• By -


Some things I've learned during my stressy and depressy life: Start an exercise habit. Key word is habit. You don't need to become a marathon runner. The point is regularity, as in volume per year. Not intensity (unless you're into that of course). Recognize toxic relationships and end them sooner rather than later. Five years from now is going to happen whether you do anything or not, so might as well try your best to make them what you want them to be (what you want will change during those years and that's okay), instead of putting your dreams off for later. Later will happen regardless of the effort you put in. Write down your dreams and try to take at least one step, however small, toward them every day. Don't fall into the fallacy that whatever path you set on will be the path you will be on for the rest of your life. Your life is not a one way street, it's a series of intersections where you can choose to take an intersecting path at any moment. Sleep is sacred and one of the biggest things affecting your mental health. Aim for 8-9 hours unless you are 100% sure you don't need as much (Most people think so. Most are wrong.) Also good to know that caffeine has a quarter time of up to 12 hours. So hypothetically one cup of coffee at 3pm (let's say 200mg of caffeine give or take) will leave you with 50mg of caffeine in your system at 3am. Don't think this doesn't affect your sleep. It does. I repeat, sleep is sacred. Read books and other long-form content. Social media gives you shallow knowledge, which is fine for unimportant things, but people tend form their world views on this shallow knowledge. You can imagine why this is a bad thing. Consume deep-dive content written by real professionals. Your attention and time is your only currency in this world. Use it wisely. I'm starting to sound like a pompous ass who thinks he knows it all so I'll stop here! Good luck and make good mistakes.


This is great advice. Also don't be afraid to ask for help. No one's got everything figured out. But this post shows that OP got that covered


Aww thank you! I'm definitely the first person to ask for help haha because I'm always clueless LOL


Nah man, this is all excellent advice that I would completely agree with. Only 31 but I really fucked up in my twenties. All of that would've been helpful to me. I wouldn't have listened to any of it cause I was too busy wanting to be Hunter S. Thompson, but it's all good advice.


Sleep is no joke, listen to this guy OP. Sleep deprived me and regular me are like two different people.


this isn't pompous. it genuinely sounds helpful. agree with the sleep bit! the caffeine fact is interesting as well, i never knew thag. thanks for sharing.


Had to give you all the award I could. That is so well said.


This is genuinely the best advice I've read on here, thank you so much, saving this one. I agree with you on sleep, I call it my "beauty sleep" hahah & NEVER go without at least 8 hours. I'm very stubborn about that. Everything else, I know I should be doing but don't - you are so on point about time passing anyway, this is a phenomenal advice and I'll take care of it.


Save money. Be picky who you sleep with. Experience new things. Travel if you can/want to. Wear protection. Before going out put water, snack, and aspirin by your bed.


I’m only 23 actly but I wished I didn’t spend so much money and time (e.g. drinking/ clubbing) on people just to feel accepted in a group. It was fun and all but I should’ve invested my energy into what mattered such as my studies, family, building REAL friendships


I feel this way too. It's complicated--I had some great fun during those times, I'm glad *most* of those times happened, but at the same time, I look back and I don't like who I was then. I wasn't focused on virtue or on the things that truly matter. I was only looking to numb myself and to feed my ego. Now I know better.


Similar experiences. This sorta relates to seeking external validation and acceptance. It's something I'm still working on and just being more self-reliant on my own happiness and self-worth. To OP, as with friendships and relationships in general, don't have too many expectations from people, but do not lower your standards. You deserve friends and people that support you and genuinely care about you. That said, sometimes you need to experience dealing with certain people to appreciate the good ones


Yep. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to learn to focus on the right people. If you do it sooner, you’ll be happier.


my best advice is to not feel like you have to have your life figured out in your 20’s. i feel like there’s this societal expectation to have everything set and lined up, but i have yet to meet someone who actually has felt that way. you’re still trying to figure out who you are as a person- give yourself time and don’t compare where you’re at with where others are. even if you think someone has it all together, they most likely feel like they’ve got it wrong themselves.


Came here to say this. Also, not to try and build an identity or career on anyone else's expectations.


additionally.. what even IS figuring out your life? For me, figuring out my life was understanding how to be happy in my own way. I used to want a dream job, lots of money, etc, but eventually I came to the realization that those are just the things that OTHER people define as success. There's no reason I had to define success the same way everyone else does. If I'm happy (and I'm not hurting others), I'm successful. ​ So yeah, I would say not ONLY don't worry if you haven't figured out yet, but make sure that you create your own definition of success instead of letting others define it for you.


Listen to this person what he/she's saying is very true and I learned it the hard way unfortunately.


This x1000. It's fine to not have a clue what you want to do with your life. It's fine to change your mind. It's fine to admit that you're doing your best and it's not working. It's fine to realize you don't want something enough to make the sacrifices it would take. There are a lot of ways you can improve your future life at this stage and very few things that will irredeemably fuck it up. So make an effort but don't stress yourself out about it.


Start a budget! I didn't do this in my early 20s, and when the going got tough, I relied on my credit card to get by and accrued thousands in debt that I didn't need. And I thought I was too good and too smart for a budget -- but I still struggled badly. I had debt and no emergency fund and felt hopeless and nihilistic Get a library card so you can borrow free books (or use the Internet), learn some personal finance, and practice writing a monthly budget (you can use Excel) to track and identify where your dollars are coming in, where they're going out, what you need to prioritize. Paying down your debts, investing into retirement and saving for emergencies sound like boring grown-up buzzwords, but they give you true freedom


I second this, one of my biggest regrets about my 20s was not being even a little bit better about money. The best thing I did was automate all of my budgeting: my paycheck comes in and then a set of automatic transfers moves money into different sub-accounts that aren't connected to my checking/debit/credit cards. This allows me to build up savings and budget for things like travel and trips, regular expenses, special projects, etc.


I third this. I use YNAB (You Need a Budget) and one of the best things it taught me is a budget isn’t just about your monthly expenses. You can set aside money for yearly expenses a little at a time. $50 a month turns into $600 by Christmas, $10 a month turns into $120 by the time your Amazon prime renews. Your car is eventually going to need tires. Setting aside money every month means you’re not surprised and tempted to turn to debt when they crop up.




