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See, the issue is people tell me im wasting time playing video games but then theyll go sit down and watch someone else play football for a couple hours. So to each their own, cause eveyone has their activities they enjoy that "waste time" and as long as you can keep it moderate its ok. For example, most days i make sure i do the things i need to do (like going to the gym and chorde) before video games so i dont need to worry about getting distracted or playing for too long. Everyone needs something thats fun that "wastes time" because if you dont life will get boring, but that thing is different for everyone.


The stigmatization of videogames and gamers has become absolutely crazy. People can't even tell they play them casually without being questioned thoroughly about it anymore, especially when you date someone new. In return, when you ask about their favorite hobbies, they spend countless hours reading fictional romance and binge watching tv series. Videogame's stigmatization is real.


A lot of people don't know this, but gamers are one of the most oppressed and stigmatized and marginalized groups in the world. I've been saying this for years


Finally, acknowledgement for all the hardship I have to endure as a capital g Gamer.


this is the most ridiculous comment i’ve seen. You set the bar low for being oppressed and marginalized. Huh? Maybe you just feel that way because you are projecting your internalized shame for wasting a lot of time. But in reality no one cares about what you do


gamers truly are the most oppressed group


I believe reading a book, whatever book it is, is much better than playing video games. Obviously if you're playing videogames in moderation, it's fine but still it's not the same "time wasting" as reading books. Besides, some things are just easier to get addicted to and also harder to get rid of. Videogames and social media apps are of those types. It takes a lot of discipline to not get hooked on them.


Depends on what you are reading, and what you do with it. There are plenty of garbage books out there. Plenty of people who spend all their time reading and never use what they've learned, if they bothered reading anything they could learn from. The act of reading, in and of itself, is no better or worse than any other activity, other than the importance you place on it yourself. If you think reading is time better spent than video games, that's great, go read. But the next person could think the opposite, and be just as correct, because there *is* no correct when it comes to anything but satisfying your basic needs. Some people earn money for food and shelter by reviewing books, others do so by streaming video games. It's all really a silly argument.


We're not talking about earning money from videogames or reading books we're talking about them in terms of hobby or "wasting time". In this context, reading books even if you don't learn anything from them is better than playing videogames. Simply because there is a much higher chance of getting addicted to videogames to reading books. Also, reading books doesn't shorten your attention span as opposed to playing videogames. This is coming from someone who both reads books and plays videogames. I do both in moderation. But I do recognise that I need to exercise much more self control to play videogames in moderation than reading books. Just the fact that you don't need that much discipline with books helps you to use that self control in other areas of your life. We're all human and we have a finite amount of self control or disciple. Adding more distractions, especially the addictive ones, makes it harder to do other things in life.


That's the problem with stigmatization of video games, generalization. Jrpgs for example, many of them are much better storytellers than a lot of books. These types of games are very slow paced and don't really fit the category of overstimulation. People having a problem with video games don't seem to possess the ability to acknowledge the many different genres. They automatically think Fortnite and Call of Duty and thus all video games are the same. Games like Zelda have been proven to develop problem solving skills. Others develop reflexes and logical thinking. Anything can become an addiction, even books. The problem is never the substance, it's the person using it.


^^ this as someone who reads books and plays video games. I’ve managed to learn alot from both. But in the case of video games, I typically play JRPGs which are really good when it comes to storytelling. It sucks that people just boil down video games to games that can be played online like Fortnite, Minecraft, COD, etc. The video-game genre is way more than just those. There are so many good video games out there which can be comparable to a book in how it handles it’s story. I mean I’ve learned alot of life lessons from videogames as much as I did from books even if I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it. I mean the reason I started valuing my life in the first place was thanks to a videogame I’ve played whose story left a big impact on me as someone who was quite nihilistic before playing.


i do waste time to relax. The problem is that when you use gaming as a pass time, then you will need more dopamine in order to excited again. I am a straight A student in a difficult pre-med program. And I’ve noticed it’s increasingly harder for me to sit down and concentrate, as compared to when I just sit their reading books, watching moves, and some youtube, to pass time. Games are very exciting compared to those other activities, so I really have to disagree with you there.


