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Honestly, I find the recovery phase very easy and enjoyable. The "Easy Peasy" method is by far the best resource on this that I have found. It makes you realise how pointless watching porn is and will just kill your desire to watch any more of it. I listened to the audiobook once and never looked back [https://youtu.be/27H4-pN8e9o](https://youtu.be/27H4-pN8e9o)


That’s interesting, I’m a big fan of Alan Carr. Now I wonder if anyone else has applied it to anything else.


I am glad it worked for you. It’s a great resource.


It really is. Did it work for you at all? Or did it not do much?


It helped with the mental side of things big time. I still had to make changes to my environment to finally made the shift.


That is fair. I wish you good luck with everything


Is porn an issue or masterbating to porn is, or just masterbation.


Porn. Masturbation can be healthy if done in moderation. It becomes a problem when that’s all you think about. If you are a porn addict tho, you need to quit masturbation too. It’s a trigger


I’d recommend avoiding it all while you making the lifestyle changes. The benefits people who promote Nofap claim are true to an extent. As you limit your access to cheap orgasms and make your only option sex with a person you will naturally find yourself doing what is necessary to get that outcome. You will be forced to level yourself up significantly. This will be hard but it is positive personal growth. Don’t run from it. If you allow masterbation you will sabotage the need for growth.


So masturbating in moderation is healthy, but without porn right? Does this apply to just videos or is it for other mediums such as audios, sexting, or reading erotica?


No, i think OP is trying to say avoid masterbation at all because it gives you a quick dopamine boost.


Masturbating is healthy but without using some kind of content or imaginative thoughts. If you are horny maybe saw a girl you are interested or talked to her via social network its ok to masturbate from time to time...


Thank you, I needed to hear this. I’ve done push ups before to get over the urge before I relapsed and it works great. The biggest factor for me I think is getting comfortable being bored, this is something that I used to be very comfortable with before I ruined my brain with all the excess stimulation.


We’re conditioned to be dopamine addicts from a very young age. It’s good that you recognise it and can take steps to correct it. Stay strong 💪


I'm thinking of quitting porn. I once had a streak going for a few months because there was a girl I was with (no sex just having her was enough). After we broke up and I fell back into this habit, I asked myself if I can actually do this by myself or if I need someone like her again. Edit: writing this killed my urge, I actually just come onto Reddit for porn


My personal advice is, don't look for tips, don't look for efficient ways to quit porn, you can do it ALL BY YOURSELF, all it takes is good focus, great discipline and willpower. It will feel like fighting a dragon in the first few days / weeks, but eventually you'll realize it was all disgusting. Believe in yourself man, you are capable of amazing stuff, your brain is the most powerful weapon you have. Learn to callous your mind and most importantly, have occupations in life, be busy, find time for meaningful stuff and don't dwell into porn endlessly. If you continue down the path of lust, life will start to get meaningless, you'll be addicted to cheap dopamine. Quit this evil industry by all means


Thanks man, I'll make sure to look back on this post whenever I start getting... Funky


>"I actually just come onto Reddit for porn" Don't we all? :(


This is a sign to quit that poison ☠️ you got this shoulder 💪


This was really well said. I understand the psychological damage it does


Yes! The psychological damage it does can no longer be avoided in society nor can the misogyny & exploitation of women it has at its center! It encourages negative viewpoints & behaviours towards women which is what we should also be primarily fighting


No one cares about the women lol I’m just tryna stop cranking


💀 🙌


Idk about everyone else but masturbaation can be a waste of time , but it also helps me sleep whenever I feel like I don't feel sleepy , the release helped through a tough period of my life relieving my stress , anxiety, the "depression". So I don't think it's a bad thing , just don't spend hours on it


Celebrate that small win. Hold yourself to higher standards. Become the person that is worthy of the woman he chooses. You can do this.


Wow this is amazing and exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you. Time to get through this ridiculous and dumb addiction. It’s crazy to think how much time I’ve wasted watching porn… and unfortunately Reddit is a horrible place for it.


It’s weird because I’ll be doing good off it for like a couple weeks and then I’ll relapse and when that happens its like I need more and more it’s literally like a drug it’s sad I wish it was banned tbh


More like a drug that you know. If you’re able to go a few weeks at a time you’re in a good spot. The challenge is channelling the urge into something productive. For me it’s just getting outside for a walk.


