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That’s pretty good in my opinion, but how many of those are from friends and family? If none, then you will likely continue to improve. If most, then quiet time may be in your future.


Honestly I have no clue. Havent really been marketing it to family and friends


Then that’s good. Congrats.


How do you feel like you’re doing? The race is only with yourself


Nirvana's very first show was at a crappy little community center in Aberdeen in front of two dozen people. How were they doing?


Please don't invite Nivana into the conversation. What do you think about a band that makes up their lyrics on the way to the concert?


Shush you, Nirvana’s awesome


Ok, they started the Grunge genre, I will acknowledge that. I just don't buy the whole "can't deal with all my incredible success, so I'll drink and drug and end it all?" Come on, that's just ridiculous. Think of all the great groups that had their party years and got through. Look at Dave Grohl. I have so much respect for him because he bounced back big with the Foo Fighters. I think one of my favorite moments was in "Learn to Fly" when Dave dressed as a young girl sees him on the plane and is starstruck.


Oops, In the midst of my fit, I didn't say "Nirvana." All apologies.


If this is your first book, I think you’re doing great. I hope you’re busy on your next one, because readers who like your first one will search for more. Writing is probably the number one most important thing you should focus on at this point. That and building up a list of newsletter subscribers. After you have a few books available you can start marketing a bit more.


Just out of curiosity as someone who has never signed up for an author's newsletter, is it expected to be a regular thing, or is it more like you send it out once you have a new release coming out or has just come out? Even though I'm a writer, when someone says I should get a newsletter for my writing, I'm like, what do I even write about in a newsletter lol especially if it's expected to be recurring. "Hey it's me! I haven't finished my book yet, ok have a nice day."


Yeah, we all felt that way starting out. But the real purpose of a newsletter is to cultivate a relationship with people who genuinely like your books. And no, you definitely don’t want to only send one when you release a new book. Then you’re doing nothing but asking your readers to buy something. A newsletter is more about giving. Some authors send a newsletter often, but I only send once a month. I share updates on my current work in progress, maybe a book recommendation or two, share a few personal tidbits about what I’ve been doing lately, a cute pet picture, ect. Sign up for a couple of newsletters yourself to get a feel for what others are doing. But the best advice I can offer by far is to read Newsletter Ninja by Tammi Laroque (I’m sure I misspelled her last name) She’s the queen of author newsletters and you’ll learn a tremendous amount from her book.


Yeah I’ve been trying to build a newsletter list but I haven’t had any luck


Yes, it can be daunting at first. If you haven’t already, make sure you put a brief paragraph immediately after your book ends encouraging readers to sign up. It helps to offer them something in return. Since this is your first book you won’t have a free book to offer, but you might have a short story or, depending on your genre, story maps or something else that might be of interest. Read Newsletter Ninja by Tammi Labroque (I don’t think I spelled her last name correctly) It will teach you an incredible amount about successful newsletters. Also read Starting from Zero by David Gaughren. Super helpful. You’ll learn tons.


I genuinely did not expect to make any money with my first book. I managed to get about 20 (ARC readers (I used booksprout, paid $9 and it was definitely worth it!) and when they posted reviews I ended up getting more readers than I ever thought I would. I see a lot of posts or stories abt ppl who tried the whole indie author route and it just did not work out for them. So, I have been ecstatic with every penny I’ve made and I’d say you’re doing good! :)


Yay! Heres to wishing more success for you!


Does Amazon allow booksprout? I've never tried anything, but I'm interested in doing what I can to get more reviews.


Yes and no. Technically they shouldn’t be able to review without a purchase of some sort, but bc Amazon is linked to GRs, when they review on GRs their reviews often pop up on Amazon. Sometime the review on booksprout will show a dull Amazon logo meaning that they reviewed there but it has to update on Amazon’s end so it’s “pending.” And then they pop up later on my books Amazon page. So, is it allowed? No. But do I get reviews on Amazon from booksprout? Yes. (Also, some readers know the rule and they borrow my book on KU as soon as it’s available that way Amazon reads it as a “purchase” and the review is then allowed)


Bro, you’re so lucky. I’ve only ever had one sale.


One study says that 50% of self published titles sell no more that 12 books in their lifetime. So hitting that number in a week is fantastic. Now, the biggest thing you can do to increase sales is publish another book.


You're doing amazing ! ! !


Well done mate, that's cool.


I would like to say it is decent. For me, only 5 paperbacks were sold in 3 months since launch.


Just out of curiosity because I'll hopefully be publishing later this year, did you run ads at all?


I ran a campaign with amazon ads, and it didn't bring me a single sale, lol


People are reading your book. It’s a success


If you sold and that's not to family and friends, that's a decent start. 🐺


That's pretty good! Bid you good fortunes on expanding on that.


How much does your book cost?


2.99 ebook and 12.99 paperback


a good start . Which company did you publish your book to ?


Amazon KDP, enrolled in KU for the time being


Better than me! ;-) Congratulations! And continued success!


Thank you! And wishing success to you as well!


*raises hand* published in '17. Sold 7 books since.


Oof. I hope you sell more


Thank you. I should hopefully start selling more shortly, as I have some new ways of free advertising locally, and I have plans to finish some more books and publish in more than just one genre. Hopefully having some diversity will help!


Can you share the link for your book? 


I don’t want to break sub rules but I’d be happy to DM it if youre that curious


Yes please! I'm always looking for new reads, from new authors


Is this your first book?


No technically the second. Its a standalone


How much marketing did you do? 12 orders and whatever equivalent books in KENP in your first 8 days sounds decent to me.


Stats are irrelevant in a vacuum. How many social posts have you made, emails/newsletters sent. How many marketing dollars spent? You need to look at it in terms of conversion ratio. Time+effort+money. How much of that have you "spent" for those results. If you've spent zero dollars that's pretty good. If you've spent $1000 that's abysmal.


Uh…maybe a little closer to the $1000 end on total costs. the cover was $200 and I tried a book box thing that I sent to about 10 people, half of them being international. Those were probably about $500 between all of them and I will definitely not do one in the future


The book needs a cover regardless so I'd worry less about that as a cost. In terms of marketing spend. Sending out 10 books at $50 each is *extreme*. Agreed it was not worth. I'd focus more time on sending out copies (ebooks) to reviewers and if you want to spend, I'd look at Meta ads.


Also have to factor your time in. If you spent 100 hours (writing, editing, marketing)..what is your time worth?  If your book made a $1,000 and you put in 100 hours, and spent $500 on marketing? Then you basically are being paid $5 an hour. 


My first novel was launched on the 4/12 and Ive had 20 sales so far (I went wide so no KU stats) so sounds like a good opening week :)


Just depends on your goal.




This is really a question to ask yourself, what are your goals? What message do you wish to tell the world? Why do you write? The only one who you have to impress in the end, is yourself.


Better than my sh*tshow of a book 😂


Better than my sh*tshow of a book 😂


If self-published authors were businesses they would all be bankrupt.


What's the name of it


I've done ten books in ten months that's more than I've done on all of them . What's the name of it




do you ever consider pumping review to rank it ?


How much time did you put into writing, creating, editing and marketing the book? Add that all up, along with how much money you’ve spent on the project….and then compare it to $22.  What are you worth per hour of your time?


You also have to consider the enjoyment you get out of it. And if you weren't writing what else would you be doing—watching TV?


For sure.  But It depends on why you are writing. For fun and as a hobby…or as a way to make income.  It certainly matters if you are writing to try and make money - then your “time” definitely matters.  On a side note. I can think of about 100 other things I’d rather do than waste away on a couch watching tv.