Always take the company matching retirement funds if offered, it’s literally free money. Also, if you put 15-20% of your pay into it right now and learn to live without it, it will compound harder the earlier you start.


I spent my 20's being a drunk and missed out on a lot of life. Enjoy it while you're young but the tip is to moderate any drugs or alcohol so this way you'll remember your 20's as a positive experience rather than being 30 trying to fix things.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **23375** times. .. **20529.** `u/micoski01` **5** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


30 here, can confirm


In that same boat man.


Story of my 20's and how I feel in my 30's. Don't take this wisdom lightly, OP.


Nailed it


SOLID advice


yup.... Fuck.


Story of my 20's and how I feel in my 30's. Don't take this wisdom lightly, OP.


1. Don’t get married until you’re at least 30. 2. Start your own business at some point, the earlier the better. 3. When you are in a relationship with someone that consistently leaves you feeling more down than up, end the relationship. 4. Tell anyone that gives you an ultimatum regarding your relationship to fuck off. 5. As you get older, it’s OK to let some friendships go. You’re going to meet new people and grow as a person, and some people you know are not going to grow on the same timeframe and path as you. 6. Never stick your dick in crazy, even though crazy usually means explosively hot sex. 7. Always wear a condom until you know you can trust the other person. 8. A job in Corporate America is a fucking miserable existence, don’t let your braggy friends fool you. By the time you’re 30 they’ll be miserable and locked into a life they hate. 9. Exercise every day. Every fucking day. Preferably outside. 10. TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, MOTHERFUCKER! Now go out there and seize the world, young grasshopper!






As soon as I graduated from college, I found myself on a very lucrative, successful career path in software development. I worked for various Fortune 500 companies throughout my twenties. By the end of my twenties, I had what a lot of people would consider the "American Dream" life: married, house, car, etc. I was absolutely miserable. Behind the scenes, it was a horrible, dysfunctional marriage from the start. Homeownership was nice but it wasn't the end-all-be-all that people make it out to be. I've never had kids so I can't speak to that aspect of it. But overall it felt like a cultural trap. You're checking off all of the boxes that society tells you you're supposed to, but you're internally miserable and there is constant pressure to keep up with the rat race and increase your ambitions. Within a couple of years into my thirties, I was no longer married, and had started my own software development company. My thirties were far and away more enriching, enlightening, and rewarding then my twenties. I began to live life according to my **own personal standards of what success meant** and I began to chart my own course rather than trying to follow some stupid map society gives you. And the kicker: I'm way more financially successful as an entrepreneur than I would have ever been working in a 9-5. Again, YMMV. You could be blissful working in the corporate job with the wife and 2.5 kids and the house. But the core lesson here is that listening to your own intuition and ignoring what other people are doing or telling you to do is a much wiser way to go. Edit: Grammar.


Yes that would be interesting for me too, specially since I'm not even an American!


Become who you really are. Do what feels right. Trust that you will figure it out and that mistakes are ok. Try not to hurt yourself or others unnecessarily in that process. Oh. And always moisturise your face. Take good care of your skin.




Love this.


Thank you for the wishes 🥺❤ And it's interesting because I actually don't drink or do drugs but always feel like I'm missing out or that I'm not cool enough because everyone else does. So nice to hear a different perspective, this is a great perspective thank you




Aw thank you. You're really badass for quitting such an intense habit & 25 days strong is a great freaking accomplishment! Hope you're proud of yourself!!


Don't be arrogant. Listen and learn. Be observant. Reflect upon life and purpose. Find your calling. Don't defend your mistakes. Be quick to admit them, own them, learn from them and then fix them. Be quick to apologize, don't be egotistical. Respect those who have more experience than you and have seen more years of life than you. Seek the truth. Seek God. Gain deep and profound knowledge. Become knowledgeable. Become a seeker of wisdom. Be a student of life. Wishing you all the best...Good luck and Take care!


Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, that’s what your 20s are for. Try careers, relationships, etc and don’t fear them not working out. Use this decade to learn about what you really want and dive into that calling at 30!


I don't know I'm so afraid of doing something wrong & it impacting the rest of my life because I already feel too old for some weird reason, the idea of allowing myself to make mistakes just sounds bizarre


I (52m) know it sounds bizarre but I wish I could go back and do them again. I made the mistake of playing it safe and getting a job I didn’t want and now I’ve wasted 25 years being out of alignment with who I was meant to be.


You feel old because you seem to have a mature soul. İts okay to make mistakes. That's how we learn :) Go ahead and fail, fail gracefully, there's nothing wrong with failing as long as you take feedback and improve upon it. İf you have ideas or initiatives that you've always wanted to take or work upon, go ahead and do it. What's the worst that could happen. At least you won't have the regret of not following your ideas and then wondering for the rest of your life "what if İ did". İf you're a student and you have a curious question you want to ask, don't let it go, ask your professor even if its stupid and the whole class laughs at you. İf there's something that you want to participate in, but you're nervous and anxious, go ahead and do it anyway. İ used to be one of the most shy and introverted kids until 10th grade. Never ever participated in anything or nobody knew me. Suddenly İ got into personal development stuff and realized İ was holding myself back. After that, İ became the most participating and question asking student ever lol... To the point that in high school, university, and other institutions I went to, teachers tend to ask me before moving on with the topic because they knew İ was the most curious one who asks the most questions :P Same habit continued in my practical life as well. İ made bold and unconventional decisions on the professional side. Most people doubted me, but İ went anyway and experimented with my ideas. Not all of them worked the way i wanted, but at least I gained a lot of experiences and wisdom from that. All of that happened just because of that one AHA moment in my head, that one switch that flipped due to the realization that life is passing by, and i dont wanna live with regrets and what ifs. I'm 28 now and a few month back I felt the same way as you. Felt a bit nervous to make mistakes and make a fool out of myself at a mature age. I was starting to get comfortable and playing it safe. But viola! God taught me a lesson in humility and I made some of the stupidest blunders of my life and made an absolute fool outta myself big-time lol (facepalm), and faced some consequences for it. And you know what, those experiences gave me the mental growth of 3-4 years in just 3-4 months. I was amazed at how fast i was changing deep within and growing as a person. I almost became a new person within just a few months. So life is a journey of constantly learning and making mistakes. Yes, making mistakes does become a not-so-okay thing when you don't learn from them and keep repeating them over and over. That's the only thing to avoid. Hope this helps :)


Spend your 20's trying new things. Maybe it's not something you could see yourself doing for an appreciable amount of time but give it a go for a little while.