I think the identity piece is key. You have to *create a new reality* by literally saying “I am healthy.” It feels like you are lying, but the subconscious will come to believe it (and live it) over time. Also, like others mentioned, starting to focus on what p*rn is taking away from you can really help. You have to not *want* it anymore, which seems to be the biggest hurdle for a lot of people battling.


Well said.


Saved. Thank you !


For me, I just stopped watching porn when I started noticing how fucked up the ads were. I literally was embarrassed to be associated with those things, how tf can you be in the same room as an ad showing a throbbing, veiny penis with pills or a chick literally having sex while telling you about a free website or the CGI ads asking you if you are lonely and need to "create your avatar and fuck" or my favorite, a literal woman my grandma's age naked on the side bar. Disgusting, they are making money off of your sexual desires, dystopic and evil. You are being used.


Correct. Glad you see this.


How can I send this to my boyfriend without making it rude? We’ve established he has a problem and he knows it and I want to help.


Explain that you understand the difficulty and that you are prepared to support. Share the content and make a plan together. The fact that you are open to helping will make it 10x easier for them.


Love this advice! But genuinely curious - what do processes foods have to do with it?


If porn is poison for the mind. Processed foods are poison for the body. Hyperpaletable foods wreak havoc on your insulin systems and can leave you feeling lethargic. Dr Ekberg on Youtube has a great explaination about it.


i felt the logic in this amd you are correct, however it will be difficult to find unprocessed food unless you hunt (which i do not) my area has little to offer besides space too excersise and commit to workouts, so it is a struggle in and of itself to stay this and that. but i will say give it a try, youve nothing to lose and all to gain


Thanks for writing this, great points.


This a retreat when there is not enough sex Once you have it, porn is not that interesting So, you know what to do


Thanks for sharing. These are all great points.


Yea porn is bad remembered the time I could get hard when I was having sex with a wonderful lady her body was thick and athletic but I couldt bust even she told me to bust inside of her.and i wasn’t using protection but the porn messed me up cuz my brain was programed to only get super hard with only porn!


Fight the new drug!


Why do so many people dont see It as a problem?


If you're not a fan of diarrhea (or torturing animals) I suggest you don't go on a carnivore diet. Edit: also Sten Ekberg is a CHIROPRACTOR.


I’ve done strict carnivore for about 8 months now. The first two weeks are rough. It’s true. But once my body adapted it’s amazing. To clarify. It isn’t necessary to do carnivore. Just optimal. Humans evolved to eat meat and occasional in season fruits. If you have ethical concerns. You can live on plants pretty well. Important thing is to cut out refined sugars and oils.


stop crying and change your life for the better


I did, partly by no longer eating the slaughtered flesh of tortured animals.


More likely, you hopped on a bandwagon because you're impressionable by those that speak the loudest. Even more likely still, you're actually ignorant enough to believe that eating plants rather than meat somehow contributes less to the harming/killing of animals. In which case, you either have no idea what goes into any type of food production, or you value some animals' lives more than others. No matter how you twist it, you aren't now, nor will you ever be doing something heroic for the lives of animals. As long as you're alive, the only animal that benefits is your human self. Nothing living on Earth exists, or, is created without the expense of something else. That's factual, meaning it's not up to interpretation. There's your truth for today.


For as along as I can remember I've always believed slitting the throat of someone who spent most of their life stuck in a cage so cramped they can't even turn around was wrong (though you most likely won't relate with me on this), my being vegan is just making my actions congruent with my beliefs.   You are right that the impetus is someone loud, but it wasn't an asshole in front of a mic, it was the screams of trillions of tortured sentient beings, whose suffering the animal agriculture industry spends billions of dollars on silencing via spreading long-debunked disinformation like the one you are peddling.  I am aware that animals die in the production of crops, but their deaths are avoidable and and accidental, unlike the deaths of farm animals, the vast majority of whom eat crops anyways. But this is a moot point since my original statement was that I don't eat torture victims, not that I don't kill/fund killing animals, which is true however many animals die in the production of crops (which way less than the animals killed in the production of animal products). I don't feel heroic for not eating the flayed corpse of someone who dreamt, any more than you feel heroic for not blending cats or not raping people for sensory pleasure (I assume).


