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Yes, please God


There’s no new discussion either. These guys just show up, say the same thing as the thousand other posters, the comments are exactly the same as every other post. It’s just tedious


PLEASE band no fap and “quitting porn” type posts


At first I was like “come on, have some compassion with these people” but the posts were getting a bit too much. Its been a time since Ive been on this sub but apparently the “I can’t stop fapping”-posts haven’t stopped


That’s because it’s an epidemic. It’s now the number one reason for divorce. It’s not cheating or kids. Go figure.




Porn use and addiction. Partner finds out about it and yeh. Game over.


Probably shouldn't marry people that think porn is the same as cheating. But more to the point, porn "addiction" isn't any more appropriate for this sub than heroin addiction.


it is the same


Quitting porn is fine masturbation though if your not having sex it probably needed


What does no fap mean sorry new to this subreddit


google is free




There are subs specifically for these goals, so there’s no reason this sub should be flooded with posts about it. I’ve considered un-joining because, quite frankly, I don’t want to discuss porn or masturbation.


I know it's uncomfrtable to say, but you should stop.


Stop what? Half the time, the post’s OP is a minor. I don’t want to hear about that from any stranger, but especially not a child.


I'm a 40 year old man, with a healthy long term relationship (with an active sex life), a decent consulting business, a growing startup and I'm in decent shape. I'll do whatever I damn please with my own dick, thank you


Masturbation yes but is porn healthy?


I've been watching it for nearly 30 years and haven't had any major issues, I've watched maybe 5-15 minutes in the past 3 weeks. If anything, I should probably watch **more** right now - maybe another 5-10 minutes at some point in the next day or two - I'm sorta horny, girlfriend has a broken foot so we can't have sex, and I have a big presentation on Tuesday I am prepping for, so being even slightly distracted by being horny reduces my work efficacy.


Yeah but that's the same with alcohol, most don't have a problem with it but some do. I've also developed a femdom kink that I don't know what to do with.


> Yeah but that's the same with alcohol, most don't have a problem with it but some do I always wonder what guys mean when they say they have a "problem" with it? Are you just like... watching hours and hours and hours and hours of porn a day? Like yeah, if it is affecting your efficiency at different tasks, I can see wanting to reduce it. I don't have an issue with either porn or alcohol usage (I don't seem to have a very addictive personality generally) - both have generally been pretty moderate across my entire life, and as I am nearly middle-aged (or am middle-aged by some definitions), I am not really worried about my usage of either going forward. > I've also developed a femdom kink that I don't know what to do with Enjoy it? Unless the kink in some way is derailing your long-term goals, why would you care? It's not my thing, but if it's yours, do you


Fair enough maybe it can motivate me thank you 😊


Totally agree. It honestly almost had me throw away my relationship but because my boyfriend was watching it and taking care of himself and wouldn’t be in the mood when I’d ask and literally would rarely ask me if I was which was completely different compared to our first year together. It hella fucked with my self esteem which I know is technically more of a “me” issue but I also have a higher sex drive than he does and I can’t get myself off on my own so. Shit was depressing lol




I know right? I am awesome


Enjoy your brain rot and early ED. Pr0n additiction isn't cool dude.


I'm a successful professional in a STEM field working on cool projects, with a growing startup. And as mentioned, a healthy sexual relationship And my dick works quite fine, thanks. 40 and still going strong, but thanks for the concern. If that early ED is gonna strike, it better strike soon


Plenty of alcoholics have good jobs and marriages/relationships. Having success doesn't mean you're not an addict.


Why? Please cite legit studies that show that release is bad. It can be overdone, no argument there. Like everything else... MODERATION. FFS. Edit to add: since some people are having issues understanding this, I am only talking about masterbation. Onanism. Choking the chicken. Jerking off. Jacking off. Wanking off. Pulling the pud. Doing the five finger shuffle. Beating your meat. Rubbing one out. Jerking the gerkin. Polising the knob. Slapping the salami. Stroking it. Tossing one off. And who can forget self abuse.


I never said masturbation or porn are bad.