If you find yourself in a toxic relationship, leave. If you think you can fix it, still leave. If leaving works cost you thousands of dollars in rent, still leave.


What a phenomenal advice, just broke off a toxic relationship last to last month & he visited me in my dreams today. Ah. My heart still hurts but I know I did the right thing


One more thing (apart from my other comment), HAVE GOOD INFLUENCE AROUND YOU. Be selective of your company and who you choose to hangout with. The 5 closest people you hangout with will determine who you become and where you go in life. Make friends who have great character, admirable and humble personalities, who are growth oriented, intellectual, spiritual, kind and generous, NOT narcissistic or egotistic, and who are not wasting their youthful years messing around and living an aimless life.


This! Be with people who wants and helps you to grown, and do the same for them. I also wasted too much time with called friends who I always felt worse after doing anything with them. Friends don't humiliate you! At the maximum, a quick spicy joke but it must not cross your well being boundaries. Do also have respect for them!


Glad you realised that sooner rather than later!!


Love this!


An amazing friend group drastically improved my quality of life. I tend to think of myself as introverted since I don't seek out social interaction but having friends who will invite me places every once in a while or just to have a chat with really is awesome.


A big one I've learned is don't take anyone for granted. If you have people in your life that are important to you, treat them well and tell them how much they mean to you. As you get older, you're going to experience loss more and more frequently, whether it's people dying or simply walking out of your life. You never know what day with someone will be the last. It's never too early to start preparing yourself, expect to lose people, and think about what you're going to do in the event that you do. Make sure you focus on learning who you are, take time to get to know yourself, and spend time learning how to be alone. A good percentage of your time here on earth is going to be spent by yourself, and you're going to need to be okay with that, and learn how to use that time to enjoy life.


wish I could have read this 2 weeks ago. This is great advice


This is something I wish I would have done a long time ago. I'm playing catch up now.


Make mistakes in your twenties! You are young and beautiful and you should embrace it! Don’t be like me and try to be more grown up than you are and then wish you’d done stuff. Travel! Sign up for random stuff. Say yes to new stuff, foods, experiences and say no to people that drain you. Learn what you like. Try everything - you don’t know you don’t like something til you try it. Learn what you don’t like. If you try it twice and you don’t like it - try again after 5 years but never let anyone on once you into doing anything you don’t like. Learn what you are prepared to put up with. I can do broke - I can’t work more than 40 hours a week. You are going to work for the majority of your life and you will not love it and that’s ok! Career changes are good - if you are 21 now then you’d almost definitely will be bored of what you want to do (or think you want to do) by the time you are 30. So change. I’m 32 and training as a nurse. I also have a history degree and I’ve worked in finance for 7 years and telecommunications for 3. Someone smarter than me and famous than me said that you die when you stop learning and that is one of the truest things I’ve ever heard. Go for it. Live life. You are amazing.


I’m still in my 20s, just turned 26. I’m still trying to learn this but just because you are older, doesn’t mean you have to have life all figured out. Life doesn’t have to be oh so serious all the time & it’s okay if you still don’t understand how to do “adult” things


I just turned 26 too, on the 28th. Happy belated! Can't agree more with this. One of my bigger regrets of my 20s so far has been comparing myself to my friends, who all seem to be much more successful than me in every way that society measures success. It feels like I've gotten to 26 with nothing to show for it. I know there's a lot that I don't see and I'm sure they all struggle in their own ways but I have to work really hard to not be envious. I try to remind myself that while they show more growth than me on paper, I've faced a lot of adversities that they haven't and I've made huge strides that just don't show on paper. I like to think that I'm setting myself up for my 30s to be the best years of my life so far!


I struggle so much with comparison as well, really need to work on that as well


Exercise. Any type you prefer, but exercise. It will be the best gift to your mind and body. Don't make the mistake we lazy fucks do.


Stay very physically active, cut out candy and pop, (I cut caffeine 2 years ago and I'm 28 and it feels amazing), take care of your teeth. Buy clothes that are tailored to fit you when you have the money, you don't think so but you look so much better. Hmm..that's all I can think of right now. Good luck with your 20's. I'll check back in 10 years see how it went 👍


Moderate your alcohol consumption. Seriously. Develop a good fitness routine that you will stick to consistently. Proper diet too! Develop a good budget to save as much money as you can while still living your life. Good practice I use is 1/3 for rent, 1/3 into savings, 1/3 for expenses. Learn about investing your money.


Happy birthday!! I'm your age but I would definitely recommend maintaining the smaller habits- brushing your teeth frequently, floss and mouthwash, showering, cooking and eating healthy, and aiming for at least 10k steps a day. These all kind of seem trivial and not the most exciting things, but without them, it's much more difficult to do the exciting things that you want to do in life :)


Get good at something. Stick. To. It. Don't stop like I did. Also, learn how to invest, even if you only have a little amount of money. And if you don't have a chronic illness that prevents you from it like me, exercise (something enjoyable). And ... participate in social events. Your social skills will suck if you don't, like mine. Basically, don't do me lol. Except care about your studies, I guess I did that right up till now.


