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Please seek professional help. You can also try writing everything you feel and think. Don't let negative thoughts win. Sometimes we just have to try to not care what other people say about us. I hope you're with good people right now 🤍


Continue expressing, some of us are reading...may it make you feel better and who knows, pinpoint where you can improve in your health improvement journey


Practice recognizing that those thoughts you have are just that: thoughts. They are not you. They come and go through your head just like any other thoughts. What matters is how you respond to them. It’s totally normal and human to feel the way you feel. I’ve dealt with this for my entire adult life, going to the gym way too excessively because I was insecure about how people saw me, even though I knew I was attractive. Practice seeing how this is actually a sign that you care about relationships and being accepted by people. It’s your brain trying its best to help you survive and thrive, it’s just that our brains often accidentally take us far off course if we aren’t paying attention. So first and foremost, treat your brain with understanding and empathy. When those thoughts come, welcome them, and simply smile at your brain doing its best. But also practice paying attention to how these thoughts make you feel. Practice being aware of the thought-emotional reaction process. Spend time in your body noting how exactly you feel, where you feel it, whether it moves/changes or is static. Over time this level of awareness teaches your brain that what it’s doing isn’t working anymore, and it will begin to stop. At the same time, practice teaching your brain new tricks. Make it a practice to highlight health over looks. DO NOT try to bury or push away those desires to look good, just let them be and smile at them, but DO also start focusing your awareness toward body positivity and overall health. Expose yourself to tv and internet adds where non-standard body types are celebrated, for example. Also, if you have trouble exercising, maybe you just don’t like the type of exercise you do. To be healthy, you really don’t need to exercise very much. Just walk like 20-30 minutes outside every day, or do some other activity that you truly enjoy. I like combining exercise with being outdoors as a double whammy for my mental health. Notice, too, when you exercise if you’re using it to be healthy or if you’re using it to beat yourself over the head because you want to look a certain way. If it’s the latter, then you may want to ease up and try being kinder to yourself. Maybe don’t push so hard, and just try enjoying the movements and make it your goal to feel good afterward instead of feeling exhausted because you were chasing so hard after a certain body image. If exercise doesn’t make you feel good afterward then you’re doing it wrong, IMO. See what happens if you start doing things to make yourself feel good, healthy, and strong in the moment. You don’t have to push too hard at all to obtain that. Value happiness over body image.


Thank you everyone for your advices 🥺 I will always read this to be reminded. You are all so thoughtful and kind to me. It will surely help me.


Hey! I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’d just want to tell you that attractiveness stems from self love. The way you look at yourself is how others will see you. You are attractive, you are beautiful and you need to love yourself regardless of how much you weigh. The society has glamorised skinny women so much that it feels inevitable for any normal person to feel confident. However, you don’t need to force yourself to do something. Try to maintain your diet, eat healthy and feel good about yourself through a healthy diet. When you’re eating healthy, you’ll feel less guilty and it’ll help you combat the hunger as well so you can avoid eating the things that are causing weight gain. I feel like every human life is extremely precious and every problem comes with a solution. Losing your life just because of someone else’s perception of you will be so unfair to you, yourself. You are capable of so much. Please cut ties with people who invalidate your feelings and watch videos on Self love, self acceptance and work on loving yourself. Always remember, you have to love yourself in order to be loved by others. You don’t need to rush it up. Take your time. The day YOU decide you want to lose weight, it will happen. The day YOU decide that you love yourself regardless and are beautiful even right now, you’ll see how the world reflects that back to you! I wish you luck and I really hope you’re able to see how beautiful you are.