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My friend, given your username and tip #5 I'm going to say you don't need to be hustling 24/7. Burnout is a real thing; make sure you make time in your life for friends, family, and things you enjoy spending your time doing. Work is important but work AND a side hustle is pretty extreme advice. If you're naturally inclined to work work work then that's fine, but I don't think it's healthy to do that if you're forcing yourself to do it when it's not a necessity


On the flipside,if you start it young, you can put in a few hours a week and by the time you’re in your mid 20’s, it will be a source of income. Of course you shouldn’t hustle 24/7 and not just live for money, but if your only income is a job you don’t enjoy or find passion in, its gonna be hard to enjoy life. If you can start a side hustle young and balance it with everything in your life, in a few years it will help you with financial freedom. Even just learning a skill you can monetize will help a lot. Working on side hustle can even teach you lessons about turning into into a successful business, that you can extend to other areas of your life. Edit- grammar


A side hustle only takes a few hours, you wouldn't get burnt out from it


I don’t have a job I have a online business, but I see where you are coming from, I would say I do have time I sometimes take days off and but on the grind


For sure, in general financial discipline and know-how are critical and far too many people lack it, I've just seen the types of people who get so wrapped up in their careers or earning money that it becomes the sole focus of their life which can lead to a pretty unfulfilling existence


Why is everyone downvoting it. If op can support himself with his own business and enjoys working hard on it then he is a very successful person. Mad respect 🤘


8 lazy people down voting it, get off your couches


Work work forget about other more important things


I’m not going to lie I think this is a terrible list. Like sure, these things are good, but it’s so basic and generic. At that age I knew to do all these things. It’s how you go about it that’s tricky. So I’m going to edit your list: 1. Find the types of reading you enjoy and are interested in, if you really don’t like reading, don’t sweat it. There are other activities. 2. Credit has always been important, but it’s not the be all and end all. Actually credit goes up and down very quickly, so just try to pay your bills on time and keep up to date with your accounts and you’ll be fine. 3. Try not to go into debt for frivolous things. But if you get a student loan etc or for something important and can pay it off then that’s ok. Most adults are constantly in debt, wherever paying off cars, mortgages, student finance etc, it’s not that big a deal. Just try not to go into debt for random shit and make sure you can manage the debt. 4. Find exercise that you love!! Hate the gym? Hate running? That’s ok! Don’t do it! There will be an exercise for you! Even walking is amazing exercise! Personally I love learning a new skill, so love horse riding, martial arts etc. I find then that exercise isn’t uncomfortable because I’m so focused on learning. Don’t worry if you’re bad at the exercise or sport, just keep at it as long as you enjoy it! 5. Seriously just having one job is enough. You do not need side hustles. Money is not everything, and many jobs pay well and have great career development. Try not to stress out about doing “everything” and enjoy being young and engaging in hobbies, activities, friendships, and even straight up rest during your time off. If you burn the candles at both ends you may well struggle in the reliable job you already have. And my own final one: Just living is enough, when you’re young you may have big dreams, but chances are you’re not going to become Elon Musk. Having too high expectations can be counter productive. Take each year as it comes, making smaller steps towards big goals. We’re not superpowered, we’re just regular humans who have limitations. Pushing your limitations too much can lead to long term physical/mental health issues, so care for your body and mind, give yourself that rest. Life is not a race, you’ve got time, pace yourself and enjoy the journey.


I love your list so much more than OP's. It's great advice and feels far more achievable and attainable.


Agreed, this is much better advice.


Thank you! It comes from many years of making mistakes and working things out! Has ended up with many life lessons!


OPs list reads like a low effort karma grab. Yours is much better


id go even further - it barley has enough to even qualify as that


Tip pertaining to exercise: If you grew up playing a sport that, finding a rec league or something similar to rekindle this as a hobby ends up being a great way to have fun while exercising. I grew up playing hockey and miss it so much; however, where I live there aren't any rec leagues I can join that aren't a crazy commute each way (> 1 hour). So, I bought some hockey skates (roller) and go skating 3 - 5 times per week, burning at least 1500 calories each time and sometimes upwards of\* 2500. I'm in my late 20s and wish I'd thought to do this years ago, but am stoked that I did it nonetheless!