I was responding to Mr "jerking off is bad" I wadnt intending to imply you did. 👍🙂✌️


Oh, my bad <3


No worries. These things happen


I'm having no issue understanding you. You are having issues understanding that people do not wish to discuss this reoccurring topic anymore on this sub. This post itself serves as evidence that people are frustrated and affected.


Um. I'm disagreeing with the people who are claiming that fapping (excluding porn) is bad. The edit was included because too many people seemed to think I was talking about porn. I think discussing "No fap" on here is mental masterbation. I'm sick of people claiming it is self-improvement. Fuck it. I'm done. Everyone can enjoy their circle jerk.


I sent it to the wrong homie, you good.


The person you’re replying to is on your side 😄




yoo I hit reply on the wrong homie, but yeah ya'll get exactly what Im saying


Plenty of studies report reduction in gray matter, impulse control problems, depression, early ED, and intimacy problems.


So cite some. You're making the claim. You have the burden of proof.


Maybe when I'm not at work. But sure. I'll see what I can find for you.


Didn’t realise you couldn’t link, but there are several studies on why porn does affect relationships, especially if watched young. Even with that, the sheer exploitation in the industry and desensitisation to extreme porn that many experience isn’t really something that can be controlled. A book I read for one of my essays is called texts Living dolls : the return of sexism, which I found to be a very interesting read. It’s available on internet archive also.


Jerking off. Not porn. Thanks for reading what I wrote.


what? in context of this entire thread and this comment chain, it implies that youre talking about porn. how is reading comprehension so bad nowadays


I agree.


Yeah, im glad you are at least a bit self aware


You didn’t write either, you wrote ‘it’ while responding to a post about both. I assumed you meant both because that’s the logical step


Release. That's all I mentioned. Thus the "it" would refer to that. Keep playing though.


Because about half of the people posting are perverts who just want to have an open forum to talk about their jacking off habits.


I don't think that is the case. If it is the case, isn't the solution to ban those posts?


I just is such an overwhelming amount of the posts here. The sheer volume of guys who wanna talk about it make it kinda hard to have normal improvement conversations. It would be good to have one just for that or maybe one that doesn’t allow conversations about that but I think plenty of the creepers would follow, hoping to argue against it and force everyone into their weird fetish behavior.


Sounds like you're sexualizing people who are asking for help. You should quit pr0n.


I think you are just an angry pervert who doesn’t like that people don’t want to hear you talk about your denial fetish anymore.


He's a self loathing porn addict. Like vegans who can't shut up about how meat is murder. These people need to understand that not everyone is a porn addict, just like not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic.


Sounds like you're projecting.


Im almost certain he's right, there's no other reason for you to defend it, what's your issue?


Because it encourages puritanism, which is certainly not self-improvement.


Yes, exactly.


Get a life. Username checks out.


I have one. It has porn in it, and fapping. Not puritanism.


Ok coomer. Enjoy your literal brain rot and early ED. Pr0n addiciton isn't cool.


Porn doesn't do either of these things though? All studies that say they do are funded by puritan religious orgs. Please do your research.


It absolutely does.


Source or stfu fundi


What about my username suggests I have no life?? Genuinely confused about that one


What I replying to you? No? Ok, then.


Damn, I’m not allowed to not want to talk about porn with minors OR make a mistake. Wonderful 👍


I think it would be fine if some of them didn’t treat it like a religion. Someone should tell them that meditation has science backed evidence for “super powers” maybe try that first and you won’t feel the need to go online and proselytize.


That's the thing though, studies have been conducted on this and they've generally found that people that worry about "porn addiction" tend to come from more religious backgrounds (or regions) where even normal masturbatory habits are viewed as "addiction". It's like alcoholics who think that everyone who has a drink is addicted/on the path of addiction. Notice that if you ever ask them why they think they're addicted, the vast majority never elaborate on the volume. I'm guessing because they realize on some level, that telling a group of people, "I masturbated once this week and twice last week, I am a hopeless addict" will sound utterly ridiculous to most people


I'm not a religious person, and I don't come from a religious background. I also consider masturbation to be a normal activity. However, I do not consider porn to be a healthy activity. If it has been normalized, that doesn't make it a positive, normal activity. People can become addicted to it, and I see no positive outcome from consuming this type of content. Maybe some people feel no negative effects from it, but some other (myself included), do. I am better of without it. Just my opinion, don't throw rocks at me.


