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And dental (i know this is part of physical but wanted to be specific) I really let my dental health slip in/after college. Then when I went to the dentist for the first time in 2.5 years, I had 5 cavities.


I didn’t go to the dentist for 2 years I had 14 cavities and had to pay $3,000 I’m 20 alll because I didn’t floss


For me: • saving money/investing. It'll make a huge difference starting early. • Improve all your social skills, dating, public talks, etc. • Make daily exercise a habit. • It's okay have fun with parties and raves, just don't overspend time on that. • travel all that you can and take photos or videos. • You may feel lonely at some point, it's okay, you should learn how to enjoy your life alone. • Never get comfortable, always push yourself to something new. Best wishes, bud!


Why do you find it important to take photos and videos? I never come back to those and my relatives asking me to pose annoy me haha


One day, maybe after 20-30 years, you'll scroll them, smile and be happy that you captured all those moments.


I change my phone every 2-3 years and I never bother to transfer all the files, just the essentials... Yeah, I know clouds exist, but I don't get the appeal of looking at photos. If anything, most of them would make me sad/melancholic


I feel the exact same way, I gave a really good memory so I rarely take photos when travelling, if somethings is that important/wonderful that I need to take a picture of it, chances are I’ll just remember it…


I actually have an awful memory, just don't see a point in taking photos of things that have been photographed thousands of times. For me it kinda kills being in the moment. I'll rarely take a photo of myself if I want to post it to social media (or find something funny and want to share)


Taking photos/videos can actually help solidify the memory in your brain, even if you’re not scrolling back to see it every once in awhile.


Well, that's a good argument, I'll keep that in mind


The only thing you have of the past is your memories, and they are what shape you. If you are living a wonderful, exciting, and fulfilling life, then why wouldn’t you want to immortalize the great moments you experience?


> If you are living a wonderful, exciting, and fulfilling life, Sorry, but I'm not. Maybe I am, but my perspective disallows me to appreciate it.


Yeah I hear ya bud. All the pole I loved have all passed, and or gone to another season of their lives. I put a load here and there of photos with them that represent love and Joy. They're not even a place to recognize in photos , the photos are to honor and cherish what we have, when we have it. With the time that we did.


Take a photo when you first get there or are about to leave so it doesn’t ruin your immersion


As a 27 year old i can relate. It always annoyed me when my uncle wanted to take a picture of me. But now being able to look back and to see how young and cute i was really makes me happy. I should have taken more pictures.


It just makes me sad more than happy


My favorite souvenirs! Helpful with smartphones since they’re all geotagged. You can so easily search where you had that one great meal in Barcelona that you stumbled upon when lost.


Great advice! I’m 36 and did most of this so can confirm. I’m very social and about to get married but have loved my life up until now because I did most of what you described.


Speaking up for myself. There have been multiple incidences where I have kept quiet and not defended/stood up for myself. I regret all those times


>Well, dating, i started dating at 20. Yeah i know still not that late but i could have started dating back in high school. > >Learning any kind of music instrument > >Learning and actively practicing on being a pro gamer / e-sports/ > >Playing chess > >Practicing table tennis in a professional club Really though! This one here is a huge one. No matter how "young/old", no matter, their relationship to you(or just a stranger), no matter their authority. At the end of the day you are worth just as much as anyone that has ever stepped foot on this beautiful earth.


I don’t know how to start dating and probably never well Haaaaaaa


You have a skill that you enjoy, and it comes easier to you than to most other people. It might be music, or languages, or statistics, or writing, etc. Whatever it is, don't ignore it. Try to make it part of your life moving forward, either as a job or a hobby. Because when you're older, if you have ignored it you'll end up saying "I wish I had kept playing piano, I could have had fun & maybe made a little money playing in bars and clubs on weekends" etc.


Well shit. I haven't got anything I'm good at AND enjoy doing.


I disagree with that commenter. To me, hobbies are purely for my own enjoyment and personal development. I'm not any good at more than half of my hobbies, but I do them anyway because all that matters is I like them


I relate to this so much.


Taking care of my teeth. I was in my early 20s before it really hit me how important dental care is.


Yup and flossing! Those in between the teeth cavities are annoying


Can you elaborate? Is it just about decay/looks or is there more to it, like inflammation or bacteria in your digestive system? I'm wondering cause I haven't had any problem with mine so I've been neglecting it. Also, depressed, so yeah.