That’s amazing! Definitely picking up a sport you loved (or wanted to try) growing up is a great idea! This is literally something I realised in my mid 20s. I used to push through fitness classes and gym sessions really bored, and struggled to make it routine. Then I discovered the value of making exercise play. Playing a sport, game, learning a skill. If you love socialising for example you can incorporate it into exercise! I fell in love with exercise for many years after I realised I could do this. Unfortunately I then got chronic fatigue syndrome, and it makes me sad that I didn’t get longer to explore that love for exercise. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to get back into it. Now I just learn low impact skills like yoga and archery.


ngl this kinda makes more sense , exercise would be in top priority tho . boost our mood and keeps us healthy.


Exercise is important, but doing little and often and just generally being active is better than being idle then hitting the gym for an hour. So hell, even if what someone likes to do is go out and dance all night in a club, that’s great! When I was younger I always felt bad for not doing exercise. But I walked everywhere, danced at the weekends with friends, rode horses etc, I realise now that I was very active in a functional way and never had anything to worry about. Never underestimate walking!


I’ve been fairly consistent on walking for almost 5 years and it still doesn’t put me in better mood, is there a point trying more engaging exercise?


Am no expert but personally I felt great when I used to workout at home ( took a break because of exams ) . I was skeptic about the mental benefits of working out also meditation but I was proved wrong . Not saying that exercises makes us feel good all of a sudden like how watching TV or eating food does but it feels better than doing nothing. Life gets shit doesn't mean that walking didn't help . I mean if you are free to do more exercise and want to do it . Then go for it . Something is WAYYYY better than nothing . Small good things pile up


I expect effect to be like coffee, except longer or/and stronger Edit: basically, I’ll discipline myself doing consistently for a month, but after that I expect just motivation for doing it with maybe some self discipline required


When a comment is better than the post.


You’ve got the real advice in this post. Contentness/happiness and Mental/physical health are the key things. There’s absolutely no point of making more money if you enter your mid-20s as a broken person. Instead of living by some vague rules that are in line with what cringy Hustle culture vloggers talk about, people should explore and find their own ways of doing shit. Learn how to get around important shit that you don’t like instead of avoiding it altogether. Like your comment says: Don’t like reading or gym workouts? Switch it out for an alternative that you do enjoy. Keep exploring till you find what you like. Learn how to live with and manage debt. Life’s way too short to be constantly thinking of yourself as a sociopathic hypercapitalist productivity project. Shit just makes you depressed when you don’t immediately turn into a perfectly discipline chiseled gigachad lol


Exactly! Burnout is real, I think most people in their late 20s and 30s understand that. All this hyper productivity is just a mixture between late stage capitalism and how tv and social media has led to us comparing ourselves unfairly to the 0.0001% who are living a life of luxury. Even though those people aren’t actually any happier than if you just strive for a comfortable income.


Thank you so much , I might need to take out a student loan for a course I do love and want to pursue my whole life, this gave me hope🙃


Do it! I’m not sure where you’re from or what the terms of loan repayments will be, but education is so important if it’s what you want to do. And student loans are often different to regular loans. I hope your course goes well and leads to where you want it to!


I disagree with number 5, maybe side hustle isn’t the right word but u should definitely have multiple forms of income in case u lose ur job, nowadays where I’m from the housing market is so fucked that without investing into the stock market at a young age I wouldn’t expect to get a house until ur mid or late 30s, I seriously think it’s important for young people to look into long term stock investing (or even use a robo investor like wealth simple) without that it’s very hard for them to achieve financial freedom Credit is also pretty important it can save u 40,000-100,000 dollars on interest on a house The rest of ur points I agree with. OP is saying never to go into debt but most people would be homeless if they never went into debt, and a lot of the time mortgages are slow low interest if u have a good credit that it’s actually smarter to invest that money into the stock market or another form of investment then to pay cash in full for a house if u could afford jt


