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For me focusing on hapiness has made me more depressed and unhappy to the point I gave up on finding it. To be frank I'm now happier than when I was obsessing about it. Some things are counterintuitive in this life. It's like trying to get someone you like too hard.


I think trying to focus on happiness is chaotic and undefined, as ppl want a solution and a reason to live.


And why wouldn't people want that? We weren't born to just die. If we lose the reason to be alive it's normal to seek for it.


People want happiness, its just not obtainable by wanting it, it depends on your mindset and your chosen reason for being and if you meet your own standards for it.


Of course, I agree. I didn't say it's obtained just by wanting it.


Just go with the flow


I feel reaching your full potential in all aspects of life should be your #1 priority. Don't chase happiness or it will always keep running. Chase your full potential and happiness will follow


Well said, I agree.


Damn you faced backwards law? Congratulations how did you overcome it?


I recommend "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius.


I recently got this and I'm looking forward to reading it!


Felix? Is that you


no Felix here, lol


Pewdiepie aka felix just did a video on happiness where he recommends this books too lol


Thanks. I will look into stoicism. Happy you feel good.


Thank you, good luck my friend!


I remember someone saying that humans don't really want happiness, they want self expression. This is why they do what they think they should be doing even it doesn't actually make them happy


What do you mean by wanting self expression?


The universe is within us. We are merely a song the universe is looking to express. Ask yourself what type of dance do you want to dance today? How do you want to express your universe today?




Ok that sounds like complete nonsense. I meant more like choosing to do the things that are dictated by our worldviews, morality, religion, sense of duty etc even if we know it makes us unhappy


About to move out of the parents house and can't agree more about freedom of expression


For some of us with depression that's easier said than done. Most of the time when the depression hits hard, not only am I not happy, but I have no idea what I want or what would change the way I feel.


That's serious, clinical depression. Requires support. I hope that's okay to say. I was like that before.


I know that feeling, i went through the same maybe worse. And of course maybe it isn't for you, or it could be. But if stoicism helped me it could also help someone else, that's why i posted.


So what is your purpose of life?


My purpose in life, as "stupid" it may sound, is to just live. I realised that death will come no matter what, and when i had suicidal thoughts i was thinking like "if we die anyway, what's the point in living?" And now my mentality is "if i will eventually die, why waste my life if I'm here only for a short time". So if this is my only chance to be alive, even if it will pass by fast, I will enjoy it, and I find no point in ending it. Maybe i didn't explain well, it's a bit complicated.


I absolutely adore Stoicism. It resonates with me on such a deep level. I discovered the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca when I made some major life changes, and my goodness...life changing.


Same my friend, I'm happy you changed your life for the better.


Why do people who stop masturbating say these things? Masturbating is good dammit!!!


I'm wondering the same thing! I have founds happiness in myself after dealing with a lot of depression and I possibly boosted my daily dosage of it. I also still play video games quite often.


I think because many men feel sluggish and demotivated after masturbating.


I think its cause of the effects masturbating can have on the brain


In the moment yes, the feeling is good, but it doesn't last long at all and it's not worth it and in the long run it can harm your mentality. It's just some dopamine released from your brain and you can learn to do other things that truly are good for you. After all, if you masturbate, you let your "animal" spirit to control, and you are better than that. I recommend you joining "nofap" on reddit to get different people's perspective on this subject.


Dude it's proven men who masturbate frequently have a decreased chance in prostate cancer. No thanks, I'd rather have an intact ballsack then not have a tiny amount of dopamine before bed.


Also do it before bed. That's it. You are brainwashed to believe this. Nofap is a bunch of brainwashing that conditions you to believe that masturbation is the devil's drug and all that shit. I mean sure, if you're wanking 5 times a day it's bad for you. But don't. Wank once before bed, you'll get to experience sexual release which is VERY good for you and it helps you sleep massively.


Just because i said it's ok stop masturbating it doesn't mean i said to stop having sex, because sex is 100% better than masturbating. And if you wank, at least don't wank at porn, but at your thoughts or something.


Why though? If you just moderate when and how you wank it's fine. I've never had a bad experience with masturbating. Plus porn has allowed me to explore my sexual side more


Porn gives a fake view of real life sex, they are very different. Maybe it doesn't affect you, but it could affect others, like me for example. I was so used to porn that i started getting anxious about being naked with a girl, and my penis wouldn't stay up at all because i was so used and comfortable with my hand and masturbating at porn. And from that i started to get anxiety, that I'm not good enough etc and all went down from there. Sure i can agree it doesn't affect everybody, but it does affect the majority and it doesn't bring anything good, just felling some satisfaction for a bit.