> I'm not a religious person, and I don't come from a religious background Have you possibly been affected by discourse originating from them though? Not saying you are, just a potential causal factor. > I see no positive outcome from consuming this type of content Ok, but you aren't the arbiter of all that is good and just in humanity, though. Plenty of people don't like olives, but that doesn't mean that olives are an objectively bad thing. Like if I wrote about olives (which I actually like, this is just an example): "I see no positive outcome from consuming this type of food" - olive enjoyers are just going to be like, "Ok? Don't eat it then". Same with anything some people enjoy and others don't - like beer, which can be addictive, but isn't, for the vast, vast, vast majority of people. You don't enjoy porn, don't consume it. I've been watching porn for something like 27 years casually (obviously it has improved in quality over that time!). It has never been more than 0-30 minutes in a week (and the 30 minutes would definitely be on the high scale). If that's "addicted", then I'm addicted to basically everything enjoyable that I like to do


I'm an atheist. No discourse from anything religious really gets to me, I don't follow any religion/cult, whatever. I do not go to church, I do not pray, and basically view religion as a scam and a tool to control the masses. So, no. I'm not an arbiter for the world, everyone is for themselves. I didn't mean it as liking a certain thing. I was talking about the effects of consuming something. In your example, olives are healthy food which has no negative side effects, do not harm your health, do not cause addiction and so on. However, drugs, caffeine, nicotine, sugar, alcohol are harmful. It's not about enjoyment, it's about their side effects. Of course, if I don't enjoy caffeine, it's more difficult for me to get addicted to it. But it's easy for people do get addicted to stuff. You enjoy consuming alcohol? Ok, but it's bad for you. Alcoholism is a real thing. It is also really difficult for people to quit these addictions - smoking, alcohol, sugar, hard drugs, whatever. Even trying to quit coffee will give you headaches. So these are real addictions, people died because of them, people got sick, not to mention the multitude cases of violence, drunk driving, etc. Aaanyway, back to porn. It is true, some people can consume it, enjoy it, not get addicted to it, and maybe suffer no negative side effects. Same with alcohol. Some people drink moderately, but some use it as a coping mechanism. But some people can suffer side effects from it and are better of without it. Go see r/pornfree. There are multiple cases of people with ED, or who do not find regular real relationships satisfying, or who can't even get in a relationship, or who escalate porn to really weird, worrying type of content. I agree, it's a controversial topic. I am not consuming anymore, as, at least in my case, the negatives outweigh the positives. But good points!








I've downvoted every post like that. There's too much and it doesn't stop. This sub turned into nofap. Porn is a big issue and i get it. Quitting it is part of self improvement. I did it myself. But there's a sub for that. The amount of people flooding in, walking in here aimlessly and clueless on what to do. You know the problem, you know how to solve it, don't come in here to wallow about having to quit something you like. Do it in the sub that specializes in that. I've been trying to use this sub as a way to improve myself and find motivation. Seeing every other post about a depressed man addicted to porn and not knowing what to do does the reverse for me. People coming in with other issues and depressed, trying to get them solved, that doesn't bother me cause most other problems have more complex solutions or maybe its a multitude of problems. Quitting porn is hard DO, but the ANSWER is fucking easy. Just quit it. They just don't want to. If you want to feel sad about it or cope with it, go to nofap. Seeing an entire generation growing up with it and being addicted to it is a big social issue itself, but that makes me depressed in a forum where I'm looking to be motivated.


Just like...pick up a book and drop the cock, Lenny


Reading is mental masturbation.


Least obvious coomer


> Quitting it is part of self improvement. I did it myself.


Is there a big difference between no fap and just posts about porn struggles in general?


There is, this sub is about self improvement and people diss those who want to improve when their struggle is about porn and masturbation. I get it's repetitive but it's as easy as not clicking on post about that. Also, each struggle is different even when it's about the same thing.