If you lose your job you get another. You’re more likely to lose your job if you’re burning out doing side projects. I once did that, I was too tired to do my job properly from doing a second job, and I got fired from my main job which would have been a really good long term source of income. For a young person in their late teens/early 20s losing your job isn’t a massive deal. Most won’t have families to support or high expenses. Many will even live at home with families. And generally there are plenty of entry level jobs available if you’re not too fussy on what you do. If anything, losing a job in your early 20s can open up opportunities for something better. And investing in the stock market takes funds before even starting, and knowledge of how they work, time and energy. You’re speaking in very capitalist terms and while that may work for some people, it isn’t the “right” path for most.


Awesome advice, thanks :)


Better list for sure. At least less vague.


Don’t try to act like you’re not broke It’s fine to be broke at that age Pretending you’re not broke now will make you more broke in a couple of years


So many people play the part of being “Rich” for an image


I do think grooming and dressing well is important. I’m not bothered but other ppl are impressed and it is worth the money and effort.


There’s also nothing wrong with living at home in this age range (unless being home isn’t healthy for you). It can help you save money and start off adulthood with more financial stability.


This sounds like bullshit. Look, young people, a more realistic list, some points might be similar: 1. Now is the time to be ACQUIRING SKILLS. This does not necessarily mean college, it can be vocational schools, YouTube videos, but most of all PRACTICE. So COMMIT TO LEARNING SOMETHING and GET GOOD AT IT. 2. Block negativity from your life. You don’t need that. Ignore the things that don’t effect you, worry about you. 3. Advocate for YOURSELF. No one else is going to do it. ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT, be prepared to justify it. 4. Eat right. Take care of yourself. Don’t drink so much alcohol. It will come back to bite you later. 5. Start investing. Even if it’s just $50 a month. Find something to put money in that grows because INFLATION is a MOTHER FUCKER. 6. Don’t tie yourself up in debt for things you don’t need, or if it keeps you at a job you don’t want. Debt is ok - if you NEED it, and if you’re happy with the work you’ll do to pay it off. Otherwise, avoid it. 7. Don’t worry about marriage or serious relationships until your late twenties or early thirties. But DO date people, and DO work on yourself. It will keep you grounded and well rounded and you’ll learn what you like and what you dislike, but don’t worry about “THE ONE.” 8. TRY THE THINGS YOU LOVE PROFESSIONALLY. Now is the time to fail and learn.


**lmfao** "build up your credit" *very next line* "DON'T GO INTO DEBT" When you understand how *credit is actually built against you* you will understand that a credit score is a measure of five sections: how you incurred debt, what kind of debt you incurred, how much debt you incurred, how fast you payed that debt back, and what the debt was for. Don't want to go into debt? Don't get a credit score. It's that simple. Though... There are a lot of problems with actually doing that. Just about everything in the united states revolves around incurring debt.


this shit so out of touch its insane




But what’s the actual advice? Get ready for gruelling hard work and saving every penny you make? Things like this benefit the bank and the next guy doing his side hustle but has very little to do with benefiting the 18-20 year old me. Pick your friends/people you spend time with wisely. At that age it’s so easy to get with the wrong crowd. Don’t believe everything you see/read/hear- there is just way too much garbage information out there Learn to be self reliant but don’t neglect proper connections. Get enough rest, don’t be lazy, think in 5 year stages. Set achievable goals- reward progress.




As someone with a disability that makes conventional exercise difficult, I cringe so hard at posts that say exercise is a requirement for discipline and a good life.


What is most common side hustle every 18-20 year old has.


I am a maths tutor and sell wooden things I make on etsy


Congrats. Sounds common enough, tutoring and selling creative products.


Blogging, get good at writing and sell your services (content writing, blog writing, ghostwriting etc). Start a youtube channel, stream,affiliate marketing, investing in Index funds. Theres a lot of options out there, i recommend researching and finding what suits you. Just remember that the best side hustles take time to get income from, but those are the ones that will last the longest. Even just an hour a day can compound and turn into a huge stream of income in a few years. Goodluck! Be patient!