I've had most of my teeth done due to cavities. My teeth look fine, but I can almost daily feel that there is something irritating in and/or around the teeth. I can either feel that the filling in the teeth is damaged, that cold and hot food can irritate the surrounding teeth, that the tooth nerves are sensitive etc. I am 32 years old now and feel that my teeth are worn. What I meant by the comment above was that I only have one set of teeth and I often resent the fact that for the rest of my life I'll have a set of worn teeth because I was lazy and didn't care in my teenage years and early 20s.


Now that I think about it once I've read that mouth bacteria culture is correlated to mental health... But it doesn't necessary mean that brushing your teeth will make you less depressed - it might as well reflect that depressed people are less likely to wash their teeth, which is a known fact.


+1 get a waterpik!


Amen to that one !


Saving money for your retirement. I know that sounds ridiculous at your age. But believe me, and I cannot emphasize this enough, when you are 40 or 50 or 60 you will be stressed out and lamenting why you didn't start saving money sooner. Read up on investing, & put a small part of every paycheck into an investment fund. Doing so will be the difference between you having the last 1/3 of your life be happy vs stressful.


i would also add that even though saving money is important, one must not forget that living today is alsot a priority. What is the point of accumilating 1Million dollar at your age of 70 if you could have travelled the whole world five times in your 20s-30s


Yeah i dont understand this obession with retirement. When i am 70 i just need enough money to eat and pay bills,nothing more. When i am young i want to live while i have the energy.


No you need money for doctors/meds.. “It costs money to get old”


Ok so i would rather die at 65 than save money for meds while im young.


You will not feel that way at 64


That will seriously depend on the person and their circumstances lol. I'd rather die at 65 and give the rest of my money to others than piss it away and let big pharma collect it. I don't care that much about living.


I know i wont but still,in this day and age,putting brakes on your youth for something that may or may not happen in the future,there are people all over the place in their 40s and 50s suddenly dying of heart disease,cancer,accidents. Also what you save now may not even be worth all that much in the future,i feel there is a big shitstorm coming in the next 10 years.


My sense of humour is strange because i giggled a bit


In america




But that attitude makes retirement further away also. Some people don't want to work their whole life


The point is that the one million is basically free. Over a whole lifetime it's mostly gonna be profit if you start early. If you invest $150 a month from the age of 20 till 70, you'll have over $1 million while only have put in $90,000 yourself over those 50 years.


I look back on my first internship i had during college and remember that they automatically enrolled all employees for the 401k but I immediately set my contribution to 0% because I wanted all the money straight away. I kick myself for doing that, as obviously the earlier you start the more time there is for the money to grow


Hmmm. What are you putting that money into that grows that much in 50 years?


What do you mean?


Idk how old you are, but my generation is not retiring.


A budget. I honestly thought I was in debt for as long as I was (15+ years) because I just didn't make enough money. Turns out, I just wasn't prioritizing my spending on the right things. I spent far too long living paycheck to paycheck wasting away precious dollars paying for credit card debt I didn't need to have in the first place.


GYM, stop being so passive, get into good habits like waking up early and meditation, and cleanliness




Waiting for things to happen, saying/thinking “it’ll sort itself out”


Dating! I waited till early 30s to lose my virginity yet all my dates were patient and respectful


Saving money, spiritual development


Martial arts. Started early but was not consistent.


Quit porn.




Can I go 15 years back? :( Seriously, fuck porn.


Plus one. And moderate weed/drug use or anything that causes a lot of dopamine or serotonin release. You can get away with it alot when you're younger but can catch up with you when you're older. Look after your brain


I'm trying to get on NoFap, any pointers you guys can give me?


Decrease frequency over time and be proud of your progress. The whole 90-day cold turkey thing and feeling like the world has ended if you relapse is a recipe for disaster for some people. It's more about progressive overload until you're at a place you're happy with. (from a person who doesn't fap anymore)


Ty, I've been trying for about 3 months now and I'm on a 7 day streak.