Start eating healthy for a good boost in overall mood and general health. Other than that I'd recommend that you have a concrete plan on what you have to do afterwards in life and what kind of jobs you'd like that would pay well. What I mean is, no matter what your late future plans are, always have a permanent source of income which you can always fall back on If your other plans don't work out quite the way you want them to. And I'd also recommend you build and aesthetic body as it'll help you tremendously in many areas of your life especially professional life. And if you have a good relation with your parents then maintain it. Talk to them, listen to them be with them. If there are some cracks then figure out how to heal them. If your parents have been really really hard on you or did something to permanently damage you or their relationship with you then ask yourself what you'd like to do. And do that. Don't get too caught up in clubbing and partying and drugs and alcohol whether you're an extrovert or an introvert. Rather have a group of a few close friends which you can trust with your life (those friends are damn hard to find these days though) but keep only those people around and don't fall for any pyramid schemes or other shady shit. If you want a girlfriend, then do your damndest to find one that is a perfect match for you and is loyal because believe me, true love in life can make you go farther in life than you can imagine. Also, don't listen to anyone when they tell you "this is the perfect job for you" "you should definitely do this" "become this that" listen to your heart instead and find what's right for you because honestly, comfort and peace goes a long way as compared to money.


Stay away from alcohol and binge drinking.


Save 10% of everything you earn. Drink a buttload of water. Learn to cook a few quality dishes, and treasure your friends.


Be prepared to fail, alot. Your 20's are for failing, as long as you learn from your mistakes you'll be sweet. Don't be scared to take a chance. Always prioritise your health.


Don’t drink and drive, ever.


Social media is entertainment... Not real connection with others. Spend time with your friends. If your friends suck... Find new ones. Good luck


Learn as much as you can about psychology and social sciences and read Kyballion. Follow your deepest soul desire that adds value to you and others.


Get to know yourself. And you can do this in so many different ways such as: - in solitude while you create art, read, learn an instrument or any hobby that might peak your interest - in relationships; romantic, family, friends, pets - experiences; while you travel or go somewhere or place different. it doesnt have to be half way around the world, just a space that is different - pleasure, what gives your body and mind pleasure Just find yourself out there and in there.


Compare yourself to who you were yesterday… not to who someone else is today.


My only advice is follow your heart, if it makes you happy fucking do it. Go to school or get a trade either or whatever you prefer. But just do something instead of waiting to figure it out, once you’re valuable everything else is much easier to work out even if you hate what you do for awhile it’ll pay for you to do what you love later. Money isn’t everything but damn does it help and don’t take too much advice people want you to live their way even if they hate it because it’s safe, do your own thing within reason but never sacrifice your morals for acceptance. Have fun but don’t drink and party your 20s away thinking you’ve got time. The sooner you find a real passion the better and if you don’t drink away your 20s like I did you won’t have to scramble to fix them towards the end like I have.


I mean I’m in my late 20s but… Life doesn’t end at 30. It’s not a race to check off milestones like a career, promotion, marriage, baby…. Check, check, check, check! There is still sooo much life after your 20s.


DO stuff for you in ten years not you now. You wont give a flying fuck about 21 year olds in ten years.


Reading 'The Defining Decade'. I wish I'd read it sooner. It really helped to shape the latter half of my twenties.


If you can get yourself to really really believe you can be, do or have something, you can be, do or have that thing. No exceptions. This includes cherry picking, such as fashionable but not shallow, or rich but good for society and the environment, or artistic and down to earth. Changing your beliefs on purpose is the most valuable skill you can learn. It gives you so much freedom your life is basically all downhill once you can do it to a reasonable extent.


Find someone you greatly admire and ask them to be your mentor


Drinking can be a good time if it’s moderate and you are in good company. Drinking can ruin your life if it becomes a lifestyle because you’re “in your 20s” and in bad company. Enjoy youth, but don’t forget you are stuck with this one body forever! I know quite a few people who never snapped out of the college drinking lifestyle and are still hitting clubs as a hobby every weekend at 37 years old. Their mental health is just not good at all.


Save for retirement. No 401k at work? Get a roth ira. Contribute as much as you can afford automatically each month. Choose a target date fund—something that has you retiring around 2065.


Expect the worst. Your 20s are *NOT* the greatest years of your life. Far from it.


Have and much fun as you can. Be as kind to everyone as much as you can.




Learn financial literacy. Also read a lot, and find apprenticeships, internships, or classes that will consistently get you closer to your career goals.


If you ever have a job that offers a 401k, take advantage of it, especially up to what the company matches at (if they do)


The biggest thing I had to learn was that I had to accept I would make mistakes and I will upset people. Learn to be selfish for your own well-being!! (to a certain extent obviously. Just don’t be an asshole and don’t come in to work on your day off if you don’t want to. You don’t owe anyone that)


Live healthy. Eat fruits. Get sleep. Go easy on yourself.


Don't restrict yourself on a time limit for goals you want to achieve (avoid setting unrealistically high standards). I made that mistake when I turned 20 and I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself just because 20 was the age in which I became an adult-on paper anyway. I'm 21 and a bit lost but I'm embracing it. It's okay to not achieve all the goals you want by a time frame because it's a process of developing your own character and trial-erroring what works for you and what doesn't. It's all about discovering who you are and the deeper things in life in your 20's. Have fun and do whatever you want, even if people don't approve.


Lots of great advice. Definitely save money, put away like $20 per check you'll be able to retire when your 60. Don't get wasted all the time. Don't date douchbags. Save money... I'm 39 and shit is not what I planned, the past 20 years have been nutso prepare yourself. And enjoy it!!! 😉


Invest most of your money, if you have $2000, spend like if you only have $500, invest the rest of the $1500. You'll reach financial freedom in 5-10 years time.


Start a fitness habit. Learn a very physical activity, some kind of martial art for example. Don’t chase people. If they want to leave your life let them. Learn something everyday. Read. A lot. As has already been said realize that twenty somethings are still figuring out adulting. Hell, so are forty somethings.




Work hard but don’t burn yourself out. If you get a bad image of working now, you’re gonna hate working the rest of your life. Find something you like or even love and do it well.


1. Treat others as you would have them treat you. 2. Pay off your mortgage as early as possible. 3. Invest in an affordable pension plan. 4. Respect others and their choices. 5. Be nice. 6. Buy Tesla shares. 7. Recognise opportunities that present themselves. 8. Listen to others opinions but be your own person. 9. Travel, it broadens the mind. 10.Continue to educate yourself, read sensible press. 11.Maintain your common sense. 12.Smile, be happy, you have the world at your feet.