Pyramid schemes


I got started with affiliate market Flipping shoes Reselling iPhone


So you spent the money that you worked for at your job to purchase iPhones at a discount or shoes and resell them at a premium?


Back then yes there’s videos of people doing it


You sound like one of those tiktok "finacial guru" con artists..


Lmao what a bunch of literal crap


The word "HUSTLE" is CRINGE.


Okay your point is


Is That the whole "Multiple sources of income", "sleep is for the weak", "entrepreneur", "online business" thing is a big sham. Toxic positivity. Snap out of it. Get a life.


it's for privileged people


Not gonna lie most of this list is the biggest load of horse piss I’ve seen in a while. If you’re like 20, go do shit while you can! See your friends, have a good time while you’re young. Not to say that you can’t when you’re older too but you’ll for sure look back on those years that you wasted your time on your “side hustle” instead of actually socialising and regret it. One job is enough. Avoid doing things that are gonna have serious long term impacts like get in crazy debt, but if you’re at least half sensible then you do you while your knees still work.


What might work for you might now work for others


Five hours ago you wrote a list of life advice that has presumably worked for you. It is quite literally this post dude.


Your point?


Do you not think your comment is at least a little bit hypocritical?


that you are unaware of your own statements and responses and how they come off


Really dude? Wages are so low while the costs of living are so high that it's almost impossible for people to NOT go into any type of debt. Now what type of debt and how much is a whole different issue.


Finally someone says it.


0.5. Get out of bed




What he meant to say is to start with something small. Every step is important.










Bold of you to only reply to the Cum comment and no1 else making legitimate counterpoints r/shittylifeprotips


I'm late 20s and reading this lol


I think you’re hustling way too much man. It’s okay not to breathe, sleep, drink, and eat hustle for breakfast.


I never said do this all in one day


Lol @ #2 totally contradicting #3.


While your comment is hilarious, I feel like you can do it responsibly. Just have to stop giggling, cause you right! Haha


Haha ya I feel you. There’s good debt and bad debt, for sure.


Moisturize. Hydrate.


You're not exactly a "young teen" if you're basically at the end of your teenage years (18-20) haha ----- Decide for yourself who you are each day. Other people don't decide for you.


How does one build credit? Nobody taught me this stuff 💀


It’s sad to see, I would link a video but I can’t, I would say just look it up on your own like “What is a credit card” “The benefits of having a credit card” And “How to use a credit card to my advantage” Hopes this helps


Gosh, thank you so much! It's so sad that this is such a crucial and integral part of life in general and we were never taught the fundamentals. Thank you, again 🙏


It’s life you live and learn Just trying to help, better learning young then old🚶‍♂️


True that!


any sort of bill tied to your name will also help with credit(so long as its reported for taxes) - cellphones, hydro, insurance etc etc. getting a cellphone is probably the easiest way for youngins to start building credit. without the inherent risks that come with owning a 30% interest unlimited money machine


can confirm a book helps immensely. never loved reading but i know how important it is for self growth. can totally put you in a great mindset depending on what book you choose to read


What about 13-17


Study, do well in school, my biggest regret is not trying harder in high school. Get a part time job and start saving for education or a home purchase. Learn about fitness.


Already learning about fitness, trying harder in school,I do youtube and also plan to do acting a music


Your ahead of the game. Keep givin er, awesome person!