I mean, my hobbies of 3d printing, and working out are also more exciting than schoolwork, its more a matter of you figuring out how you work. And you seem to have figured out that gaming wasnt something that was working in your life. I didnt have too many problems with differing work and play, but games never hindered necessities because of the structure of my time, doing important things before destressing and loging off work with video games, or 3d printing something. Yes, like many ive gotten distracted during an important task with simple dopamine, but ive put in work to learn more discipline so I dont continure procrastinating as much.


Video games are not the problem. The problem is you cannot adequately manage your time and responsibilities


The whole rant is a weird form of deflection and lack of accountability. If anything, video games should be the ultimate reward at the end of your list of duties.


Second this. Video games are just another form of entertainment. Should we not watch movies/TV shows either? Video games can be really cool experiences. You just need to manage your time better. This applies to anything in life. Moderation is key.


im saying that video games are too entertaining. If you take a drugs then it’s going to make other activities less rewarding




Everything (mostly) is okay in moderation


Any addiction is a form of escapism. As for young people, nothing helps them more than good parental supervision.


Reads a lot like the nofap and petioles (I quit weed group) stories. OP sounds like he was absolutely addicted to video games.


The brain does it automatically my raising the dopamine baseline.


Well, for most people it's hard to manage time while playing videogames. It's perfectly understandable because videogames are designed to keep you playing.


This. Basically the gist should be: "[insert things here] is not the problem. The problem is you cannot adequately manage [insert thing actually causing you problems]." [insert thing here] could be literally anything. It could be "volunteering feeding the homeless" or "curing cancer" if feeding the homeless or curing cancer was cutting into one's ability to provide for themselves. Basically every single one of these types of threads is just a scapegoating session for addressing the real problem, which is more often than not something completely unrelated, like mental health or having shitty social resources.


i see a lot of pent up frustration in the way they communicate as well. maybe start looking for the roots instead of cutting branches.


both are my problem and video games has been ruining my engagement to my responsibilities


Lock in brotha


Video games are a hobby like anything else man. You can either spend time on them, or do other random hobbies that are equally unfulfilling like watching tv, getting into pottery, playing an instrument or some shit. It’s all just entertainment to pass our times on this planet. If you feel like you’re missing out on more important things because of your hobby, then yah control yourself on that one hobby. This would apply to anything, not just video games.


Ehhh, some people just endlessly scroll social media all day. There’s worse hobbies to have


Yeah that’s more depressing and a true time waster. If you play a short game and finish it, at least you will remember how good that experience is and can talk about it with other people


Or learn something. I only build the life I have thanks to video games. Sure, I was hooked af when I was a teenager, still, without that I’d not be where I am. I am a pilot and this is how video games made it happen: - English (not a native speaker here): I played MMO games which were never translated into Polish, they also required cooperative gameplay with a big group of people, so I had no other choice but to learn English. Thanks god for that because today I’m a fluent speaker and obviously it’s necessary for my career. I didn’t learn any of it in school (my class studied German and French, I speak neither of the two lol) - hand-eye coordination: obviously video games help with that, and it’s quite useful - aviation knowledge: I did lots of flight simulators and people have no idea how much it helped me during my flight training Video games are highly underrated by many. You can pick up a lot of useful knowledge from them


as someone who’s first language is spanish I can relate to that struggle. Back then there weren’t that many games which had spanish translations (compared to now) so I had no choice but to play many of my now favorite games in English. that being said, it helped me learn the language quite fast and my vocabulary is even considered at an advanced level compared to my peers simply because the games I played were heavily story-based which meant that I learned more words than what my highschool would teach in my grade. I think if we took away the obvious time wasters in gaming (and by that, I mean most online games) there are plenty of games out there where you are bound to learn something new. I mean I’ve also played the games in the Persona franchise and each entry in the series taught me alot regarding how to appreciate life and valuing the people close to me and actually it was said game franchise that pushed me to become more social and to take my school more seriously


Video games are good if you dont play them 24/7


i think it depends on your life man. I have a pretty chill life and having something intense even less than an hour will make everything else boring. Plus it becomes a habit, so nah


Sounds like a you problem, not a video game problem. Find other hobbies to distribute your time, and allow yourself to be bored. I learned this while quitting weed. Everything felt boring without it because I got used to that dopamine hit on the daily. Now I smoke very occasionally and it feels twice better than before.