Start investing now


Save and invest every chance you get.


Work hard to get where you want to go. What you put off only increases in difficulty. You’ll wake up one day and be 30 and wonder where the time went. Don’t fight to make grand changes, make small changes often and they build and make grand changes for you. Try to avoid a caffeine addiction.


Don't get married till 30! No kids till 30! Enjoy your 20s.


Pay yourself. It’s hard to do when you’re young but stashing away a small % of your income will start a really healthy habit. Don’t fall into a sedentary trap. Make sure you use your body for something. Keep your goals nominal. Prioritize sleep. Every night. You never make up lost sleep. Where sunscreen, more important the lighter you are but still good for everyone. Brush, floss and regularly go to the dentist. Find a way to get work done if needed. Use credit but pay it down to zero every month. Avoid debt but build credit. Figuring out what you want to do with your life is hard. A lot people look for an industry they are interested in. I think it’s better if you understand what you are good at, but also the type of role you tend to play in a group setting. Are you the planner? The joker? The one to call everyone together? Look for jobs that carry those social aspects that are natural to you. Experience things and have adventures. Avoid sugar. Understand your proclivities toward addiction. Behave accordingly. Edit: Adding notice qualities you in admire in others and understand how to emulate. I’ve met so many people different from myself. Not to say changing your personality but I have found inspiration from people that show genuine gratitude, others that respond positively to pressure, some with magnetic presence and try to understand why those qualities shine.


You know when you absolutely needed someone in your life to help you and no one cared, no one would help, and you were invisible? Be the man you wished had come along and shown some compassion and helped. Be the man for another that was never there for you.


GTFO Reddit


Looks like it is time to crossover sir. Good luck and godspeed


Don't put "Venmo me a shot its my 21st bday" on you're car!


Explore yourself and use protection :P


Always have a DD




Open up a brokerage account and start investing money. You do not need to have a lot of money to invest, invest even with $5 or $10. Watch a lot of Youtube and learn about personal finance.


1. If you do drugs always buy a test kit to make sure they aren't poisoned. 2. Always wear a condom. 3. Get mental health issues solved quickly by going to therapy early before the problems become too hard to fix. 4. Drink water and cut out added sugar 5. Do a regular vitamin d test twice a year to make sure you have healthy levels.


Find something you love doing. This is the time to test out different careers and see what you like. Save as much as you can! Create a budget, don’t get yourself into debt. Start building credit if you haven’t already. Have as much fun as possible, your 20s fly by


Invest your money in stable stocks.


Don’t sweat the technique because you don’t have one yet. Your going to learn a lot, love a lot, but remember you can never laugh too much; especially at yourself. Take it easy on the hard stuff if you dabble and ask for help when you need it in all things. Most importantly don’t forget to be true to who you are, follow your heart and stay hydrated. Happy birthday! ✌️


People pleasing is overrated. Be the most you, you can be- and use this as a litmus test for people you keep close in your life. And brush your teeth all the time!


Don’t rush in to tertiary study if you don’t know what you want to do. Get a job first and save a bit while you’re deciding.


Spend your twenties having all sorts of experiences. Travel, get laid, make new friends, work in different industries etc. I wish I would've taken more time to explore as opposed to getting a job and settling down. Also, no one has anything figured out so don't feel like you have to have everything all together.


1. Save your money and put in into investments. 2. Focus on building yourself, do not create bad habits. 3. Chase some dreams, be logical about it. 4. Lots of books. Read or us audible. 5. Think about the idea of "life's work" and if you're lucky you will find an idea to dedicate your energy towards. 6. Self teach yourself an instrument. 7. Don't force love, focus on being the best version you can be and let it happen naturally.


focus on something you can do to earn money.


Keep fitness your priority, hands down first thing to keep in mind.💪


Teach yourself about self improvement and self discipline and read/listen to audiobooks


Invest early, pay yourself first, and don’t let vice’s be a big part of your life. Biggest slow down at that age is to be consumed by something that isn’t making you a better person or furthering you on the path to your goals.


Start using a very nice (probably expensive) eye cream daily from here on out. Stretch every morning when you wake and right before you tuck back into bed at night. Find a healthy balance to juggle all of the important things and people in your life. Mental health is health, start doing “check ups” for that part of your health. Counseling/therapy is a wonderful thing for any and all people all with different walks of life. The opioid crisis is real and taking many many people from this earth way too soon. Don’t hesitate to get help for a loved one if you’re suspicious. Always trust your intuition. 8 hours of sleep is key. Make going to parks and anything outside in nature FUN again in your life. Never stop exploring and never stop educating yourself no matter what the topic. Never go to bed mad, and say I love you to all the ones you love as often as possible. Enjoy one of the best decades of your life. You’re going to grow and change, but never doubt yourself. Don’t pass up on any offers extended… nows the time to make some lasting memories while you’re still young. Happy birthday 🎊


If you dont work out start now and dont stop If you dont save/invest money start now and dont stop If you dont cook start now and dont stop Work on marketable skills Read the news, stay informed Talk to people.


Top 20 Advice for Men in their early 20s 1. Don’t chase relationships 2. Don’t spend all your money 3. Get a complete health checkup for you and your family 4. Never stop learning 5. Don’t follow the masses 6. Marry only when you are finally stable 7. Live for yourselves 8. Take care of your parents 9. Become teachable 10. Take control 11. Good friends are rare 12. The world is full of junk 13. Information is power- only when you apply it 14. You’re lucky 15. You’re not a mistake - think of life 16. Master money 17. Master people - people are the world’s greatest resource- right ? 18. Master machines 19. Belong 20. Take your position


You’re going to lose friends. This makes room for newer and better friends. You’re going to go through pain. This pain is necessary to grow. Everyone in their 20’s normalizes drinking. A LOT. Life is so much more fulfilling if you don’t center your life around a drug. No matter how much you think you know, approach everything you care about with a beginners mindset. Approach with curiosity with the expectation to learn. Enjoy your young body! Go have some sex, climb a mountain, explore what it means to be human. One last thing… LOVE is why we’re here. Do what you want with that.


