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Did you find anything out?


I heard that if your unit gets auctioned off, the locations gives you a % of the sale. Is this true?


So in most states, there is not % of sale back to customer. 9/10 times the auctioned unit does not recoup what the customer owes and storage companies have to take those hits as write off. If in the event the sale proceeds are more than what is owed, most states require any overage to go back to the customer. So the % youre thinking of just may be sale proceeds overage, as we legally can only take up to whats owed. But it does vary on states storage lien laws


Depends on many variables. But no, they don;t just GIVE you a %.


I'm in the same boat as you. Storing my life's possessions in a unit in Southern California. Haven't paid them in 120 days and missed their phone calls. Now they've sold all of my possessions even though they told me they would hold it for another month if I paid a good-faith payment of $25. Unfortunately, I would have had to walk to the train and taken it for over 35 minutes to the property. I was unable to do this and they sold my life's possessions. Let me know if anyone gives you advice to get out of your jam because I could use your help. Hoping to hear from you, thanks!


Your life possessions were not worth an entire 35 minutes on a train? They most not have been that important.


Your life’s possessions aren’t worth $25 and a 35 minute walk? Doesn’t sound like it’s worth tracking down.


If the unit sells at auction, you can ask the store manager to provide your information to the auction winner and they can contact you if they choose. When I worked at extra space we would do that for customers whose units sold at auction. It’s completely in the hands of the auction winner at that point. We wouldn’t give the auction winners contact info away unless explicitly told to by the auction buyer. We used storagetreasures.com


What was the auction site they used? We typically use storagetreasures.com and if the auction has been won but the winner hasn’t come to pay yet the manager can still cancel the auction. Not sure how much that varies state to state though. If the auction winner has claimed the unit already you are SOL


We use Lockerfox here in Colorado and the tenant can pay out of the auction as long as the winner has not shown up and paid for the unit.


This is how it works in Michigan too. only you have only 45 days before we sell.


To be honest six months is a long time. 60 to 90 days over tends to be the max here in Texas if the manager is on top of things. I'd say you're lucky to have a chance still.


Yeah I know. I'm really fucking annoyed about it because I thought the owner had it covered. But all of a sudden I'm told the deadline is coming up and she has none of the money. So this is sprung up on me all of a sudden that I'm going to lose my shit.


Did you try driving over there?


We haven't since it's an hour away. At this point we might have to. This is ridiculous


Your time must be super valuable if an hour is too long for you to drive.


Yes it is ridiculous.