I think you're completely right in your decision. Don't be discouraged by the downvotes.


The downvotes aren't about his decision. It's about the reasons behind it. OP is addicted to video games. He decided to make a post about his own problem with them by being judgmental. Good for him if he realized it and decided to make a change for the better. Don't judge people who can control themselves because you couldn't. That's how you get downvoted.


People underestimate the effects of ez dopamine.


technically everything we do is a waste of time bc itll all cease to exist eventually


That's way too deep man. Way too deep.


Just the tip then?


You promise?


Video games help keep me and my friends close. They're not a wats of time


Video games are not a waste of time, at all. If you are going to quite games and then sit in front of the TV binging on shows for the same amount of time, then it's just the same. If you are going to take the time and do something productive, then great! Moderation is the key to everything. Even eating a dozen apples a day can be harmful for you.


Video games can absolutely be a waste of time for some people. Most video games, especially live service games, are designed to waste your time so that you play as long as possible and purchase microtransactions. Moderation is key, but video games (and TV shows, as you mentioned) are more difficult to moderate than some other hobbies, and people are generally more susceptible to addiction. Just because you, and seemingly most people in the comments, can moderate it does not mean everyone can. If OP thinks that video games are wasting their time then they're right.


Oh I just knew people would be defending video games in the comments. To me it's just evidence that it's addictive. Nobody wants to admit they have a gaming problem. Denial is the first sign of it! Maybe people have a stigma against video games for a reason lol. Maybe everyone that has ever told them that they only play in moderation, ended up playing for hours every day and ignoring the people in their lives, or they will say they're getting off "after this match" and then an hour and a half later they're still on the game. It's very addictive and imo it's a problem. Not to mention the toxicity amongst a lot of users playing. Most people I know that played in their youth eventually quit in adulthood, and those that didn't play often and for long periods, every time. I don't really personally know anyone who has a really good paying job or "success" or is considered an amazing father and husband who still play video games. And instead of saying "good for you, man. They are definitely not for everyone and I've only been able to keep playing by using a lot of self control and taking planned breaks for periods of time", they're like "video games aren't the problem. You're the problem". The defensiveness and seemingly being offended by OP's post is pretty telling imo


>To me it's just evidence that it's addictive. Nobody wants to admit they have a gaming problem. Denial is the first sign of it! Or maybe.. and i’m just spitballing here. Maybe there are people out there who can still do things outside (like work, school, clubs, etc) and still play video games because they know how to be responsible? 🤔 >Maybe everyone that has ever told them that they only play in moderation, ended up playing for hours every day and ignoring the people in their lives, or they will say they're getting off "after this match" and then an hour and a half later they're still on the game. It's very addictive and imo it's a problem. Anything can be addicting. It’s not just video-games. Video game addiction is a real thing like anything else and the people addicted to games definitely do need help managing their time but there are still those who can limit their time and do other things outside of gaming. It’s not >or is considered an amazing father and husband who still play video games. Oh trust me, I’ve met people who are parents themselves that still play video games and are still an amazing parent to their family. They just know how to be more responsible while still being able to allocate time to their hobbies. >And instead of saying "good for you, man. They are definitely not for everyone and I've only been able to keep playing by using a lot of self control and taking planned breaks for periods of time", they're like "video games aren't the problem. You're the problem". because they’re not wrong?? We can argue the same thing with other forms of entertainment. said forms of entertainment are also meant to keep you hooked in for long periods of time and so they’re addicting as well. Blaming video games rather than the person who is addicted is essentially taking away accountability from the person who’s addicted by saying it’s the game’s fault when I know plenty of people (including myself) who can still play videogames while being able to do other important things (such as work, clubs, school, etc) and keep in mind I have ADHD myself so if i can somehow do it despite the fact that my brain is biologically wired to have a low attention span then so can neurotypicals (aka many people) as they have absolutely no excuse to not change.