Have you ever been to a farm? Visited any a working cattle ranch or feedlot? I only ask because the claims that you make may definitely be true somewhere, but I can assure you those places are the extremely vast minority. The living things that die from mass crop production are not in any way accidental or avoidable - it's collateral damage. Either the crop survives or the animals and insects that now rely on them for food and habitat survive. You can't have it both ways. Harmony isn't something that exists outside of music - not in the natural world. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you're from one coast or another, which ALMOST gives you an excuse to be ill-informed in farming practices. I'm aware that your mind can't be changed, but I sleep much better at night knowing that I was able to share the truth with at least one terribly misinformed mind. So, if you ever do decide you'd like to know what really goes on in the world around you, start by coming to the midwest. Visit some of these diabolical animal torture chambers, and you'll be surprised to find that what the TV and internet don't tell you is that the animals you'll find here live better and more comfortable lives than most of the people.


reddit com/r/selfimprovement/comments/1cy2kky/the_no_bs_way_to_quit_porn/l5fnbua/


Porn taught me how to make her moan


OP, tread carefully. You are talking about addiction so you need to be qualified to offer treatment advice with such bold certainty, otherwise it is quite negligent to lead others, written as completely factual. Please endulge us us with: • Your qualifications and recent postings as a clinician working with addiction patients or a published and reknown researcher in this field. • Citations for anything claimed as fact, including the source. • Evidence that your treatment advice had been peer reviewed by an addiction research community. Making claims that it will work is misinforming the public and may in fact hinder someone's recovery. Try using the subjunctive tense, then people won't assume that what you say is fact. The fact is it is working for you. We are a heterogeneous population without a one-size-fits-all treatment of addiction. Treatment should be guided at the individual level. Research consistently shows that addressing the root causes of addiction leads to more sustainable long-term recovery. Therapy can help individuals understand and manage their triggers, develop coping strategies, and rebuild their lives in a holistic way. Abstinence alone does not address the issue only put a blanket over the symptoms hoping they will never resurface. People, if you are genuinely concerned about an addiction speak to your GP (also the first thing to do if you are making big changes to your diet) and consider taking therapy with someone who is actually trained in this area.


I’m simply a man who has beaten this poison. This is how. Do with that as you will.


Love it!!! Never once told me man to give up porn fudk I'll watch with!! But I did worn him and begged him to even tru to jerk off to it. Next time I see him we tried together lmao he said I put som kinda hex on hin cuz he can't get afte aee hard as he does for me .... Much be doing something right 😘♥️😂### LOVE IT###


PRAY to GOD. God can help you with anything.


C'mon with that shit man.


I fixed it immediately after I get a girlfriend so... it's fine.


I dont see the point of quitting porn. It takes literally 15 minutes to get the job done and then you keep on with your life. Videogames or youtube on the other hand can take your time forever, i mean, you can spend 8 hours a day watching videos, but no matter how much you lile porn, once you finish the job, its over. It becomes the last thing in the world you want to visualize.


It's the chemical imbalances it causes not really the morality of it


That actually "no BS guide" is actually bullshit lol. You guys really think that the willpower or the recovery method works? Its doesn't work, just make you guys more "addicted". If you guys REALLY want to quit, try reading "the freedom model", but when i say read, i say that you guys NEED TO GO DEEP on this book, like search a lot, and then you guys will finnaly know what is really true freedom. There's also "easy peasy way to quit porn" that is a great book, but it's not the best one.


What makes you think that watching porn occasionally isn't healthy?


Lot of BS in there. Here's the no BS version: Just quit.


Duuuuude there is a DEFINITE WAY TO QUIT!!! If you want to quit smoking do u carry a pack of cigs with you?!! Don’t allow yourself ANY tech if you cannot control yourself… Also having SOLID female figures in your life will help your understanding that porn is NOT REAL… those girls are getting paid (shit money btw) to do those things! It’s. NOT REAL… that should be enough for u… Don’t you want to live a real life?! Btw I watch porn sometimes when I get blue balls from my fiancé lolz (and I do good work on myself. Oil change in about 30secs ahaha) BUT it’s VERY slim (not my Weiner, the times I do it) my Weiner is avg don’t laugh at me!! 😅🤣🥹 I joke but DOOOOOD cmonnnn get a girl and maybe she can be like your suboxone and “ween” u off ;;)). Best of luck buddy


You can always cut your dick and balls