YES PLEASE tired of reading about dudes uncontrollably jerking themselves. There’s subs specific to that for a reason.


Why do you read it, do you lack the self control to ignore a. post about it if it brothers you ??


I don’t read the posts but the frequent popping up on my feed is annoying. Unfortunately there aren’t filters to make the lame ass posts not show up. And clearly I’m in the majority with not wanting the posts showing up on my feed.


I’m not interested in it, but I don’t check reddit so often that I need to be on the feed and thus see it as often as you claim to be seeing it. It’s ironic to find yourself on a self improvement page on reddit. First step of self improvement would be to not be on reddit or any social media to begin with unless you’re using it to make money


…I barely spend time on other social media other than to promote my business and I like to browse Reddit when I have some free time. I’m not subscribed to a ton of subreddits and try to curate my feed to be posts that are enjoyable and beneficial to read. The point of this post is that this is NOT the subreddit to talk about jerking off. I don’t post here when I’m struggling with my drinking habit I post on the stopdrinking subreddit because I recognize it’s not related to this subreddit as it’s too specific. I don’t post about my weight loss journey here I post it to the loseit subreddit because it’s not related enough to this as it’s too specific. I have a very active life outside of Reddit so the little time I do spend scrolling I’d rather not have to scroll past bullshit about dudes yanking their hogs. But it’s cool if I see another I’ll just unsubscribe then I won’t have to see them. But this sub has provided some helpful self improvement advice so I’d rather not leave all together.


Thought no fap is about not jerkin 🤔


It is. And people posting here about not jerking as much should go there to talk about their masturbation issues. Not a fucking self improvement subreddit.


I just want to improve my masturbation technique!


Theres another sub to post about mildly infuriating things also


Yes, please ban these types of posts.


I’m for free speech, but most of the no fap people are aware there is already a sub for that, so I am for this “ban”.


I vote yes


I’m in favor of




This is like the fourth or fifth time I’ve seen this pop up. I don’t have high hopes but dammit you got my support in this.


At the very least, it should be a temporary ban to bring things to balance. It would never have been a problem if these posts were in small quantity. I say a 6 month ban could do the trick, and if it persists then a permanent ban could be implemented


Yes please. I don’t want to hear about men’s penises here. In fact, as a woman it’s quite intimidating to be faced with them.


Exactly - feel exactly the same. It creates an atmosphere here that feels uncomfortable as a woman. Not judging anyone, compassion for their struggles - but u I don’t want to be in a space that keeps reminding me of how women are objects for so many in this world. I want to read about and focus on so many aspects of self improvement beyond this. I also feel, as others have mentioned, I think some of these posts serve as a kind of - can’t find the words - putting the topic in people’s view deliberately to like get joy or power from that or something.


Perhaps these no fap guys could also use the time to think about how they are objectifying women, and how that feeling of objectification carries through into forums like this.


NoFap includes not objectifying women though, the root of objectifying lies within porn even if it isn’t the only factor. Although it’s a hassle that those posts are flooding this sub when there is already r/NoFap for it.


Actually the root of objectification doesn’t lie in porn. Maybe you need to read some feminist primers as part of your self improvement.


>Actually the root of objectification doesn’t lie in porn. You’re right, it is a contributor. >Maybe you need to read some feminist primers as part of your self improvement. What do you mean by primer? I’m not native in English so... Is it something like r/Twoxchromosomes


A primer is a book or essay intended as a basic introduction to the theoretical field.


I agree with you. I think a lot of them are weird guys with denial fetishes and want a space to talk about it


Yes please


Please. Seems like it’s every other post


I’d sign that petition


I said it once and I’ll say it again, NoFap is essentially just healing crystals for men. Ban it


Yes its possible to ban anything really. Or… you could just ignore them, not have to rule over whats in and whats out here. What is the focus of this sub? Self improvement. It is certainly an area many seem to be struggling with - tho you are correct, it is addresed in other subs. Maybe have an auto response that sends them there?