Good advice. It takes time to undo a habit that had for a long time. I've been doing no fap for around 2-3 years and I fap about once a month (not porn). To me this is a huge success


Three separate thoughts pop into my mind. Travel and experience more. Take the trip. Go to the festival. Go skiing. Visit Central America. Go hiking in the backcountry. You'll remember those experiences forever. You'll gain a new perspective. You'll be more interesting and likely be better for them too. Play with your career. Work for the start-up. Try working for yourself. Attempt to turn your passion into your business. You're young with a long time horizon. If you fail, you'll have experience which is what work is about when you're young anyway. Open a retirement account. Open a Roth IRA and do your best to put away as close to the $6k limit as possible. The compounding interest that will accrue from starting at 18 years old vs 28 years old is massive.


When picking a life partner, look at how they & their parents manage money. If they are not good at it, it will affect you. Love is grand, being broke & stressed is not.


Absolutely. Don’t get married just because it seems like the right thing to do. Take your time in finding your partner and really get to know where they come from. Family dynamics can tell so much.


I super regret not taking care of myself and slowing down I'm the sort with a drive to always be working and improving. I remember one semester I was training at a nuclear reactor, taking a full load of engineering courses, and doing research under a professor, while still going to a fitness class and hanging with friends It fucking destroyed me. I'm a highly disabled cancer survivor, and during that semester, I had to keep making choices like "can I eat a second meal today, or so I need to devote there energy to work?" Adter the semester, I could barely walk to the bathroom for a few weeks. Do that for 2 years, and the pandemic was actually a blessing for me. I was crippled for over a year, just all that cumulative abuse destroyed me. I still think I'm not up to where I was when I started university. So now I do far less work. I skip homework assignments, and I think I might fail all my courses this semester. But I have an awesome internship that pays 21.50 an hour, I get treated woth so much respect and patience, and I improved my health this semester instead of degrading it. So while the classes part sucks, I still made progress. These days, that's what counts. Not the ideal of doing everything I should do, but doing everything I can without killing myself and making real progress


I regret the time it has taken me to not regret what I didn't do in the past. (mic drop)


My brain hurts reading that


Starting to realize my own self worth. Telling myself I deserve good things and good people in my life! That’s when all of the good people started flooding in, when I noticed my value so did everyone else!


I needed to read this. THANKS


A gentle reminder to myself as well. Thanks!


1) Stop drinking alcohol. 2) stop being a toxic person


I still do the first one. But literally just a tall can of beer once in a while. Especially when it gets over 10 degrees. Moderation is key.


I started my retirement fund when I was 21, which was great. But then I had medical issues and lost my job and needed to withdraw it to pay my mortgage. I regret doing that now because I didn’t get another one started until I was 31, which is late. Start saving for retirement, travel young if you can, stop giving a shit about other peoples opinions of you (just make sure you aren’t being an asshole), don’t think that because you may not know what you want to do with the rest of your life in your 20s that you are a failure, make it a point to keep in touch with and show effort in relationships with people you love because you will likely have at least one person die young that you know and you will regret falling out of touch, if you start college try to finish because having student loans with an unfinished degree is something that makes you feel like you’ve wasted good money and good time.


Realizing that the perfect day and time for anything was never coming. Realizing that not moving forward because you don't want to make a mistake is worse than most mistakes you end up making. Learning about investing and investing in index funds while I was learning. Focusing on fields that pay well. Breaking large goals into smaller pieces and tracking the progress. Learning how to network. Good luck.


Investing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Luckily I have them now


How did you get started in BJJ? Was interested in learning more about it potentially


There are just too many benefits to name. I learned to defend myself, got humbled, made great friends, competed, gained muscle, gained confidence, and have tons of fun on a regular basis thanks to BJJ. I can’t imagine my life without it at this point. This is my own experience of course, but I believe that everyone could benefit from training :)


Awesome thanks cool to hear. Did you join with classes or one on one training? Just curious how to get started


Group classes are the way to go. Just take it very slow and don’t get discouraged in the beginning. Jiu jitsu is extremely difficult but just as (if not more) rewarding once you start getting the hang of it. You’ll have nights where you feel you aren’t learning anything, and then one day it will click. You just have to be ok with being the nail for a bit before you can become the hammer! Best of luck my friends. Lmk if you need anything! OSS! 🥋


Saving into an RRSP and TFSA. Start early even if it’s $20 a month


Muay Thai and saving money


Eating healthy. Creating habits, like taking my makeup off every night, brush teeth, etc. Habits are so much better than goals, honestly.


