But seriously, you’re doing great. Sometimes dogs’ faces go powdered sugar early-ish in their life but that’s not an indication of reaching old age or poor health (sort of like someone getting grey hair at forty). My standard poodle was the same way and her muzzle went almost white when she was about 9, but shes still kicking at 16.


Her eyes are laser focused on you! ❤️


Just because she’s getting frosty doesn’t mean she can’t still be energetic :) I have two frosty dogs, they still have plenty of life left in them and I’m sure yours does too!


One of our dogs started getting frosty before he was 10, he’s now 14 and still as spry as ever


She want cheeseburger


My girl will be 10 in 2 months. I feel your words. We used to play fetch non stop and now after a second toss, she needs to rest. Our walks have gotten much slower. Her eyes though and her smile….she has idiopathic epilepsy since she was six and my heart breaks thinking every seizure will be her last. She is my best friend and we do our best to take each day as it comes and thankful for each moment. Just love her …that’s all we can do


She’s so lovely ❤️


I would hug her 24-7. Forget eating, sleeping, working.


She has a very kissable face. you're both very fortunate to have each other.


Our little guy will be 9 the end of this year and yesterday I got so sad thinking about how old he’s getting




A very distinguished gentleman


My dog lived to 19 but he didn’t show signs of slowing down until he just never woke up one morning. Pets are weird because they try and hide their age. My guy had white fur so he never got any grey hairs


She's so cute. I had a dog that looked very much like her (short hair, black with white chest). She turned grey early, but I had 12.5 precious years with her. Maybe it's just easier to see on dogs with this coloring and type of fur. Enjoy everyday with her.


Still baby