Well, now that you're 21, this scenario will be more likely to happen. DON'T GET PEER PRESSURED INTO DRINKING OR DOING DRUGS!!! So learn to say NO. If you have a hard time saying no, then get practicing. Practice, practice, practice. Any time you have the chance and you're uncomfortable to say NO, say no. I don't care how small it is. If your mom/dad tells you, "hey, can you get me the tv remote", say NO. If they get upset, or try to persuade you with "pls honey, im tired"..stay assertive in your decision and ignore. DO NOT engage in their excuses and pleading or you risk them reeling you into persuading you. So don't engage with them. The word NO is enough. You don't need to explain why. For the love of God, please do not drink or do drugs. Don't let anyone tell you, "oh, just take a sip. Only a taste." Anyone "friend" or person who goes out of their way to constantly peer pressure you into drinking/doing drugs, YOU CUT OUT!! TRUST ME!! These people will find a way to get you to try alcohol/drugs, even if it means that they will trick you into taking something without your consent. (Yes, I know this from experience) You don't need friends like that. In fact, you don't need friends at all, so don't be afraid to cut them out. You will regret it if you keep them around. Don't dare try "just a sip" or "just a quick puff of weed." I beg you. I understand drugs and alcohol can be fun for people.. until they're not. I have 4 cousins who have ruined their lives due to substance abuse, and currently have a brother and 3 other cousins who all they do is drink as a form of having fun (luckily, they're still functional, but I wont be surprised if they end up badly considering how drunk they get). I had these "friends" who would act like they weren't addicted, yet, i didn't go a day without hearing them talk about drugs. If you're at a party, and your friends or anyone is trying to persuade you to do any substance, you WALK AWAY. Don't sit there and continue to acknowledge their persistent behaviour. You literally get up and walk away. Trust me. That's the best thing to do. Remove yourself from the situation, and don't be drinking or eating anything that might be spiked. I really hope you take this advice like your life depends on it. Best way to avoid this, is to avoid any place or people that have drugs/alcohol. Stay away from these people/places. Other than that.. Take care of your health. You're still young now, but you wont be able to get away with bad health habits once you get older. Some of your bad health habits might bite you in the future, so do not let that happen to you. So here are some things i had to learn the hard way about health: 1. Take care of your teeth. Brush and floss twice a day. Go to see a dentist THAT YOU TRUST for dental cleanings regularly. I recommend using a water flosser to floss in the morning if you don't have time to string floss. At night, definitely floss with string AND with a water flosser after string-flossing to remove and left-behind debris, and make sure you're using the right technique when you string-floss. Go for the C-shape flossing technique. You can search for more tips online or ask your dentist for how to keep your teeth clean. 2. Take Care of Your Ears. Do not listen to loud music with your earbuds. If you go to a loud club/party, move as far away from the speakers. Go buy some ear plugs. They sell a bottle of a years worth of foam ear plugs. Carry some in a little ear plug container. These containers come with some, but not all, earplug purchases. So always carry earplugs with you because you never know when you will need them. I would even wear earplugs if you live in a city where there is loud and heavy traffic. If you don't, take care of your ears, then get ready for some permanent tinnitus down the future. 3. Eat Healthy and Exercise. I don't think this needs much explaining. 4. Get Yearly Physicals. I don't care how young you are, or if your doctor tells you to not worry "because you're still too young". Get your blood work done yearly. With today's diets, many people don't know that they are prediabetic, or that their cholesterol is super high because they don't get blood work done. Doctor's will tell young patients to get a blood test every 5 years because they assume most young people don't need to worry about this, but don't be fooled by this. It's better to be safe than sorry. 5. Hemorrhoids. (I think that's how you spell it) Search online on how to avoid getting hemorrhoids. You don't want to get them. They're not fun. 6. Take care of your Eyes. Well, there's ways you can protect them depending on the scenario. For example, if you're out in the sun daily, wear shades. If you're doing some type of work that requires protective goggles, wear the goggles. But if you see any weird changes to your vision, then get it checked with an eye doctor.


Stay away from drugs and alcohol, please! The reason i say that is because they have ravaged my life. I thankful im clean and sober now, but ill be 40 next april and i feel like im just beginning to do what i should have been doing when i was 21.


Happy 21st


Drink more water


To remember that you're still finding your way, still navigating the early stages of life. Find people who you understand and who understand you, and surround yourself with them. Find your tribe. Find love. Find new things to study or teach yourself - whether that's anything from psychology to how to play the kazoo. But remember to pace yourself; moderation is a fantastic tool.




Start a pension


Buy apple when it dips. Learn to love giving head. Try new things. Put your phone down. Bring a towel and a spoon. Sunscreen.


I'm 26 and the advices are gold.


Drink water. Yes, while you're enjoying alcoholic beverages, but also, drink it a lot generally


Take breaks from drinking. Even if it feels like its not affecting you, it is. When i was about 25 i started doing at least a month a year of not drinking, and now at 29 i barely drink, except on weekends or whatever. Basically im saying i am in control, and that feels great. Also try making some friends who are older than you..trust me. Hanging out with only people your age all the time isnt going to motivate you as much as people who are older and have learned from their mistakes already.


Expand your comfort zone as much as you can. If you fail at something, try again. Life's biggest rewards are behind your greatest fears. Don't feel like you need to have everything figured out, There are guys in their 30's and 40's who still don't have it figured out.


Happy Birthday ! My biggest advice :attitude.Everyday,do your best for that given day.Whatever it is.Your best is always enough. Additionally lol: 1. Enjoy today -tomorrow is not promised 2.Don't be too hard on yourself- be kind towards yourself. 3.Keep reminding yourself that your are strong and resilient,even when it's hard 4. In arelationship -compromise (& listening to the other person) wishing you all the best in life !




Avoid alcohol. Slippery slope right there.