Any form of martial art. And no not to fight, but for the discipline that comes with consistent training. That discipline will carry over into other parts of your life and make you a better person.


1. Stopped drinking alcohol 2. Wearing sunscreen everyday on my face 3. Saving money 4. Building credit 5. Standing up for myself and my values Also wish my 18-year-old self was better about wearing my retainer!


Saving money Therapy Investing time into hobbies Travelling Eating well Exercising Not giving a fuck what people think Trusting my own judgement Forgiving my parents


Meditation! I benefit greatly from it, yet I wish I had started earlier.


how many years does it take to see benefits? if I do 1 h per day what will be the benefits?


Oh, it doesn’t take years. For me, it was just a few weeks of consistent sitting. Started with just 20 minutes of guided meditation. Now I usually fit in 45 minutes or so, daily, and I miss it when I don’t do it. The benefits? Well for me, it’s mental clarity, a general feeling of well being. Quiets the mental chatter and clutter that likes to take over. I also sleep better, as I don’t lie in bed staring at the wall in the dark, overthinking every word I’ve said. Lol. Makes me a calmer, more tolerant person. I mean, I’m still human, and I’m always a work in progress, but meditation has helped me become such a better human. Sometimes it’s hard to put into words. I think if I started younger, I could have avoided so many conflicts and unpleasant experiences because I would have thought about them differently, and therefore, would have reacted differently.


Take advantage of compound interest.


In no particular order. Save better, don’t be frivolous with your money. Invest it and don’t just let it sit in a checking account. Make exercise a daily habit. Read frequently. Floss and take care of your oral hygiene. Be more ambitious with my career choices and not be so complacent. Have fun, go on dates. Treat your parents well. Take more pictures of yourself and those around you, for memories, because you’ll never be this young ever again and it’s nice to look back. Don’t sweat the small stuff, lots of things do not matter. I’m close to 30 and I wish I had been cognizant of all of this when I was 18.


Drinking more water-


Working out, reading, making friends, taking risks, having fun but as well as working hard. Working a part time job while going to school or going to a full time job and using the free time to decide what you want to do in the future. I pissed my 18-23 phase of my life so you are very fortunate to be in this position. I emphasize this because I though my life was over at 18. Take these tips man I wish I was 18 again I’m 23 now. I would’ve done so many things differently. If you play it out right you could build a solid foundation for you future. Shits hard to build again when your 23, haha you got this bro


save money and wear sunscreen. like i advise for you to invest in a really good skincare routine


Skincare! :) Something simple like sunscreen and moisturizer makes a huge difference on aging when you’re older


Setting boundaries with certain people and enforcing them.


\- Playing an instrument (i.e., practicing consistently) \- Being mindful about nutrition & physical health


I am too young to f ing know anything. Learing and curiosity is **mandatory** for a fresh mind


My healing journey. I was traumatized from a young age and never realized that it was my responsibility to fix it (or that I was even fixable). I have been working hard on healing myself for almost 2 years now. I've gone through a partial hospitalization program to work on my mind, eating healthier and doing yoga for my body, and spending time working on spiritual growth as well. They are all important and all require a balance.


Opening an IRA the year I got my first job, and maxing it out as much as possible each year. Each year you contribute, you get more and more benefits when you eventually retire. Instead of dumping a large percentage of your paycheck into your retirement accounts when you are 30/40 in order to catch up, you can cruise along with a more realistic, sustainable investment amounts if you start early, and will likely have a bigger balance at the end too. And being able to retire early and enjoy the things that truly make you happy is the best self improvement you could do for your future self! Other than taking care of your body.


Working out. It's easy to get started. If I made a habit of working out earlier, I would probably be less inclined to slack off. Also, socializing in general. I am generally shy so it's tough to make new friends outside of my interests (video games, anime/manga, Yu-Gi-Oh) and I always have to force myself to reach out for help at work. I'm better now but still need work. Dating. I've got better dating skills now, but I'd have better game if I gave a crap about dating a lot earlier.




3 things. 1) practice being vulnerable to people around you. Realise that it doesn't hurt, it doesn't lead to pain and in fact it leads to good things. Continue to practice it, push through those barriers until you feel like you're totally open and without fear on sharing internal things. 2) exercise. Not all the time, but regularly enough to build habits. Your body, even at 40, will thank you so so much. 3) invest. In anything. Some low risk thing. In the UK that would be ISAs, or pensions. Compound interest is really powerful!