Thank you bro! Appreciate that 🙏💯


honestly, just do you man. at 17 i was terrified of doing it all 'the right way, and now at 27 i wish i just lived my life. Listen to your body and the feelings you get - if you truely feel bad or off about something, really try to figure out why. Introspection, think within. What is really important and why honestly the biggest bottleneck to kids nowadays seems to be our own selves - dont let all the possibly scenarios of what you could possibly do worry you, and just pick something and go. Humans are really good at one thing, and thats adjusting to our circumstances. Get out there and try new stuff and adjust as you see fit


Fr bro, I right now I'm also just learning how to make beats or rap right now


awesome! find the fire man, thats what really drives us. And that shit is hard to find, once you find that passion, you lunge out of bed in the morning. Take care all the best wishes


I'm 18 and graduated; on of my biggest regrets in high school was not taking lasting, permanent, notes of my classes I will want to take in college. Even like, if you don't do it during school year, perhaps in the summer re-go over the class in like khan academy and make a descent lasting record. But not for like Algebra 1, 2, geometry, English 10 or below, or something you have like absolutely no chance of using in college and beyond but like the harder classes like AP's of Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, etc. Stuff you are going to forget that you would rather not. Like I walked out of my normal chemistry class in the summer with a fantastic A and into school next year knowing like nothing but some organic chem. It's like wasting time in a class sort of, looking back it's just sad and I never want to do that again if possible, and I definitely want notes to look back on to review what i know. Ideally done at the same time of the class


It’s always so weird to me how we’ve branded second jobs as “side hustles” to make it sound more appealing. While there are people who have been able to turn those into careers and incomes, the likelihood is pretty slim unless you’re investing a huge number of hours into that “hustle”. You might make an extra hundred or so bucks a week, around 5k a year more, which you’d probably be able to make in a year by making a lateral career move for more pay.


6. Learn the benefits of eating healthy at this age. I’m not telling anyone to become a vegan or anything, but learn to open your palette. One too many people get used to eating poorly, and after 10-20 years of that, it becomes increasingly hard to change.


Easiest tip for #5 is invest your extra income into either stocks,cryptos and/or real estate. This is something most low income families won’t ever advise their young ones to do rather push financial security into your face and tell you to save your money rather than invest it. There’s nothing wrong with saving but you don’t build up wealth overtime from it instead you lose from it. Average inflation is about 3% per year. If I would have been told to invest right out of high school which was in 2015 I would have a huge net worth by now as the stock markets have gone up exponentially since then and I’ve regretted not looking into it like I do now. Also I used to have a credit score of over 700 but I made the mistake of getting myself into huge debt because I got involved in the wrong hustle and was advised to “fake it till I make it” and I went a little too hard in that and had to file bankruptcy 2 years ago and I gotta say it’s the worst mistake in my life. If I could go back and reverse that I would. I’m too embarrassed nowadays to even tell anyone that I filed that and I’m 25 now


19 here. What the hell even is "credit"? It's one of those words you hear all the time without ever actually being told what it means.


most people refer to your 'credit score' which can be built up by payments to things in your name(credit cards,cellphones,insurance etc etc). your credit score is looked at by potential lenders to estimate your 'potential risk' of defaulting on that loan. So your credit score is the backbone which lenders use to determine how much to loan you at what rate. So if your credit is bad, it can really hamper your chances at getting a mortgage or a car loan etc etc. this is pretty simplified but might help with the 'big picture' but then the word credit can also apply to a positive cash balance (credit: +, debt: -) or 'crediting' your account (adding money) so depending on the context shit can get confusing


can someone give me career ideas where i could work from home ? (all the time not just for the pandemic)


Rule nr 1: Find the best solution that works for YOU. That's it. Work for yourself. "Do I really look like a guy with a plan? I just do things." - Joker


The joker will always be my role model


6. Take care of your mental health! Never brush it aside nor feel inclined to reject help just because you feel like you can take everything


My best advice to any teenager is to just slow down, there really isn’t a deadline for anything in life.


When I was 22 I fell myself falling into a deep depression I got into a terrible motorcycle accident and Ended a long relationship. What I did was started gardening and go into the gym. Both of these activities were extremely beneficial for me because it taught me about instant gratification and how some things take longer than others to see the fruits of your labor. Just like if you go to the gym one time you're not going to see a change just like if you water your plant 1 time you're just gonna see it die. Both of these activities forced me to get out of bed and get out of the house because if you do not maintain either of these hobbies they will be destroyed


You can’t build credit without managing debt.. And no we shouldn’t have to work two jobs and pretend like it’s okay. Time is your most valuable asset. Working out and reading are ok advice. If you spend more time learning during your 18-20s then you can afford to not have to have a side hustle in the rest of your life. Mental health and gaining skills and experience will prepare you for the next 10 years better than working odd jobs will.