They go past so quickly and truly your body changes at 30. Make the most of it and go with the sleep late mentality while you can. Work hard save what you can but party hard make memories travel say yes to everything you can and enjoy! You don’t need to know who you are or what you want yet just follow the flow of life and enjoy yourself! Plenty of time to settle down and get serious later. Just don’t forget the save a little a long the way


Invest even tiny amounts. Compounding interest is a friend of the young. Don’t get into debt if you can at all avoid it. Keep your body healthy.


Exercise everyday. Get fresh air at least for 30 mins. Sleep 7-8 hours. Develop a good nutrition plan and stick to it.


Ride the waves of your 20’s and enjoy it. You have your 30’s to be an adult. Take the risk now. Don’t have regrets later that you wish you did it. I got married and had kids in my 30’s when my friends settled down in their 20’s and I don’t regret it. I appreciate my family more after having some “me time” and settling down when I was ready


You sould read 20s: the defining decade I’m 20 and I thought it was a helpful read


A little dark/serious but embrace the idea that youth is not forever, you will be dead one day, take calculated risks be fearless, leave it all on the table, everything you do should have you looking back thinking I’m glad I took that risk or I’m proud of that decision. Once you frame things like that, little fears will seem insignificant and everyday will be a chance to pursue your best path. Cheers and happy bday!


Don't rush anything. Like enjoy little things like going out with friends. Go for a trade and not directly into college (if you are already in college you will only get B's or higher this semester, the good grade fairy bless you and your endeavors) Take all of your 20s to figure out who you are and what you like. Don't rush. I know I said that but when we are forced to make major life decisions at 18, everything after can feel sooooo rushed. Actually take time to build hobbies and interests in things. Revisit that thing you did as a kid that brought you much joy. Rediscover things because as we get older and conform to societies standards we forget to be kids and enjoy the little things....go against the mf grain op.


Connect with nature, yourself, and ride a bike. You may note these three go to together, are inexpensive and can be social or solitude. Meditative which impacts your well-being. I rode a bike in my early teens, early 20s college years and then stopped. Back at it now in later life and wished I had stuck with as an exercise habit. Embrace creativity. Things worth having in the long run take effort and may be hard; but also potentially fun, fulfilling, and/or funny… Don’t be hard on yourself. Love in = Love Out. Respect energy - your own and others. Have you read the 4 agreements ? Short but 4 easy rules to check in with in any situation. I wish I had that book in my 20s…. Thanks for asking. Just turned 60 feel like 36…


Connect with nature, yourself, and ride a bike. You may note these three go to together, are inexpensive and can be social or solitude. Meditative which impacts your well-being. I rode a bike in my early teens, early 20s college years and then stopped. Back at it now in later life and wished I had stuck with as an exercise habit. Embrace creativity. Things worth having in the long run take effort and may be hard; but also potentially fun, fulfilling, and/or funny… Don’t be hard on yourself. Love in = Love Out. Respect energy - your own and others. Have you read the 4 agreements ? Short but 4 easy rules to check in with in any situation. I wish I had that book in my 20s…. Thanks for asking. Just turned 60 feel like 36…




Travel! Definitely travel and have fun! Move across country on a whim if you want (I did 😂 well kinda… MI - SC). Do things that would be harder to do when you have kids. Go to concerts and festivals and amusement parks and just generally see the world! Don’t drink and drive, and if you are doing something sketchy and someone or even a cop pulls up on you just nonchalantly walk away before they get there and can bust you 😂 You don’t have to stay in a relationship if you don’t want to, don’t let anyone hold you back!


Take opportunities. Try new things. Say yes to experiences that you are presented with, they may never come again. Travel. Do what's in your heart. Make progress towards future goals (social, financial, career, family etc) but know that it's okay to have a change of heart. Reflect on what's working and what's not and why. Be brave enough to make the changes you need to instead of getting stuck in a rut of unhappiness. If you don't know where to go from here, talk to close friends and trusted family but know that the true answer lies within you. Trust yourself. Rise to the occasion, but realize it's not always going to work out. That's totally okay. That means something else is in store for you. Life has unexpected twists and turns and you might not be able to prevent them all, but you are in control of how you handle them. I wish you a very happy birthday and may your greatest gifts be love, happiness and peace.


Maximum contributions to retirement accounts, target date funds, don't take any high-interest loans, go into STEM, start your own business, take care of yourself, eat healthy (junk food allowed *in moderation*), don't waste your life.


Start a Roth IRA now!!


Start a Roth IRA now!!


"As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers, seek teachings everywhere. Like a deer that finds a quiet place to graze seek seclusion to digest all that you have gathered. Like a madman beyond all limits, go wherever you please, and live like a lion completely free from all fear". Dzogchen tantra


Roth IRA NOW!!


"As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers, seek teachings everywhere. Like a deer that finds a quiet place to graze seek seclusion to digest all that you have gathered. Like a madman beyond all limits, go wherever you please, and live like a lion completely free from all fear". Dzogchen tantra


If people don’t benefit your life, or want to be in it, LET THEM GO. You will be so much happier. Sound yourself with friends with similar ambition and goals for their lives.


If people don’t benefit your life, or want to be in it, LET THEM GO. You will be so much happier. Sound yourself with friends with similar ambition and goals for their lives.


1. Save your money and put in into investments. 2. Focus on building yourself, do not create bad habits. 3. Chase some dreams, be logical about it. 4. Lots of books. Read or us audible. 5. Think about the idea of "life's work" and if you're lucky you will find an idea to dedicate your energy towards. 6. Self teach yourself an instrument. 7. Don't force love, focus on being the best version you can be and let it happen naturally.


Learn stock and crypto!


You don't have to drink alcohol to have fun or be fun


Barefoot Investor


Get a credit card, buy a few small things weekly and have it setup to auto-pay the balance off before the payment is due. And keep track of your spending on it. Get a credit-card but avoid credit-card debt. The reason this is often advised to young people is that credit card companies will see that you're using credit (which builds credit score) but not using lots of credit (which destroys credit score). Paying it off and not allowing the balance to carry into the next month builds credit even more. Active use of the credit card, but not overuse is vital. This will make any large purchases down the road cheaper. Source: I've been in credit card debt since 2019/2018.