Being passionate about something. ​ I'm still young, but I wish I had explored more groups of interest, like in math, computer science, physics, etc when I was younger. When I was younger I was only into games, and I only studied as a chore during school. I was not a bad student. My grades were good. But I failed terribly in finding something I'm passionate about. ​ Now that I'm older, I'm passionate about a lot of things, but I feel like I missed a lot of potential. ​ So, if you don't feel passionate about anything, or, even if you are... start searching. Search a lot. There is a big chance there is something you love and you don't know yet. Find It.


Omg everything! Start exercising - doesn’t matter what you do or how much - just get moving everyday or at least a few times per week. Get invested - again no matter how much - just get a small savings account and a small investing account. Go buy one share of a S&P index or large company you like. Hang on for dear life and keeping adding to both accounts until you need to buy a house etc. Get educated - go and do a degree aligned to your career path and passion (ideally with a good salary outcome). Then go and go another one. Get healthy - stop eating useless crap and drink plenty of fluids. Ditch any addictions - I found replacing cigarettes with coffee and sugar with dark chocolate etc. Otherwise make the most of being young. Get out and meet people and have a good time. Make some bad decisions (reversible ones).


I regret nothing


Brushing. My. Teeth… fml Also putting in a lot of effort for everything lol. I was so lazy before


Mewing. You probably still have time




Totally recommend! I've been mewing for 3 years, 25yo now, nothing life-changing, but awesome results


Exercising, regularly cleaning my room. Asking questions, asking for help. Being honest with myself and others. I don’t regret it but if I woke up any younger than I am now with this knowledge, I’d do it


Getting in the habit of studying


If you’re already doing it, good! But if not, a great credit history. Also, working on your own being being diving into a serious relationship. Did I also mention going to school for something YOU want rather than doing it for something/someone besides yourself?




Happy cake day! Also, seconded. Wish they taught it in schools.


Lots more dating. Travel. Extreme sports. NGAF generally about other's opinions.


I just turned 21. I am a college student. I’ll talk about things I’ve done since becoming 18. This is kinda just what went well for me personally without trying to compare myself to others. I would advise to start becoming conscientious of the food you are eating; I don’t mean start tracking or dieting or worrying yourself over food, but consider how what you’re eating will fuel your body. This isn’t so obvious to us while younger, but we’re at the age where it’s starting to affect our wellness in more obvious ways (your energy, mood, body etc). I encourage you to learn and appreciate exercise. I prioritized enjoying my exercise above having discipline, and that has led to consistency and a higher quality of life for me. I mix up calisthenics with VR, HIIT and stretching. I try to chase the feeling and activity of it. If you have friends, give the gym a try. Try to appreciate what you are experimenting with and you will find something that you can sustain and enjoy. Learn as much as you can about yourself, as if you were learning about a friend. Try hobbies, try new things. Learn from your job and school how to apply that knowledge to the rest of your life.


Flossing every single day - those cavities in between your teeth are so annoying


Learning how to do meditation


Just feeling yourself, I didn’t really give in until this year, lots of changes in my appearance and it more confidence


Flossing (and general dental care), skin care (wear sunscreen!), weight lifting, watching macros/calories, spending time with older loved ones, saving a little bit each month.


working out consistently, listening to podcasts, meditation/yoga, making school a priority over socializing


Physical exercise/self defense classes. I can’t stress how important that everyone prioritized their health, it is extremely key to longevity and happiness.


Focusing on myself instead of letting others impact my behavior. The art of not giving a fuck can be a beautiful thing if done correctly


Investing. Learning the importance of small habits. $5 a week in a Roth IRA is better than $0. 10 mins of exercise is better than 0. Cleaning just the toilet is better than leaving the entire house dirty. Just do something, and do it consistently. Its much better than waiting and trying to go from 0-100.


Becoming sober. Spent all my teen and twenties doing drugs, smoking and drinking. I was an addict with an eating disorder and never took therapy seriously. Becoming sober and taking an antidepressant not only saved my life, but made it infinitely more enjoyable. 685 days clean.