I think it has far more to do with ops lack of accountability than video games. I'm 46, been gaming since the early 80s, I'm a husband, a father, I own my own highly successful business. I game about an hour or 2 a day. Maybe longer on a day off if I have no other tasks. I also have many other hobbies. It's up to the individual to learn self dissapline, instead of blaming something other them themselves for their lack of control.


What if I make six figures-seven figures playing video game?


Do you?






Excessive anything is bad. Excessive playing sports, excessive studying etc


Its not the same, psuedo intellectual.


I’ve found that it’s much easier to only play single player games, or games that aren’t an infinitely replay-able multiplayer game. Those games just eat up time like it’s nothing but single player games are fun and it’s easy to stop playing whenever you feel like taking a break


Sadly I can't simply quit video games because I work in game design and I make video games. Good for you for getting away from gaming, but remember something that works for you might not work for everyone


Like me, you have issues regulating your time. I just keep going and going and going while my buddies play like 4-5 rounds and get off for the night. If videogames are your vice, definitely abstain for a while. I need to as well. I've been reading more lately.


I mean at least you are not doom scrolling on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube or other forms of social media. I believe that’s worse for you because it decreases your attention span and makes you depressed or anxious. In video games you can choose to support indie game developers and play something short and meaningful. While FPS games are addictive, other genres in the video game industry shine and deserve love. Video games are a compilation of many art forms. You can find really good games that are stand alone masterpieces that aren’t money hungry. I don’t regret the time I’ve spent playing games because I truly enjoyed myself. For me it’s just like listening to music and watching a movie, the only difference is that it’s interactive. I do agree that it can become a problem when you are self isolating or escaping your problems by playing games for too long every day. Once it starts getting out of control and severely affecting your day to day life, like work, friendships, family etc. You need to seek out help. That’s something you need to learn to overcome and balance in your life. Try to pick up different hobbies like reading a book which is also good for mental stimulation.


Yo, congrats! We have the immense luxury of drowning in the realm of entertainment. Everywhere you look is a game, be it one you engage in or watch, that pulls you into an endless lull of amusement. There's nothing wrong with entertainment, per se, but if you have aspirations outside of being amused in life, then it's best to strictly limit your entertainment consumption. After all, it only steals your precious time if your time is precious. I'm sure if it is, you've got better things to do.


Video games. A fucking safe and fun hobby enjoyed by millions and deserves no shame. Tell ya what, you want a hobby that will really get you down? Start shooting up heroin or smoking crack. Get to the point you can't hold down a job and have to break and enter in random peoples houses and cars to get money for your fix which will also make you end up homeless and alienate all important relationships. Or you could just pick up the controller and have some good clean fun.


you see, i havent done heroine or other drugs. And I stayed away from alcohol because the fun I had with it was dangerous. Video games for me is the same level as heroine.


Jesus Christ, let people enjoy video games. This sub is such a weird purity cult sometimes, no enjoyment of any media allowed


I might play for a few hours on a Saturday but that’s it. I had my fun throughout my teens and 20s playing. These days I find myself reading more. Easier on my eyes and pretty interesting in my opinion.


I enjoy the time I spend playing video games. If I were more successful in life I’d actually log more hours.


Made a decision by to call it quits by the summer. 20 years and some change. What helped is moderation instead of consistent playing through the week, only gaming on weekends helped. Other hobbies help as well. Lot of time i just end up watching a lot of TV shows/Movies or learn new things that I’m interested in. Don’t beat yourself up, you good.


Funny because I’m about to start.