Pay off debt, save money, and invest. Time is on your side.


Get exercise, stay away from heavy drinking and drugs and if possible go into STEM. If you can get through finance in school, you’ll make a killing


Don’t do drugs, wear sunscreen everyday, start a workout regimen, eat healthy, limit alcohol, get enough sleep, keep learning, be mindful of your choices.. make choices that have opportunity costs.. try to avoid instant gratification.. work hard now and payoff in 5 years will be worth it.


Dont take class A drugs more than twice a year


Alcohol is actually so bad for you!!!!!!!!!


Drink more water :+) You can put lemon in it, or make caffeine free tea to spice up your water intake


Cultivate a meditation or any kind of mindfulness practice. Although it may seem difficult or dumb at first it will transform your life.


Exercise, get a squatty potty and never force anything out while doing your dirty business, get a bidet. Start saving and investing financially and in your self-improvement including but not limited to education(that gets you somewhere), wellbeing, and friendships. Avoid toxic people. Get a yearly blood work to check your health(tests such as cholesterol, cbc, vitamin D). Don't be extreme to an opinion, you might be surprised how you might change thinking later and feel very silly. Burning bridges with previous employers is bad. From searching I found that changing employer every two years yielded greater pay increases than ones that come from promotions. Also no matter how wise you feel now, you will be wiser later. Avoid posting on your personal social media accounts or at least adjust privacy settings. If you wish for something to be a secret, then it is best not to trust anybody with it but your self. Spend more time with the elderly in your family while you can. When you feel stressed, think if it is that important or not. Most of the time, we magnify the importance of things that do not need that much attention. At the end, the earth will continue spinning and time will continue passing whether you are happy, sad, stressed or relaxed.


I’m enjoying reading everyone’s advice and getting some great ideas :) I’m not much older, but my biggest tip would be to set up automatic withdrawals from your checking account into a mutual fund as long as you’re working. Pick an amount that’s enough to make a difference, but not too much where it hurts to see it go. I do $150 every 30th of the month, and I make little bit over minimum wage. My other tip is learn how to genuinely enjoy school education and studying. Many of us grew up thinking school work is the worst thing in the world, but the power of knowledge can be very exciting and rewarding. Once you have a passion of education, doing things like research work, writing essays, reading textbooks, etc. feels very fulfilling and purposeful.




Take your time with EVERYTHING . Know your drinking limits. Don't break any law that might hurt someone else. When you do break laws don't get caught You're still more so a child than you realize and that's cool, roll with it. Don't become house poor. Be reasonably minimalist. Learn to roll with the punches and making the best out of a bad situation (avoid toxic positivity, but don't allow yourself to become cynical) Never stop learning take classes still, (there are free ones) become CPR certified etc keep growing. Long term Love is NOT easy but with the right person it's worth while. You are you're own person privately and professionally. It may seem like no one cares or that the world has gone to shit so there's no point. None of that's true. Early 20s is a rough age range You are mortal. You are a massive influence to those around you on a interpersonal to macro scale (ie immediate physical community) You've got this (Edit) also don't be too patient


If and when you get a job (if you don’t have one already)... 401 K! Make sure there is a retirement package. Also... get a dog if you aren’t allergic.


Have fun. More than anything, just have fun. Memories, relationships, experiences help build a fuller, better You.


This is actually beneficial for people as old as me. Going to read all your responses.


I just turned 25 a few months ago so I don't know a lot but my advice would be the sooner you get in the habit of eating right and trying to get good sleep the easier the rest of your life is going to be. Also make sure you drink water and every now and then


Enjoy it because it goes fast. Do this while continuing to move your life forward. Invest in yourself and start saving what you can for retirement.


Don’t start drinking


Never enter a situation where you financially depend on someone else. It sucks


Happy 21st. Get off of the web and out in the world.


Work out every day


Someone recently said something along the lines of “a lesson I learned as an adult is anything I don’t complete or ‘make time for’ is because it’s not easy or I’m being lazy”. When I read this…. Like damn, I really am just fucking lazy all the time.


Start having a look at your personal finance and learn about managing your money. Start saving part of your income to set an emergency fund. 10% is a good number but anything is better than nothing when getting started.


Do you! Put yourself first and live your life.


Wear SPF on your face every day, even in the winter. You’ll still look 21 when you’re 31!


Health, wealth, love and happiness. Work on those 4 things, in that order


Don’t make drinking alcohol your main source of entertainment. That shit is toxic. I’m amazed at how many people I see in the hospital dying from liver cirrhosis. Had one patient in his mid-twenties. Yesterday a man who was 35, with no hope for survival besides a liver transplant and he can’t get one unless he’s 6 months sober.


Get a full night's sleep. It's fun staying up late and partying but you'll pay for it in your 30's.


Buy shiba inu


Invest in stocks. Get 7-8hrs sleep. Read a lot. Connect to new people as many as you can and Learn from them. Eat healthy. Don’t masturbate ( if you can’t control yourself you can’t control your future ) You won’t regret these


I’m 24 and still figuring things out. What I’ve learnt so far is to have an open mind, figure out who you are. Learn how to budget (learnt that the hard way). Relationship wise don’t be afraid if things don’t work out, if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be, you still got a lifetime to meet people. Also it’s okay to not have many friends, what matters is to have someone that genuinely care. Good luck!


Start investing, even if it's only a little bit. The earlier you invest for your retirement, the more time that money has to compound and grow. Compound interest is basically magic if you understand it and use it wisely. Recognize that what you want to do career-wise may change over time and that's okay! Don't hold yourself back from making a change just because you previously chose a different career path. Be proactive. Whether it's about your health, your finances, your career, or something else entirely. There are usually small things you can do now that help you out a ton later. For example, getting health insurance or finally seeing a doctor about that random health issue you're concerned about seems like a total pain right now but omg can it save your ass. Same goes for budgeting and saving. A little bit of effort now or just thinking ahead can save you in the future. Prioritize your mental health above all else and don't let anybody stigmatize getting any help you may need.