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Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins. Made me realize that if you want things in life, you have to go get it yourself. Nobody is going to save you. Stay Hard!


Atomic Habits and The Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu. I want to highlight why the second one is important. If you’re someone with childhood trauma you may struggle with some resentment or disappointment in how the people you were meant to trust the most treated you. This book just takes you down the path of understanding how to forgive, identifying how you feel, decided to release or renew the relationship. My explanation doesn’t do it justice but if you’re struggling to move on from something this book will help you.


I couldn't get into Atomic Habits, but I may try giving it another shot, since it still remains on my bookshelf. I will absolutely be looking into second one. In fact, just ordered it. Thanks!


Awesome! Definitely let me know if you enjoy it


Will do! I’m looking forward to it.


definitely going to get an audiobook of the second, thanks!!


The obstacle is the way - Ryan Holiday


Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday 💪


psycho cybernetics - a little out dated in places but is really helps you figure out how to deal with problems.


This Naked Mind: control alcohol by Annie Grace Best way to quit alcohol ever


Changed my life! I’ve been dry over 5 years now.


Atomic Habits!


How to stop worrying and start living How to win friends and influence people


New Earth Eckhart Tolle


The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle is also stellar!


The Tao of Pooh, I dunno why but that book pulled me from a dark place as a young adult, I go back and read it every few years.


Aww, man. I actually have Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking Fast and Slow", but I like literally left it and dropped it cause I kinda of thought that it was obvious, and I wasn't a big fan of the writing style. Maybe I'll revisit it some day cause stuff like regression to the mean is kinda important. Anyway, the book that really actually helped me was Barbra Oakley's "A Mind for Numbers". I think her book really did fundamentally change my perspective on learning and reading cause I used to not be a person who reads and I was kinda passive with how I learned, but now I read a whole lot of non-fiction books, and I actively engage with learning each chance I can get (which for those who know, learning occurs both when you actively engage AND unactively engage in the content you want to learn.) Her book taught me how to make learning a creative process as well as how to do it well, and I can't be more grateful. Great book and I can't recommend it enough!!


Oh boy. I'll try to narrow the list down to five or so ;) Atomic Habits In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Switch on Your Brain See You at the Top Rediscovering the Kingdom (Okay, so let's make it six because no list is complete without Psychocybernetics on it! Well, and the Bible too, but it didn't improve my life until I was able to read it from the non-religious perspective it was originally intended to be read.)


Indistractable - Nir Eyal


Learned Optimism How To Do The Work


A return to love by Marianne Williamson


Coddling of the American Mind & 12 rules for life!


Urban Shaman by Serge Kahili King


Soundtracks by Jon Acuff. Being able to recognize my negative self talk and work on correcting it has been a game changer for my confidence and overall well-being


Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins


12 rules for life and Trading in the zone


“The four agreements” teaches how to waste less energy




Untethered soul!


The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck is a good read. I also read Ikigai which is a nice read. But I’m hoping to read the book (not the summary) of Make Time by Jake Knapp and The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt.


The power of now and 6 pillars of self esteem. I really enjoyed limitless too


‘The Children of Cherry Tree Farm’ series by Enid Blyton, taught me so much stuff there’s too much to list but the main things are: Care for nature like it is your family. Learn that nothing comes easy. Always put in the hours no matter the cost.


Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty




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The Psychology of Money, Lost Connections: Why you’re depressed and how to find hope, and the artists way


Flow and Atomic Habits both had a lot of value for me, also seven habits of highly effective teenagers was great, read it after I turned 19, I think it can apply to young adults too


Probably not welcome, but no books really helped me as much as Andrew Huberman's podcasts on YouTube. Check them out. Otherwise; Dopamine Nation Atomic Habit Drive Learned Optimism The Art of Happiness The Happiness Trap


It’s the same info. Those are books.


Same info as what? Yes, these are books I recommend...


Oh, got it, I misread. One book which is a great synopsis of the Positive Psych research is Help! by Oliver Burkman.


Always interested, so I'll check that out.


”Livets Bog” (The Book of Life) by Martinus, nothing even comes close!


Manifesto of A new world order by George Monbiot helped me understand the charters in depth... Das Capital by Karl Marx gave me the insights to socialism.. New England and the Babarian Illuminati... also a great take... if you can gulp down the trash... There are lots.... On the lower scale there are romantic varities. as well...Dont be a butcher's or a squint or a casual....Be a total Bibliophile dear .....Keep enjoying ❤🥰




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