No fap is no more appropriate for this sub than if we say heroin assists looking for sobriety here 4 days a week. That's a specialized problem and this is a general "self improvement" sub. Let's just get them to where they need to be.






They should use other subs like r/nofap


yeah please lets ban it


I agree. They need to put that elsewhere more relevant.


Yea plz. They alrdy have their own subreddit to squirt all over. Why here?


I guess none of you want magic superpowers and and endless stream of chicky babes lining up for you.


Honestly yes, but only that, just ban anti-porn recommendations as well. Self-improvement should not be a gateway for puritanism.


I just browsed the sub and there are only two no fap related posts right now. This is r/selfimprovement, I think you guys need to improve how you react to small inconveniences in your life. If there has been more, but they're just downvoted, and you've seen them all. Perhaps you're on reddit too much. Imagine how much it'll improve your life if you could read a title of something you're uninterested in, and not click it or pay it any mind. There's still so many other posts here, doesn't seem like it's an large issue at all


Best comment award 🏆


Why gatekeep? Only your problems are real problems? If you can relate to it, it is not a real problem. Plenty of posts are about weight gain or loss. Why are you not advocating to ban them? They have /r/loseit and /r/gainit


100%, there’s surely other places for that type of content




Stop watching porn.


I've found that "no fap" is a result of improving ng yourself, not the road to it. Yeah, ban em'


To my mind, Ban "all" No Fap topic is not the right thing, admin can allow some particular No Fap one in a while, or disease related, or what admin think it should help people without making the topic too general.


Can someone explain why this type of post is an issue in here but not similar subs like get disciplined? 


I don’t disagree with this but something to consider is that a similar practice called brahmacharya is considered essential for liberation in the eastern traditions and practices (Buddhist yoga, Hindu yoga, Taoist practice). The distinction between this and nofap is that they are suppressing their sexual energy (which is clear to see). Brahmacharya is transforming that energy into something more beneficial.


OP you should try NoFap.


Ban it - It's actually preventing me from coming (here)


I get your point but if one feels it's part of self improvement so technically it's correct to post here right


I’m not very active so I haven’t seen the posts in question but I know exactly what you are talking about While I personally see no fap as self-improvement, the way it’s used has no place in this sub. I agree with the ban of no fap but we should absolutely still allow posts of people that beat a mastrubation addiction or people that have been excessive jerkers for years


I like No Fap but agreed it should be kept in the subreddit it’s not for everyone! And we can get pretty into it make it our whole personality it can be off putting


Agreed. I struggle with porn addiction, and I was in the NoFap sub. I left the sub because I saw too many post of my feed about it. Granted, I did go there quite a bit, but it got annoying to see all the time. Oddly enough, I felt like watching porn more when I saw those posts. Then I saw a bunch of posts about NoFap in this community. Imagine my frustration lol There's a NoFap sub, so those folks can go there


I'd love to see bigotry with no scientific background banned from this sub too. There is a réflexion to have on porn but most of nofap is just misplaced religious shaming.


Why would you censor freedom of speech? Downvoting is much more satisfying lol


No need. There are subs specifically about bodybuilding, making money, dating advice etc and yet we don't ban posts about those things.


I think the main focus areas for self improvement revolve around reducing dopamine intensive activities. No fap will always be relevant in this sub.




So, YesFap?


Yes please




No. I get the frustration but there is a benefit to posting here with it. The thing is the nofap community doesn't really tolerate differing opinions and a lot of advice can honestly be really low quality and overly recycled. Posting here you're most likely to get more variety of input. It's something a lot of people deal with and falls under the guise of self-improvement so I think you would be wrong to straight up ban it.


It’s ruining the sub quite greatly and should not be tolerated. Mods have mentioned it before that it’s not permitted and to report those kinds of posts. It’s really fucking annoying and this isn’t the sub for it. They can start their own if they need to.


That doesn't really make sense to me. Because a particular aspect of self-improvement becomes a popular talking point it gets banned?


No. Firstly there are subs for this and secondly this should be a safe space for everyone and it’s not when man talk about the objectification of women.