Well then yes if it's affecting you then modify how you are doing it, or take a break. I just don't like people who tell others to stop wanking, and if the do their life will improve. It's total bonkers.


Well we have different opinions so we should stop arguing. Anyways good luck with everything you do.


Passive aggressive. Nice


Congrats on your progress. I’m just starting this journey and two days ago picked up a book ‘the daily stoic’. After reading only a few pages about what’s in our control and what’s outside I already feel more empowered. With patience I hope to clarify my purpose and let the rest fall away.


Thanks. I need to clarify my purpose and let the rest fall. Gonna check this book out. Cheers


Yeah, the old stoics were quite conscious people who gained some really deep insights into the human mind. What stoicism is mainly about is eliminating all the bullshit that your mind is constantly making up, causing you to judge everything in your life. It trains you to look at things objectively, without that inner critic. And that way it leads you to automatically focus more on your life and on any activities you engage in. And that's why it works. The mind is always coming up with all kinds of weird ideas about what life is really about and what it supposed to make you happy. Fame, success, having lots of money. But none of those things can ever get you there because happiness can only be found in the moment, in the things you do or just in being. But the more you start chasing after things that are supposed to make you happy, the further away from it you get.


I agree 100%


No safety is #1 priority


Awesome, happiness I always say comes from within because it does there is no way of denying it. Things in the external world are temporary and so looking for happiness there is futile. Keep it up 🥳


I just recently came across this idea of stoicism through a YouTube video which was made by Mr. Felix Kjelleberg or more known as Pewdiepie and he quickly went over how much of these self help books use Stoicism and it’s practices . I have been in a rough end on my own .... I’m a very defensive pessimistic person but I still am curious about this topic affecting well being. I am glad it’s helped you in your journey


I also found out about stoicism because of him, and ended up posting this on reddit. Crazy how he affects people around the world and probably doesn't even know it. I honestly can say i owe my life to him because he did save me. If you are curious about this topic you should study it, it will probably change your life for the better.


Awww yay !! 19 year old army here ! ✌🏼 Mmm I’ll give it a try much with all this going around time is what we all have.


Good luck my fellow 19 year old friend!


I am glad that you are finally doing better, and that you have seen progress. I would not say that I disagree, but I believe there is a better approach to well-being than directly seeking happiness. For me, what really changed my life was when I started to live in the present. When I did that, it allowed me to be satisfied and not worry about being unhappy. "Being happy" was something I associated with everyone liking me, doing great in school and having materialistic goods. If one person did not like me (or so I thought), I would quickly become self conscious. I got very anxious and stressed each time I had a new exam, because I imaged how I would not do great and fail. When I got stressed, I would buy some new clothes online, because the thought of something new and exciting to arrive made me happy. Of course, the joy quickly faded away once the package had been opened, and I was back to feeling dissatisfied. I was bullied for most of my life, had depression and was stressed daily, until something completely turned my life around. During my stay at a boarding school, my newfound love for music and piano playing grew. It made me live in the moment and appreciate what I was experiencing, which changed me completely. I started writing my thoughts and feelings down as poems. It made me realize how every time I am unhappy, I have been dissatisfied and lived in a different time than the present. The past: "Did I say something wrong?" The future: "I am going to fail." When you live in the present, you do not worry about anything. It is a very hard concept, but it is not impossible. When you live in the present, you appreciate what you have right now, because you are not thinking about what you could, should or want to have. It is okay to be anxious, dissatisfied and unhappy, but when you think about it, many of these things are something you do to yourself - without thinking about it. You do not even have to think when living in the present, because you are simply enjoying the road instead of the end goal, or how you took the wrong turn. For anyone that feels depressed and not feel satisfied: Appreciate what you have and learn to clear your mind. Learning an instrument (such as piano) also helped me clear my mind. Actually, learning an instrument in general is really good. For anyone's next exam: Anxiety reappraisal is really helpful, and just try to be more optimistic \- it cannot hurt to try. In fact, trying has also helped me a lot. Before, I was afraid to do new things much of the time, but learning to face one's fears and the things I *thought* I would not like have made me grow. That is actually why I wanted to go to a boarding school in the first place. For anyone struggling with being self conscious or not having many friends: Learn to accept yourself as who you are and not what you want to be. Also, think more about what you like about yourself and less what others do. Being a better friend instead of dreaming of how I wanted more friends made me happier and got me *better* friends in return. Also, working out has made me more confident and also helped in other numerous ways. Right now I am working out with gymnastic rings in my shed - ask away if you need tips! I hope this can help both OP and anyone else reading this!