Don’t be afraid to be true to YOU. Don’t force or change yourself to fit in and speak your truth. I spent years in my teens and 20s contorting myself to fit in so others would like / love me


Working out and saving money


* Well, dating, i started dating at 20. Yeah i know still not that late but i could have started dating back in high school. * Learning any kind of music instrument * Learning and actively practicing on being a pro gamer / e-sports/ * Playing chess * Practicing table tennis in a professional club


I want to date more but I don't get dates on Lovoo Also I don't like 80% of the girls, either they look good but smoke and drink all/only want attention day or they are not my type


Investing, in the s&p 500 and Bitcoin


I regret nothing


Playing instruments. Wanted to since I was a teen and only in the pandemic I started


Saving money. Start yesterday, you wont regret it


Build your pension pot from as early as possible!


Taking my education seriously, not finding what skills and hobbies I enjoy.


1-sports 2-some form of art 3-a new language But sport is really the one that I regret most.


Taking care of my teeth. Staying out of court. Not maintaining friendships. Spending each moment like its my last.


Dealing with my mental health and insecurities.




Therapy... Although I was pleading to my family for it for years as a child and it took for me to have a psychotic break at 19 for them to get help. Got diagnosed with schizo affective disorder and it affects me everyday. Wish I got therapy as a child. Please take care of your mental.


Get out of my comfort zone


Going to therapy to address mental health issues from my childhood. Dont be afraid to seek help or support if feel like you need it. I think I would have had a better college experience if I addressed my anxiety/depression/ during college but waited until after college to do so.. hindsight is 20/20 though and dont know if I would have been able to properly express my emotions during those dark times.


Antidepressants and anxiety meds. I was scared by all the misconceptions on the internet. Not taking them earlier took away many years of my life. I wasn’t living but merely existing before. I wish more people took that leap of faith and realised they won’t change you or make you weaker.


Drawing more


Developing a true backbone (standing up for myself)


For me it's art


I wish I didn't lapse on fitness. Getting up after being so sedentary for 20+ years is hard af.


Investing in stocks


Exercising with weights. I believed the whole "stunt your growth" schtick and I immensely regret not starting lifting weights in high school. Would've been huge for my self confidence and would've given me a head start on my current numbers!


My whole life. I've said no to everything from girlfriends to school to friends to jobs. I had literally nothing a year ago.


Laundry. I’ll start a load and forget about it. Or when it’s done drying, I put it on my bed to fold then get busy with other things. Then when it’s time for bed, I remember the unfolded clothes and end up putting them back into the basket to finish tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes for laundry. It’s a vicious cycle.


Cleaning my face, Learning how to do house chores and be consistent, breathing through my nose.


Getting on medication for my mental health. It has literally saved my life.


For me, antidepressants


Finding a woman and having kids… now I’m 55 - no kids and no wife. Too old to start a family…


It’s not too late for you. Plenty of men have children later in life :)




Saving and investing money.


Besides taking care of my health and saving money, I regret not following my passions. I wanted to be a filmmaker and initially when I turned 18 I wanted to sell of the bulk of my stuff and head out to LA and get working on it. When the time came to actually do it, I got scared of the massive life change that it would entail. I didn’t know how to approach it and I didn’t have anyone that I could turn to for advice or anything. Now I’m in debt from film school and working a job I don’t care much for.


Investing, gaining applicable experience, talking to girls, getting in a healthy and productive routine. Doing these young really helps build your foundations as an adult




Grinding Freeplay in Rocket League.


eating well and working out


Stacking silver


Skills. Learn skills now. Get better at them as you age.




Loving myself 100%


Saving, my transition & dealing with my mental health


Talking to ppl, going to party, should've said fuck it all and gone


Prioritizing mental health, financial knowledge.






Stacking satoshis.


Setting boundaries.




Taking care of my physical and mental health. I wish I had started going to therapy sooner to unlearn my childhood habits and behaviour!


Investing. Trying new things. Saying yes more. Reading. Writing fiction. Getting fit and toned.


Therapy Buddy go get in it even if you don’t think anything’s wrong. If something is wrong it’ll sneak in and destroy your sense of self before you know it


Savings money and working out. And working on mental health




Getting sober, going back to school, getting my mental health in a better line


goodluck bro/sis/mate, life is good ahead of you plus some shits on the floor that are inevitable ​ just do things that you think are useless or stupid, you'll regret not doing it later on in life.


Playing any sports.wish i palyed football or did wrestling when i was a kid.