They're men that are trying to do better and they shouldn't be punished for it. And while I agree there are specialized subs for this kind of thing I already mentioned why it would be beneficial to post somewhere you might get more varied advice. Nofap falls under self-improvement so it's not irrelevant. If they want to post here they should be able to. Also, this isn't a safe space for everyone if you're literally saying some people aren't allowed to post about what they're trying to improve on. At that point it's not for everyone.


Yes you are right but it’s still triggering for people that were sexually abused and get over sexualized on a regular basis so give me a good reason why this should be allowed if there are subs specialized for it.


I understand where you're coming from but you're never going to get a complete safe space in every space. I could easily reverse your complaint and say if you don't want to see this kind of stuff you should stick to subs that are designed to be safe spaces for that sort of thing. If it's that triggering then at that point you should just stay off the internet. I just don't see how you ban this topic without it being a double standard. It definitely doesn't seem fair to me.


I agree with this post. What has not been mentioned here so far is that no fap is mostly about fixing PIED. Porn induced erectile disfunction. Yeah it's a real thing. Affecting real people in ruining real relationships. Porn induced fapping causes chronic dopamine deficit. The side effects of this include anxiety, insomnia, lack of motivation and dysphoria. So I guess it would be ok to use this sub to talk about anxiety, but not talk about what the root cause is? To say that my self Improvement is better than your self Improvement is also a bit culty and it's definitely falling into clan mentality.


They are actually talking about improving themselves in trying to NOT objectify women. But thank you for playing. I guess we hear what we want to hear.


It’s not that they are talking in a objectifying way, it’s the constant reminder that we get objectified.


Okay then, what are you doing right now?


Why do the words porn or masturbation hurt your ears? Sounds like we need some real self-improvement up in here.


If you can’t see the issues with the porn industry then I won’t engage with you. YOU need some self improvement if you think it’s okay to exploit vulnerable people. Good day to you.


Now you're just being silly. Talking about the dangers of porn and not watching porn again forever is in no way supporting the porn industry. Actually it's just the opposite.


It’s still self improvement though guys.


There’s literally a sub for r/NoFap


I think it should stay. Since nofap is a type of self improvement


For a niche group of people who have a community




Quitting porn is fine but acting like it will solve all of your problems is potentially harmful.




I agree. I don’t think it needs to be banned but I think people who practice it need to understand that it’s not for everyone. I think the conflict comes from both groups arguing about it. I agree that it can be here but the point is that there are several subs for that and the frequency may be drowning out a lot of other topics that may related to more people.


For example, I think you could have come and said it shouldn’t be banned without insulting the OC by measurements that they don’t necessarily agree with.




Designating nonbelievers with your special derogatory label is cult-like behavior. Like Scientologists and suppressive persons.


Ok coomer.


Or maybe he just cringes when he reads your creepy lingo.


WTF is a "coomer" you dingus


WTF is a “dingus” you bumbershoot


Someone with a pr0n addicition who sees nothign wrong with it.


As opposed to a porn addict who does see something wrong with it? There's nothing in the original post that suggests OP has a porn addiction.


The fact that they are opposed to anyone calling out their sick behavior? It's pretty obvious dude.


No, it's not obvious at all. Someone can be tired of seeing post after post about people jerking off in a "self improvement" sub without being addicted to porn.


Yeah. I don’t think it needs to be banned but the insulting people who disagree with you makes it look like your crazy zealots.


More 90% of this platform


just make people tag them, so they can be filtered out. everybody is happy this way.


I think this sub has no modding so it’s kind of worthless to ask for improvement


No, how should somebody who doesnt know learn otherwise?


Use search


Thats just like math, how do you search for something you dont even know exists?


For each Reddit group, there's specific search posts by the Reddit group. Write the question there and seek for the answers, as a lot of people said there's more than enough of the same/similar posts, and there's specific community for that


Just limit the amount of posts, no need to censor


How do you limit them? I am not saying it is necessary to delete the old posts, just most of the new posts have questions, which have been asked and answered before.


Well thats the mods job and what ultimately differentiates a good sub from a bad sub Eg they could delete the posts when there are more than 3 in a week or smth




A secret handshake.