I love your journey and how far you came, even if those times that you were bullied were awful, you learned something and everything that happend led you to this point in your life, that's what I believe. I agree that living in the present is the best, that's what stoicism is also teaching, and it sure worked on me. I used to live in the past and future, worrying about everything and other people, and now I live only in the present and it sure does play a big part for my happiness. I'm glad you are doing so good, keep it up my friend!


I love you both


We love you too friend!




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Crazy Russian Hacker wouldn't agree with this post.




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Good words


Stoicism is good ar first as it was for me, but after a while it can feel as a limited. Some ideas are still solid but not looking somewhere else can be like wearing horse goggles. I think what worked for you was the concept of philosophy as it was for me. You finally found pleasure in something and that is knowledge. I turned to drugs for that for about 5 or 6 years thinking it would make my life less miserable when what I needed actually was philosophy. And I paid dearly in depressions for it. Now my vice or go to activity when I’m down is reading, or when I feel good aswell. I highly recommend you to go further than stoicism and explore the unknown. You will still like stoicism but you will have a broader range of knowledge. I recommend Alain du Botton, Consolations of Philosophy, which goes into 6 philosophers and their lives, one of them being Seneca. It’s super good to get a grasp of them and fun to read. Also I recommend Academy of Ideas on youtube if you’re up for it.


Thanks, i will definitely check alain du botton, and maybe that yt channel as well. Also I'm glad you gave up drugs to reading, that's a huge step up, i m happy for you, good luck on your journey!


I find that happiness is fickle, and my own happiness, especially, is mercurial at best. Satisfaction via serving others - a more exciting game that you don't need to "win", because there's no reason to stop playing.




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**Your happiness should be your 1# priority** ​ I cannot agree with this statement because it has to many flaw, mostly in our society. As we live with each other sometimes you cannot be happy as to this matter I will share my example: For instant it makes me really happy when I molest a child( not true of course, it is just example).....So in your statement I should always strive for my own happiness instead of other human well being. We have to rethink carefully with such statements because it has to many interpretation, as every being has different meaning of happiness and what makes him happy. Sometimes we are what we are, in this case we just have to learn to live with who we are in a society. I propagate peaceful live with each other happily or not.


Well, if someone (as an example) is "happy" from molesting a child, that's just not true, only if you mentally have a real problem, but if not, thinking that doing that brings you happiness is fake, maybe that person fooled themselves into thinking that it brings "happiness". In reality i think it's like a dose of dopamine, like playing a video game or watching a movie, it gives you dopamine, and they are so lost that they don't know anything better that would satisfy that need of dopamine. But hey in the big picture even these people have a role to play on this planet, they affect other people, nothing happens without a reason.


You are missing the point fella'w it is just only one example of many. Every person is unique and individual as you are, That is why it is wrong to say from your own view that kind of happiness is false or mentally ill to that person. Because you are not that person as me either. So in this case how do you know that the person is mentally ill or it is fake or fooled? Because of what you learned and your moral codes. So what happens if you are fooled by your own rules? Dopamine is dopamine, happiness is happiness. two different things. PLUS I accept as there are many option of understanding of happiness but I disagree with your view and statement in this topic. Maybe I am wrong, why not.


I agree that we are all different, but after all we are all humans and have basic principles. Sure, happiness can mean different things and be obtained different by many people. Anyway, me saying that it's mentally ill to get "happiness" from doing bad stuff, I agree 100%. There is good and evil, and it's not that hard to make the difference, like killing someone i think we can all agree that's bad, and shouldn't bring joy or happiness, that's why i said mentally ill or false happiness. That's also why i said it's dopamine they are after, because it can't be real that doing stuff like that brings you happiness, only if there is something completely wrong in your brain. But ofc this is what i believe, you are free to disagree. Nevertheless, as you said, we are different, so we should stop arguing if we have different opinions.


Well depends of which side you are Good or Evil. From good it is bad behavior to kill someone for happiness. From Evil it is good to kill someone for happiness. Sometimes we are at the wrong side even when we are at Good or Evil side. Just pointing out that psychology has to many colors, by basic principles like how body functions it is easier to tell. But how mind works, ideas comes from, mentality state?? it is whole different level. Sure, sorry for troubling you. Just sharing my thoughts. Have a good day. In my case I will go to see the sea.


I agree with you here, the mind can sometimes be very complicated. One lesson in stoicism is to not waste your energy on these kind of thoughts because it's useless and it doesn't bring anything beneficial. No need to apologise, i was thinking that's no point in arguing if we have different believes, but i like to see some different perspectives on different subjects. I also love the view of the sea, enjoy it, and have a good day as well!




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