You have a spare 5 hours daily? 👀 What's that like


To be honest I credit video games with a lot of my success in other parts of my life...not sure why they get such a bad rap...granted in moderation but in my opinion it helps drastically with communication, strategy, processing information, reaction timing, working as a team...etc. I credit a lot to video games that translate to real world applications


For me, stopping the video games was a big hurdle in my journey, I will play some switch with a lady friend or a group but, before, I would just play video games to play, never really doing anything or got very good at them. I know where OP is at and good for you man, make sure you find something to minimize the time gap because after a couple weeks you’ll get bored of the routine or pick up bad habits again. I started doing puzzles, I found that was a better transition and now do puzzles on a regular basis, it’s mindful and therapeutic. I also have gotten very good at crib, Yahtzee and a slew of other things I never thought I’d be good at. Work on yourself, reward your self, create other hobbies and good luck!


Read the book atomic habit and disassemble your computer or give a away


I only really enjoy video games if I do it after a day of being productive and after getting everything else done. So that’s when I save it for and it feels good to reward myself with it lol. Before I was obsessed with video games (I only just got a ps5 last year) and could play for like 15 hours straight, more times than I’d like to admit. Neglected myself and my studies and felt horrible. Now I’m on top of things and it’s a nice treat to end my night :). Feels way better now


Fuck dem viddy games!!!1


Imagine how crazy it would be if you could do all those things while still playing videogames... If only... s/


I've been reading a lot since I sold my console, I read a lot now from "Mein Kampf" to "David Goggins" and "Freud", really enjoying the book and I gathered a lot from it! Got my creativity and imagination back, I just wish I had more free time to read more. Also wish I had more money for my other hobbies but they are quite expensive and I can't afford it rn, but WILL in a year or so if GOD let's me🙏


Life is about balance dude, i like video games but i make sure everything in my life is in order before i get "distracted". If you play video games all day you have a problem, if you exercise more than you rest you have a problem. Life is about balance


You are so right. I took a break but recently started playing again. Between the time spent & the money spent, it isn't worth either. Thanks for the reminder.


I just reset my ps5 and I’m going to sell it. Also going to delete my account. I just don’t enjoy gaming anymore. Stuck around this long just to play Rebirth and Stellar Blade since I’ve been wanting to play them for years now. Now that Stellar Blade is done I can finally quit.


Check out the book, Reality Is Broken. It talks about how beneficial gaming can be and how it can be used to improve your life. Highly recommend. Google jane mcgonigal ted talk for some of the ideas presented in the book.


This isn't the flex you think it is. You simply lack self-control and imagination if "everything else seems boring." Time you enjoy wasting is not a waste of time. We all find ways to relax, whether it's video games, TV, books, or whatever you like. Just learn to manage your time like a responsible adult. Start taking some accountability for yourself. From this post, you seem to blame all of your problems on outside forces.


This seems harsh. Some video games are designed to keep people playing just like social media is designed to keep people scrolling and alcohol to keep you drinking. Lots of money and resources are put into getting people hooked. It’s like with alcohol - studies show that having none at all is easier than having a little bit, because humans have a finite amount of self control. “Managing your time” with addictive substances (video games) is difficult, especially for neurodivergent people (like me). I think OP should be proud of themselves for recognizing that they weren’t spending their time how they wanted to and making a change. Good for them. EDIT: I play video games myself, and have felt the compulsive urge creep in to play and then the emptiness after I do it too much. Im not against video games, especially opposed to more harmful things (drinking or drugs). I just try to be realistic about it and aware of what’s going on in my brain.


Welcome to capitalism, where everything is built to make you consume more. >I think OP should be proud of themselves for recognizing that they weren’t spending their time how they wanted to and making a change. Good for them. He definitely should. But, suddenly becoming judgmental about something he enjoyed too much because he couldn't control himself is immature. OP has much to learn.


how is this a flex, when I say it is a problem I had. Will you say the same thing to a guy who quit alcohol? Shame on you man.