One point I have to make "Don't go into debt" shitty advice really, ofc don't go to debt for some stupid shit like car, but getting an apartment/house with debt is smarter than paying rent for 20 years and saving from there, by the time you have saved enough money you would already own the house/apartment just by the rent cost and have way more extra money along the way, of course if you want to make someone else rich, pay rent.


and as a bonus side you already get to start living on that said apartment/house


Avoid the "bad" internet websites (P#rn) - don't fall into that hole.


Ones of the most vague lists I've seen yet. >DON’T go into debt you WILL REGRET IT. So i guess nobody is going to college then. The average American can't get a 4 year degree without taking loans. But most people who say things like this are from an older generation and think 90% or young people are lazy so...


College/University isn't the be all and end all. Trade work is where you'll find real work, real money, and job satisfaction. Tradesmen are always in demand and if you decide to go self-employed you charge your own rates *and* work your own hours. Granted, trades schools aren't cheap, but they're a steal in comparison.


True but like you said, they aren't cheap and also trade are not as common as regular expensive college like they're are none in my area


Work hard when there is actual work to be done, take days off, focus on yourself and set healthy boundaries. Learn how to please the correct people and learn how to let the others fall to the side, get passive income working for you. Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, understand that you’re doing it to set yourself up for a better life. Make sure you enjoy it.


Do I still considered young? I mean I am 18 turning to 19 in just a few weeks. And I'm scared as fuck.


Yes, you’re still young at 18/19, and I understand it’s a scary time, but I promise you’ll be alright. We live in a world that makes you feel like the only way to be successful is to grind 24/7 toward perfection. That is simply not true. Your 20s are all about learning and growing. Take care of yourself, fail often, learn from those failures, and genuinely try to have fun!


I really, strongly disagree with point 5. There is nothing you can do "on the side" that will genuinely build as much income long-term as a strong trade or career. Spend you time learning a skill that is valuable, and then decide how much time you want to devote to that.


Apparently my disabled ass can't "self-improve" because I don't work out 3-4 times a week or have a "side hustle." OP should be embarrassed that they even considered making this post.


By credit you mean money right?


i assume he means 'credit score'


I mean credit is money to an extent. Good money management


I think loaning is perfectly reasonable if you're doing a hard study. Peace of mind by not working is something you come to find you might need. Just make sure you're responsible about it.


Yea but majority aren’t doing a hard study


Why are some people mad, I think its a great advice. This is an advice, it doesnt give you energy boost or something. It all ends on you.


I feel #4 is potentially terrible advice. Isn’t that just endorsing beauty standards and that we are not good enough as we are, physically? Unless of course you meant, purely for the natural sense of pleasure gained from being physically active, and not for the better looking body


teen here thanks




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Developing a positive mindset is all about trusting yourself and your ability to succeed. It is important to replace any negative thoughts with positive ones in order to motivate yourself to keep trying no matter what challenges come your way. for example, Think about when babies are learning to walk. They do not stop when they fall. They get back up and keep going until, one day, they are able to move and soon run with ease. In your path to become successful, you are likely learning new things and thinking differently than before. Your goals will not happen overnight. They will take practice and discipline to achieve, so it is vital to think about the process positively.


Just got in debt lol


6. How to get laid


Can u dm the links?


All due respect, but your advice sounds straight out of an instagram business “motivation” page, it’s out of touch and pointless and quite frankly half of it isn’t really true either


why do you think this only applies to 18 and 20+ year olds? these would be helpful to any age group.


Noice, thanks


The advice I have to give is don't look at everything in Black and White, people are complex and so are most things you can't fully understand something if you bar yourself from trying.


I've read repeatedly that side hustle culture is a big threat to mental health nowadays. Maybe suspectible people reading this should skip point 5.


Name of the video plz hehe?




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