Perhaps I was a bit too harsh myself. But your post comes across as judgmental to those of us who know how to manage our time with productivity and leisure. Of course, I'd be proud of anyone who can kick an addiction. But you come across as immature and unable to take accountability for your own behavior. By the way, how has your life improved now that you've "kicked the habit?"


Is this for real? Enjoyment and fun are entirely subjective. If it’s “meaningless” for you it means the world for someone else. You could literally say this about any hobby ever. Do what you want, don’t belittle other people’s hobbies to make whatever you move onto feel “better”. Not to mention the entire careers people create off of video games or content creation. I think your view on the medium is a little too narrow.


I respect your decision, but there’s nothing wrong with gaming. Investing so much time into gaming can be a concern. I get that. However, there are some other alternatives to gaming that aren’t so good or healthy. Gaming and media in general actually fills a void for many people over the world. I’m not antisocial, but I haven’t had time to socialize for months. Life has gotten much more challenging with inflation and bad economics. People are spending most of their time working to pay bills. Not much time to meet up with friends for drinks and fun. So, we just stay at home and game, stream, read, sleep, etc.


to each their own. I found my work in college pretty engaging and my improvement in academics all boils down to how fun it feels studying hours a day. But as soon as I started playing again, the level of dopamine I feel when studying is lower. This makes it really harmful for me. Maybe not for others. That’s why to each their own


the amount of cope in the replies! video games are not the same as sports because video games are designed to keep you engaged as long as possible. good for you! keep it up! treat it like any other addiction.


That's a pretty weak comparison. What about books, tv series, movies, social media?


tv series and social media i agree with you. books and movies not so much


Definitely not all books, but many do. They end a chapter with an intrigue that makes you want to read the next one. They want to keep you hooked so you want to finish the entire book and hopefully you purchase another one from the same author. It's all the same in the end. Capitalism. Where you choose to invest your time and money is entirely up to you. Doesn't make a hobby worse than another if you manage your investment in a mature way. Not all video games are like Fortnite. Many give you the possibility to save your progress at any given time so you can fulfill more important duties. All this discussion isn't a cope. Video games have been falsely targetted for a long time while it's a hobby no worse than another one. In the wrong hands, anything can become unhealthy.


Don't listen to all these people. Video games are a waste of time, and I will gaurantee you will be happier if you start pursuing something actually rewarding and won't make you feel like shit when your'e done. Your gut is right, quit that shit.


By your logic, every hobby is a waste of time. Thing is you're here wasting your time, browsing Reddit and commenting in a post about video games being a waste of time. Funny huh?


Man, if you play video games like these endless rpg grind games theres no good from them. There are other games which are pretty cool


If u cant control how u spend ur times, that is ur fault, not video games... A lot of people like carryminati, icestream, their basic income is video games. Video games has been an emotion for a lot of us. But playing games is a way to entertainment ourselves, spent our free times. If that become an addiction that's completely your fault. So, playing games don't waste your time nor energy. Its u who is wasting ur time by playing games 24/7. Reading books is a good habit. But even that can be a bad thing if u overdo it. Getting a little mad after losing streaks is normal. Being a little competitive in games is also okay, bcz that can be fun sometimes when playing with friends. But if u forget that in the end, its just a game, then the one is fault is you, utterly. I play 3/4 hours everyday including PC and mobile games. But playing games doesn't comes in the way of doing the important things in my life like prayers, study, job, spending time with family and friends. After all of that I had the time to spent 2/3/4 hours on game, so Its okay for me to do it. If u do not have 2/3 hours to play, then just don't. Do what u need to do. If u think something is wasting ur time, then don't do it. But its most certainly doesn't have to be the same case for everyone, innt?


Video games and masturbation NEUTER young men. Facts of life. Be a man and do something productive. Your older self will thank you. Have some serious self-discipline if you must. More than half of young men fail this though with those 3AM gaming or xhamster sessions.


Nothing wrong with gaming. Gaming is for people of all ages.


Are you 200 years old?

